Pioneer Knight

Chapter 899:

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The child seemed to be immersed in the consciousness at this moment, and did not realize that Feng Qing had approached, and there was still no response at all.

Feng Qing looked at the child like this and smiled softly. The slender white and tender hands gently touched the child's melancholy but slightly thin back and shouted again.

"Xiaoxiu, what is happening? Your father told you to go to his study now, go quickly! Don't make your father wait, Xiaoyue's girl has already gone."

The child was slightly trembling at the moment. It seemed that he was taken aback by Feng Qing's sudden move. He turned around in a panic. Looking at the woman whose face had not changed in the past five years, the child was very puzzled. .

His name is Hughes because he remembered the surname of his family five years ago and the name that his parents had given to him during his lifetime. It means that there is no worries, but they are no longer visible.

However, Hughes remembered that face even more, even after five years had passed.

He knew that he was not the biological son of the woman in front of him, but he still chose to call her mother, and he also called that man to be the father. Although, he also knows that these two are not husband and wife at all, but he likes to call it like this, the woman is called Feng Qing, the man is called Long Yang, this is later known, this is a different continent, this is also his later study in Long Yangdi What he perceived was not only that, he also knew that this world is a grudge practice, the eternal law of this world is weak flesh and strong food, and the strong is respected, but he does not know how to practice, nor does grudge and his legacy from the last world What is the difference between the yin and yang qi that comes down, but there are many hopes in my heart.

"Oh, mother, I'm going now." The child thought about it, and then he answered quietly and stood up. His thin body jumped off the rockery under the help of Feng Qing.

Feng Qing was both excited and surprised that Hughes had called her mother, and at the same time, she was extremely puzzled that Hughes knew her surname. Not only her, but also Longyang, but now, after a few years, it is already strange No wonder, because this kid always has something unexpected in life.

Therefore, the two who can't figure it out will usually regard it as a coincidence. Of course, Hughes will not explain it to them, because he knows that this is his personal secret, and all the secrets are buried.

"Mother, did Dad ask me and Xiao Yue to go to his study?" Hughes asked suddenly.

"This mother can't tell you for the time being, go where is your father first! Xiaoyue is anxious not seeing you today," Feng said with a smile, jokingly laughing

Hughes' face was embarrassed, thinking of the sticky little girl, but she was helpless. Today, she found a quiet place.

Xiaoyue, whose name is Ziyue. For such a surname, Hughes feels very unique. However, Hughes only knows that Ziyue was brought back by Longyang and Fengqing later, probably when he was two years old. Ziyue was also two years old. When she saw Ziyue at that time, Hughes realized a different kind of temperament in Ziyue. She was very curious in her heart, but for so long. Although he has always been curious about Ziyue's life, he never asked about it.

But in the days to come, Hughes was completely speechless, because after the little girl was familiar with herself, she was entangled with her all day, thinking about her actual age and a little girl like her. It’s really boring to play, so I started to avoid it in the future, but unfortunately, the house is only as big as this, so every time I am found by this sticky little girl, This situation is still good today.

"Oh, mother, I'm going to Daddy now." Thinking of Zi Yue's presence, I knew in my heart that today's plan is bankrupt again.

Fortunately, in the past five years, Hughes has not actually gone out of this house, nor did he ever think about going out, because he is afraid of the outside world. Now he has learned that he is reincarnated, but it is not his reincarnated one. That world, but another world, is a world that is completely strange to me. I always feel that I am a stranger in this world. However, relying only on some materials of Longyang Study Room has very limited understanding of this world.

Fortunately, Hughes is very pleased that the text here is the same as that of his previous world. Although I started to look very hard, after all, I didn't know a few words in my life. However, with the help of Longyang and Fengqing, it's a good thing for a long time.

Out of the previous courtyard, there was a long corridor that followed my eyes. After walking for a long time, I came to Longyang's study. At this time, Hughes was a little panting, and his small **** were constantly Undulating.

"Dad, when will Brother Xiaoxiu come! I can't find him today, father, do you know where Brother Xiaoxiu is? Dad, you can tell me! I'll pick up Brother Xiaoxiu." Just about to knock on the door, Huston immediately heard a series of questions about the sticky girl in the study facing Longyang.

"Your brother Xiu Xiu will be here soon." Long Yang answered very simply, perfunctory all the questions of Zi Yue.

"It's all you said eleven times." Zi Yue protested with dissatisfaction

"Your mother is going to call you Brother Xiaoxiu." Long Yang replied simply.

"Oh." The little girl seemed to answer with some grievances, and was silent for a while.

Hughes is really reluctant to spend time with the little girl every day, thinking of some helplessness, just about to knock on the door again, but? Ziyue seemed to have strangled his knocking time, and asked again.

"Dad, why do you say Brother Xiu always hides from me?" The question was quite innocent and puzzled.

Long Yang didn't answer immediately, but paid attention to the direction of the door.

"You should ask your brother Xiaoxiu personally." Long Yang smiled slightly at the moment.

"He won't tell me, did I do something wrong?" Zi Yue whispered to herself, she really didn't know, what did she do wrong, so that Brother Xiu saw himself It's just a headache.

"Dad, I'm here." Hughes stood at the door and smiled helplessly, but shouted at the door

"Come in." Long Yang answered quickly.

"Brother Xiaoxiu, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Where did you hide today?" Zi Yue also shouted excitedly, but her petite body had already greeted the door. .

Seeing that Hughes had just stepped one foot into the study, Ziyue rushed over and grabbed his hand.

Hughes knows that from now on, I am afraid that there is no chance to get rid of this girl, but the body still resists instinctively. As a result, it has long been expected that resistance has no effect at all.

"Oh." Hughes forcibly smirked. In fact, in Hughes' mind, he didn't hate this little girl. After all, Zi Yue's performance at this age was cute, but it was helpless that his actual age was not at this stage. Yes, facing this little girl all day, naturally there is some resistance in my heart.

"Dad, what did you call me to come?" Hughes smiled at Ziyue, so he asked Longyang Road

"Also called me." Zi Yue listened to Hughes and actually used only one of me. He couldn't help adding quickly to make up for the language error of Hughes.

"Sit down first." Long Yang pointed to the two very small chairs across the desk

Looking at the two small chairs, I knew that they were specially prepared for two children, but it was in front of this desk and the big chair that I couldn't help but feel that there was a great contrast, or even some funnyness.

Hughes was very helpless about this chair in his heart, thinking that he would have this opportunity now, sitting on such a chair, I don’t know, if it was put in the previous life, it was known by the master and those friends. How do you feel about it, thinking that they must laugh.

Ziyue didn't care about it at all. She took Hughes' hand and never let go, but sat down on the chair.

"Come on, Brother Hughes, you are sitting here." Zi Yue sat on the chair, and with the tender little hands, patted the seat of the chair next to him, and pulled Hughes.

Hughes sat up helpless and speechless.

Long Yang looked at the two children, especially Hughes’ attitude towards Zi Yue, and inevitably found it a little interesting, but at this time, he did not show it on that irony face. When Hughes married Ziyue, I was afraid that there would be another show to be staged. Thinking about this matter in the future, I felt a little tricky.

"Calling you here today, there are very important things to tell you." Long Yang spoke at the moment, paused, and looked at the two, I saw Zi Yue looked a little excited, but his eyes still looked at the general helpless bitter gourd face For Hughes, he didn't care about Hugh's cold response to his passion, and Hughes was extremely calm about Longyang's words.

"You are now five years old. From now on, I will ask you to follow me and your mother to practice fighting spirit. After minor cultivation, follow me to practice, and Ziyue will follow your mother to practice." Long Yang said one by one.

At this moment, Hughes's expression has changed slightly, but that Ziyue is still that expression, as if he has his own little brother Xiu, he can already be satisfied.

Listening to the words of grudge, Hughes really concentrated a lot of spirits. After all, for so many years, he only knew these two words, but he didn’t know anything about its cultivation method, thinking about the Yin and Yang Jian of his cultivation. Righteous, it is inevitably excited and looking forward.

Hughes relied on his mental memory of Yinyin and Yangyi and re-cultivated according to the cultivation methods of the past. Now it has been several years, but he has not reached the strength of his previous life. The reason why he thinks so is because Hughes found that the yin and yang qi he cultivated in this world were not the same as those cultivated in the past.

The yin and yang true qi that the previous life cultivated by itself is a sense of qi located in the meridians, but this life is not a sense of qi, but a hazy, sticky substance, but it is still the same as the true qi in the body The meridian Dantian is running. I don’t know what kind of strength this kind of sticky substance is in the body now. He doesn’t dare to make it come out. After all, he still knew a little about the strength of Longyang and Fengqing’s fighting strength. He I don’t want this matter to be known to Longyang and Fengqing, because I don’t know how to explain it to them. Moreover, thinking that the swordsman saw Longyang’s expression at the beginning, I also knew in my heart that not only can I not use Yin and Yang skills, Moreover, you have to be careful in practice in the future. I am afraid that people with strengths like Longyang and Fengqing might be able to sense changes in their own body.

At this moment, Hughes is just looking forward to what kind of grudge does Longyang and himself say about the grudge, but thinking about the abilities of these two people, it should not be worse.

"Dou Qi is a method of practicing pure Yang Zhigang's Qi in the body to perform various defenses and attacks. Of course, Dou Qi can also replace the individual's physical strength. However, the main performance of Dou Qi is in The external use of Qi of internal cultivation, and when it comes to the external use of qi, you have to mention the fighting technique, which is an attacking style of fighting qi. Everything in the world can rely on qi. It is used to attack or defend, and fighting techniques can be divided into five levels: palace, quotient, horn, emblem, and feather, and each level is divided into upper, middle, and lower three yuan, a total of fifteen There are three classifications, among which the lower-level palace fighting technique is the most basic fighting technique, and the upper-level feathering technique is the most advanced fighting technique. On the Tangling Continent, there are thousands of fighting techniques, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no perfect fighting skill or qi method, and each one has deficiencies. Therefore, different fighting techniques and qi can form suppression, but one thing must be mentioned is that different qi cultivation levels, The strength of the resulting fighting skills is also completely different, and people with different fighting strengths are also quite limited for practicing fighting skills. This is also the decision. The growth of fighting strength and fighting skills complement each other, and the level of fighting strength is compared. Fighting skills are much more complicated. Above the fighting spirit, they are called swordsmen at the beginning of cultivation. This is because ordinary cultivators rely on the weapons in their hands to attack, and the corresponding fighting The skill is very weak, but with the growth of the strength of the qi, the weapon is gradually shed, and the qi sword is formed, that is, the qi sword is formed on the body surface. Performance, therefore, qi is divided into two general categories: real sword and qi sword, and under the subdivision, it is divided into junior swordsman, intermediate swordsman, senior swordsman, big swordsman, junior swordsman, big swordsman , Jianzong, Jiansheng, Jianzun, Jianshen, Jiandi are a level, and each level is divided into upper, middle and lower three grids, a total of thirty-three levels are divided, each in the same level is different The cultivators in the grid period have a difference in strength above their strengths. Among these levels, the swordsmen are real sword cultivators, and the sword masters and the sword masters are all gas sword cultivators." Dragon Yang Kankan said, worried that the two would not be able to receive so much information at one time, so he paused and looked, and they asked again.

"Can you understand these?"

"Although Ziyue listened to Longyang's words, she spent most of her time on Hughes by her side. For her, she didn't hear it now. She can take it slowly in the future, but now there is no elder brother Xiu's words. It will never be possible in the future, and this is what Ziyue believes now.

Hughes is completely different. He has completely listened to it now. He has completely turned away from Zi Yue. For Long Yang, although he has seen similar content from related grudge books before, he is graded. The thing was just mentioned. It was not as clear and detailed as Long Yang said now. Listening to Long Yang asked himself, Hughes nodded solemnly.

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