Pioneer Knight

Chapter 887:

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"Indeed, with his arrogant personality, he will never talk to us at all. How should I change his normality?" Gongsun continued.

"Haotian is also a monk, but only a little stronger, and there is no need to be afraid or afraid at all."

"Humph, I don't know if I'm dead or alive." Hao Tian said coldly: "Since you want to die soon, I will satisfy you."

"Kill me." Hao Tian ordered the master of ten people to say.

"I'm waiting for you in the Dige Hall, and there has been no such excitement for countless years. In order to clear your mature celebrations, I will play with you well." Hao Tian said with a laugh, his voice spread throughout the whole land Pavilion.

Haotian disappeared directly. Soon, none of them noticed that Haotian's face became very gloomy and very pale, because at this moment he met Hughes and the Dragon Abyssal God, he I have to guard against more will to "take care" there.

"You don't need to play such a method, or you go directly." Genesis stepped forward and said coldly.

I saw that Genesis walked in front of his master, and the knife in his waist was up and down, and the master in front of him had been split in half. The others looked at the creation with horror, thinking of it. It has become so powerful.

Among them, there was only Godlessness, and Thirty-three frowned slightly, without showing a shocking expression.

But when they waited, they were surprised to find that the man didn't bleed at all. Was it not chopped, but clearly felt that he had chopped it down, what the **** is going on.

Then they saw that the expression in front of the creation disappeared in such a strange way, without any signs.

"This is an illusion." The others said in shock.

"But why don't we have the slightest awareness?" Others were also horrified. There was no trace at all. Is the gap really so large?

"It may be a life circle, but this life circle can already blur the residual image in human life and become a projection of the real world. This is an extremely deep life circle. How powerful are they in our afterimage, when you play against him He is as strong as he can be," Destiny said quietly.

"That creation?" Someone asked in surprise. According to this understanding, he would be a lot more than his master? Otherwise, it is impossible to be such a scene.

People take a breath, how confident they should be to be able to do so.

"Are you wrong?" Genesis said lightly: "This is not the fate of your life at all."

"Ah?" Destiny was a little surprised. Otherwise, why did the Lis fail to achieve the corresponding effect?

Others are looking at the creation world, waiting for his answer.

"If I didn't think wrong, these things in front of me are all changed from Tongtian Realm. We are now in the world of Tongtian Realm." Genesis said affirmatively.

"Tongtian Realm?" Are the two connected? People all looked puzzled.

"Tongtian Realm can know all the things in the world. Nothing in the world can escape his eyes. Only in certain secret environments or other special circumstances can Tongtian Realm not know, why?"

"Tongtian Realm is used by Haotian to supervise the world. It should not be surprising to have such ability." Li said.

"Xintong? You mean Tongtianjing has the ability to communicate." Shen Feng said in shock.

"Yes," said Genesis Shen Sheng.

"What kind of heart?" Tian Yazhi asked very puzzled.

"Mind communication is to be able to see what others think, to know what others are doing. In simple terms, it is to read the mind. This is a very strange ability." Destiny said in a deep voice.

"What kind of precautions are we going to take." Asked in pursuit of fame and fortune.

"It's very simple. As long as we don't want anything, he can't read our minds, and he can't take corresponding measures. In that case, they become vulnerable. Genesis said.

"Come on, Haotian's sudden departure may be a problem. Otherwise, he will never let us go like this. I feel that we are likely to succeed this time."

"Well." Others felt that this analysis made sense and was full of fighting spirit.

This is a battle where you die or I die. There is simply no third option, unless you want to hide in the Jedi all your life, which is also very dangerous, but since they choose this way, they There is no chance of retreating. I can only die with the enemy. I don’t want to die. Then I can only find a way to destroy the enemy.

They are all in the top fifteen of the Tianbang list, martial arts attainments, and understanding of the heaven and earth avenues are very deep, and they are only a little bit of what the Genesis said, and they understand.

The heart is as empty as nothing.

Pumping, and.

The two very simple movements were done in one go without any obstruction, and when the thoughts returned to their minds, the so-called master in front of them had been solved by them.


Numerous mirrors appeared around them, and they were completely broken at the same time and fell to the ground.

Tongtian Realm was destroyed, but a figure flew out of it. It was a group of invisible things. It was fast and he tried his best to swim, but he was destined to be disappointed. The strong man in front of him had already been eyeing He didn't give him more opportunities at all. The knife of creation was already unsheathed, and that thing was destroyed.

After falling to the ground, the invisible thing turned into a straw.

"No root duckweed" said fatefully, "no wonder he has the ability to "heart-pass"."

Genesis and others didn't stay at all, so they walked towards the Pavilion without stopping. The abnormality of Haotian just made them feel strange.

The Pavilion was not far away from them. They were just in front of the door of the Pavilion, so there was no obstruction on the way. Everyone came to the palace and saw Haotian sitting on the throne.

At the moment, Haotian is very bad. There is no blush on his face, and he is pale and infiltrate.

At this time, Haotian was hit by the quadrilateral star formed by the **** beads, and his body was greatly damaged, very weak, and most of his power was sealed, and he could only use 30% of the power.

"I thought why you hurried away just now, and still used that means, I didn't expect you to really have a problem." Chuangshi said with a pleasant smile.

"This is really a good opportunity for God to give us, Haotian, today is your end." Li said coldly.

"God, I am God. I said that you are going to die like this today. It happened that I am seriously injured now, so I will take you to make up for me." Hao Tian looked at everyone with cold eyes.

"It depends on whether you have such a skill."

Everyone has no reservations, beat down the water dog, this is something that everyone is very happy to feel, and playing the dog you hate, then you have to work harder. And they can't give Haotian too much time, otherwise, when he recovers, things will be very difficult.

Haotian is very powerful, but now it is unable to exert its power. It is sealed by the spirit beads. Seventy percent of its power has been ingested, and it has just ingested the strongest people in the world for food. Appeared in Haotian's mind, there was a chaos like a vegetable market, so Haotian could not exert more power at all, and then subtract 10%.

Now Haotian has only 20% of the strength of the owner. He has entered an unprecedented period of weakness, which is his lowest period.

If you think about it, you can understand that the power of his usual eye of the sky is his 10% power, and now it is twice that, but the enemy's power is not limited to this.

Let’s not talk about creation, godlessness, the strength of the three three are all close to the level of Mita, or that it has exceeded Mita, let’s say the seven weaker ones below, they are also extremely powerful. There is nothing wrong with dealing with an eye of days.

Now the combat power is tilted toward the creation side, and of course the victory is also tilted toward that side.

It can be said that this is Haotian’s most stifling battle, and he is shackled everywhere, and he can’t exert his full strength at all, and the most important thing is that these people are like ants in his eyes, but now he is being punished. They beat, which made Haotian's psychology feel like eating a hot bowl of Xiang.

"We used a final blow to wipe out this poisonous tumor, so that he could not do what he wanted." Chuang Shi said.

"Good." What everyone is looking forward to is the moment in front of them. This is the goal of their denomination for generations. Of course, they will not refuse. At this moment, their hearts are full of excitement. This is the most important moment in history. It is necessary to cheer. The moment is the moment of applause.

They all used the most powerful moves, and they all used the last killer's skill to cut the blow with joy.

They want to kill Haotian, they want to kill this evil number of days, re-establish a new world, a new order.

But just when they wanted to congratulate, they were shocked to find that their whole body could not move, like being nailed there, what the **** was going on, they thought such thoughts in their hearts, and this A young boy in black clothes landed slowly, looking at everything in front of him with a sneer.

The boy in black is not stained with dust, and falls down, and the world stops in an instant. He is full of arrogant eyes and looks like mocking, looking at everything with contempt.

"Hao Tian is really very embarrassed." The young boy in black opened his mouth, as if empty, like a sound of nature, such as the mysterious sound of the road, and he was very popular.

"Huh, I don't need you to take care of my affairs at all." Hao Tiansi didn't care, and looked at the teenager coldly, said: "If I were not hit hard, this group of ants can't even touch my sleeve, you What do you want to do here."

"Why such a living? We are one, just two sides, the general trend, we always want to merge into one." The boy in black said lightly.

"Wuji, you want to eliminate me, don't think about it, I would rather disappear than let you succeed." Hao Tian said coldly.

"Only by being one with me, you can truly live forever and get eternal. Why don't you understand? No wonder you have never been able to step into that step." The boy in black shook his head and said with pity.

"Don't pretend to be there, the consciousness that blends with you will be eliminated by you. By then there will still be my presence. What you said is very sounding."

"After I have mastered the chaos, I can't help you at that time. Now your consciousness is sealed in this narrow space. Even your subjects are dissatisfied with you. You don't have any life at all. The meaning of life, to the extent that you live, is really regrettable." The mouth of the young boy in black raised a faint smirk, as if watching Haotian watching a play.

"The ants only, they are just my food, why care so much." Hao Tian said with a sullen face and a cold voice.

"Promise, you don't want to talk about these nonsense anymore. There is a chaotic barrier that you can't break at all. This is just your superficial consciousness. There is not much power at all. I advise you not to spend too much time."

"You are right, but this is enough. I just want to inform you that the battle has started. You are here waiting to merge with me. Only in this way can you truly surpass the world." No great Said with a smile.

"Let's talk then, I'm afraid you will fail like the previous three and end." Hao Tian said coldly.

"You thought you still had countless strong men in the ancient times, capable of destroying my invincible army, haha, it's really ridiculous, now the entire chaos has completely declined, and even the great emperor is only a few dozen That’s all, it’s the role of a soldier. Do you think you can really defeat me? It’s naive.”

"Then let's wait and see." Hao Tian said reluctantly.

"Very well, although these foods are poor, but they are still reluctant to get in my eyes, I will entertain you well." Without a huge hand wave, countless black qi filled the entire space, and Genesis and others could not move. Can only watch the black gas swallowed and drowned.

"You dare~~~" Haotian shouted very angry, but it was over, Wuji had already shot.

Hao Tian was really back this time. He lost his wife and collapsed his soldiers. He was injured by the Spirit Beads, and was created by Genesis and others. Now he has killed Wuji, the chaotic king, and he has suffered such injuries. , Which matter is a huge insult to Haotian, Haotian is almost angry and wants to vent his suffocation, raging and releasing power, and now the entire Tiandi Pavilion has experienced a violent explosion, which makes people panic. .


The tomb of the god.

"Dragon Yuan God, you are actually a god." Hughes was shocked and looked at the old man floating out of the spirit beads floating in the sky and said.

Hughes thought that it had a very long history, and it was an extremely remarkable existence, but never thought he was a god, the strongest man standing at the top of the world, which made Hughes a bit dumbfounded and unimaginable.

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