Pioneer Knight

Chapter 909:

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Both feet kicked the ground instinctively towards the ground, but the whole body of green grudge was all concentrated behind.

"Huh." Hearing Huss groaning, he only felt his body's meridians churning, and there was a slightly salty taste in the corners of his mouth, but there was a trace of blood.

The instinctive bounce out just now, but still too late to resist the sudden behind attack, was still concentrated by one of them, but fortunately, his reaction was not too slow, but the concentrated anger was off the 60-70% strength. Although it hurts meridians, but the result is already the expected ideal situation. For this injury, Hughes naturally does not care much, because he still has the qi of yin and yang. A completely different method, but this yin and yang qi can repair the damaged meridians by itself.

but? Before waiting for Hughes to stay for a while, he realized that the two men were thinking about their front and back defenses blasting at the same time. Hughes scolded in his heart that he had already flew ahead of the body and fled the attack area of ​​the two. Fortunately, this time is the time of awareness. If you know that others are close to you, as I have just said, I am afraid that it is not just a simple problem of meridian damage.

"Are you injured?" Meixi put her pretty face on Hughes' chest. Naturally, she heard Hugh's snorting sound, and her pretty face was frozen now. She closed her eyes and stared worriedly. Hughes asked softly, looking attentively.

When Hughes heard it, he secretly cried that the woman was here to add chaos to herself.

"Close your eyes, don't ask too much." Hughes murmured again, and flew out obliquely again. This time it was several times faster than before. I saw that his figure was left in the air. A few afterimages, people have gone elsewhere.


The position that Hughes occupied just now was a loud noise, and the stone chips were flying. Although the people around him were far away, their faces changed unavoidably. Everyone knows how powerful this blow is. The teenager was hit, fearing it would be hard to escape.

Hughes knows clearly that it seems that the great swordsman Shangge character is now attacking, thinking that he can't help but reassure himself again. The one he was hit before was not this person, otherwise, he was really not as simple as a small meridian injury Yes, but what makes Huss crazy is that until now, he still hasn’t found the slightest flaw in these three people. He can only disconcertably use the power of the sense to distinguish the three people’s defenses, and then dodge, but they are completely lost. Took the initiative.

At this moment, the expression is ugly to the extreme. Before the two were attacking, now the three are attacking themselves in three directions, and the power lock range of the three is to block their own left and right outlets. Too.

Don't you have to fight hard, but even if it is hard, it is also the joint strength of the three people who are difficult to resist. After all, I am still only a big swordsman.

Thinking about the room, the three were already approaching, and in anxiety, Hughes' heart was swept.

I saw that his whole body exuded a purple grudge, and immediately showed the shape of a dragon circling around him. He could still hear the roar of the screaming dragon, but Hughes still considered the girl in her arms. Happiness, grief is that the defense is lower and more on Meixi's body, at least there are many chances of danger for Meixi, because Hughes does not want to see a woman die in his arms again.

"Haha, it turns out that the three masters of Zhao Cheng's family are doing all they can to do this to bully a junior. Today I can see clearly in Huangpu Yuxiang."

When the three men were about to siege Hughes, they were shocked to hear a shout, and then felt a coercion of pressure on the three.

The three were originally only three meters away from Hughes. At that moment, they felt the powerful coercion. They could not help but change their faces. They gave up in a sudden, and then retreated, but their grievances turned to defense. Far away from Hughes, who was ready to resist the three-man blow.

Just listening to the words just fell, I saw a dark purple figure flashing not far from Hughes, staying introverted, but I saw a handsome young man's majestic combat power there.

The young man looked at the three men with a playful smile at the moment, and then looked at Hughes again, but the smile was on one side, slightly friendly, but it made Hughes very elusive.

Looking at this young man's fighting style, Hughes knows that this young man's strong temperament should be the peak state of the great sword master of his own parents, thinking about it, it is because of this age. It’s not easy to cultivate, but Hughes’s conjecture in his heart is that he can know the provenance of the three people, but here Deng Di is so concealing his own strength. Then, it is conceivable that the youth is naturally in Deng Di Has a certain family background, and is no less than that of Zhao Yu.

"Huangpu Yuxiang, what's the matter with Laozi next to you?" Zhao Yu was wearing a young man and cursed at the moment. It seems that Zhao Yu is no stranger to this Huangpu Yuxiang, but just look at him With a look in his eyes, he knew that Yu Huang did not drink Zhao Yu right.

Seeing these two people, Hughes felt vaguely interesting, but thinking about the young man's sudden interruption, what was the purpose?

"What hinders me? That is naturally what hinders me. Zhao Yu, you always rely on your dad as the prime minister of the heavens and the sun, and do whatever you want in Dengdi. I am such a person in Huangpu Yuxiang. I love to fight, and I don’t want to see you robbing the women of the people today. I’m embarrassed to say that these two brothers and sisters, can you tell me that Huangpu Yuxiang can sit and watch? Zhao Yu, others are afraid of you, it’s because of your family, but, I am Huangpu Yu Xiang is not afraid of the sky, I am in control of this matter today, and you three servants, even relying on yourself to cultivate deepness, but embarrassing this young man, spread it, where are these three old faces going? Hold it? Why, today I come to teach the true strength of the three Zhao masters in the legend?" said Huangpu Yuxiang, a realistic hippie, but suddenly the morale of the whole body changed, and he turned back to that majesty again. Playful Zhao Yu's look.

The three men frowned, looking at the Huangpu Yuxiang in this scene, secretly playing a retreat, if they could use the power of three people to siege the previous teenager, but facing Huangpu Yuxiang How dare a young man who has overpowered three people in his strength dare to take action, besides, the young man was still on the side, and his grudge was extremely strange, before it was still green, but now suddenly turned into Purple, this makes them unable to grasp the true strength of the teenager.

Seeing the three hesitated, Huangpu Yuxiang couldn't help but smiled coldly.

"Why not? It seems that the masters of Zhao Cheng's mansion are nothing but ill! It's just a name." Huangpu Yuxiang said ironically now.

Zhao Yu now looks like the bitter gourd after the stir-fried, there is no improvement, although in the capital of Deng Di, although he can control most of the people, but some of Deng’s family forces, he still does not have the courage to go Annoyed, not only did his father Zhao Liang explain himself, but he also believed that, just like the Huangpu Yuxiang in front of him, he was a dead rival, but he couldn't take his own way. I always hated myself, thinking to myself, that this guy has traces of him everywhere, but when I saw the so-called masters in these houses, I didn’t have any impulse, and I cursed a few words in my heart, and then Gritted

"Okay, today I will give you Huangpu Yuxiang a face, but if he will let me hit this man again in the future, I will blame the old man for being ruthless." Of course, Zhao Yu naturally wants to keep his face a little bit and put some cruel words on it. Going out, in fact, Zhao Yu also knew clearly that if he wanted to use his own strength to deal with Nasius, it was naturally impossible, only to rely on a large number of people, but today's thing is to make him lose face, Huss. Although the person does not know his name, he assumes his appearance in his hostile camp.

After finishing talking, Zhao Yu glared fiercely at the three men, flicking his long sleeves. "Why are you still standing? Go back."

Now the people who brought them, even the woman who had not taken care of it before, left.

Seeing this, Hughes couldn’t help but breathe out, thinking secretly, but also because the youth killed halfway today, otherwise, it’s really difficult for him to deal with the three men, thinking that he is a gang, Where did the strange fighting technique of the three men come from? They could escape from the space out of thin air.

But at the moment, I saw the young man walked towards himself with a smile, and immediately cut off his thoughts and looked at the young man. Although this young man helped himself once, he still inevitably stayed vigilant. After all, a guarding heart is indispensable.

"Thank you Xiongtai for your help." Hughes did not lose his courtesy, and immediately said he learned the courtesy of his own life.

That Huangpu Yuxiang couldn't help but stunned, but felt that this young man was very strangely, and also had more interest in his heart. Before that, I saw that the young man was able to change the fighting at will, but he had always been inconsistent with that of Zhao Yu. In this matter, this is the only way to help.

"Uh, it's a trivial matter, why don't you hang your teeth." Although I have never seen the young boy's arching gesture, he naturally understood the meaning, and now he said politely after learning about Hughes's behavior.

Seeing that Huangpu Yuxiang’s movements were very strange, Hughes understood seven or eight points in his heart. It seems that many rules in this world are still different, and what he knows in Longyang’s study Among the many is a corner.

"I don't know how you got this Zhao Yu?" Huangpu Yuxiang asked immediately. In fact, Huangpu Yuxiang came here just by accident, and the specific process of this matter is not Clearly, I knew at a glance what happened to the girl, but I didn’t know anything about Hughes. I only knew that Zhao Yuding was deliberately embarrassing this young man.

Hughes thought or left with the young man, but left. But he did not expect that the young man first asked himself, hesitated, and said

"In fact, I don't know it myself. It was difficult for Zhao Yu to see my brother and sister." Xiusi said perfunctoryly

But the sister Xi, who was still in Hughes's arms, raised her head and looked at Hughes happily. Her eyes were full of care, and she looked very pleasant.

When Huangpu Yuxiang saw her sister, she felt awkward in her heart, thinking that taking her sister's face was already beyond description, but did not expect that such a woman would see another one again, but now she sighed in her heart, but? The exclamation was attributed to the exclamation. Huangpu Yuxiang only looked at Meixi for a while, and he already understood why Zhao Yu had troubled the two of them, and then he smiled knowingly.

"That fellow is notorious in Dengdi, relying on his dad to be a heavy minister in the DPRK, this is what he does." Huangpu Yuxiang said

Hughes smiled, not interested in Zhao Yu's identity.

"No brother, your surname, my Huangpu Yuxiang just likes to make friends. If we don't dislike it, how would we be friends?" Huangpu Yuxiang said now.

"Shus." Huss said his name, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, he still explained it.

The girl next to her was happy to hear it, and she couldn't help smiling, she naturally knew why Hughes said that, it must have been because of her own misunderstanding last time.

Huangpu Yuxiang felt very strange when he heard the name immediately, but Hughes explained that he couldn't help but smile.

"Since Xiongtai told me his name, then I would be Xiongtai willing to make my friend. I am Huangpu Yuxiang and Dengdi Huangpu family." Huangpu Yuxiang said with a smile. Although I have already reported my name before, I think even so, since Hughes said it, it is better to repeat it.

Hughes nodded slightly, thinking about what excuse he should find to get out of it, what Huangpu family, he was not interested.

It's just that Hughes has gone through the things before, but has forgotten what Longyang said to him and Ziyue more than ten years ago.

In fact, the most wanted question in Yupu Yuxiang’s mind was the change of Hughes’s fierce fighting, but at this moment, there was no chance to ask for an exit. After all, just making friends, he was asking such a question. The other party looks abrupt, and the other party will definitely think that he has a purpose.

"Brother Huangpu, my sister and I still have important things to deal with. Let's not pass today. If the future is destined, how will it be natural to meet you and talk to you?" Hughes saw Huangpu Yuxiang and continued. Speaking of the posture, it was decided at the moment that I should find an excuse to leave. Now, the faster I go, the better. When the province saves me, Zhao Yu comes back and finds himself in trouble. Although Zhao Yu was afraid of Huangpu Yuxiang, it was not that he would be afraid of himself.

Seeing Hughes say this, Huangpu Yuxiang sighed in his heart, thinking that it is no longer a matter of asking now, and only looking forward to having a chance to see you in the future.

"Since Brother Xiu, you have the key to do things, then I will naturally not bother, except that Brother Xiu is done, remember to come to Dengdi and my Huangpu family as guests."

Hughes said with a sigh of relief.

"Sure." At that moment, she glanced at her sister who was watching her all the time, and under the direction of the gesture, the two left.

Huangpu Yuxiang waved his hands helplessly, but turned back to see the woman Zhao Yu wanted to rob, but it was the side of the dying old man who was suffering.

Somewhat annoyed, thinking that every time he encountered Zhao Yu's servant, there was nothing good. He smiled bitterly and quickly stepped forward, but he used his own grudge to heal the old man.

"Xusi, didn't you say you want to spend some time in Deng Di? The son was obviously intentionally invited just now, why didn't you want to?" Although Meixi didn't follow Xiusi for a long time, she still understood how Some Hughes’ thoughts, when the two were away, asked

"I didn't know anything about him in the first place, and I was unfamiliar with Dengdi, how could I agree so easily." Hughes whispered

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