Pioneer Knight

Chapter 942:

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"Agarwood, although this matter is a decision made by the family privately, but the eldest brother is certainly looking at your attitude, you must not be willing to be willing because of the family." Huangpu Yuxiang is still in the mind of Huangpu Agarwood Considered, but there is a point that Huangpu Yuxiang cannot ignore it. He hopes that all of Huangpu Agarwood gave himself an illusion. In this way, he can find some comfort. However, Huangpu Agarwood's response is He still hit him into a low state again.

"Brother, don't say it, it's all my life." Huangpu Agarwood's face was very sad and dejected. The beautiful face at this moment was a little white. Although the body was forced to suppress, it was still slightly swaying, so slender. The body, but let people look at the flick and break in general, endless pity, but sigh.

"Look at my attitude? What other attitude can I have?" Huangpu Chenxiang said, pantothenic said with blood in his heart

"This is all my life", how many people have never served their lives in a lifetime? At this moment, Huangpu Agarwood has expressed tens of millions of hearts. However, who can understand all these things?

The Huangpu Yuxiang in front of him didn't understand, Hughes not far away? I'm afraid he will treat himself so indifferently, listening to all this with cold eyes, without any slight movement, because he... also doesn't understand...

Huangpu Yuxiang didn't know how to get out of the house of Agarwood, and kept thinking about the expression of Agarwood, the words of Agarwood, and the doubts in his heart.

"Sius?" Huangpu Yuxiang murmured silently in his heart. He didn't understand, was the sius in the mouth of Agarwood the one he knew?

Although it is known that Hughes is actually in this Dongling College, however, remembering that after meeting twice, then Hughes appeared to repel himself somewhat. Although Huangpu Yuxiang was very curious at the moment, did Hughes know his sister, but he knew that he would ask Hughes, not to mention that Hughes would not answer, and such a move must be only It will make Hughes feel abrupt or even more disgusted with these behaviors. If you think about it, you can't help but smile.

Everything is still right! Now he still hurries back to his family, and his father is revived.


"What?" Huangpu Yuanlie listened to Yuxiang's words and exclaimed very much. Originally, as a generation of heads of households, there shouldn't be such a fierce reaction. Anything should be calm and unshakable, everything is hidden in In my heart, let others not see the details, but such a move just now gave the complete calmness and restraint of his decades of cultivation to the full.

At this moment, Huangpu Yuanlie certainly found that his behavior was a bit improper, and his expression immediately flickered, but fortunately, it was not someone else who was standing in front of him, but his own son, and then he smiled bitterly, and his expression was suddenly majestic. Restored as before.

Huangpu Yuxiang didn't care much about his father's behavior. After all, he was also very surprised. Presumably his father thought he knew Aquilaria very much. This is how he reacted so violently, except that everything now looks a little illusory.

"Dad, what does Chenxiang seem to have?" Huangpu Yuxiang thought about it, or said to Huangpu Yuanlie

"Huh?" Huangpu Yuanlie listened, and couldn't help but look at Yuxiang, but he didn't care. At this moment, she thought about it, how could Huangpu Chenxiang face such a thing, how could she be careless.

"For the time being we don't care anymore, after all, this kid Chen Xiang's ability to respond to such a low-key situation has been beyond our expectations, and it will not be so strange to have a mind." Huangpu Yuanlie said immediately, he now It was temporarily settled this thing of Agarwood, then it shows that the marriage between the Huangpu family and the Helian family of the Northern Slave State will not cause any problems, and there will be no accidents.

"No, Dad, I am not referring to this matter." Huangpu Yuxiang knew that Huangpu Yuanlie misunderstood what he meant.

"Is there anything else that can't be done?" Huangpu Yuanlie thought that there was a lot of comfort in his heart. Unexpectedly, Huangpu Yuanlie was not referring to this matter, and his face was slightly changed.

Although he did not go through the unification of Huangpu Agarwood, he agreed to this marriage and hurt Agarwood's heart, but he also had his own helplessness, and his love for Huangpu Agarwood's daughter even exceeded his immediate love. This son.

"Well, Dad, I went to Agarwood today, but I heard Agarwood crying in the room. However, when I asked what happened, Agarwood was hiding, and he dared not answer me. Problem." Huangpu Yuxiang said to Huangpu Yuanlie what happened in the past, but Huangpu Yuxiang saved the section of Hughes, after all, the current situation came He said that he wasn’t sure whether he had any exact relationship with Hughes, and it wouldn’t be too late to speak clearly afterwards.

"According to what you said, then it means that Chen Xiang's heart may be..." Huang Pu Yuanlie speculated in his heart but he dare not continue to say that, just like this, then how can he rely on Huang Pu Chen Xiang's temperament So easily agreed to this marriage to the Helian family? Very puzzled.

Huangpu Yuxiang listened to his father at the moment and knew that he must have guessed what? It's just that in this matter, Huangpu Yuanlie has doubts like himself?

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter for the time being. You still have to prepare for life. The kid who will meet the Helian family tomorrow will be. "Huangpu Yuanlie waved his hand and sighed. The thick overhanging forehead was now tightly wrinkled, and his face was slightly calm.

Huangpu Yuxiang even nodded, then exited the door, but just turned around at the door, but still glanced at his father's contemplative back of the portrait of the mother in the room, his heart sighed. Really leave.

Huangpu Yuanlie turned his back to the door of the room. At the moment, there was still a bit of majesty in his figure, but it was a bit decadent. He looked up at the painting in the center of the study with a portrait of a charming woman. But it has already fallen into contemplation.

"Yuan...lie, in the must treat each other well, just, just, unfortunately, I don't have the blessing to watch this child grow up and see me around me all day long "..." The pretty woman after childbirth looked very haggard, with a little sweat on her forehead, completely moistening a strand of hair in that forehead, her face pale and weak.

At this moment, the woman was clutching Huangpu Yuanlie's arm tightly, pleading weakly, but at this moment, she was looking at the newly born child, full of nostalgia, but, her mouth barely squeezed a smile, full of Love.

Huangpu Yuanlie was ugly at the moment, but he looked at the dying woman in bed, but his heart had already collapsed and died. The stubborn man's eyes were only wet but there were no half tears.

Although it was the nostalgic look of seeing the beloved woman, he knew she was not reconciled, but in the face of all this, there was no way to make it, even with her own powerful cultivation practice, there was no way to return God, no matter how he practiced, he was still a human being, but he was not a god. He could not turn his life around the sky, nor did he have the ability to turn back time. All this he could only wait silently, watching the woman in bed more and more weak .

"Well." Huangpu Yuanlie was very difficult but nodded stubbornly, but the wide and thick hands had already grasped the woman's trembling hands tightly, but the voice was sobbing, knowing At this moment, Yuanpu Yuanlie is definitely trying to suppress the feelings in his heart. Since he is the head of the Huangpu family, what have he got? It must mean what will be lost? You can not have it both ways.

At this moment, he was struggling with pain in his loss, such helplessness and powerless despair, but even so, facing the pale pale and broken face of this bed, he could only give her that answer , A simple one-word response, represents commitment, represents faith, and no tears, because when he inherited the position of the head of the Huangpu family, everything was already doomed to no more tears, however, People are people and their emotions are still there. This is an irreversible fact.

The woman felt the warmth of Huangpu Yuanlie's hands, slightly trembling, but seeing that Huangpu Yuanlie had promised herself, the original pleading eyes turned into a solace, a touch of happiness, she looked at Huangpu Yuanlie His eyes are so blameless and remorseless, and there is no complaint in his heart, no blame for this man who has been with him for nearly ten years. Until now, he refused to give me a tear, because she knows, she knows all His hardship-responsibility.

A last tear in the corner of my eyes, left silently, flowing down the swaying pale face, and soon was ruthlessly sucked dry by the pillow, at this moment, the woman's color of comfort is forever It was frozen at that moment, and it was frozen on the night more than ten years ago. There was no thunderstorm, no mourning and crying, only a silent low, so depressed, so helpless.

It has been more than ten years now. The child is called Chen Xiang. It is because of the dying woman. The baby born has already grown up. However, the woman has already turned into a dead bone, the fragrance has been sold, and the jade has fallen. Everything Are irreversible.

"Luan'er." Huangpu Yuanlie's body was like a night a decade ago. His body was trembling slightly, his eyes were a little hot, and he stared at the stunning woman in the words, and finally shouted softly. He has stood and called so many times, he knows that everything is in vain.

"Is it wrong to do this?" Huangpu Yuanlie asked again, but for a long time, he did not respond in the slightest. Only the woman in the words smiled vividly and looked at the obsessive look of the half-hundred man at that moment. Calm, so there is no slight waves.

"Hey~~~ This may be the life." Huangpu Yuanlie said with a sigh, just like Huangpu Agarwood's words today.


On the second day, Huangpu Yuxiang was already waiting in front of the family gate.

"Master, look." At this moment, a tribe around him pointed to two people and two horses walking on the street.

Huangpu Yuxiang looked closely and saw that the two were an old man and a young man, but the age of the old man could not be estimated, but the age of the young man was the same as his own, but the young man was beautiful and handsome. There was always a faint smile on the face, but there was a glimpse of heroism, and the end of the mind could not help but compliment, and the mink coat did not conceal the youthful temperament, but it just enhanced its heroism. At a glance.

It’s just that the old man, with a slight eyebrow, looked at the environment around Deng Di? .

Huangpu Yuxiang saw the old man's expression, and his heart was sinking, but now the two were already riding horses, and the young man asked the two men to be dismounted, and Huangpu Yuxiang thought about it, and Not shown.

But seeing the old man and the boss unwillingly dismounted this horse under the persuasion of the young man, and he immediately felt good about the young man in his heart, and thought, if Chen Xiang really married the young man, he could say. The right person is right, Lang Cai looks female.

"Your Excellency is the son of Helian?" Although Huangpu Yuxiang saw the young man's manner and behavior, he asked the young man who came first.

The young man's handsome face smiled slightly, looking at Huangpu Yuxiang was also pretentious.

"Helian Qiyun is at the bottom, and the reputation of Huangpu's brother Qi Yun is already old news.

Helian Qiyun said that he took a decoration from his chest and handed it to Huangpu Yuxiang.

Huangpu Yuxiang only took a slight glance and returned it back. He smiled now, knowing clearly that these were just polite words.

"This one?" Huangpu Yuxiang knew that the ornament was that it was a symbol of the Helian family's head, but the heart was very dissatisfied with the old man's momentum, but he was still facing the old man in courtesy. Asked with a grin.

Unexpectedly, the old man didn't look at himself, turning his head to one side, but he didn't say anything.

The young man smiled embarrassedly when he saw the old man's behavior, saying

"Brother Huangpu, don't be surprised. This is my uncle. My uncle is like this. He has a weird temperament. He is so arrogant to anyone, and my father is no exception. In fact, uncle is not deliberate, so he also invited Huangpu brother Haihan. "

The tone of the young man was very gentle, but he was so embarrassed that Huangpu Yuxiang was very angry, and immediately smiled politely and said politely.

"Seniors are superiors, and such gestures deserve it, huh, please, please." Saying Huangpu Yuxiang thought about the swing of the gate of Huangpu's house with one hand and made a request. action.

Helian Qiyun smiled and replied: "Brother Huangpu is still leading the way ahead."

Then he gave a sudden glance at the old man behind him, and now the old man couldn't help but change his face slightly, the momentum also seemed to be a lot calmer, but that arrogant posture still did not diminish.

Huangpu Yuxiang turned his back like this, but he didn't know that the two were so secretive, but the old man's momentum changed, but he could not help but smiled secretly.

It has always been heard that the Northern Slaves are polar barbarians, but they are also extremely disdainful of the Central Plains culture, people who disdain everyone, and they are very arrogant gestures. I did not expect this old man to be like this. However, behind this young man Helianqi Why Yun Yun is completely different, the tone is soothing, the etiquette is so different from the barbaric arrogance of the barbarians.

"Brother Huangpu, is the owner of Huangpu carved in the palace?" Helian Qiyun followed the old man, but at the moment, Helian Qiyun asked

"The owner is meeting Brother Helian in the main hall. Please ask Brother Helian and this predecessor to come with me." Huangpu Yuxiang unknowingly showed his attitude towards the two. Originally, the old man should be It was Helian Qiyun's elders. However, he put Helian Qiyun in front of him, which shows that he is extremely bad for this old man.

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