Pioneer Knight

Chapter 880:

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"Why is this? We should have no hatred with them. It's still some origin. After all, it used to be an ally in the same trench." Wu Yuan asked, puzzled.

"It's not clear yet." The wild dog Taoist frowned.

"The enemy is too strong. We are not his opponent at all. Let's run away first. I know that there is a secret path in the Mita Realm. It was originally used for escape." The wild dog Taoist suggested.

"It's too late, and he is surrounded by his "no burial." Wu Yuan said in a deep voice: "It can only be desperate."

"Well." The wild dog Taoist can only see this when he sees the scene in front of him.

"Faithful Poison Soul" "Blood Poison Devil 30"

Wild dogs are loyal and poisonous to "Liu Ling", and **** poisons are their roots. This is their fundamental and most essential heart. Although they have not yet become Daoji, they can exert their strongest power. This is their Last resort.

The most poisonous thing in the world is not the poison of a certain type, but the poison of this kind of human heart, which can be called perverted. No one can detoxify.

And "Liuyu" is the strongest poison of the six hearts.

This is a kind of energy, which is very different from the energy of heaven and earth. It is more mysterious, unpredictable, and possesses extraordinary abilities.

The wild dog's body is filled with a very repressive atmosphere, and the surrounding gravel rubble is stirred with a certain rhythm, exuding other emotions. If you look closely, you can see that there are countless Spots, the spots are like spaces everywhere, the space is dark, like a black hole.

The black hole exudes strange energy, confines the whole space, outlines the gradual progress, gloomy and hazy, contains a powerful power of destruction, terrifying.

The space is rippling, that is an invisible force, but it can shake the heart and annihilate life.

The blood poison of Wuyuan exudes a **** smell and permeates the whole sky. There is a **** area behind him. Countless demons and ghosts fight against each other. Blood is their glory. Fighting into pieces, broken bodies and broken arms, bones Tired, the river was dyed red.

Loyal and poisonous, showing their terrible side, like a big knife in the hands of a servant, chopped towards Gongsun Long.

"You actually realized that the true meaning of Liuyu is much stronger than that of centipedes, toads, and spiders, and then they realized the foundation of Liuyu." Gongsun Long looked at the wild dog and Wuyuan deeply and said: "It seems to be It takes a lot of effort to solve you."

"Well, I haven't stretched my bones for a long time. I feel like my body is rusted. It's not bad to see you, so you can see my true strength and let you know."

"Everything in the world, please listen to my prayer. The birth and death of all things have beginnings and ends, but the cause and effect cycle of the world is all beginnings and ends. Containing a radical reenactment of tenses, the source of everything, ~~~~~~~~~~~"

With the description of Gongsun Long, heaven and earth suddenly have a sense, everything is listening, the sky is horizontal, and the glory in the hidden space beside Gongsun Long bursts out, everything appears on it, birth and death, interpretation, just like the beginning of heaven and earth The scene is full of mysterious and unpredictable.

The image of Gongsun Long is magnified indefinitely, and it can be flush with the world, creating all beings.


The two collided, and the strong impulse could wipe out everything, and the sky was filled with a different flavor, full of urgency.

The wild dogs and Ugaki fell to the ground. Their whole bodies were very embarrassed, and their blood and flesh were blurred, their muscles and bones were broken, and the blood was saturated in the ground, stained with red, but their eyes could turn slightly, indicating that they had not died.

"It's really wasted by you, it's true." Gongsun Long gasped heavily, his face pale, but he didn't seem to be hurt.

Gongsun Long's strength was indeed unfathomable. In the face of such an impact, he was not hurt at all. The wild dog and Wu Yuan were bitter.

Hughes stepped across the space one step at a time. When he came here, he saw three extremely powerful forces colliding together. Hughes shouted out of luck. He didn’t expect to hit the muzzle. The explosion would fall on his body. Things.

"Buddha Golden Tower"

Wanting to avoid being too late, Hughes quickly used the strongest defense to protect himself.

The explosion engulfed half of the Mita realm, and the intensity of the battle can be imagined. Hughes looked at the turquoise pagoda that was shattered and shattered by the strong shock. Hughes was full of shock. There is still such a powerful master here. Nine gates strong.

And Hughes had previously felt that the three energies seemed strange, not general energy, but Hughes couldn't judge what kind of energy it was because he had never seen it before.

Tiandi Pavilion is really very different, full of weirdness, and can see all kinds of mysterious and weird things.

But now it seems that this is not the time when Hughes landed on the ground and wanted to see the situation.

"Wild dog Taoist, red crow." Hughes looked at the two of them who were on the ground, and they were all acquaintances, but Hughes didn't know who the man next to him was.

"I said that there was an unfamiliar energy passing by just now. I thought it was my illusion. I didn't expect it was actually someone, and you actually survived the strong collision, as if you didn't receive anything. Damage, your defense seems to be very strong." Seeing the arrival of Hughes, Gongsun Long's eyes shrank, and he said with a deep voice.

"It's so-so, the breath on you is very strange, it seems that you are not a mortal." Hughes said lightly: "It must be that you are either from the top ten forces or from the four Jedi."

"Do you know very well? Only the realm of God has such a magnanimity. You don’t need to guess your identity. The new Hughes is just you. Presumably your strength is the top three. Ten is not necessarily your opponent." Gongsun Long said cautiously: "I don't know what you want to do in the Mido world."

"They are my friends, I hope you can let them go." Hughes pointed to the wild dog and others.

"It turns out that your purpose is also "Liuyu", then we have nothing to say, and I still feel the purple silkworm in your body, then it depends on whether you have that ability." Gongsun Long said in a deep voice.


"I didn't expect you to be a property of time. This is my first simple." Hughes felt the twist of the surrounding air and said curiously.

Moreover, he has reached a deep grasp of time. He can actually jump in time, to a certain point in the future, or to a certain point in the past. He wants to place the cutting point at a time when the opponent has not yet used his moves. That move has no power at all.

"You can actually see the time attribute, which really surprised me." Gongsun Long said with some surprise.

"Although it is overwritten by the two forces of vitality and destruction, it can still be sensed. Your forbidden power must be "nil", the power of infinity, you should be a person without burial." Hughes Thinking, speaking with a little judgment.

"You know too much, then you can never let you live again." Gongsun Long said sharply.

"Exactly, I also want to try out new abilities. Masters are hard to find, so I will fight you well." Hughes said with a smile.

"Actually, I also have research on the attributes of time, so let you see it."

"Time? Cut."

Hughes swayed his hand, and faults appeared in "All Ends". Numerous scenes were broken and annihilated, the strangeness in the air was eliminated, and the other atmosphere disappeared.

"You also have the time attribute, and you are so skilled." Gongsun Long said with some discoloration on his face.

The time attribute is a mysterious existence among the nine attributes. It has a very magical ability. Anyone who can possess the time attribute is unique. Even if it has not been seen in Xintiandi Huss, it can be See its strangeness.

It is precisely because of scarcity that it is more mysterious. People know little about the ability of the attributes of time, so in the eyes of people, they all seem to be veiled by mystery.

It is also very difficult to grasp the attributes of time. With fewer people, the inheritance is very imperfect. Many abilities cannot be tapped out. If you want to reach a deep realm, it is very difficult. .

Even if someone is fortunate enough to possess this magical attribute, what they have learned is nothing more than fur, and they cannot understand the deeper power of the attribute.

Gongsun Long has a profound attainment of the attribute of time, and can play the profound meaning of time. This is based on the inheritance of no burial in the sky. After generations, thousands of years of accumulation. But Hughes was so familiar, so it had to surprise Gongsun Long.

In fact, most of Hughes' achievements in time attributes are inherited from the celestial lord, but where did the celestial lord learn from, this is not what Hughes knows.

"You don't have to be happy so early, even if you have the attribute of time, I still have the power of vitality and destruction, so you can give me a taste of this trick." Gongsun Long yelled.

"The Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth? No Burial Heaven"

Obscure, decayed, and obscure mysteries appear in front of Hughes. There is a space born from the achievement of endless sins. The empty space fills the entire space. Countless gods and ghosts wander among them, adding to its endless mystery.

But in the middle of the secret realm of that day, there was a person in the nest. The man was tall and dark, exuding the power of extreme fear. His body was composed of those gods and ghosts, and countless gods and ghosts drowned in it. The tearing roared like **** on earth.

"Dawkee." Hughes screamed in amazement. Unexpectedly, Gongsun Long had already spawned Dawkee. Then his strength must not be underestimated. This is definitely beyond Hughes's expectations.

Daoji, this is what the talents who understand the Dadao can have, and it is the root of Dao and the source of strength.

"Then try my new power." Hughes didn't flinch because the other party had a road foundation, but instead felt a little emotional.

The power of chaos is blessed on top of the golden tower of Futu. Hughes holds in his hand and punches with the fist of Chaos. The void suddenly changes, breaking through thousands of worlds, and the world and earth are annihilated under the fist of Hughes. Local trends.


Hughes’ fist hit directly on the mysterious realm of the day and earth, and penetrated with great force. The mysterious realm of the heaven and earth of the Gongsun Dragon suddenly turned like a tsunami, terrifying and terrifying. Gongsun Long's Daojiguang body suddenly opened his eyes, like two Ssangyongs, facing Hughes' double fists, interweaving and cracking.

Dao Jiguangyin, countless gods rushed to Hughes, cold and biting, destroying Tianyu.

Hughes quickly mobilized the Ten Palaces, the Qin Guangdian Hall, and the Ten Lords. The Chujiang Temple was the first Buddha, and the rotation hall was in Lili. The three halls surrounded countless gods and ghosts, extinguished their magic, and killed them into pieces.

"What kind of power is this actually able to restrain my ghosts and spirits." Gongsun Long exclaimed in surprise that the ghosts and spirits were being eliminated constantly.

Hughes didn't answer, but instead filled with the power of the soul, and continued to advance towards Gongsun Dragon's heaven and earth secret realm.


Gongsun Long's Daoji cracked, and countless spirits broke free, which made Gongsun Long's face very ugly, vomiting a lot of blood in his mouth, and mysteriously withered.

Suddenly all the visions completely disappeared, Gongsun Long covered his mouth, avoiding the passing of blood, he stared at Hughes and said: "We will see you again, I will never lose to you by then, You just wait for me."

The figure of Gongsun Long disappeared completely in the air without any trace.

"It even has the attributes of space." Hughes frowned, the enemy was unprecedentedly powerful.

Hughes quickly looked at the wild dog Taoist and the red crow, and found that they were dying, leaving only the last breath, barely supporting them, they might die at any time.

"The spirits are destroyed, but it is difficult to save them." Hughes judged them by looking at their injuries.

"If you want to say something to them, there is only the last way, but if you want to do so, they will~~~" Hughes hesitated, and finally Hughes shook his head and said, "Forget it, living is better than death."

"As the master of the Ten Temples, I ordered the Wild Dog Daoist to become the Master of the Biancheng Palace, and the Red Crow as the Lord of the Five Senses Palace. They became my most loyal subordinates." Hugh shouted loudly.

It said that in the ten halls of the soul of Hughes, two rays of light shone, shrouded in the wild dog Taoist and the red crow, and the seals of the two halls also fell in their hands. Waiting, bright dazzling.

The spirits of the wild dog Taoist and the red crow are constantly being repaired, but they are not awake yet, but they are now intact, there is no threat of life, and recovery is only a matter of time. It is the weakest to know the spirit of the soul It involves the fundamentals of human beings. Even if the Ten Temples are against the sky, it is impossible to recover in a short period of time. They need to be warm to recover.

The wild dog Taoist, the body of the red crow went directly into the Ten Halls, surrounded by the power of the soul, and nourished their souls.

Now that there is nothing in the Mita Realm worth staying at, Hughes will step out of the Mita Realm.

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