Pioneer Knight

Chapter 904:

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Next month on the fifteenth, there are still twenty days, thinking that I have never walked out of this big ancient house, I can’t help thinking about what kind of world this Tangling Continent is, and the world of my last life. What is the difference, but when I was thinking about this matter, I heard the knock on the door.

"Who?" He jumped a few times in his heart and shouted towards the door, hoping not to be Ziyue's girl, now she really didn't know how to face her.

"Xiaoxiu, open the door. Niang has something to tell you." At this moment, the knocking place was Fengqing who had just come from Longyang. Is she thinking or coming to Xiusi to ask, why did he ask Ziyue today? Do as usual.

Listening to Fengqing, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but then I thought that Feng Qing rarely came to himself, and today came, ten ** is just for today's things, I can't help but feel a headache, I have to think about it. It’s okay to explain it, but right now, I’m bored in my heart, where I want to get some explanation language, so I daringly walked to the door and opened the door.

"Mother, do you have anything to do?" Although asked for some reason, Hughes felt that it was still necessary to pretend to be confused at this time.

Feng Qing didn't immediately answer Hughes' question, but just walked into the room with a slight smile, looked at the furnishings inside, thinking that since the child grew up, he really didn't come over very much, but now it seems There is no change, just like before, except that there is a little childish breath.

After looking around, Feng Qing was sitting on the only stool in the room, and then Yuyou said

"Xiu Xiu, can you tell the mother, why do you want to be like Xiao Yue today? Don't you know that it would hurt Xiao Yue's heart?"

It really came to ask about this matter. Hughes is calling now

There is some reason for wanting to make a quick turn in my mind, but unfortunately, there is no imaginary moment, and the scene of sudden enlightenment appears. I am a blank in my mind, and there is no slight language organization.

"Uh, mother, I was really Xiaoyue's own sister, but what I don't understand is, why do you want me to marry Xiaoyue? Xiaoyue is such a good girl, how can you save her for life? Is this the big deal?" Hughes thought or applied the old saying! However, between the discourses, the focus of the topic was shifted.

"You also know that Xiaoyue is a good girl, Xiaoyue for so many years. Despite her temperament, but you also saw today, temperament is just what she showed in front of us, she is a daughter's home after all, The mind is naturally delicate, and today you refused it in front of me. Didn’t you ever think about Xiaoyue? Don’t tell me, you don’t know, Xiaoyue likes you, although my mother loves you I don’t understand the things between them, but Niang has her eyes, which she can see.” Feng Qing will naturally not let Hughes succeed, and what he doesn’t look at is to shift the topic back.

Hughes had a headache. Thinking about it, he said to Feng Qing that naturally he couldn't satisfy the purpose of Feng Qing's coming here, and he kept thinking.

"I know." Hughes said a little bit truly. Hughes naturally knew Ziyue's thoughts, but it was a pity that all of this was due to his own reasons, and he couldn't do it anymore. If he agreed to this marriage, then In the end, the woman who couldn't forget the last life in her heart would naturally be cold to Ziyue, and in the end it was not Ziyue who was sad, and that was even more harmful to Ziyue.

"If you know, why do you do this?" Feng Qing was even more puzzled.

"Mother, me, me, not only should I take this marriage, of course, for my own reasons, I also don't want to hurt Ziyue." Hughes is now suffering, is it the matter of telling her life? Well, then, how should Feng Qing understand, let alone, he still intends to bury this matter in his heart forever.

"You have a reason?" Feng Qing couldn't help but looked up and down on Hughes.

"What is your reason? Can't you tell your mother?"

"Mother, I really do things like that for Ziyue, do I really have the heart to hurt her like that? I naturally know Ziyue's mind, if I don't do this, I'm afraid that Ziyue will not die for a while Yes, that way, in the end, I don’t want to hurt her the most, but it is inevitable." Hughes really did not know how to explain this matter, so he had to say this to Feng Qing in a general way.

Although Feng Qing still said so indistinctly after seeing Hughes, he had to think carefully. According to his own knowledge, Hughes was naturally not such a person, and now he was meditating in his heart, without words. , But it is always impossible to guess why Thorius can have a reason.

"Mother, why do you have to match me and Ziyue, haven't you thought about the sentence for us?" Hughes asked back.

Feng Qing was interrupted by such a question from Hughes, but he was stunned for a while. Now he was hesitant and wondered whether he should tell Hughes this reason or not. How did Hughes react when he knew?

"What's the matter? Mother, can't you say that?" Hughes asked Fengqing slowly and couldn't help asking again. In fact, Hughes was still confused about Fengqing and Longyang's true identity. Endless, only know that after being taken back from the man by the Xiujia, they stayed here all the time, only one of them went out, that is, that time, they brought back Ziyue, out of these, she was I don't know anything, but when I thought about how the two brought me here, I couldn't help but move.

"Xiaoxiu, this was originally your father would not let me tell you to listen to it now, but you will know it sooner or later, so the mother will tell you directly, in fact, the Longteng recipe you practiced, and Ziyue practiced. Fengwu Jue is a very rigid and soft law. After practice, the body's yin and yang breath will be seriously out of tune. In this way, only those who practice Longteng Jue and Fengwu Jue are a man and a woman. Longteng fighting qi, and Fengwu fighting qi tend to balance, thereby stabilizing the balance of yin and yang in the body, so that in the later training process, there will not be such a result that the qi within the meridian is extremely rigid and destroys the meridian, which eventually leads to tragedy. "Feng Qing was talking carefully while watching the expression of Hughes, fearing that Hughes would suddenly be angry.

However, what made Feng Qing feel very unexpectedly was that Hughes didn't have any superfluous facial expressions, except that when he heard Ziyue's situation, his brow furrowed tightly.

"What's the situation with Nayue now?" Hughes could not help asking

"Now Ziyue is the great sword master, but this can be stabilized in this state. If you practice again and break through the realm of the great sword master, the situation will be difficult to control by then." Feng Qing said worriedly

"Then you tell Ziyue not to practice now, I have a way to solve this matter in the future." Xius said lightly

"You have a way?" Feng Qing said, his eyes widened suddenly

"Well, but for the time being, Niang, you don't want to tell Dad about this now. I still want to ask Niang about this. Did you have an enchantment when you entered the passage?" Hughes doesn't want to think about it now. So much, and simply threw one after another heavy bombs to Feng Qing, Feng Qing was suddenly dumbfounded.

"You, how do you know?" Feng Qing asked very indifferently

"Yes." Hughes answered very simply.

See, how to see, it seems that at that time, Hughes was still a very young child. Besides, he saw how he would know about the enchantment, and he shouldn’t know about it at that time. This thing should not be remembered. Feng Qing's heart turned upside down at this time, and one question after another came up in his heart.

Seeing that Feng Qing did not answer himself, he knew in his heart that Feng Qing was wondering why he knew so low and clear, so he smiled, without explanation, but asked again

"Mother, can you tell me exactly where the enchantment is printed in that specific place, how should I crack that enchantment?"

"Why? Do you want to leave here?" Feng Qing said, his eyes widened again

"Well, don't hide my mother. I really want to get out of here. I still have something to do. I'll come back after finishing it. It's just that I need your mother to help me, but I can't let my father know. , Dad will never let me out of here by the fifteenth of the next month." Hughes said seriously.

Feng Qing didn't know why he nodded after Hughes' words, and was shocked now, and shook his head quickly.

"No, with your current strength, how to walk on the Dongling Continent will encounter danger everywhere. Furthermore, the grudge in your body is almost reaching its limit. By then, you cannot control the grudge in your body and destroy the meridians. What should I do then, no, I can't let you take this risk." Feng Qing thought about it and said with complete disapproval.

"Mother, I said, don't worry about the fighting spirit in my body, I have a way, I don't tell you, the situation you said does not exist in my body, but Ziyue, you must Tell her not to continue to practice anymore." Hughes said comfortingly

"Without this situation, how is it possible?" Feng Qing simply said in disbelief.

"Ma'am, you can't drink your dad to say this. Actually, I was practicing Longteng Ju and Feng Wu Ju together, and Feng Wu Ju was asked by Zi Yue, but don't worry, these two Fighting in my body won't hurt my body at all." Hughes had to say this thing again, but it's better to say this thing than to tell about his previous life.

"What?" Feng Qing suddenly stood up in shock, a thing she couldn't imagine. Although the dragon and phoenix dance skills, two kinds of grudges can be balanced in the body through the **** of men and women.

"Mother, I can't explain this to you right now. You still tell me where the enchantment is and how to untie the enchantment." Hughes said helplessly as Feng Qing looked surprised.

"How is it possible?" Feng Qing said to himself, "No, it's still not possible. Even so, it's still not possible with your strength."

"Mother, you can rest assured! I naturally have my way. Besides, I am a stunned teenager. Who will innocently provoke me when I go out?" Hughes was anxious, if even the always-hearted Fengqing Capital I don’t want to help myself, I’m afraid it’s impossible when I want to go out from here. Don’t look at the world around this ancient house, there is no slight difference from the outside world, but over the years, Hughes still found that this is another. This kind of enchantment, but the principle, Hughes is naturally unknown.

"But~~~ I told you, how should I explain to your father." Feng Qing said worriedly, in fact, she didn't think of what Longyang wanted to explain? It’s just that I naturally care about Hughes’s safety. Furthermore, there is that big thing that is all entrusted to Hughes. I love that Hughes to go to Tanglin mainland freely. This risk is really a bit risky. Unacceptable, a little worse, not only is Hughes dangerous, but he and Longyang have been struggling to find a plan for many years, and then they will be sinners.

"Dad, don't tell him that you told me, it's just that I found the way to leave." Hughes still said stubbornly.

"But what if you leave Ziyue?" Feng Qing said again

"Mother, didn't you tell you? Don't worry about Ziyue, I will come back naturally after the matter is done, but you shouldn't let Ziyue continue to practice during this time, until I come back, let alone, I I don’t know how I can solve Ziyue’s physical cultivation problems?” said Hughes also worried that Feng Qing wouldn’t believe in himself, and he could not help but grow up with qi and phoenix at the same time. Dance fighting qi appeared alternately once, and formed dragon-shaped and phoenix-shaped fighting qi on the body surface one after another.

Seeing this situation, Feng Qing couldn't help but believe it. She was completely shocked, and she recovered a little. She seemed hesitant in her expression.

"Do you know, another trick of Longteng Ju and Fengwu Ju?" Feng Qing said with a sigh

"What's the trick?" Hughes wondered, and he didn't seem to find anything else after practicing for more than ten years.

"Well, Long Teng Jue, and Feng Wu Jue, the reason why you have to go against the pulse. One of them, when you and Ziyue practiced the land, you have naturally discovered that once you break through, the skill growth is almost rapid. Longteng Phoenix Dance Skills, you can also change the color of the body surface of the mantle at will? This can achieve the purpose of confusing the opponent, which is very important for the cultivator when walking outside.

"Changing the color of Doumang at will?" Hughes was surprised in turn.

"Yes, although you practiced two kinds of grudges at the same time, your strength is still weak. After all, if you suddenly walk in such a deep water in Dongling mainland, it must be extremely dangerous." Feng Qing said

Upon hearing this, Hughes was happy one by one. Knowing that Feng Qing finally agreed to his request, he nodded busy.

"You come to your ears, I tell you how to control the color of the fighting mansions, and the enchantment and cracking method, but you remember to pay attention to your own safety outside. I have a jade card and a few tactics here. If you encounter a strong enemy, just drop this jade card, and let me know what you said after you passed it. As for the effect, you can understand it in the future, but remember, this jade card can only drop blood three times. Don’t use it until you have to make a last resort, otherwise the jade card will defy your mind and control your mind.” Feng Qing said with a frown, he took out the jade card and attached his ear to the ear of Huss. Nodded again and again.

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