Pioneer Knight

Chapter 874:

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The godless palace.

A tall, handsome and mighty teenager sat on the throne in the hall. His body was stern, his expression was not self-angered, his eyes were full of indifference, and the ice crystals fluttered around him.

This is the genius apprentice of the master of the godless palace, the genius who has risen in just a few decades, Bing Cong, the eleventh in the list of heavens.

"Did I let you inquire about everything?" Bing Cong said lightly.

"Going back to the acting palace master, it has been inquired clearly that the man really came from the outside world, and should now be in the area of ​​Mido City, where there has been a major event recently."

"Well, I know, what about the Huangfu family?" Bing Cong continued to ask.

"Huangfu's family sent Huangfu fourteen and said they wanted to chase down this person." The man replied.

"Huangfu Fourteen?" Bing Cong felt as if he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember it.

"It is the 14th prince of Huangfu's family, and he is the same generation as Huangfu, but he is ranked 14th and ranked 45th in the sky list. It's just that he hasn't walked in the world for a long time, so people don't remember it very well. ."

Two days passed quickly, and the day of Jingrui had arrived. People had rushed to the Liyan Mountains a long time ago, waiting for the opening of the Mita Realm.

The black crowd stood around the mountains, eyes fixed on the entrance of the Mita Realm, no one spoke, and calmly waited.

Some shattered groups had also stopped at this time, holding a weapon in their hands, and were ready to rush in.

Because at this moment Jinyang was rising, the scorching sun was hot, and the atmosphere was smoggy from the atmosphere.

The day of Jingrui comes.

The secret road is just right, Jingrui smoke. The entrance of Mita Realm seemed to be stained with smoke, and the rumbling sound swayed, and then people saw the sky beaming above the main entrance of Mita Realm.


The voice was loud and shocked, as if Hong Zhong was blowing in his ear.

There are a lot of people who can't bear it, causing their spirits to be greatly damaged, their spirits are depressed, and even more they are stunned directly.

"No, this is the'Hong Kong of Heaven and Earth'. It is Mituo's extremely strong move, fast, and guard the mind." Someone shouted quickly.

After hearing it, people quickly used exercises to gather their minds.

Only a few people did not move at all, letting the bells and drums wash, his face calm as usual.

In the corner of the crowd, Hughes looked at the plain few people and recognized that this was what he heard a lot of seven kills, Hu San Niang, and Jingfeng recently.

From a distance, Hughes felt that the seven-killer's sword was very sharp, forming a strong aura around him, and the sword was pervasive, and Hong Zhong couldn't get close to him at that day. It was very strong, and it was by no means general. generation.

Hu San Niang itself used the temperament as a weapon. Although her lute didn't play, Hughes felt that there was a certain fluctuation in her body, blocking the melting of the bell, so that she would not be hurt.

As for the shock, there are many ways to be overbearing. The black iron coffin behind him directly resisted the bells without falling to the floor, and Hughes felt that the black iron coffin contained an amazing and fierce atmosphere. Straight into people's minds, if they are not determined people, they may have to be directly broken through their minds.

That may be "Sky Sin", Hughes thought.

Heavenly sins, Taoist **** soldiers, this is the treasure of the creation shrine, created by the strongest forging master Ou Yezi of the Heaven and Earth Pavilion, using Xuanjing black iron, legend, Ou Yezi has been building for ten years , Consuming all the spirit of Ou Yezi, so that when the heaven sins cross the robbery, Ou Yezi is unable to resist, the mind is unbalanced, and enters the devil's path.

Ou Yezi held the ring of Heavenly Sin and slaughtered millions. Although Ou Yezi finally awakened, Heavenly Sin was contaminated with too much blood and became a demon sword. Some people affect their mentality and let them kill.

It is precisely because of this that he was called a "natural sin", a natural sin.

This is the top ten **** soldiers of the Heaven and Earth Pavilion. Even the top 20 people in the Heavenly List must avoid their edge.

Seeing today, these people really are extraordinary, Tiandi Pavilion is really a monster, I thought Huangfu Qi is already very good, I did not expect there are many.

Hughes did not look at them excessively, fearing that they would feel that. This is not to say that Hughes was afraid, but Hughes’s temperament was always the same. Low-key is king, but it does not resist high-key.

Hughes pretends to be as steady as others, avoiding bells. In fact, Hughes is not afraid of this chime. Hughes with various body protections, especially the strength of the soul, is estimated to be even It is unmatched by the true saints who passed the "Nine Gates".

Jin Yang slowly shifted with time, reaching the position of the highest peak, Jingrui reached the peak, the smoke rising from the underground reached the extreme, and the light path of the sky blasted at the entrance of the Mita Realm more intensely. The red portal became extremely weak under such a strong offensive.

This is the weakest moment in the Mita community, and it is this moment that many people wait for.

"It was at this time that everyone rallied their strength to break through the entrance ban," someone shouted.

"Okay!" People stolen the influence of the bell, withdrew their weapons and slammed toward the entrance.


I saw the Seven Kills wielding a knife and it burst out with a strong light. The meaning of the knife was directly cut on the entrance. The strong explosion shook the world, shaking it, and then saw a huge crack in the entrance.

The Seven Kills passed by, entered the Mita Realm, and disappeared into people's vision.

Shocked, many people are shocked. The seven-killer is really too strong. It runs through the world and makes people feel that the world is up and down. There is only one knife, caused by the blade, and it is caused by many people, so many people forget what they have to do thing.

But when people were shocked, the crack was slowly repaired, and soon it became the same.

"Smelting Taoism", people first thought of this possibility, but the speed of recovery must exceed all the limits of melting Taoism, making it impossible for people to think about it, but now it is not the time to think more and enter into the Mido The world is what people are most concerned about.

The wind was also unwilling to show weakness, unraveling the black iron coffin and inserting it directly at the entrance. The secret blood stained the entrance more red, full of weirdness, and the figure of heaven and sin, and then people saw the entrance cracked and appeared. hole.

The wind storm just walked in this way, the means must be more mysterious.

Many people were awakened this time and took advantage of this opportunity to quickly enter into it. Among them were Hu San Niang, which made Hughes a little regret that he did not see his shot.

People are rushing into it, but the slow-moving people are directly stuck on it. With the repair of the entrance, their bodies are actually broken like cut tofu. The torn bodies are scattered on the ground. .

But people are not intimidated by this situation, or they are already prepared.

Next, people all showed their magical powers, entered one after another, and other powerful figures also rushed into it.

Some of Jinyang wanted to shift, Jingrui became weaker, and the entrance of the Mita Realm became more solid and solidified, and was about to exceed people's limits.

Hughes knew that he could not wait, otherwise he wouldn’t think about going in, but what made Hughes strange was that he didn’t see the wild dog Taoist, and logically speaking, he also wanted to go to the Mida world. Why didn't he see him here? Could it be that there are other entrances, Hughes thinks this is still very possible, after all, the wild dog Taoist is regarded as the descendant of Mita.

Simply, Hughes no longer thinks about it. Entering the inside first is the thing to do now.

"Chaos Fist"

There are only a few people left now, only a few hundred. Most of these people come to see the lively, their strength is weak, they simply can not enter. Hughes punched the entrance, a strong fist directly penetrated the entrance, and Hughes entered instantly.

This made the eyes of the outsiders wide-eyed and looked at this scene in disbelief. Unexpectedly, there is still such a strong man hidden here, but who is this person? It seems that I have never seen it.


At the moment Hughes entered, a pale but very spiritual old man arrived at the speed of the wind and clouds, which was amazing.

The old man looks like an ordinary person, but his amazing appearance makes everyone awed. Knowing that this is definitely not an ordinary person, people are wondering who is coming in the heart?

At this age, there is such a practice, such a person is not difficult to guess, but people can't confirm who the person in front of him is at all? Some people just feel that he is very familiar, but no one can remember, but only know that he has seen this person before.

"Actually letting him enter the Mida world, it seems to be a late step, but this is also good, two things can be done at the same time, and the saving is very troublesome." The figure of the old man disappeared through the entrance.

"Huangfu Fourteen, Fourteen Lords." Suddenly someone shouted in surprise. Obviously, he recognized who this was. The forty-fifth strong man in the sky list. When he walked the world, he was still more than twenty. It's been a year. He hasn't walked in the world for more than 20 years, so people didn't think about it for the first time.

"How could he appear here? Is it for Hughes?" someone speculated.

"Even the fourteen lords of Huangfu's family are sent out. It seems that this matter is an impossible end. Hughes may be unlucky."

"What a pity such a genius."


"You said that the strong man who broke the entrance in the last punch was Hughes. He looks so strange, still young, but has such a strong cultivation behavior. I feel very similar. "

"What you say is really true."


People are talking about it.

When the figure of Hughes penetrated the entrance, he felt that the world was spinning, and then it was shaking, rolling down, as if in a rolling channel.

Suddenly the sky cracked, and Hughes was dumped down like garbage.

But Hughes' response was quick, and he quickly kept his balance. Looking around, there was a square.

There are a lot of people on the square, some of them fall to the ground, shaking their heads with their hands, while others are a lot of people around, trying to figure out the situation.

The seven kills, the startling wind, the Hu San Niang, and some of the previously strong ones have disappeared, it seems that they are prepared.

Hughes looked around, and the most striking thing was the sculpture above the square. It was a crow, not a golden crow, but a crow.

Could it be that Mita was cultivated by the crow? This is really big news. No one knew that Mita was like that before.

"Crow?" Hughes was a little surprised. He heard a lot about Mita in the city of Mita, and said his glorious experience, but no one said about the crow.

Hughes approached very curiously, looking at the crow, wanting to see clearly, Hughes frowned, feeling a little weird, but there was a problem, but Hughes could not see.

Others, however, chose a good direction and hurried away, for fear of falling behind.

But Hughes was not in a hurry, but carefully looked around. Hughes thinks that since they came to the square through the entrance of the Mita Realm, it means that there is something strange here.


Before waiting for Hughes too much exploration, Hughes heard a stern cry in front of him, as if he was greatly panicked or killed.

Everyone else was shocked and wanted to see what was going on. Hughes hurriedly ran away, trying to find out.


"That's ~~~~~."

Crows of crows hovered over people, swooping down, trying to eat people, there were already many victims, some crows were engulfing their bodies, their bodies had become **** and bloody, It's terrifying, it makes people want to be sick.

The bodies of these crows are very large, the wings of the sky are powerful, and the dive is powerful, just like the wind and the arrow. When the people have not responded, the crow has already picked up the people. His unique long hook flat mouth directly The peck is in people's celestial cover, causing people to die on the spot.

People only saw this kind of scene when they arrived, and they fainted on the spot, even if they had seen the murder scene and the killers couldn't bear it. Only a few bold people did not receive such an influence, but they all watched the crows carefully.

It’s important to know that the people who can come in are not weak, at least they are the holy realm, even if they can’t adapt to seeing such a **** scene, but there should be some vigilance, even if they can’t. Kill the enemy, but why did not see any chance to respond to seeing those crows. Moreover, these crows are not simple. The dive speed can not be achieved by the true god. It is as fast as lightning, and the body of these crows is so large that it is ten times or even larger than the average crow. Dozens of times.

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