Pioneer Knight

Chapter 884:

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What the **** is going on, Destiny shouted in his heart, unable to keep calm.

Destiny saw that there was a divine dragon nestled in the sky, which was sent out from the body of Hughes. Destiny said in disbelief: "It's you, the ghost you made."

Hughes is nothing but a ants-like existence in Destiny's eyes, and he can be pinched to death, but now Hughes can actually threaten him, which makes Destiny believe it. Of course, he can't believe it.

But the facts are in front of him, and he is not tolerated to believe that Destiny can only attribute this to Hughes's "variable" identity, thinking that all these are variables and the ghosts of the variables.

And that's why Destiny felt that the "variables" were stronger than he thought. He showed a very surprised look, watching Hughes' eyes became more eager, and he wished to swallow Hughes now.

But now Hughes doesn't even know what Destiny is thinking, he is immersed in the endless avenue, he understands the reason of the avenue, and listens to the mystery of the avenue.

Huangfu is roaring, struggling desperately, wanting to maintain Daoji, that is the root of his avenue, the source of his strength, if he collapses, then all his everything will be turned into nothingness, and he is not turning over Opportunity.

And all these things should be attributed to Hughes. He thinks it is Hughes’s fault. If there is no Hughes, all these things will not happen, and he takes it for granted that as long as Hughes is solved, Everything will return to the original track.

In Huangfu's view, no matter what the reason, Hughes is going to be killed.

The Daoji cannot be used, and the world of heaven and earth cannot be opened. Do you think I have no choice? Then you too underestimate me. Huangfu thought angrily in his heart.

Indeed, Huangfu still has a start.

"Blood Chart"

Huangfu fought the law and urged the "Blood Map" formation. He looked at Hughes with extremely crazy eyes, as if to see how Hughes died, because in his mind, Hughes never survived. may.

Because the "blood map" is Huangfu's last resort and his biggest barrier, with the help of the blood map he killed many stronger men than him.

A huge vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above Huangfu City. The wind from the vortex was very strong, but this was not the most important thing. The main thing was that the wind was accompanied by countless Ru Mao. Of depression.

In people's amazed eyes, countless green monsters ran out of the vortex. Their unusually burly and powerful bodies were crazy killing when they saw people. This monster is very powerful, and each monster is of the true holy level. And they are all desperately fighting, completely mad, people simply can't resist, and the blood will stain the entire street.

The streets sprinkled with blood were very strangely exuded with strong brilliance, and the people who shined were unable to open their eyes. Only then did people find that many signs appeared on the streets, and the blood activated the signs, and The street actually absorbed blood, and the runes became even more dazzling.

The whole Huangfu City has fallen into such a crazy state. Of course, this will remove the ancestral house of the Huangfu family. At this moment, only here is regarded as "purified land". There is no killing and no monsters.

On the peak a few miles away from Huangfu City, there was a young and proud figure standing there. His robe blew by the wind, making a very loud sound, but he did not care about anything, but looked at Huangfu City Institute The endless brilliance that comes out.

"Young Master, what is that, which is so dazzling, and looking at the scale, it seems to cover the entire Huangfu City, does he know that you are coming, you want to greet us." Behind the young man Wolf, at the moment he was holding it lazily, yawning, and said.

"Huh, greet? If you are not afraid of death, you will go. This is Huangfu's strongest means of "blood map". It is an extremely scary formation, a formation created by the blood demon ancestor. It is said that the blood demon was originally The ancestor is the tactic that kills countless powerful people, but this tactic requires a lot of blood. The more blood, the more powerful it can be."

"How much do you need?"

"Thousands of millions, otherwise you think why Huangfu City is so big, this is to prepare him for this battle."

"It's really good, and it's more fraudulent than me."

"Just you are still too tender."

"Will the person you are looking for have anything to do with it? Didn't you say that he is in Huangfu City?"

"It's okay to deal with those monsters, but I don't know when facing the blood chart."

"Young Master, there is one thing I always wanted to ask, but I didn't dare. Now that you are in a good mood, can I ask you."

"What do you want to know?"

"Then I ask, young master, you are a horse. Why do you want to use me as a mount? You run faster than me. Is it because of the handsomeness of this wolf? Words, don’t you think~~~~."

Before the wolf's words were finished, a flame fell on his head, which caused the wolf to quickly roll over and hurt. In the end, although the flame was extinguished, his whole body was very embarrassed, in some parts of the body. There is also a delicious barbecue smell.

The wolf bit off that part of it, eating it with relish, and muttered in his mouth: "Waste is shameful, never waste."

"~~~~~~~" Well, the young man is speechless.


Slaughter City, this is something that needs a lot of madness to be able to see it, but at this moment Huangfu did this kind of thing. In order to win, he has done everything he can.

There are no specific statistics on how many people there are in the whole city, but a big city like Huangfu City occupies an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles and has at least millions of people, but now they are all wiped out and their blood can evolve Into a big river.

So much blood is injected into the "blood map", and the blood map bursts out a very powerful destructive force. The huge cloud map covers the entire Huangfu City, and the center of the cloud map is at Fengtianyuan. Countless blood stimulates the formation of the entire city, bringing all the strength together at the point of the "blood map". The rolling blood comes with great evil, and the dark darkness is like a river of waves.

The momentum is irresistible.

In the blood map, a ghost image slowly emerged. It was an old man. He was wearing casually, and his body was a bit rickety, but his eyes were dazzling like two stars, and his body was unfathomable. The sea makes people addicted and unable to extricate themselves at first glance.

The Blood Devil Ancestor, this is a monstrous figure, is the existence of "ancestor", needless to say anything else, this already contains everything.

"Ancestral", the world level, this is absolutely unattainable.

The Blood Demon Patriarch looked at Hughes surrounded by the dragon all over the underground, and knew that this was the target of his attack. The Blood Demon Patriarch did not mean to say two words, and it was a strong move directly. Innumerable ghosts and gods, Moro, Blood Shura, etc. were born in it, and used eighteen martial arts, and headed towards Xius.

The Blood Devil Ancestor is very strong, which is another extremely powerful trick, directly hitting Huss, and there is a bottomless pit in the place where Huss is located, Huss falls in it. .

Seeing this scene, Huangfu showed a very happy smile, and thought in his heart that "you actually have today".

But he didn’t wait until Huangfu’s smile eased, a huge beam of light went directly into the sky, the dragon screamed, countless blood seas collapsed in the dragon chant, and the dragon rushed to the blood demon ancestor, wanting to follow the blood The devil ancestor did not give up at all.

Behind the Shenlong, there are countless ghosts, which are the pillars of the sky, but all are ghosts at the moment. But after seeing the phantom, Huangfu was shocked and unable to speak for a long time. He couldn’t believe it and rubbed his eyes vigorously to see if he was dazzling, because the pillars of heaven were all avenues, and those The avenue also arched the dragon.

Divine Dragon Heavenly Dao, Wan Dao submit.

What kind of rhythm is this, this is completely a cheating rhythm, without such a play.

This time Huangfu was completely stubborn. In the face of such a powerful enemy, he felt so powerless for the first time.

The dragon and the blood demon ancestors are fighting. Both are extremely powerful. The collision of each other leads to the complete destruction of Huangfu City, which has become an abyss of tens of thousands of miles. There is no bottom, but in the end, no one can help but blood. The figure exhausted the last blood, and the blood demon ancestor died silently.

The dragon also changed to look like Hughes again, except that Hughes was already in a coma and lost consciousness.

When Destiny saw that the dragon and the blood demon ancestors were fighting, they really wanted to run away. This was beyond his current level. The result of staying here was only to destroy a road, but the surroundings were surrounded by clouds. I couldn't get out, so I had to hide here, this is a safe place.

But now Destiny is a little excited. Hughes lies there, motionless, and he will be able to get it at his fingertips. Destiny feels that God still cares about him, and he quickly reaches out to grab Hughes and wants to take him away.

"What are you trying to do?" The joking voice sounded in this ruined abyss.

"Who is it?" Destiny cried in panic.

"Uncle Shi is really a matter of nobles, yes, I should call you Uncle Shi."

"It's you, Mo Yan, why are you here, do you also want to get the variables? But do you think you can beat me? I advise you to be smart about me, otherwise I will make you hate At the beginning."

"Is it? Just with you now? I really can't see this point. As you are now in a panic, the combat power can't even be played by the eighth city, and your **** soldiers have been destroyed. See you still have the momentum to say this."

"Actually, I have wanted to challenge you for a long time. It's just that Master doesn't allow it. Now I just have time. Or we will try it."

Mo Yan was not intimidated by the name of Destiny, but rather eager to try, said: "I have long wanted to try if your Destiny Three is as powerful as the legend."

Provoked by such juniors, Destiny felt very faceless and wanted to teach Demon Flame to let him know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is, and there is an existence that he cannot give up, Hughes.

"Since this is the case, then I will give you a good guide to guide you." Destiny said coldly.

"Oh, then I have to look forward to it." Mo Yan said without a word of destiny, and smiled lightly.

"Lifeline Skynet."

Destiny didn't want to talk to Demon Flame, it was "Three Destiny", and he could be very cautious about Demon Flame.

Countless turtle shell patterns appear in the air, covering the entire sky, coming from afar, swaying the mysterious power, is the numerology of human life.

Destiny knows the number of celestial machines, and the method is quite weird, which makes people unable to understand. Numerology is the lifeline of man. Destiny can actually grasp and use it.

Mo Yan looked at the sky very carefully. Although he was very arrogant and confident in his ability, his reputation and prestige were there. After all, we had to “defy the enemy strategically and lay emphasis on the enemy tactically. "Only in this way can the final victory be achieved.

"Road fire."

Weak flames appeared in the hands of Mo Yan. The flame was just as big as a slap, but it contained extremely powerful and destructive power. Mo Yan released the flame in his hand, and the flame flew a thousand feet, and instantly became a sea of ​​fire, annihilating the entire space.

The wind in the sky simply does not work. With the help of the wind, the flame becomes stronger, and the fire seems to be able to burn even the wind, and it is extremely powerful.

Dao fire is not a flame that exists in the world at all, but a human heart fire, a kind of detached fire. Compared with Chaos Fire, this is inconclusive. The strength of Dao Fire mainly depends on the strength of Dao Heart. The stronger the Dao Heart, the more poisonous the Dao Fire.

Daohuo burned the fate of the fate of truth, and the violent wildness, and those lifelines actually made a very sad cry, and they were constantly twisted and transformed on it, as if they had real life. But the lifeline did not disappear. They moved their position, continuously combined, strengthened themselves, and were able to resist Daohu's offensive soon.

Lifeline phase group, like a big net, Destiny Skynet, cut Daohuo, and then extinguished, Daohuo was extinguished most of the time.

"Uncle Destiny's move is indeed very wonderful. With the lifeline of the sentient beings of heaven and earth, only you can use such a move." Mo Yan said to Destiny with a smile without any disappointment.

"You're not bad, it's a young man whose fire attribute reaches your level." Destiny said lightly.

"Then you are trying my second move, hope to give a comment." Mo Yan's face turned sharply, very cautiously said.

"There is no limit."

There is Tao in heaven and earth, but Tao is boundless. Evolution is lacking, and Taoism is natural.

The magic flame at the moment is like a saint, with an incredible divine light on his body, and the heaven and earth around the magic flame are also extremely twisted and swallowed by the magic flame. The magic flame at this moment seems to be in another heaven and earth. Or, yes, he is a world in itself.

"Heaven and earth secret realm smelt itself, I didn't expect him to take this step, how long did he practice, this talent really has nothing to say, no wonder there is such a confidence that can fight me, it turned out to be by virtue." The scene at the moment of Homura's destiny slightly reveals a cautious look, Tao.

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