Pioneer Knight

Chapter 911:

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"not good."

Just at the moment when Jianzong's fighting energy changed, the five people under that Jianzong shouted in horror. It was originally an unstoppable trend, but it was hard to think about how to withdraw such a blow.

However, just after the five people shouted in panic, preparing to evacuate the attack, it was inexplicable that they were forcibly absorbed by the Jianzong.

Suddenly, I saw that the purple-black grudge was violently shrouded along the five-person grudge hood, and the strange breath that dared to exude was inexplicable. I never thought that time would have such a fighting technique. Although the urge time is too long, the defense is able to support the transition of this time.

"Meisha was urged by this old ghost." There was something to hear his people shouting immediately, that is, the five figures were already separated, but this separation only existed among the five of them, not to leave. That purple-black grudge.

In fact, at the moment, the five people wanted to leave the purplish-black grudge, but it was impossible for them, because Hughes now observed that the five men were completely wrapped up in the purplish-black grudge. I just kept seeing the five people struggling to bump out of the purple-black grudge hood.

"Well, don't you want this old man's hand to die? Why, now you can see that you can't be turned upside down?" That Jianzong was finally speaking at the moment, and the cold voice was like the death of the nine ghosts. Generally, it was chilling.

The purple and black grudge gradually revolved under the control of the gap, and the volume was getting bigger, and the energy contained in it was also stronger. Hughes had to move slightly and think about the rear. It was pushed a few feet away, which was slightly better.

Looking up again, I saw that the purple-black grudge was vaguely extended into the space with many strange graffiti tentacles, waving arbitrarily, very strange and abnormal.

"It's your pleasure to let you die under the old man's fate today, and at this moment you would like to break out of the old man's grudge, which is a combination of grudge and enchantment. Your strength is being step by step. Meteorism is absorbed by the hollow, and then your flesh essence, and you will enjoy yourself in the process of referring to it! No matter which family you are from, since it is annoying the old man, there is naturally only one way to die." It was Leng Sen's saying that under the electric light, even his form was seriously strange and impermanent in Hughes.

At the moment, with the two sentences of Jianzong, after swallowing, the five people have already felt the situation that Jianzong said, their own grievances are being lost in a straight line at this moment, and they are not under their control at all. The earth was originally able to use grudge, but now there is no possibility at all, and the hearts of them are ashamed. The five of them did not expect that the news error of such a family was to let all five of them bury the sword again.

"Ah~~" One of the five great swordsmen of relatively low strength was pale and vaguely dialysis at the moment. This is the sign that the grudge was swallowed up, and he only heard him scream. But the whole body of flesh and blood began to dissolve, and it looked terrible.

"Five younger brother, fifth younger brother." The other four people couldn't help but be dismayed, watching the five younger brothers call out in distress, but nothing happened.

"My fighting spirit has also been exhausted." However, when the other four people shouted that the tibia was faintly seen in the purple and black fighting chest, they shouted in panic.

"The third brother."

"3rd Brother"


Not waiting for the other four to finish shouting, but it was another scream, and another person was completely exhausted.

Listening to the screams, Hughes was standing upright with his hair all over his body, thinking secretly in his heart, and the **** cruelty of meteor combat.

Thinking about it, I heard that all the screams in the fighting hood are still there, and where is there any calling, but these five people are also tough, but under such strength, there is no word for mercy .

It didn't take a moment, but it was listening to the sound that had no more breath. Hughes knew that all these five people had been swallowed by the strange meteor. How did he swallow it? Hughes naturally didn't know, of course, he didn't want to know .

It was only at this moment that Sword Sect was slightly restrained, but the body of the Sword Sect gradually appeared, but it was a year old, and the clothing around the body was already tattered, but even so, Hughes could still feel vaguely The unusual majesty of the Jianzong strongman around him, and the gap at the top of the Jianzong's head was gradually narrowing. As the gap around the narrowing of the pressure was gradually receding, Hughes immediately relaxed. , Secretly calling this force so powerful.

Jianzong stood there with cold eyes, but he did not leave immediately. When he looked closely, he saw that there was no trace of blood in his standing place. Presumably, what Jianzong said to the five people was true. First Devouring their grudges, ruining their cultivation, and then their flesh and shins are devoured.

Jianzong glanced at the surrounding environment, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but his face was suddenly red, and he was also surprised. The mysterious scroll spread out in the palm of the hand, but it was seen in the palm of the hand, and the scroll was not comparable. Normally, there are a lot of small ones. Looking at the strange breath, Jian Zong frowned deeper.

"I didn't expect this meteor combat technique to be able to control the minds of others, and I don't know what kind of character and what kind of strength can control such power?" Jian Zong said silently with anxiety in his heart.

Just now, when faced with the siege of five people, how could a rookie who had just stepped into the realm of Jianzong be hostile to the combined strength of such five great swordsmen, Jianzong knew that the five came while he broke through The purpose of the siege was the meteor shamanistic scroll that I accidentally obtained. The reel fell into the hands of others at the moment, but it was a bold action to use the recipe on the reel. Unexpectedly, the force of the meteor is very powerful. , Just after finishing the scroll law, but the mind has been emptied by the strange power, but there are endless **** killing intentions in the heart, and now the five people are trapped in the mixture of fighting spirit and enchantment. In the terrifying space, he did not understand the power of that space, but he felt the evil in it and the horrible death of the five people. In the end, he was completely swallowed and destroyed by the power of the dead, No drop of blood remained.

When I was terrified, my face was flushed immediately, and I suddenly coughed. How could I know that a spit of blood spit out, but my body was falling away, and Jianzong was busy forcibly suppressing the injury in my body, which was slightly better.

At this time, Hughes, who was dozens of feet away, looked at the Jianzong secretly at this moment. When he saw the situation, he immediately understood that although the Jianzong swallowed the five people, the decision was to hurt himself. This thought was inexplicably loosened, but it was so loose, but immediately screamed that it was not good, and immediately held the breath in my heart again, however, it was too late at this moment.

"Who is your Excellency? I have seen it there. Can I come out to meet you now?" But it was the voice of Jianzong shouting towards himself

Husband still thought of holding a lucky heart, hoping that there would be some people who had already arrived, but he had not discovered it, but was discovered by the Jianzong, but? For a long time, I didn't move, but I didn't move at all. I felt helpless in my heart, thinking that it must be myself, but I was inexplicably nervous in my heart. Will you give yourself again?

Hughes stood straight and looked at the Jianzong from a distance, and the Jianzong was also looking at himself. At this moment, Hughes found that in fact, he was relatively far away from the Jianzong, and secretly regretted it, so Far, whether he found out is himself, however, now that he has come out, there is no room.

At the moment, Hughes appeared in a flash, and stood a few feet away from the sword sect. He did not dare to get close to the sword sect. Naturally, he was worried that Jianzong was unhappy because he wanted to kill himself. It is.

"Young man, you really have patience." The Jianzong did not look at himself as fierce as Hughes imagined, but instead looked at Hughes with a faint smile.

"You should leave quickly, someone here will soon dare to come, presumably Deng's place, there are many strong, although you are a strong swordsman, but you are already seriously injured at this moment, your situation is not optimistic "" Hughes said calmly and pretentiously. Although he knew that the sword sect had been injured, but who knew how bad the sword sect was, if one was unsatisfied, it would be bad to kill himself, the reason In this way, it is natural to intimidate yourself by adding a bit of pseudo-strength, so that this sword sect is afraid.

"You don't have to worry, if they want to arrive, they'll be there long ago." Who knew that Jianzong said with a faint smile, he didn't care

"Huh?" Hughes was confused.

"The five people had already opened a world-environment within a hundred feet in order to avoid the energy fluctuations that caused them to dare to come when they were fighting with me. When all the energy fluctuations here are locked, they will not be attracted. ""Jianzong was puzzled when he saw Hughes' eyes.

"Then how can I know?" Hughes heard it, and immediately wondered, but then thought about it, and then came, and only himself rushed over, which is in line with this sword sect.

"How did you know you came here?" Jianzong was actually very puzzled. How did Hughes come here? It stands to reason that the enchantment of the earth would not cause this young man to come here, and I just saw him. This young man's cultivation is nothing more than a senior swordsman, and it is even more impossible to know here.

As soon as Huss heard it, he was immediately worried. Since the Jianzong said, the five people set up a world-boundary to block all the energy fluctuations of their fighting methods, so they should not find it, and came here.

"Uh, I just passed by here, and happened to see that you were besieged by those five seniors. My juniors are weak and weak. I had to be curious and look at the strong man's style. Then I stopped to wait and see. "" Hughes suddenly changed his mind, Hu Huo said, the momentum he had originally dismantled was instantly disintegrated, but Hughes didn't know whether his Hu Huo could deceive this Jianzong thought.

When Jianzong heard it, there was a mysterious smile on his face, but then he nodded, and some of the turbidity in his eyes that had originally been caused by the injury was suddenly gone but replaced by some strange eyes.

Although Husson seems reasonable in this way, it is not reasonable. How can this Sect Sect believe that, first of all, although the world-enchantment can block energy fluctuations, but people of ordinary strength, even if they pass by and see the six in the enchantment It’s impossible to get close to humans in fighting methods. Moreover, the world-environmental enclave opened by the five people is surrounded by hundreds of feet, but the teenager is talking about lightness, so he came out of his tens of feet. This is again How to explain, the only place where you can find the answer is some unusual aspects of this young man. Furthermore, even if he just fought with the five people just now, there is still a trace of attention to the surrounding conditions. In the past, the five people have no support. It was found that this was only the boy of the senior swordsman again. It didn't make him aware until the boy loosened a little bit of heart just now, and the reason why he said that, of course, he was just talking about it, the purpose is to let Ye think that he has been Perceived him, and only exposed it now.

but? Although Jianzong knew in his heart that the boy was concealing himself, he did not expose it. He was interested in the singularity of the boy. He was slightly nervous when he saw Hughes' expression, but he smiled again. less.

"Don't be nervous, boy, if I have malicious intentions, will you still be unable to speak to me again? You just saw that fighting method just now?" Jianzong said

Hughes nodded.

"What kind of fighting technique is that?" Hughes asked with curiosity, boldly. Although the Sword Sect said so, Hughes didn't think so. Among the powerful, most of them were people with changeable temperaments, so they should be extremely careful.

"Oh, you don't need to know this, because with your strength it is far from being able to practice that kind of fighting technique. Furthermore, this fighting technique is too evil, and it doesn't matter if you don't cultivate." Jian Zongwei reminded with a smile

Hughes knew the evil of the fighting technique, and nodded slightly, but this Jianzong didn't explain, but his heart was more itchy, but Hughes knew that itching was tickling, now is not the time.

"You can't divulge what happened tonight, otherwise you might be killed by death, do you know if you are?"

As soon as Huss heard it, he understood now and nodded again.

"Who are those five people and dare to **** this fighting technique with their predecessors?" Hughes asked.

"I don't know, but the people who made the old man anxious end like this." That Jianzong said with a slight line on his face, so cruel.

Hughes suddenly felt a sudden outburst, secretly telling him which pot he would not open.

However, seeing Jianzong's face was slightly relaxed, and his heart was also relaxed a lot.

"Who is your surname?" Jianzong asked after sorting out

"Shus." Huss told his name.

"Your surname Xiu?" Unexpectedly, Jianzong couldn't help but surprised, looked at Xiusi and said

"Well, seniors have heard of it?" Seeing this Jianzong's expression strange, Hughes noticed in music what did he notice? Asked immediately

"In Deng Di, the surname Xiu no longer exists. You should not be a Deng Di person." Jian Zong turned to say

At the sight of Hughes, he couldn't help but feel more excited, thinking that Jianzong must have known what happened to Deng Dixiu's family more than ten years ago, and now he answered the Tao

"Well, the predecessors are right, I am not a Deng Di person, I just pass through Deng Di."

"You are doing this but you dare to walk on the mainland of Dongling, but also have some courage." The performance of Jianzong was somewhat disappointing Xius, and now he was touching a jade card from his chest. Hughes threw it.

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