Pioneer Knight

Chapter 889:

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"Because Tianmen is the gateway to Tiandi Pavilion and Xintiandi, with his number of days, he can project his will into Xintiandi, and then cause harm to Xintiandi. It is for this reason that he has to stop his exit." Bing Cong explained Said: "And we can come in because of Tongtian Road, Tongtian Road is the way to come in."

"Actually so." This kind of explanation is fully explained.

"So we have to find the Tianmen now. As long as we can find the Tianmen, we can go out, but before that, I think we should first find the inheritance of the four Jedi, otherwise we will have nothing even if we go out. Usefulness, only by first obtaining strong power can we do what we want to do."

"Well, that's right." Mo Yan and Bing Cong both agreed.

"But the fog here is too big to see the situation ahead. You must know that there are many dangerous places here that even our masters talk about. It is very dangerous. How do we do it? What."

This is a problem, causing the two of Mo Yan to fall into a state of hard thinking.

"There is no need to worry at all, I have a solution." Hughes said with a smile.

It is said that there are countless silkworm ants wandering out at the feet of Hughes, spreading around at a very fast speed, and using silkworm ants to probe the situation, and then Hughes gives these information to No. 1 for analysis, and the huge calculation is fast It works.

Soon, Hughes had a general understanding of the surroundings. The surrounding things appeared like a live broadcast in Hughes's mind, which was extremely clear.

"Go this way." Hughes guided the direction, and Mo Yan and Bing Cong followed, which made them not encounter any danger at all. It was a magical anomaly. Mo Yan, Bing Cong stared dumbfounded at the surrounding scenery. Is this still the dangerous graveyard full of danger? It's as casual as their own back garden. When they looked at Hughes again, they felt only deeper admiration, and they always had miracles when they thought they were worthy of subduing them.

"Ah." Hughes frowned suddenly. "There is a situation ahead, it seems that someone is fighting."

"Is there any other people in this god's tomb, ordinary people don't dare to come here." Mo Yan said in a deep voice.

"It's her, Raksha." Hughes said in surprise.

The situation of Raksha seems to be very bad. He touched the forbidden area of ​​the tomb of the **** and fell into a bitter battle.

Hughes hurried away and went to help. He was not malicious towards Raksha, but rather interesting.

"Raksha?" Bing Cong was a little surprised. Obviously, this answer surprised him.

Hughes took the lead and walked in front. Demon Flame and Bingcong followed him to the direction of Raksha.

At the moment, Raksha was holding Shenbing Yuantu and Abi, and Styx was rolling around him, and was fighting a deadly battle with the dark black man.

The black-rock strong man is very good. He cracked the Raksha's soldiers with great force, struck down on the Stygian River, and the Yuan Tu's sharpness could not break his skin. It was a fierce, strong and powerful Raksha. Somewhat embarrassed.


Yuan Tu was beaten to fly, the black stone strong man roared, and his powerful fist fell on Raksha.

"Not good." Raksha felt this extreme danger and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late, and the fist of the black stone man had fallen.

Raksha instinctively closed his eyes.

However, after a strong explosion, Raksha did not feel pain, and the surrounding things could be clearly sensed. She seemed to have nothing.

Raksha opened his eyes quickly, and was surprised to find that there was a pagoda in front of her. The chaos was gray and deep, and the most important thing was that Raksha saw a tooth in her pagoda that made her grind her teeth. , Loved ones hurt, the enemy is fast.

It was an illusion, how could he be here, and how could the abominable person rescue her, Raksha thought mentally.

"What a shock, don't hurry up." Hughes didn't expect that this black-rock strong man had such a strong power. Fortunately, Hughes's "Buddha Tower" defense was very strong. Otherwise, even if it was not dead Seriously, Hughes wanted to fight back, but Raksha stood behind him in shock and fright, so that Hughes could not send out power at all, which made Hughes depressed.

"Ah!" Raksha was really startled, knowing that this was not an illusion but a real one. She wanted to break out and yell at Hughes, but Hughes didn't give her such an opportunity, Hughes used the chaos fist directly. Attack on the body of the black man.

The black-rock strong man couldn't resist the fist of Hughes, his body fell apart, and the black stone fell off and piled on the ground like a small hill.

Hughes frowned, and the place where the god’s tomb was buried was really full of danger. There was actually such a black stone monster, and the strength was really very strong.

"When do I need you to save? It's really a lot of business. I haven't asked you to settle the bill for the flaming mountains." Raksha came up and bombarded.

Hughes didn't speak, but just looked at Raksha with interest, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Raksha said a lot of words, looked at Hughes vigorously, and vented her discomfort in these days, but did not hear Hughes’ words. Raksha looked at Hughes, but did not expect to see him. Looking at himself "straight", this made Raksha a little bit angry, but somehow, Raksha didn't immediately refute, but felt his face was hot and blushing.

"Actually, you are fine." Hughes said with a smile.

Hughes's misleading words put Raksha into an awkward position. What does he mean, does it have a certain meaning. But it's not right. I want to condemn him. What he thinks is what matters to me, and how strange the atmosphere is.

At the moment, there were two kinds of noises in Raksha's mind, making Raksha a little overwhelmed.

At this time, two figures approached quickly, slightly alleviating the embarrassment of Raksha.

"Magic Flame, Bingcong." Raksha was a little surprised, but it was unexpected that they were.

Raksha is somewhat familiar with Moyan and Bingcong, and has seen several faces, and their masters all want to marry Shuramon, but in the end, they missed because of some differences in age. Of course, the most important thing is Luo Sha is not very cold to them, and what he said is just an excuse.

"How come they are here, and they seem to be quite familiar with this wicked person?" Razak thought with some doubt.



Mo Yan, Bing Cong said hello to Raksha.

"You ran too fast, we almost couldn't find you, originally wanted to see the lady anxiously." Bing Cong said with a smile.

"That's what makes us easy to find." Mo Yan also teased.

"Okay, you guys," Hughes said a little speechless.

"Extraordinary art." But Mo Yan suddenly saw the black stone, said in shock.

"Extraordinary?" Hughes asked, puzzled, but Raksha and Bingcong were not strange, they seemed to know.

"No, you don't even know this." Raksha looked at Hughes puzzled.

"The so-called outer Tao is the Taoist mystery in the chaos of the world. They are very different from the Taoist mystery of this world, or they are not the same system at all, and they are called the "Waidao"." Mo Yan explained Said.

"Wei Dao has very unique places, or the perspectives are different, which leads to the unexpected gains of Wei Dao. If the Dao law we practice is positive, then the Dao law is strange. Complete." Bing Cong continued with Mo Yan's words.

"But this is what our Master said, but the specific effect is still unclear. It is said that the previous four Jedi have a complete astrology technique, and the two can only achieve such fastness and become a **** by complementing each other. ."

"It turns out so." Hughes said quietly.

"Yeah, why have you all come here, and still look familiar with this bastard." Raksha asked curiously.

It seemed that Raksha didn't know what was going on outside, otherwise she wouldn't hold such an idea, and Hughes glanced at Mo Yan, even if she told her now, it didn't make any sense.

"It is said that there are treasures in the tombs of the gods, and there are the inheritance of the four great Jedi. Of course, we are here to take a look and try our luck." Mo Yan said with a smile.

"Yeah, we remember what you said, as long as someone who is younger than you can beat you, you will marry whom. Our boss is younger than you, and the hero has just saved the beauty. It’s that one, you don’t seem to be able to escape.” Bing Chong quickly changed the subject, and successfully burned the fire on Hughes, teasing.

"Don't talk nonsense, and he hasn't beat me yet, but I won that game." Razak's face was unconsciously hot, glaring at Hughes.

This stare made Hughes feel inexplicable, and it's all about me.

"Well, now is not the time to say this, how to find the core inheritance zone of the Jedi is the most important." Hughes immediately blocked such unreasonable troubles, Shen said.

"My army of silkworm ants just found a few places that were unexplorable and full of danger. That might be the place we were looking for." Hughes said, pointing somewhere.

"It's not too late, let's go quickly."

"Well." No one else objected, and followed Hughes in that direction.

Passing all the way, I didn't encounter any danger. This made Rakshala wonder. She knew that she came here but suffered a lot. Although she can't say five passes and six passes, it is extremely difficult. Si is so casual, like being able to sense and predict danger, which gives Raksha a deep sense of difference. Is their gap so far?

Half a day later, Hughes and they finally came to this place, where the silkworm ants felt a great threat, but what is surprising is that the black fog here is not as dense as before, and it has faded a lot. The trees, mountains and other surrounding scenery are all Some can vaguely see that although it is not very clear, it is much stronger.

But in the heart of Hughes, there was a feeling of palpitations. There was a very dangerous sense of standing at the cusp of the storm, and although the scenery in front of him was so clearly presented in front of Hughes, Hughes could not do anything. Look clearly.

"This is ~~~~~~" Hughes thought.

Raksha came forward and wanted to walk in.

Hughes quickly tried to stop it, but it was too late. The surrounding scenery moved. The part where the mountain was turned into a huge flower, breathing black mist, and opened his mouth to Hughes. They bite, and among his flowers With countless skeletons moving, the rhizome is like an abyss, unfathomable.

"Mandala Sha"

Seeing this huge and fascinating flower, Raksha shouted in surprise.

Mandala sand, this is a kind of cannibalistic flower, Hughes has seen, but such a huge mandala sand, so powerful, Hughes never heard of it, this flower seems to be refined .

Hughes came to Raksha's side, and the world directly crossed the domain, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the huge flower vines of Datura, but its petals exuded black gas or let Hughes absorb it, Hughes immediately I felt something was wrong.

"This flower is poisonous, and the toxicity is still very strong." Hughes forced to suppress the poison gas, judging.

But the mandala did not give Hughes more rest time, the flower vines spread again, and it was even more fierce.

In order to avoid the impossible, Hughes immediately opened the "Buddha Gold Tower" to guard the Quartet. Datura didn't have any fear at all, and directly hit it.


Hughes’s turquoise gold pagoda actually cracked, which changed Hughes’s complexion. Mandala’s offensive was beyond Hughes’ expectations. Hughes’ initial prediction predicted that even if Mandorosha did not succeed as an emperor, It is definitely a lot more than the nine strong men. The more important thing is that he is still a plant. His power is stronger. The heart of Hughes sinks. This is really a disaster.

And the attack of Datura came again.

Mandala Sha is very strong, such as storms and rains, anxious and fast.

Hughes had to retreat again and again, avoiding his sharp edge, thinking of ways to deal with the predicament in front of him.

Demon Flame directly revealed the original form, the horse stepped on the flame, and the fire surrounded it, forming a fire abyss behind Mo Yan, resisting the black gas of Mandala. Behind Bingcong is a thousand icicles, the cold wind pierces the ice, and the ice forms the boundary, and the petals and canes of Mandalasha are frozen in ice.

But the mandala sand is too strong, the cane is crazy, and the sky is covered, and the magic flame can't resist all of them at all, and it is only a matter of time to lose.

"This mandala has been demonized, and only retains negative emotions such as killing, blood, and brutality. We must find a way to break the source of his demon to be able to wake him up, otherwise he will be unable to defeat it." Raksha said beside Hughes.

"Huh?" Hughes looked at Raksha puzzled.

"My Yuan Tu and A Bi are all swords of sin, capable of severing cause and effect, and he feels strange in mandala." Raksha pointed to the huge flower at the center of mandala and said, "There should be Where is the source of the devil, now you send me up, this source of devil is only my Yuan Tu, Abi can cut off the great evil contained in it, and promised that other people, even the great emperor, could not bear it at all."

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