Pioneer Knight

Chapter 930:

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"Okay, poems, and Xiuzi's words are correct. You still don't want to fight with Xiuzi like this. Now that you have agreed to the conditions of the first, you should abide by it." Huangpu Although Chen Xiang felt funny, she patiently advised.

"Sister Xiangxiang, how can you help this stinky boy?" Ouyang Shishi said dissatisfiedly.

"Huh? Ouyang Shishi, I will remind you again today, and call me Master later, it's not a stink boy." When Hughes heard it, he turned around to remind him, and then turned back again.

"Look, sister Xiangxiang, he deliberately mad at me." Ouyang Shishi was spoiled in front of Huangpu Chenxiang, but did not know that Huangpu Chenxiang could not only help her, but may also be ".

Hughes listened, and immediately smiled on his face. This Ouyang poetry was so good in some things, a bit sloppy, but in the end, she was just a girl, after all, with female innate characteristics, Ouyang poetry at this moment is not exactly The performance of that day.

"You did not deliberately oppose Xiugongzi. If not, how could Xiugongzi say this." Huangpu Chenxiang was naturally selfish and talked to Hughes, even the Ouyang poems from small to large are also set aside.

Ouyang Shishi heard the words of Huangpu Agarwood less and less. Why, today, he was pulling Huangpu Agarwood to help, but instead he seemed to have brought a helper to Husla, and was immediately puzzled. He looked strangely at Huangpu Agarwood, and then he looked at Hugh, who still had a proud figure.

Seeing the eyes of Ouyang Shishi, Huangpu Agarwood couldn't help being uncomfortable, and quickly concealed his expression.

"Humph." I knew that I had pulled the wrong helper today, and immediately groaned angrily. Under the nasal tone, it made Huangpu Chenxiang laugh for a while.

"But I have to ask the kid, seeing us as sneaky, so frightened like that, there must be any attempt." Ouyang's poems were circled by Hughes in such a circle, but they still did not forget Murong Chui Boy, Hughes is depressed now.

"Murong Cui, I've tried my best. Next, do my best to obey the destiny of the people." Hughes said with a smile in his heart, just listening to Huangpu Chenxiang like helping him speak, but suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, fortunately It's back to the two. Presumably, Huangpu Agarwood couldn't detect his own strangeness.

Murong Cui was sweating all over his body. Just a moment ago, he was terrified. Now he thought that Hughes circled the circle and drew the attention of Ouyang poetry and poetry. , Does this female Tyrannosaurus still remember this matter? Now he regretted that he didn't make a secret cell in this room, or he had a hiding place.

"Poetry, stop it, let's go back! Don't bother Xiuxiu again." Although Huangpu Chenxiang is also curious, how did the teenager see himself and Ouyang Shishi just like that, but he carefully speculated in his heart, Can't help but have a result, secretly thinking, the young man must know the reputation of Ouyang's poetry in the Douyuan, and that's how his facial expressions act, immediately he took Ouyang's poetry and said

However, in fact, in the heart of Huangpu Agarwood, it was more because she could not bear Hughes to be so joking about Ouyang's poems, angry at Ouyang's poems, but being indifferent and indifferent to himself.

After all, she is just a person, not a saint, so she will not reach the level of the saint's innocent and arrogant state, there will be selfishness, so little selfishness as a woman.

"No, I have tolerated everything else today, but I must ask the boy to understand." Ouyang Shishi is stubborn like a bull, saying

"I have no opinion, you can just go and see." Hughes knew that he had done his best, and even if he waved his hand, he said

When Murong Cui in the room heard this, he knew that Hughes sold himself, and sold it at a very low price.

"Okay, I want to see if there are any unspeakable secrets between you." Hughes took a step back, but did not expect Ouyang's poems to be unreasonable, so he said, When Huston was depressed, he secretly thought that if you woman gave you some color, she thought she was a flower. If it wasn’t because of the Huangpu Agarwood by your side, I would always press you with the treaty that you promised that day. , To see how you go viral.

It's just that Hughes is depressed, thinking about it, but he hasn't put it into practice. He is now at ease. He wants to see what will happen to the boy Murong Cui and Ouyang Shishi?

Hughes was anticipating with a smile, from time to time he would pay attention to the change in the atmosphere of Huangpu Agarwood, and the Murong pendant in the room had finally reached the limit of his heart. It happened to hit Ouyang's poems that approached the door panel.

"Oh, don't you have long eyes?" Ouyang Shishi immediately retreated and scolded.

Murong Cui is also frightened. After all, he can’t break the golden armor of Ouyang’s poems. In other words, he can’t beat it. On Dengdi, it’s just the power of this fighting court. It was not as domineering as Hughes and could deter this female Tyrannosaurus.

"Uh, I...? I go...? Go to the maofang." Murong Cui was thinking, since Ouyang poetry is staring at himself, why not go out and look at this Ouyang poetry. How about myself, besides, seeing that Hughes is not coping with Ouyang's poems, isn't it?

But who thought, with such a collision, the spirit of Wang Ba, which had been saved by Hughes, suddenly disappeared, and he was cold and sweating, and even dared not to face Ouyang poetry, when Even when his mind turned sharp, he said such a crappy word.

When Hughes heard it, he only had some reservations even when he laughed. However, Huangpu Chenxiang was so afraid of Ouyang's poems when he saw this boy, and he thought that he must have been bullied by Ouyang's poems. There was a voice out of laughter, however, Huangpu Chenxiang knew in her heart that this was probably the most comfortable time she had ever since she reincarnated. However, she immediately turned to see the back of Hughes, but she immediately converged, no Speak again.

"Shang Maofang?" Ouyang Shishi's face changed, glaring at Murong Cui: "Holding."

At the moment, Ouyang's poems faced Murong Cui as though Hughes faced Ouyang's poems, but Murong should be unlucky. Originally Ouyang's poems were suffocated by Hughes, and no place could be found. To vent, now Murong is weak, and she naturally regards it as her breathing bucket.

Hughes changed his face, listening to the two characters behind Ouyang's poems, but now Hughes never thought of striking Ouyang's poems. Instead, he wanted to see how this Ouyang's poems did.

"Ah?" Murong Cui's eyes widened when he heard Ouyang's poems, and he looked at Ouyang's poems inconceivably. The face that was originally handsome and uncommon was a little suffocating and then twisted.

"Miss Ouyang, people have three urgency. This is not to say that you can suffocate." Murong Cui said that he also made an expression and movement that tried to hold back the internal urgency, but in fact, he was not internal urgency, just afraid Just stay with this Ouyang poem, and want to find an excuse to leave, but this excuse is really lame, and now the excrement of feces and urine can no longer work.

"I don't care about this." Ouyang Shishi cares about this kid's remarks. She only knows that she is very unhappy now, eager to find someone to vent, so you are unfortunate and became such a lucky person.

"I'm asking you, why are you looking at me sneaky, is it a plot?"

"Ah~" Ouyang Shishi just asked. That's where Murong Cui exclaimed. His eyes opened wider. Looking at Ouyang Shishi, it was incredible.

"Conspiracy is wrong?" Murong said indifferently, thinking to himself, who is conspiracy against you, I think that person is either blind or anxious.

"Why? You don't admit it?" Ouyang Shishi has already made a battle with Murong Zui, just waiting for Murong Zui to say something that makes her unhappy.

"Miss Ouyang, you look up to me. You are such a beautiful woman. How dare I have the intention of conspiracy! Even if I borrowed ten or eight of my courage, I would not dare to be determined." Murong Cui I really dare not, even if Ouyang poetry and poems are posted on his own initiative, he is only a fugitive, joking, and follow this Ouyang poetry to get things, either to find death or idle life is too long, but he has not such a hero. The intention of dying early.

"Then why are you so afraid of me?" Although Ouyang Shishi was angry, the meaning of these words was still heard a bit, but Murong Cui implied two meanings, everyone else could hear it, but only Ouyang Shishi, the first party, could not hear it.

"I'm not seeing Ouyang poetry girl you are so beautiful, I was anxious at the time, I was not afraid, I was not afraid, I was nervous."

As soon as Murong Cui's words came out, Huangpu Agarwood laughed again. Although she heard the meaning of the young man's words, she never thought of reminding Ouyang's poems.

Hughes humiliated secretly, and the kid seemed to be really ordinary, and immediately became interested.

Ouyang Shi Shi heard that this kid was actually talking about himself, but. Although I pretended to give a cheek, it was very disapproving, but there was no woman who didn’t want to be praised for her beauty. Even though the woman who often heard such words, Ouyang’s poems were beautiful, but the personality was natural. Not many people dare to talk about her like this. Therefore, Ouyang Shishi, a woman who usually acts savagely, is more looking forward to this kind of evaluation, especially from the opposite sex.

Ouyang's poems secretly said that although this kid doesn't seem to have the temperament of Huss, this kid is better than Huss. At least, this kid knows to praise his beauty, and the abominable Huss knows to bully himself and be angry. Now, the anger in that heart has not been vented because of it, but it has largely dissipated.

Seeing that Ouyang's poems are not right, Murong Cui's heart was cold and secretly thinking.

"Your appearance is indeed outstanding, but, hey, you can't be considered a woman." Murong Cui still thought in this mood.

Seeing the expression of Ouyang's poems, Hughes immediately smiled, knowing that Ouyang's poems at this moment were fascinated by the words of compliment from Murong Cui's kid. At this moment, she still had the same as before Anger.

Huangpu Agarwood thinks like this, but her eyes are more on Hughes Land.

"Really?" The tone of Ouyang's poems has changed at the moment, and he has softened a lot, and his face is slightly indignant with a hint of joy.

At first sight, Murong Cui screamed, and it didn’t make sense, but seeing this situation, Murong Cui wasn’t a nerd, knowing that now is the best time to get out, and immediately chase after him.

"Of course, of course, I Murong Cui never tell lies." Murong Cui said so verbally, but in my heart he said in other words: Don't mean, this time is a very special exception.

"Ms. Ouyang, that, you see, am I going to solve the internal anxiety first, if you have something, you can ask it later?" Murong Cui said, and immediately showed his scheming. , Lest Ouyang Shishi want to understand, but it is not easy to handle.

Ouyang Shishi was so intoxicated by Murong Cui that he could hardly find the North, but when Murong Cui said the word "inner anxiety", Xiu Mei's brows were slightly wrinkled. Waved his hand

"go Go."

Murong Cui is now like being granted an amnesty. He is now staggering twice, almost not falling to the ground.

"Ha ha."

Ouyang Shishi looked at Murong Cui like this, and couldn't help but chuckled softly again, but when he saw Murong Cui turned back and looked at himself with a magical look, he was glaring again, where did the latter dare to do? The slightest stay, I hope that the digging hole will disappear, and the speed of escaping from the scene is still too slow.

Hughes did not expect that Murong Cui and Ouyang Poetry would end like this, although they secretly praised Murong Cui, the kid who gave Ouyang Poetry the soup, to escape the results that might be exposed to the enemy , But it made him feel a little boring, this is not the result he wanted, how to say either Murong Cui was scared to death, or Ouyang Shishi was angry again and again to death, thinking that it was a bit strange Smile, think about it, Hughes could not help but shame his thoughts is really quite shameless.

Ouyang Shishi was still thinking of Murong Cui's words at that time, and secretly smiled.

"It turns out that I am really so beautiful", thinking in my heart, Ouyang Shishi could not help but touched that face, and his heart was filled with joy.

"How is it? Ouyang's poems, did you find any problems?" Hughes came to Ouyang's poems casually, his voice very lazy.

The face of Ouyang Shishi changed in the moment. At this moment, he was reminded by Hughes that the reaction was now. He had been confused by the sugar-coated cannonball of the kid. He had forgotten his original intention and immediately regretted it. Got up.

However, it is too late to regret now. Hughes has come to see Ouyang's poems as a rather abominable, watching himself can't help but exude that proud smile that makes him feel more nasty, and the kid is also running away. . Although this man's face is extremely handsome, Ouyang Shishi can't buy Hughes now.

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