Pioneer Knight

Chapter 895:

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This reminds Hughes of the story of the shadow of the Buddha heard in previous lives. On the one hand, the Buddha spends all sentient beings, on the other hand, it is the Devil Guardian Dao. Everything has two sexes. Even the Buddha who is sincere is no exception. .

The light on the right hand appeared a phantom beside Hughes, full of sacredness and compassion to the world. After seeing it, they seemed to save their sins and convert to the right way.

This is the ultimate light lord of the light that Hughes realized.

What is held in the hands of the Lord of Light is the Holy Church, which accepts the piety and kindness of the world and spends all sentient beings.

"Nine of the world's origins, the five elements stand in the heavens and earth, the space and time are in the middle, and the light and darkness accompany the twins. This is the heaven and the earth." Suddenly, such an understanding came into mind. He seemed to understand the secrets of the heaven and earth a little bit.

Perhaps Tiandi is not as complicated as it is supposed to be, just exists or not.

Without any further thought, Hughes returned to the stone where Raksha was, and said, "How? Now do you feel better."

"It's already gone." Raksha said softly.

"Huh." Russell's words made Hughes feel a little uncomfortable, but thinking of the possible cause of injury, Hughes didn't think much, but said to Raksha: "This is just'Daoji'" The edge, if it's inside, you can't bear it now, or you should first enter into my space enchantment."


Hughes was a little stunned. When did Raksha become such a good talker? I felt a little weird, but Raksha was able to agree. This was a good thing for Hughes.

Hughes sent Raksha to the Purple Halo space and put her in the Mingling Pond. There are many treasures of the world planted by Hughes, and the aura is rich, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

The deeper the "Dao Pole", the stronger the Dao possessed. Even Hughes felt very strenuous. The eyes of Hughes seemed to be high mountains that could not be climbed. The footprints of Hughes were so heavy .

The storm also set off above the peak of the Tao, which made Huss walking more difficult.

Hughes adhered to his heart, stepped hard, and let the wind blow, Hughes's mind has never been more empty at this moment.

The Dao is infinite, and the heart is constant.

Hughes promoted not only the state, but also the state of mind.

Three Thousand Worlds, Three Thousand Daojis, Hughes are singing, the expression is unprecedentedly calm, the heart is clear, in Hughes' eyes, there is no high mountain at all in front, only the flat road, which is untouchable.

Like a moment, or a thousand years, Hughes's eyes have been closed, Wan Dao leaves no trace in Hughes's heart, suddenly there is a light in front of Hughes, like a door is opened there, door.

This is the gate of heaven, the gate of the soul.

This reminds Hughes of the questions he has heard before. Who is the biggest in the world? The answer at that time was varied, but there was an answer that made Hughes remember it deeply. The answer was: heart.

The heart can cover the world, open the world, transcend the boundary of time and space, cross the space and time, the world is in my heart; the heart is infinite, he can transcend all the world, and can create all the world.

The so-called limits, so-called limits, are so shallow in front of the heart.

Hughes understands at the moment, Tianmen is actually in everyone's mind, but people never discover it, or the human heart is imprisoned, unable to exert all his original abilities.

The surrounding energy flowed back to form four vortices, which looked magnificent and a little shocking. Walking slowly, Hughes crossed the heavenly gate, and there were no waves. It seemed to be just an ordinary gate, but it was immortal in Hughes's heart.

Hughes officially stepped out of the Heaven and Earth Pavilion and returned to the world.


Central Court, Qijiabao.

At this time, Qijiabao was very lively. To be precise, Lingxiao Tower was very lively.

Somehow, the silent Lingxiao Tower suddenly rioted, continually shaking, triggering a shock to the entire Qijiabao, which made them not calm down, all thinking about strategies. But it is of no use, because the layer of light is shrouded around the Lingxiao Tower, no matter how the people of Qijiabao can break that layer of light.

The Lingxiao Tower brought Qijiabao a fortune. It is precisely because they have the Lingxiao Tower that they can maintain their current status. With or without the Lingxiao Tower, they must decline. The Lingxiao Tower is absolutely not to them. What can be lost, but the situation in front of them, they simply do not have a better way, only to hurry.

"This has never happened, what the **** is going on." Cui Wu said anxiously.

"This layer of light film is very strong. With the strength of seven of us, we can't break it. What better way can we have." Que Ye said a little decadent.

"There is a door at the highest level of the Lingxiao Tower, and no one has been there. We once speculated that there might be an extremely powerful strongman healing inside. Do you say that it will be the person who has awakened." Xijia Fort's Western Calendar speculated.

"How is this possible? At that time, we just said that this tower has five or six hundred years in our hands. How could anyone be injured for hundreds of years," Wang said.

"Perhaps it is really possible. The origin of the Lingxiao Tower is very mysterious, and its capabilities are also very strange. Its owner must be a remarkable existence, and it is likely to be the legendary emperor realm." He Yuan Shensheng said .

"How is this possible? How could there be such a strong man in this world." Others dare not imagine.

"A while ago, the Ancient Demon Palace issued a shocking momentum that shocked the entire emperor continent, and made the emperor continents panic. Then they challenged other super powers, although there is no second-class power like us. But I always feel that the world is being disturbed and may have to spread to the entire continent. It is not surprising what happens at this time." He Yuan said seriously.

"Don't laugh, isn't it very peaceful to get rid of that thing? And the Misty Palace, the Ancient Demon Palace may just touch the prohibition of inheritance. You know that these super powers are all amazing."

"You said this, the Misty Palace and the Ancient Demon Hall are challenging other forces. I really feel that things seem to be getting serious. There is a conspiracy hidden in them. Otherwise, it is their madness."


They each expressed different opinions, but at this time the Lingxiao Tower was stabilized, the light disappeared, and one person came out of the closed Lingxiao Tower.

"How can I feel so familiar with this person." Cui Wu said in amazement after seeing the figure.

"Me too, but who he is and why he walked out of the tower, is he the owner of the tower?"

Everyone in Qijiabao saw Hughes stepping out of the Lingxiao Tower, and they were all stunned.

There are two reasons for the confusion, one is that there are still people in the Lingxiao Tower, and they don't even know the existence; the second is that this person makes them feel very familiar, it seems that they have seen it somewhere, but they can't do anything. Remember.

"This seems to be the young man who has been to the Lingxiao Tower, and it feels like it." Cui Wu said dumbly.

"It is indeed very similar. It was the game ten years ago. He also challenged the "out-of-match mode."" Li Xi continued.

"At that time, he seemed to be the foreign aid that Cui Jiabao had asked for. It looked so much like that, but how could this be possible." Everyone felt very puzzled.


Hughes also felt a little stunned. He did not expect that the exit of the Heaven and Earth Pavilion was actually the Lingxiao Tower in the Seven Castles of the Emperor's Continent, and the owner of the Lingxiao Tower was Lingxiao God. Before Hughes practiced here, he felt that there was an extremely strong presence here, but he didn't expect it to be so strong, but actually a god. This really shocked Hughes.

"You are the masters of Qijiabao." Hughes said to the first seven people.

"Don't dare, the senior has something to tell me to wait directly." Although the coming person has not figured it out, he can get out of the Lingxiao Tower, which shows that he is extremely extraordinary, and everyone in Qijiabao dare not care about it. , Said very modestly and cautiously.

"It takes another two days for Ling Xiao Shen to return. There will definitely be great turmoil here. The people of your seven castles will be a little farther away. If they are affected, they may fall. "

"Lingxiao God, who is that? Is it the owner of Lingxiao Tower?"

"Yes." The seven people did not dare to shirk, Ling Xiao was sacred. They all felt the momentum that made them impenetrable, and this almost flooded them.


Cui Jiabao.

"Brother Hughes, you have been here for ten years. I thought I would never see you again." It was still very gentle and virtuous, still kind, and ten years did not seem to make Cui Cui Change, she was like the first time Hughes saw her.

"Have you been okay this decade." Hughes said with emotion.

"Well, last time you helped Cui's family a lot, my family changed me a lot. My life was pretty good. I went to Dongzhou with Cui Ya five or six years ago, but there was no news. "Cui Cui's voice was a little low.

"That's when I went to other places. You are too far away to say goodbye to you. I apologize here."

"Nothing, I just said casually." Cui Cui quickly pushed his hand, and his face turned red.

Hughes only smiled bitterly, and Cui Cui's character didn't seem to change.

"Yes, Cui Ya, and Cui Ku? Why didn't you see them." Hughes asked curiously.

"A few months ago, the Ancient Demon Palace challenged the other superpowers, causing chaos in the central court. Others also followed the **** wind. The Skeleton Club was originally a bandit in the Skeleton Mountain Range. Now they It also ramped up and launched an offensive against our seven castles. Now Brother Cuiku and Sui Cui are fighting them."

"Well, the world's catastrophe, it seems that even the Emperor Continent is inevitable." Hughes thought to himself.

"Yes, Cui Ku has now become the owner of the Cui family, and they have all reached the threshold."

Susie moved, feeling that the entire Cuijiabao seemed to be very panicked, frowned, and said, "There seems to be something big to happen outside, let's go and see."

At the moment at the door of Cui Jiabao, a group of extremely arrogant people screaming and dancing claws, all with skulls on their bodies, they are the people of the Skull Club.

At the front is a young man sitting in animal skin. He has extremely deep scars on his face, and he can see his bones in the deep, which is very scary. He is the boss of the Skull Club, the Skeleton .

He was holding two people in his hand, a man and a woman, both of whom were dying at the moment, and their eyes could not be opened, only a weak breath was proving that they were still alive.

"Cui Ku, Cui Ya." The people of Cui Jiabao were shocked when they saw the two of them. It is rare to know that these two people are the arrogance of Qijiabao, even in the entire Central Court. Genius, they have become powerful players in the world within a short period of time, and they have been included in the ranks of the powerful players in the world. Their strength has long surpassed that of previous generations. Will come, still so embarrassed, and the opponent is still a little-known character, which makes Cui Jiabao people can not believe it.

Cui Wu hurriedly stepped forward, his face not very good-looking, and said: "Our Qijiabao doesn't seem to have much grudges with you, why do you hold us?"

"What kind of thing do you dare to talk to our boss like this? It's really impatient to live."

"Are you less bullying us? If not for you, how could we hide in the Split Skeleton Mountains? These are all you self-proclaimed decent faces, hum."


Before the Skeleton spoke, his men shouted arrogantly.

"The reason for finding your stubble is very simple. Grandpa, I'm happy, why can't it work?" Split Skull said with a arrogant laugh, and said he threw Cui Ya Cuiku in his hand toward Cui Jiabao.

Cui Wu saw something wrong and hurriedly picked it up, but when Cui Wu only touched their bodies, he was shocked to find that he could not resist the powerful momentum, but was shocked and hit the wall. Severely injured, blood raging, Choi Wu suddenly languished.

"Turn virtual reality into reality, reality." Cui Wu said in shock.

"You still have some eyesight," Split Skull said coldly.

Seeing Cui Ya, Cui Ku's body will fall to the ground. From such a high distance, coupled with their current situation, they must be dead. The people of Cui Jiabao wanted to save, but it was too late. But at that moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the place where Cui Ya landed. There was no sign. He seemed to be standing there suddenly, picking up Cui Ya and Cui Ku.

In the shocking eyes of the people, they saw that the hands of the figure were emitting strange lights on Cui Yacui's body, and then they saw that Cui Yacui's wounds were healing at a rate visible to the naked eye. When they reflected it, they saw that Cui Ya Cui Ku had stood up, as if he was all right.

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