Pioneer Knight

Chapter 914:

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"Who is he?" Xia Houtian stretched out his hand to pull Huangpu Agarwood, but he saw that the woman was very unintentional, and immediately felt embarrassed.

"You don't care." Huangpu Chenxiang wiped tears from the corner of her eyes, knowing that crying in front of this man is really detrimental to the image, but the tone is faint.

He touched his nose again, Xia Houtian felt even more uncomfortable, and immediately stopped speaking.

"I want to go back, please help yourself." Huangpu Chenxiang, naturally did not want to stay with this man at the moment. The reason why he used to be with this man was better, but that's just, the man doesn't behave like those young masters **However, just the words of Xia Houtian just now angered the taboo of Agarwood in Huangpu. Naturally, the original good feelings for Xia Houtian disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Xiahou, I reiterate that if you dare to deal with the young man, don't blame me for not warning you." Originally, Xiahou Tian was thinking about it, looking for an opportunity to inquire about the identity of the young man just now, and then look for opportunities to teach him. Instead, he turned around again and said coldly that Xia Houtian couldn't help but stunned, and then he felt very angry, but the anger was transferred to Hughes again.

"Sister Shenxiang, why are you so kind to Xiahou brother?" Who would have expected, at this time, came to meet a pretty woman again, and the whole body was also dressed in a skirt yarn, but the color of the skirt yarn was sinking in color with Huangpu Different, Huangpu Aquilaria is white, but the woman is pink, the hair is coiled, and the temperament is full.

However, the face of the woman who came in small steps carefully was the woman who met Hughes three nights ago and vowed to seize Hughes in this world.

But seeing this woman's smile blooming, she was close to Huangpu Agarwood by pulling the lotus arm of Huangpu Agarwood, but did not notice the look of Huangpu Agarwood at this time.

"Shi Shi, your sister Shen Xiang is not very comfortable, and you go back with your sister Shen Xiang to have a good rest." Xia Houtian looked at Huang Pu's face and said to Ouyang Shi Shi now

Ouyang Shishi only observed that Huangpu's face was extremely ugly at this moment, so he asked in surprise.

"Sister Xiangxiang, what's the matter with you? Did anyone offend you? Brother Xiahou, did you make my sister Chenxiang angry?" Ouyang Shishi didn't see the scene where Hughes and Huangpu Chenxiang met, naturally thinking, she came Before, only Xia Houtian was alone with Huangpu Agarwood, so Xia Houtian was included as the best suspect in the following consciousness.

"How dare I." Xia Houtian looked at Huangpu Agarwood, and then Shen Sheng said, worried and then realized that he couldn't seem to say this in front of Huangpu Agarwood, so he said "Poetry, You still accompany your sister Shen Xiang to go back to rest."

Huangpu Agarwood glanced at Xiahoutian, and then said to Ouyang Shishi

"Poem, don't guess, I'm fine, I just feel a little tired."

After speaking, it was the first to walk. Although the two people’s words seemed simple, Ouyang’s poems took the initiative to wrap these simple words around several people. I thought about what was wrong with the two people. In the past, the relationship between the two people Not very good, why...

"Ah! Sister Shen Xiang, you wait for me, and I will accompany you back." I was thinking, but I was touched by Xia Houtian's arm. Seeing the latter made me jealous, but now I see Huangpu Chenxiang but leave without regard to myself. Going dozens of steps away, he shouted towards Huangpu Agarwood.

Xia Houtian looked at the slow-moving Huangpu Agarwood, but his face became extremely gloomy again, and turned around again, watching the direction of Hughes' disappearance and thinking.

"Sister Xiangxiang, what happened to you and Brother Xiahou?" Ouyang Shishi still did not give up, thinking about what happened between them.

"How can I have anything with him, poems, can I no longer always mention Xiahou in my ears in the future?" Huangpu Chenxiang is now in a state of anxiety, listening to Ouyang's poems and mentioning Xiahoutian impatiently. Say

Although Ouyang Poetry is a slow half-beat, but listening to this, naturally understand that Huangpu Agarwood must have been impatient. Ouyang Poetry grew up with Huangpu Agarwood since childhood, but it is natural that this big The temperament of Huangpu Agarwood for a few hours, he responded obediently at the moment, and then said nothing.

Seeing Ouyang poetry and poetry in Huangpu sinking like this, he couldn’t help but feel amused, but he couldn’t laugh. Although Ouyang poetry and poetry were only a few hours younger than himself, he has always called his sister. It’s still a childish mind, not as reserved as a girl, but it is extremely naughty, but although Huangpu Akasaka thinks that girls are so bad, they subconsciously hope for themselves. She can forget everything like Ouyang Shishi, the little nizi, and play with her temperament, but she knows that all of this is destined to not live that carefree, because she bears the memory of the past life, Reincarnation in this world, how can you feel relieved, especially the teenager just now.

"Why? Shi Shi, did the boy you told me three days ago find it?" Huang Pu Chen Xiang saw Ouyang Shi Shi seems to be in a low mood, and now barely smiled, but remembered this girl three days ago. The thing he said to himself, could not help but ask, but he thought it was funny, and the young man was not ordinary, and the young lady Xiaohuan of her previous life was so angry. It is not an ordinary person, but it is the previous life of the boy.

It's just that Huangpu Agarwood didn't connect these two things at the moment. Think about it, maybe many things are really doomed freely, and sometimes fate is not completely in your own hands.

"Well, don't mention it, that stinky boy, dare to say that to Miss Ben like that, to see how I stripped him alive after I found him." As soon as he mentioned the teenager who scolded him idiot, Ouyang's poems were hit with blood at the moment. , Said angrily, looking at that look must be that after the boy was caught, there was nothing good to eat.

Seeing the pretty face of Ouyang's poems, Huangpu Chenxiang couldn't help but smile slightly bitterly, but didn't make a speech, and instead looked sad.

At this moment, Hughes only slightly improved, and gradually gained strength to straighten himself, but his mind still could not calm down.

He really did not expect that Situ Mingyue even came to this world with himself, but when thinking about the three people in the real gas mask, himself, Situ Mingyue, and the dead Acui, thinking of Hughes was a little palpitated. Moved? He didn't understand, who actually made the hands and feet on these three people so much~~~

On one side, Meixi didn’t ask about Hughes and Huangpu Agarwood, but just stared at Hughes like this, but secretly guessed in her heart. After all, judging from the situation just now, there are indeed some causes and consequences between the two. Relationship, but why Hughes treated the woman like this, Meixi wanted to break her head, so it’s unclear, and the woman’s crying, it seems that the woman committed a fault that made Hughes unforgivable. .

Hughes didn't know that the girl at the moment thought about it, and didn't have that mentality to think about it, but the thought had already returned to the past.

The scene that has appeared in my dream countless times, for many years, I have been reluctant to mention Situ Mingyue, but fate is such cynical.


"Lin Xiaoyou, it is better for us to close our hands and withdraw our true energy to avoid hurting each other. What do you think?" It was the Wudang Li Daoyou who was very incomparable in Tai Chi skills, which was before Hughes and him. What is known in the contest is that Hughes’s yin and yang qi are even more bizarre, but they have not lost to Li Daoyou in the qi, but they have not beaten it. After all, Hughes practiced yin and yang. It's only more than three months since I was angry. Presumably Li Daoyou's cultivation behavior was extremely funny.

Hughes glanced at Acui in his arms for a long time, and there was no voice for a long time, and his expression was bleak. Now his heart is full of murderous intentions. Where would he listen to the words of Li Daoyou? The real Qi was turned over several times, and the energy of this Qi Qi hood will be reached immediately. The masters outside the Qi Qi hood must send their clothes to the real space, and they will retreat one after another.

"Lin Xiaoyou, no, we really regret this girl's death, but? Guo Lieping has already been killed by you. Why can't you let go of the killing thoughts?" Li Daoyou is still fighting against Hughes, but he can pull it out The ability to persuade those who have gradually entered the magic realm

"Everyone present has to die today." I know Hughes shouted violently, and now he wanted to kick back the real gas mask and knocked down Li Daoyou. Unexpectedly, the majors who were still vigilant The master is not in a good situation. Nowadays, he has forced internal forces to pour into the appearance of Hughes’s true air cover. The pressure suddenly increased greatly, but the original anti-shock was hit back to himself. In this way, Hughes’ body Seriously, but fortunately, Yin and Yang Zhenqi can quickly help the body repair the damaged meridians. At the moment, it was originally a weak Hughes. He strongly supported himself for a period of time, but he was shocked by the outside masters. , I thought that Hughes was sure to succumb to the presence of such a master, but who would have expected that Hughes's true energy was getting stronger and stronger, and Li Daoyou was more terrified in his heart, thinking secretly, this Hughes’ internal strength cultivation was indeed strange and anomalous, but suddenly he was able to gradually improve his internal strength. He thought to himself, what is so good about his Yin Yang simplistic mentality, originally thought that his own Wudang Taijigong Dharma is already a well-deserved scholastic in martial arts, but unexpectedly it is more mysterious today.

When Li Daoyou competed with Hughes, he understood that Hughes’ internal strength was cultivated. Furthermore, Hughes later copied his own Taiji sword technique, named Wuji sword technique, but he knocked himself down in swordsmanship, but Hughes gave himself a face, but it was not obscure. In the face of the middle master, he admitted that he lost, which naturally kept his face dignity in the hands of the Central Plains Wulin Middle School in front of the middle master. I am very grateful, thinking that Hughes is not the demon of that year. Although it is the same as the cultivator of Yin and Yang, it is not necessarily a disaster for the rivers and lakes. As long as it is guided on the right path, it will be the Central Plains Wulin Fortunately, people were not as good as God. Suddenly killed a Guo Lieping, but in revenge for killing the son of Hughes. Unexpectedly, Hughes did not kill, but instead killed the woman. , Gradually turning the magic path, this is the current scene.

However, Li Daoyou didn't want Hughes to go astray, so he took the martial taboo and forcibly persuaded Hughes to compete with Hughes, but who would have thought that such persuasion was completely rocky, and vaguely counterproductive. It worked, only to realize that the murderous intent of Nasius was full of his inexplicable innocence, which shocked everyone.

At the moment, middle and high masters naturally also exert their close internal strength, which can compete with Nasius, and it is difficult to distinguish the superiors for a while.

Hughes still thinks so much about his mind now. His brain was the moment before Acui died, and he didn’t even have time to say a word before leaving, and he was left alone that left him confused for so long. Smile.

"Three guns, you wake up soon! You can't hurt your heart because of Acui's death." At this moment, it is listening to the painful Situ Mingyue, who was unable to lie beside him, calling out to herself.

However, how could Hughes hear it now, without a slight response, his eyes gradually turned red.

"Everyone, this fellow has gradually entered the magic realm. If it does not come out today, I am afraid that the scourge of the Central Plains martial arts will come, just like the fellow master Hua Yangzi." At this moment, one person shouted suddenly, toward those masters. Say

At first glance, this person was the head of the Lin family where Huss was before. I saw him with a vicious face, but he did not fight Huss with those masters.

Although Hughes didn't look at the person's figure, he could still hear who he was. At first, Hughes would be reduced to this, not precisely because of this person's whisper, he was eager to cultivate his own mentality, which did not want to be good. I thought, the thought of killing my heart was a bit more.

The strong killing intention immediately reminded the masters who were competing for internal strength. As the head of the Lin family said, this person could not be found at this moment, and it would certainly be difficult to have such opportunities in the future, not to mention that this fellow has been so advanced, and there will be Who will be his opponent?

Someone said forcefully

"Lin Family Master, what you said is very reasonable. But why don't I wait for the internal force to compete with this fellow, I might as well trouble the Lin Family Lord to disperse this fellow's true energy and kill him."

When Lin master heard this, his face was ruthless, but wasn't he a fool, such a sneak attack behind his back would not be tolerated by the right ways of the rivers and lakes, although today's masters of rivers and lakes and prestige testify, But this black pot must be the responsibility of her Lin family. The reason why he said that before was nothing more than to inspire the masters to send Hughes to the shock so as not to pass on the things he did to Hughes in the future. Lin Jiake was on the list.

"Why should I wait for the people who are at risk in this way of doing things at the risk of others?" Who would have thought that the Lord Lin did not say anything to evade, then Li Daoyou retorted the moment, which actually gave the Lord Lin a step down.

"Brother Li is talking about it." Na Lin said under the excuse, thinking that Li Daoyou was really a roundworm in his belly.

"Brother Li, we can still talk about justice and injustice at this time. Is it possible to let this servant indulge in the rivers and lakes? In the future, who will be responsible for the **** storms of the rivers and lakes? You are the one who lives me?" At that moment, the voice seemed extremely weak. It seemed that it was indeed unwise to speak while trying to equalize the internal force.

Then when Li Daoyou heard it, he was at a loss for the moment, and he did not want to let Huss die like this. After all, Huss still has hope in this situation, so killing him is really unbearable in his heart, but listen to the responsibility of the rivers and lakes It was speculated again that the rivers and lakes were not his Li Daoyou alone, nor the rivers and lakes of his Wudang faction. If Hughes really fell into the devil, who would bear the responsibility for the future?

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