Pioneer Knight

Chapter 927:

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"I'm just curious about your fighting spirit." Dongfang Lingyin's face smiled slightly and said

Hughes is now confused by this Oriental Lingyin, wondering if all the female students in this fighting academy are nervous, this Eastern Lingyin first had the expression that I owe him a thousand and two. But with such a smile, it's really unclear what the woman's purpose is.

"Curious? What's the curiosity? On the Tanglin Continent, there are strange ways to practice. Everyone has their own methods, and there is nothing strange." Hughes said lightly

"But you are different." Dongfang Lingyin is a little bit resigned

"Not the same, I am a person, you are also a person, I think the only difference is that you are a woman and I am a man, but I don’t think you can’t accept that I am a man because of this."

"I mean your fighting spirit, your fighting spirit is different, you can change the color of the fighting spirit at will, I think your cultivation is definitely not what you showed with Ouyang poetry and poetry on that day! Furthermore, Tanglin On the mainland, I don’t say everything, but most of them. I only know that there are two kinds of people who can change the color of Dou Mang.” Dongfang Ayin said at the moment with the frost face

"Two kinds of people? Those two kinds of people?" Hughes was interested and asked immediately.

"One is to break through the imprisonment of the realm and reach a deeper level of cultivation, while the other is a person who reduces cultivation."

When Hughes heard it, even though it was funny, he wondered whether the woman was here to find happiness or what?

"Then what do you think I am?" Hughes asked

"You belong to the third kind of person." Has Hughes thought that Dongfang Lingyin would reply like this, thinking in his heart that Dongfang Lingyin would say that you are neither a cultivation person for promotion, nor a cultivation person for reduction, or both. None are waiting.

"The third kind?" Hughes was helpless, but his expression was unnatural. Although the color of the fight was changed on that day, there must be some people who knew it, unless the blind were present, but they did not get up with such curiosity, just go and ask.

"Yes, you are the third person I know can change the color of Dou Mang arbitrarily."

"So you're curious?" Hughes was a little impatient. Others gave the beauty face, but Hughes, who was accustomed to beauty, was not the case.

Dongfang Lingyin couldn't help her face dim, just under the cover of that frosted face, it was not so obvious, but she was thinking in her heart that Hughes was also a different kind. He didn’t ask, and then he seriously wounded Ouyang’s poems without hesitation. Now it’s the attitude that he can’t say a few words to himself. Although Dongfang Lingyin is clear in his heart, his actions are extremely abrupt for Hughes, but Dongling Lingyin is a person who is not cold and has few words and poor expressions, but the curiosity in his heart is very powerful. Will make this decision.

"If this is the case, I’m not very curious. As you said, the practitioners of Dongling mainland are strange, and no one can guarantee that no one can change the color of Dou Mang at will. There are two other breaths mixed in the same day. Although you use the grudge as a disguise to cover up those two breaths, but the subtle changes are too sensitive for me, so these days, I have been Thinking, I am afraid that you are not just practicing fighting spirit." Dongfang Lingyin's words suddenly surprised Hughes.

But Hughes was shocked in his heart, but he did not change his face. He looked at Dongfang Lingyin and smiled. It seems that you are also a leader hidden in this fighting courtyard. The meaning of words is not without irony.

Dongfang Lingyin didn't care about Huss's words, just looked at Huss, but said something, which made Huss more shocked.

"You also practiced martial arts."

If the previous sentence, Hughes can still hide his inner shock, but at the moment, Dongfang Lingyin's words, Hughes can't hide anyway, the secret of his own is also Longyang and Fengqing Not aware, how could she know?

It's just that when Longyang was the rebellion of Hughes, he knew it for a long time, but he didn't know the source of this breath, and Hughes didn't know it.

Although Hughes was shocked in his heart, listening to Dongfang Lingyin's words was depressed, and he couldn't help but wondering. Did he think that Dongfang Lingyin still wanted to know this secret by her alone?

Seeing Hughes's expression, Dongfang Lingyin secretly nodded, thinking that his guess was indeed correct, but all of this was derived from the power that Hughes inadvertently made that day.

"What about this?" After a little recovery, Hughes pretended not to care.

"If you know the rules of Dongling mainland, you won't think so." Dongfang Lingyin hung Suss appetite sentence by sentence.

Hughes heard it. Although a little surprised, but then thought about the rules? Isn't that the eternal law of weak and strong food?

"Although you practice martial arts, but you do not know the prohibition of martial arts by the Tanglin Continent." Seeing such a completely disapproving look at Xiusi, Dongfang Lingyin was also a little surprised, but she and Hughes both thought The practice rules of the Tangling Continent are completely different.

Dongfang Lingyin's words So far, Hughes didn't care so much that he couldn't sit still, and immediately changed into a surprised look again, watching Dongfang Lingyin, and wondering, who the **** is this woman, and why should she be with herself? Say these things?

"What prohibition?" Hughes asked

"Martial Prohibition." Dongfang Lingyin lowered his voice and looked around, but said

"Martial Prohibition?" Hughes couldn't help but bewildered again. The Tangling Continent was originally a martial arts where there was only grudge practice.

"It's exactly that you used the power of martial arts on that day. It's obvious that you don't know the rules, but even then, if you are aware of it, it will definitely be bad for you." Dongfang Ayin said again

Hughes now finally understands why Dongfang Lingyin would say that the Yin-Yang Zhenyuan she used (later renamed Zhenyuan) was so sensitive to her. Since Dongying Lingyin could perceive her cultivation as the middle With the power of martial arts, then it shows that she must be a martial arts cultivator, thinking that she can't help but feel a little bloody. Over the years, she has never thought that there was martial arts cultivation in Dongling mainland, and her face changed immediately.

"How do you start?"

"It’s not convenient to talk too much here. If I have the opportunity to talk to you in the future, you must remember that you can’t easily use the power of martial arts in front of others unless your ability can cross the Tangling Continent. Otherwise, you must suffer the scourge of death." Dongfang Lingyin reminded

Although Hughes doubted this Eastern Lingyin's words, the speaker must have his intentions. Since this Eastern Lingyin can perceive her own martial arts strength, then she must have practiced martial arts dancing, which reminds herself that her intention is There is nothing suspicious, but I thought that if there were so many people on the day, if there were a few martial arts practitioners, there should be a few people who knew their strength, especially that Zong Lan, thinking, Hughes could not help but secretly worry Got up.

"You are here today for this matter?" Hughes now can't believe that Dongfang Lingyin came by chance.

Listening to the words of Hughes, Dongfang Lingyin's frost and pretty face was suddenly embarrassed. It was obvious before and after that, Dongfang Lingyin did not appear by accident.

"Exactly." His face was a little dizzy at the moment.

"Thank you for the girl's warning. I have offended many of the previous words. I hope the girl will understand."

"Oh, you will know why I did this in the future. Today I am not just for you, but for some other reason. I just want to tell you for the time being, Ayin has no way to go back, but it is too abrupt, I hope you don’t worry about it.” Dongfang Lingyin said politely, and said politely

Hughes smiled, and felt that the woman was funny, her face changed intermittently, and her attitude was the same. Before, she still made herself think why she offended her.

"However, your actions today are still a bit risky, too easy to believe the words of others, after all, I hurriedly said these words, if you have the heart, I am afraid that you are now deceived by others to do everything." Dongfang Lingyin again Is to say

When Huss heard it, he couldn't help but be embarrassed, and Dongfang Lingyin was indeed correct, but he smiled

"Fortunately, I met a girl." Although he didn't think of him in his heart, it was just that his expression fell in the eyes of Dongfang Lingyin, but his face was slightly faint and dizzy, and his body turned around, seemingly in a hurry. It seemed so shy to leave like this.

Hughes was speechless for a moment, and thought about how the woman was like a man, and that was the same as Na Murong's fall, with a split personality.

Huangpu Agarwood's eyes were covered with water mist, and she looked at Hughes, who was still standing in the same place, and her heart was very trembling. She didn't understand why Hughes was greeted with smiles to others, but she was so ruthless to herself. Can you really be so unforgivable?

Stopped in place, seeing Hughes still standing there, did not leave, Huangpu Agarwood didn't dare to step forward to greet, originally came with luck, but at the moment it was like this~~ suddenly a little courage before coming At this moment, it has been completely defeated by the north scene like that.

The chest was slightly undulating, and the voice was faintly audible.

"Maybe his sudden appearance completely disrupted his life." Although he was full of unwillingness in his heart, he had to be so sad and sad. If his appearance appeared, Hughes brought a great heart. Burden, then I would rather disappear in the vision of Hughes and never meet Hughes.

but? Destiny made a joke to the two at this moment, but when Huangpu Agarwood was about to turn around, Hughes, who had always been thinking about it, also turned around at this time, just to see the apocalyptic Huangpu Agarwood.

Seeing the sad eyes and the sad expression, Hughes suddenly felt sour.

When I first saw the aristocratic Huangpu of the last world, that is, Situ Mingyue, it was such a nostalgia, but the development of the matter was so unexpected, not only did they have no results, but like enemies.

Huangpu Agarwood was about to turn around, but the eyes were exactly the same as the eyes from Hughes’ head, and suddenly the body was shocked and stagnated, but the original moving body stayed abruptly.

The two looked at each other for a long time, but no one said anything.

Pieces of fallen leaves, during the lightness period, maybe there is love between the two but there is no destiny, just like this fallen leaves, as soon as they go, they will become the right fruit.

"Are you... alright?" Or Huangpu Chenxiang hesitantly said, looking at him like this, the deeper the guilt in his heart.

Seeing the opening of Huangpu Agarwood, Hughes nodded.

"Well," Hughes replied lightly.

At the moment, he wanted to go. In fact, he didn't dare to face the sinking of Huangpu, and he didn't want to stay like Huangxiang.

"Alas." Seeing Hughes wants to go, Huangpu Agarwood is in a hurry. Since Hughes has seen himself, the strong desire in Huangpu Agarwood's heart still drives his behavior.

Hughes did not leave the cruel indifference that Huangpu Agarwood imagined, but gave Huangpu Agarwood hope and stopped.

"What else do you have?" Hughes asked lightly, but he didn't turn around.

"Can we sit down and talk?" Huang Pu's incense is full of pleading, and his eyes are also expecting that. His lips are tight together, and his heart is full of tension, for fear that Hughes will not agree.

Under the breeze, the white skirt corners overlapped, but the strands of hair flew away, the beauty was independent, and it was a bit pitiful.

"What's there to say." Although Hughes said so, the body still didn't move.

Although Huangpu Agarwood listened to Hughes' words, but there was no action in that body, and there was a hint of hope in his heart.

"Please, okay?" Huangpu Agarwood choked with sobbing

Hughes listened to the sound of Huangpu Agarwood, and he felt soft in the heart, but then it was wiped out again. He took a deep breath, but his look was very ugly, and his eyebrows were tightly locked.

"Say it," Hughes finally answered.

Upon hearing this, Huangpu Agarwood felt relieved immediately, and walked slowly and gently.

The two were silent for a long time, and no one dared to speak first, but Huangpu Agarwood was even more uncomfortable. After all, it was himself who proposed to speak, but now he is silent for a long time.

When Zhu Lip lightly opened, his eyes looked at Hughes in a complicated way, but he closed again.

Seeing that Huangxiang Agarwood did not say a word, Hughes sneered in his heart.


Unexpectedly, Hughes just wanted to speak out, but the Huangpu Agarwood also spoke, and the two of them suddenly rushed into each other's eyes, and the two looked at each other immediately, and then turned their eyes one after another. In a hurry, at the same time, the hearts of the two of them jumped and accelerated.

"I know it's you?" Huangpu Agarwood was silent for a while, and then said nervously

"I'm not Hughes, Hughes is dead, and already sealed with Acui's death, my name is Hughes." Hughes obviously admitted his identity, but now, However, Hughes also knew that it was meaningless to continue to deny it.

Huangpu Agarwood listened to Hughes’s voice, knowing that Hughes was the reincarnation of Hughes, Hughes was the predecessor of Hughes, and he couldn’t help but feel very uncomfortable. For Atui, at this moment, she mostly envied Atui, even how much she hopes now, it was herself who died for Hughes, then Hughes's sentence might belong to herself, but? All this is because a wrong decision of hers passed by, and missed forever. Everything is irreparable. She is just hope now. I hope that Hughes will think about herself a little bit in the future, so that she can also Satisfied.

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