Pioneer Knight

Chapter 891:

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"Elder Chang already knows you are coming, let's go with me." The bird breathed out, spoke his words, and then flew forward, leading the way for Hughes.

Hughes doesn't feel strange anymore, even if flowers can speak, don't talk about people.

But they don’t seem to be malicious, and they are also very friendly to Hughes. Hughes wants to see what is going on, and wants to find out what the situation is, so he passes them to the three, so that they don’t relax their vigilance. Everything seems a little weird.

Along the way, Hughes saw many weird scenes, branches running around, stone chasing and so on, which made Hughes feel like he was in a dream, and it was still the weirdest dream.

Hughes found that the vitality here is very strong and vital, affecting every inch of the place. These plants and creatures seem to absorb such powerful vitality to have such a weird scene. Looking away, Hughes seems to have a certain idea in mind , But Hughes couldn't catch it, and couldn't ring it.

"This is the highest place in Wanwan Paradise. In front is the palace where Elder Chang is. I will take you now." Xiaohong's voice came again.

Hughes's contemplation was interrupted, looking at the surrounding environment, just to see the countless plants and creatures under the "Million Paradise". The pupils of Hughes infinitely enlarged, and finally grasped the idea. The momentum of Hughes suddenly changed, forming a strong storm, and shocked Mo Yan and others.

"This is ~~~~~, he is in the epiphany." The other people looked at Hughes in shock. This scene actually touched his Dao heart. How much talent should be needed.

At this time, an old man with pale hair and beard came slowly on crutches, but his speed was extremely fast, and he came to the crowd in an instant.

"Senior, are you?" Bing Cong was shocked to see the old man.

Standing in front of Bingcong is Chang Bai, the first tree in the world of the Emperor Continent. It is very old and long. There is no end to it. No one knows his age specifically, and he is the guardian of the Emperor Continent. Hughes was able to reach Xintiandi for his credit.

"Why can't it be me," Chang Bai said with a smile on his beard.

"When did you come here? Why didn't you contact me and let me see you."

"I haven't been here long, I have just recovered my strength, I haven't informed you that you are afraid to be discovered by the number of days, otherwise he will definitely kill here, and now I am not his opponent." Chang Bai said in a deep voice: " Since you are here, it means that the number of days has already begun."

"Well, the number of days is starting to carry out the massacre, Master He is already dead." Bing Cong's expression was a bit bleak.

"This is the path they chose. I once persuaded him, but I couldn't stop it." Chang Bai said with a sigh.

The people were silent and did not answer the call, which was painful for them.

"Sius has had such achievements in just a few years. At first, I was right. It was the correct way to let him go to Xintiandi to practice." Chang Bai said with emotion that he was in a state of epiphany. .

"Yeah, if I had not been inherited from the Holy Land, I would have been empowered, and I wouldn't have opened the Nine Gates and opened the secret realm of heaven and earth so quickly, but Hughes had come to this by himself. It was indeed admirable. Bing Cong said very much.

"You follow me to the palace in front, no one dares to disturb Hughes here." Chang Bai leads the way.

Walking into the hall, everyone sat down.

"You must be a descendant of Molie, I feel a very familiar taste on you." Chang Bai looked at Moyan and said.

"Yes, Molie is my ancestor." Although Moyan is not clear about Chang Bai's identity for a while, he feels its power. From the respect and dialogue with Bingcong, Moyan knows that this is absolutely antique The presence.

"Molie is the second generation of demon emperor, a famous owl, I only had a relationship with him at that time, only knowing that he was mysteriously disappeared, the tribes under him are divided into twelve tribes, each tribe masters In the part of his magic soldier "cutting the demon", the demon has the ability to travel through time and space. Presumably you should use it to come here."

Chang Bai's words made Bing Cong's doubts clear. When he knew that Mo Yan was also from the Emperor's Continent, he had doubts and thought it was sent by Chang Bai, but he did not expect to use other methods. .

"That's just right, the monster left something in the cemetery of the gods, which may be helpful to you? But it needs'cutting the demon' to open." Chang Bai said.

"Really, where?" Mo Yan was very excited, which was exactly what he needed.

Chang Bai planted a seed on the ground, and the seed quickly grew into a big tree and spread wildly in a certain direction.

"You will be able to reach along the direction of this tree, and the monsters around you are not afraid to stop."

"Thank you Senior."

The magic flame jumped on the tree and moved forward quickly, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"Bing Cong, I have also prepared a place for you to practice. The ice king's "Hang Shi Gu Zhang" is of great help to you."

"Although I waited a long time this day, I still don't want him to come so soon, I don't know how many people will die this time." Chang Bai said with a sigh.

"This is also an unavoidable thing. Some things can't be avoided at all, and should not be avoided." Bing Cong said in a deep voice: "For some people, forgiveness and tolerance are simply impossible."

"It seems that I am really old." Chang Bai shook his head with some emotion.

"You should be a descendant of the Sage Ancestor, I see the rolling Styx in your soul, and the more familiar mandala, there is nothing for you and I can teach you, and you don’t Need my teaching, we have taken a different path. If you can learn the inheritance of Styx, that is already an extraordinary achievement. But what I want to warn you is to stick to your heart and not be taken by mandala Under the influence of Rocha, one thought became a Buddha and one thought became a demon, all in one thought."


Hughes felt the breath here and touched his heartstrings, giving him some insight.

"Everything is agile, everything is empty, all methods are empty, this is all life. The way of life, vigorous vitality, one breath and one breath are all life."

Susie’s mind was enlightened, and significant changes had taken place in his body. The wood and soil properties of Huss’ body and some water properties condensed and formed a new energy, condensed into a Tao, and a way of life.

The way of life is like a billowing river, flowing through the body of Hughes, and everything he passes by has been renewed and activated. The body of Hughes is like spirit water, and the bomb can be broken. The trees around Hughes are infected by Hughes and grow extremely, the scene is very strange.

But suddenly, Hughes's body appeared a completely different energy, lifeless, like a deep pool of dead water. This was the death path that Hughes had previously realized, combining the golden fire attribute and part of the water attribute. Road.

The path of life and the path of death previously understood by Hughes form two whirlpools, which are fighting each other and not giving each other, and Hughes's body appears chaotic.

At this moment, a very different scene appeared in the whole paradise, with Hughes as the center, forming two parts of awe, one side is black, filled with darkness, and the life is raging. Everything that comes into contact quickly shrinks and exhausts, and then quickly dies , While the other side is white, full of vitality, full of trees, standing tall.

Chang Bai was also shocked by the dead air, and quickly walked out of the hall, seeing the situation of Hughes at the moment, and shouting badly: "If life and death are in conflict, if you can't think of a reasonable way, it is very likely that you will explode and die. ."

Now Chang Bai can't help at all. He can only wait and pray that Hughes can solve it. Otherwise, he only has to intervene compulsively, and then Hughes is likely to get into trouble and cause his body to be completely destroyed. .

At the moment, Hughes also knew that things were a crisis. Hughes hadn't thought of such things happening, but Hughes didn't panic. Only calmly could calmly think of ways, even if it was anxious, it didn't do anything. of.

"Life and death are competing against each other."

"Eh~~~~~~~~~~~~~," Hughes' head lit up, and he suddenly thought of a good way.

Hughes remembered the Tai Chi that was widely circulated in the previous life. Tai Chi harmonized Yin and Yang to balance the Yin and Yang. It was appropriate to use Tai Chi to deal with the situation in front of him. At this moment, the situation is very urgent. Hughes dare not stay any longer, tolerating the aimless chaos and struggle between life and death in the body, Hughes thought of Tai Chi in the physical education class of the previous university. , And move slowly, practicing boxing.

Start, finish. Hughes practiced it again.

Hughes constantly pondered the essence of Tai Chi, focusing on the "opening and closing" he showed, and realizing the true meaning of Tai Chi.

Start again, and then finish, Hughes seems to practice tirelessly, and there is nothing else in Hughes' mind, only Tai Chi. Hughes did not notice that his boxing skills were getting more and more exquisite. Until the beginning, Hughes stood at the same position as the start and finish. The Tai Chi pattern was formed on the earth, and Hughes was in it.

The two life and death chaos on Hughes gradually eased with Hughes' deepening of Tai Chi, and with Hughes' body constantly flowing, Jingwei was scattered in two parts of Hughes' body.

"Tai Chi, what is Tai Chi?" Hughes thought came up in this way.

"One open and one close, the real and the false, this is Tai Chi. The way of Tai Chi lies in life and death, cares about yin and cares about yang."

Hughes’ epiphany, life and death condensed Tai Chi patterns on Hughes’ body, black and white glory shone on Hughes’ body, Hughes had a kind of Taoist taste, and was full of the breath of gods. Behind Hughes, however, a door emerged, connecting the extremely mysterious world. There are always three thousand worlds in each. There is a Hughes in each world. Hughes sits cross-legged and recites the scriptures. , As the gods land, inviolable.


If someone sees it, it will definitely be shocking, because that cross-legged and Hughes is Daoji, Hughes realizes that Daoji, it means that he has his own Dao, his own Dao, this is better than becoming The great emperors are more important things, and Hughes still has so many foundations, each world has one, but this is three thousand worlds, which is enough for the whole world to be crazy.

Three thousand worlds are divided into yin and yang.


Thunder and thunder, and the sun and moon floating, Hughes stood there to hold the sky and earth, and the wind and the wind swept, and let the thunder light drown, Hughes was complacent and calm. Nine Sky God Thunder, Yin Yang God Thunder, this can't hurt Husse half a point at all, but instead become nourishment absorbed by Huss, Huss is like an extremely terrifying demon god, invincible.

The world was aware of it and was provoked by Hughes. The world suddenly fell dark. The terrible dark clouds stretched for thousands of miles.

"Heaven and Earth God Thunder"

Shen Lei opened like a world open, closed like the end of the world, terrible anomaly.

Chang Bai, who was next to him, was very moved and looked at the **** thunder in the sky with shock. This method, this kind of scene, maybe only heaven and earth, or the master of the gods can do it.

This is a vision that only appeared when the emperor reached the fourth step of "combination", and Hughes is now able to trigger it. What does it mean? Could it be said that Hughes at this moment possesses the power equivalent to him, the power of gods.

Chang Bai was somewhat stunned. In his view, Hughes was only a junior and needed support and guidance, but now Hughes suddenly became the same level as him, and Chang Bai was still somewhat unacceptable.

"Heaven, Earth, God, Thunder" landed in the sky, and the divine power was like a prison, turned into a thunder dragon and roared towards Huss.

But Hughes was not to be outdone, his eyes were like a torch, and two interpretations of Yin and Yang greeted the Thunder Dragon, violently holding power, reversing Tiancheng, and rigidly caught the strong attack of the Thunder Dragon.

Thunder Dragon was angry and became more fierce, split into two, attacked front and back, whistling and clouding, and struck again.

Three thousand worlds emerged, Dawke recite, Brahma chant, formed a strong light behind Hughes, the glare turned into a prison cage, directly bound the heaven and earth **** thunder, Hughes' means reached the sky degree.

I would like to ask who can treat Heaven, Earth, God, Thunder, and capture him, imprisoned. This is maddening, and it is unreasonable, but Hughes did so, and he did so cleanly, leaving people behind. There is also a feeling of spare energy, the real hand-eye sky.

Heaven, Earth and God Lei seem to have wisdom. In the face of such a situation, he is really angry and angry. Why did he ever receive such treatment, being played like ou, unforgivable, and the people in front of him cannot be forgiven? He tried the most painful punishment in the world.

Thunder Dragon riots, splitting thousands and tens of thousands, his power is also constantly increasing, and soon broke through the prison formed by the three thousand worlds of Huss

Countless thunder dragons intertwined with each other, forming a world of one side, and reopening the world; the countless thunder **** dangling in the world are as dazzling as the golden sun, and there are always thousands of forests in the forest. The explosion produced a devastating energy that is so powerful that it can destroy the world.

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