Pioneer Knight

Chapter 954:

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Hughes didn't care. Although I don’t know the character of this girl very well, I still understand a little, and it’s useless to know that it’s reluctant, otherwise I’m just afraid that I would have thrown away this girl.

"You come to me every day, but others will gossip. At that time, the reputation of a girl like you is not good." Hughes still cares about this most, said with a smile.

"I don't care, what do you care? They let them say what they want to do." Meixi was not stupid in her heart. The expression on her face from Hughes' time seemed to be obvious. The expression of light and dark, Hughes knew long ago, but she did not understand Hughes but did not break herself.

When Hughes heard this, his face was embarrassed and he did not speak.

"Shuss, are you really going to participate in the old Yaozi competition?" Mei Xi knew this earlier and was worried, but asked at the moment

"Well," Hughes answered, without explanation.

"What should I do if I get hurt?" Mei Xi said with a condensed expression.

"How can it be so easy? Besides, there are indeed quite a few people who have advanced to Dongling College, but don't you think I am a soft persimmon?" Hughes asked with a smile.

"That's not it." Mei Xi frowned at Hughes, what else did Ben want to say? But he stopped talking at last.

Hughes also noticed the expression of Mei Xidi, but pretended not to notice.

"Mei Xi, what about Ouyang's poems recently?" Hughes still remembered the day when he roared about Ouyang's poems. Until now, he didn't apologize, and the girl didn't come to herself for so long. But hesitated and asked.

Where did Meixi Ben hear Xiu Si ask about Ouyang's poems in front of her, her face immediately changed, however, since Hughes asked herself this way, she knew that she could not answer.

"I haven't seen her in a long time." The tone seemed to be somewhat nostalgic.

"Oh?" Hughes froze for a moment, then responded in dismay.

I thought to myself, what has Ouyang poetry been doing for so long? Could it be that it is not possible to prepare for the competition after seven days?

"However, you roared her that day, and took me a jump." Mei Xi remembered the scene where Hughes shouted at Ouyang's poems last year, but now she still feels terrified.

"She came here by herself, but you are much better than Ouyang's poems, she will not look at the situation." Hughes said with a wry smile.

When the girl heard it, she was slightly embarrassed, but she spit out her tongue but didn't speak.

"Okay, I still have to prepare for the competition in the next seven days. If you want me to win the game well and have no interest in injury, just go back to the Academy of Literature and wait for it." Hughes thought to himself. If you don’t take the initiative to dismiss the customer, this girl will not leave, and immediately said daringly

She was very dissatisfied when she heard it. However, she looked helpless when she looked at Hughes's expression. How did you want Hughes to be injured during the game?

He reluctantly nodded his head.

"All right! I just drove me away as soon as I came." Mei Xi whispered, like a helpless little complaint.

As soon as Huss heard it, he was sweating.

After a lapse of two hundred years, Dongling College once again held this kind of competition with grievances and ideas.

How many students are confused and how many students feel excited. Although Dongling College did not have the ability to pass on this matter, it was not kept secret, just like what Di Yang said, don’t worry, let it be done. It’s exactly what Dongling College did, and the news was unpredictable. Going, it has gradually spread in the Eastern Xia Empire, and even the mainland of Dongling spread.

In the previous competitions of the Dongling College, the lottery system was implemented, and this time was no exception. The entire performance venue was divided into a place for the competition, that is to say, all the students who participated in the current competition of the Dongling College Through this lottery system, they are divided into two groups, and the first is to compete in the group. As the name implies, each other means that the members of each group must judge each other through the challenges of each other. , The top three are qualifying, while the rest are eliminated.

After this competition, the regular knockout is held, and finally the top six teams are selected by each group, and then the top six will be challenged. The challenge and the challenge are different. School grades can declare war on any student within the Rokko, but the challenged student must not refuse for any reason.

This last challenge system gives full freedom to the participants, but this competition is to add some rules to the challenge: students can choose between one or the other One by one, and one by one is carried out under the condition that one person must not be seriously injured to avoid accidents. If there is a violation, it will be severely punished by the college, but if the single party is willing to accept the reckless challenge, then , It is possible to carry out more challenges without regard to consequences.

The total number of participants in this competition is 60. Among them, there are 39 people in the Douyuan, and 21 people in Yiyi College. Compared with the previous ones, this year's data It's a lot more.

All these 60 people were scrambled and sequenced, and then they were drawn into various groups.

On the list, Hughes saw that he was drawn into the fifth group, but what made him feel interesting was that he was really destined to that Zhao Yu, but was also drawn into the fifth group. At that time, after all, there is a chance to compete with this kid.

In the other group, Xia Houtian was divided into the third group, while Ouyang Shishi was in the second group, and Murong Cui also participated, and was divided into the sixth group. Xia Houzhen and Xia Houtian were actually in the same group .

However, when Hughes looked at the group list, he saw a name that surprised Hughes.

Immediately, Hughes was startled, but his heart was puzzled.

"Why would she participate?" I saw on the list, but I saw the four characters of Huangpu Agarwood.

However, to make Hughes even more depressed, Huangpu Agarwood was also divided into his own group, which means that he was going to face Huangpu Agarwood at the beginning of the competition.

At the moment, Hughes looked up at Yanwuchang, and did not see the figure of Huangpu Agarwood. He couldn't help but began to think about it.

When I touched the first list, I saw Emperor Ling's word, and immediately smiled slightly, thinking to myself that the old man in white robe was arranged like this. What is the purpose?

In addition to these people, I still saw the names of Dongfang Lingyin and other people. However, they didn't know them, but when they saw these surnames, Hughes' heart sank slightly.

I saw that a considerable part of the names were from those big families that Longyang had spoken to himself, but at the moment Hughes didn't quite understand why the descendants of such big families came to Tangling one after another There are four colleges in the entire Dongling mainland, each of which is distributed in the four empires. Among them, the strength of the Dongling College, which is based on the Dongxia Empire, is the most powerful, but the strength of the other three colleges is not weak, but these people The family is located in the Southern Shang Dynasty, Xixia, and the northern slave country in the extreme north.


At this moment, Hughes was watching the names of the big family heirs on these lists secretly thinking about it, but he didn't want to, but a deep and humorous voice came.

Hughes froze, turned around, and saw a beautiful woman, dressed in a beige tight-sleeved gauze suit, with black hair, hanging down like a waterfall, goodbye that pretty face, but with a faint smile, His eyebrows were raised slightly, the corners of his mouth were lightly raised, and he stood at the spot looking at Hughes with a slight smile.

At the sight of Hughes, his heart was a little excited, but the original face with no expression on his face was now smiling slightly, responding to the pretty girl over there.

"Emperor bell." Husin shouted in a small voice, the voice was not too big, the woman just heard.

The woman was the emperor bell that Hughes met in the old house of Xiujiu last year. At this moment, he saw him listening to Hughes calling himself, and ran over in a small step, watching Hughes with a smile.

"You still remember me." Di Ling said with a smile on Xius Junyi's face, his hands clasped behind his back, which looked even more pretty and cute.

"How could I forget that the old man had taken you away like that, and the image was not shallow, but I still have many questions that I didn't understand." Hughes said with a wry smile.

"You are not allowed to say bad things about my grandfather." Who knows, Di Ling Qiao's face slightly said that he was pointing at Hughes, but then he was all smiles.

"Oh, I'm just talking about it. Besides, your grandfather, he still arranged for us to meet." Hughes said haha.

"So you know." Di Ling asked with some surprise.

"I don't know your grandpa's intentions, then I am not Bai Chang." Hughes said with a smile and pointed to his head.

"Hee hee." Di Ling smiled with a smile: "I have something to tell you last time?"

"Say what?" Hughes naturally didn't forget, but at this time, Hughes knew, ignorant. Although I already knew what Di Ling wanted to say to myself? It's just that if I say it myself, I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain.

"Are you calling Hughes?" Di Ling asked this question, but it made Hughes a little unpredictable. What did he mean to tell himself.

"Don't you know? Still ask?" Hughes said helplessly.

"What about me? My original name was Xiu Ling." Di Ling said with a mysterious smile and looked at Xiu Si.

"How?" When Hughes heard this, he smiled and thought to himself, that Emperor Bell would still lie in ambush. This is just to remind himself.

"Your original name is Xiu?" Hughes said in order to cooperate with Di Ling's play and immediately looked at Di Ling in surprise.

"Exactly, and the reason why I would go that day..." Di Ling wanted to say more, but he didn't want Hughes but pulled himself.

Seeing Hughes looked around and glanced around, he understood it now, and spit out his little tongue, before he could finally see this little cousin again, a little excited, but forgot that this was still in public, and Cultivation is a taboo in some people's minds.

"I don't say that I also understand what you want to express?" Hughes saw Di Ling's lovely appearance, but said with a smile: "Just, I don't understand what you want to say so?"

"You still don't understand? Don't you remember that you had a cousin when you were a kid?" Di Ling said with a wrinkled face when he heard Hughes' words.

"Cousin? Please, what cousin do I have? Besides, how old were I at that time?" Hughes was immediately depressed.

"Uh." When Di Ling heard it, he was stagnant. At the moment, he thought to himself that his cousin seemed to have just been born a little more than ten years ago. , Smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, I forgot about this matter." Di Ling said suddenly.

Hughes was a little breathless, but he still waited for Di Ling to confirm step by step. If he said it, he didn't know how Di Ling would doubt him.

"I'm your cousin, when you were talking, I was only two years old, but those things happened later, I originally thought that your cousin you had... until the last time I went back, I met you , I wanted to talk to you there, how come my grandpa came." Di Ling explained at the moment.

Only when they can understand the conversation between the two people, if the others hear it, it will be endless. If you don’t think about it, you can’t understand it.

"Are you my cousin?" Hughes said as soon as he looked at Di Ling in astonishment, but he smiled, but now his part hasn't finished.

"Well, I thought you already had that, but fortunately God has mercy on us, and your cousin was okay." Di Ling said, but was excited again, but Bai Nen's little hand was holding Hughes' arm.

Seeing this, Hughes was immediately embarrassed and thought, did this woman particularly like to pull her arm?

"But how can I confirm that you are? I was a little older at that time and didn't know anything. You just said it was my cousin, so I recognized it?" Hughes made an idiot look, but it was not embarrassing bell. , Just inferring that you didn’t know if you joined, that’s how things should develop.

"You don't believe it?" Di Ling's expression changed and said

"If I just believed that, I wouldn't be laughed at by the big teeth." Hughes said angrily.

When Di Ling heard it, he couldn't help but look dark, but he also understood the concerns of Hughes, but he couldn't prove it by himself.

"I think I'll call your name in the future." Hughes was embarrassed to see Di Ling's face, but he said that the reason why he said so, but still with a little selfishness, he didn't want to appear like a cousin out of thin air. Come, if you want to call Di Ling as your cousin in the future, what should you do?

When Di Ling heard it, he immediately showed a bunch of eyebrows, and looked at Hughes for a long time, but there was no sound.

"OK then."

Di Ling's answer made Hughes a little surprised, but from this, Hughes was speculative. The temperament of Di Ling was also audacious, but it was not as harsh as Ouyang's poems. At this moment, seeing Di Ling's expression somewhat depressed, he could not help saying it again.

"If you can find someone and something to prove your identity in the future, come back to me to mention this matter."

Hughes obviously told Di Ling, don't worry, you still have a chance.

It was just that Di Ling was entangled at the moment. He couldn't prove it, but he didn't hear the conscience of Hughes' hard work. He looked at Hughes confusedly, but sighed quietly.

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