Pioneer Knight

Chapter 960:

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"Miss Xi girl." Hughes asked Di Ling when asked, even if he didn't know how to introduce this sister's identity.

"I am Husse's cousin." Although she was bold, she was limited to the two women's face and hugged Huss's arm, but she did not dare to make other extraordinary moves. After all, how did Huss respond to her? But I don't know, because I don't want to annoy Hughes when I get it. Just after I finished speaking, I also put Hughes' arms on my body, which seemed intimate.

Hughes was relieved, afraid that this girl would say something unexpected.


When Di Ling heard it, the response was extremely fast, and he had figured it out clearly. Hughes was his cousin, and this sister was cousin of Hughes again. Then she was her cousin. She also picked up a cousin, that is, she added a relative. When even the heart is happy.

Seeing Di Ling's old-fashioned expression at the moment, Hughes smiled slightly, guessing how much Di Ling was thinking.

Huangpu Agarwood's eyes were fixed on Meixi's every move, even though her heart was strongly resisted at the moment, her eyes were still difficult to move away.

"Hey! I'm your cousin." Di Ling was excited, but said.

"What?" Mei Xi heard, immediately shouted, secretly whispered, this woman is too bashful, thinking of taking advantage of herself as soon as they met.

"No, I mean Huss's cousin, you are Huss's cousin, then I am your cousin." Di Ling said with a smug smile.

When the girl heard it, she turned to Hughes for questioning.

At the moment, Hughes slandered Emperor Ling's belly, and did not know whether Emperor Ling was intentional or unintentional, but just said so, could he just touch Emperor Ling's face? Seeing Meixi's expression, she smiled embarrassingly, without pitting affirmation, and without denial.

Meixi took the expression of Hughes as default, and immediately smiled, looking at Emperor Bell, she shouted.

"Good cousin."

Although Meixi didn't have a grudge, but her head was extremely flexible. She knew how to deal with people's hearts. It was such a simple cousin, but at this moment, she bought Di Ling's heart.

Emperor Ling is not as happy as Meixi, who can check other people's minds and temperament, but she is very simple. Listening to such a cousin, she immediately ate honey and smiled brilliantly.

Huangpu Agarwood was originally wondering how did Emperor Ling and Hughes know? However, she was hiding in her heart, did not ask, just listened to Di Ling's words at this moment, could not help but stunned, at this moment looked at Di Ling suspiciously, thinking secretly, when did Sius have such a cousin? And it is still Di Ling!

"Sister Xiangxiang, Linger." The four said, Ouyang Shishi had just finished, but she ran over in a lively way.

In fact, Huangpu Aquilaria, Emperor Bell, Ouyang Poetry, Emperor Bell is the oldest, but Emperor Aquilaria and Ouyang Poem both call Emperor Bell as Linger, because there is no other reason, because Emperor Bell's heart is very simple There is no elder sister's style, but she behaves like a little girl, but agarwood seems mature and stable, so Ouyang's poems call Huangpu agarwood sister Agarwood, while Emperor Bell is Lingling, but it looks more intimate.

Ouyang Shishi had already noticed a few people here. She immediately ended the contest, but she had no suspense in that contest. At the moment, she ran over, and she really didn’t see much practice. At this moment, Si was surrounded by so many beautiful women. When he remembered the shout of Hughes, his heart was wronged. At this moment, he came over, but there was no bird Hughes. He directly said to Emperor Jingpu Shenxiang In fact, even Meixi also gave a crossbrow.

Of course, Meixi and Ouyang's poems have always been intolerant. At this moment, the enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and they were already blowing their noses at each other.

Hughes already realized Ouyang's attitude towards himself. Although the words of guilt were still intense in my heart at the moment, I thought that since it had happened, there was no room for turning around, and I did not need that love to stick to the cold **** of others, and immediately instructed a bitter smile, but did not make a speech.

Although Meixi blows her nose with Ouyang poetry and poems, her heart turns very fast. She thought that Ouyang poetry and poems are coming. This is a good opportunity. Originally, Meixi was thinking about how to be alone with Hughes. Getting along, now Ouyang Poetry isolates himself and Hughes, but provides a good opportunity.

"Cousin, you talk first, and my cousin and I will leave first." Meixi said very timelessly.

Huangpu Agarwood originally focused most on Meixi and Hughes, and although Ouyang’s poems were so pretentious as the pretense, it was actually for Qi Xiusi. This stinky woman is so abominable that she doesn't have enough gas and the stinky boy thinks about finding a chance to leave, what should I do?

"Oh, everyone is easy to get together, how can we go away? We are all idle now, so we should have a good chat."




The sound of three chin drops came out, and the reason why Emperor Ling didn't know why did not have such a look. The remaining three people looked at Ouyang Shishi in surprise.

"Did this woman take any medicine today?" Mei Xi is the least accustomed to Ouyang's poems, and her heart immediately ugliness the image of Ouyang's poems.

Hughes was dizzy. He wondered, could Ouyang's poems be impossible?

Huangpu Chenxiang also knew the relationship between Ouyang's poems and sister Xixiusi, and she smiled bitterly. She didn't understand which one of these Ouyang's poems was sung today.

After the thought of Meixi's heart, her eyebrows were staring at Ouyang's poems and radiating cold light.

Ouyang Shishi did not show any weakness. He faced back and stared back. The battle between the two was not inferior to those who were still fighting.

"Shi Shi is right, cousin, we just met, it's better to talk more, you and me can talk about my cousin's things." Emperor Ling said in an understanding.

When Huss heard it, he was depressed and thought, Di Ling would crawl along the net, which became more and more exciting.

"Ling'er said well, Meixi girl, why should she leave in such a hurry." Huangpu Chenxiang also persuaded that she wanted to stay with Hughes even more, even if Hughes stood beside other women.

Although Meixi's attitude is very firm in her heart, but this "cousin" said so at the moment, but it is embarrassing, how can you not succeed? I met with Di Ling here, but now I want to leave a good image for this cousin.

Hughes was smiling bitterly at the moment which of these women sang? But don't want to, the faint energy fluctuations in the cuff came from the sleeve.

Thinking about it, in addition to the silver two in his sleeve bag, it was the jade card that Feng Qing had given him, so under such circumstances, Hughes was sure that the energy fluctuation was from the jade card.

"What the **** is this?" said Hughes secretly.

Because of the presence of several people, Hughes did not dare to talk about taking out the jade cards to watch, even though Shen Se looked at the four women.

"I still have something? You can talk about it first." Hughes finished, leaving no room for the four women to argue at all.

"Smelly kid, hum." Ouyang Shishi now sees that Hughes has disappeared from the scene. Immediately, the beautiful eyes hate, but his heart is broken and cursed, and the small feet are slightly stomping the ground at the moment.

When sister Xi saw Hughes left, she would be willing to stay wherever she could. She couldn't beat Hughes' face, no matter how big she was, she had spent most of her time missing Hughes's rivalry. Immediately, Chong Di Ling smiled, and then left, following the figure of Hughes.

Although Di Ling could not understand Hughes, what happened suddenly at this time? But I understood the cousin who had just heard the news very well, and I didn't think about it very much at the moment. I just smiled lightly and ignored it.

Just looking at the two women's expressions of Huangpu Agarwood and Ouyang Shishi, they both looked a little ugly, and they couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Hughes was puzzled, so far, he still couldn't figure out, what exactly does the energy in this jade brand represent?

However, I was about to try out the grudge exploration, but at this moment, my mind was inexplicably moved, and my expression changed a little, and my heart suddenly felt helpless and turned around.

When I saw the person, I smiled bitterly, but I didn't expect this sister to follow, so I quickly put the jade tag into the sleeve bag, and my face was restored.

"Why are you here again?" Xius said with a bitter smile as she watched Xiaoying who came over.

"What did you just hold?" Mei Xi asked with a soft smile leaning on her back.

"How can I hold something." Hughes was startled, thinking that Mei Xi's eyesight was so powerful, that she turned her back and she discovered anomaly from the slight movement of her arm.

"I saw it clearly." Mei Xiqiao said angrily.

"Oh, it's just a jade card, and it's not a strange baby." Hughes smiled bitterly, but his expression was pretended to be calm, hoping not to be noticed by this careful sister Xi some strange things.

"Jade card." Mei Xi nodded.

Seeing Meixi, Hughes was relieved, seeing that Meixi didn't care much about it.

"Then can you give me a jade card! Anyway, it's not a precious item, you haven't sent anything to your cousin yet." After a pit, Hughes was blindfolded and jumped in automatically. However, at this moment, he realized that it was too late. When Meixi said this, she gave the two colored figurines.

Hughes is bitter at the moment, thinking that this sister is really not an ordinary woman. When I saw it, it was so weak. Now, I have learned to play a small trick in front of myself, and this is the only trick. , I was inexplicably that I fell in, and now it is a dilemma.

"This...this??" Hughes is pouring bitter water on himself, not giving up, because he said you, things are not valuables, and they pretend to be very careless. Not even more, that is what Feng Qing used for himself at a critical juncture. Furthermore, the jade brand is very unusual now, and God knows whether something will happen.

Seeing Hughes' hesitation, uttering words, how could this woman Meixi not understand, the underworld Xiusi must have valued that jade card, but the more Hughes was fancy, the more curiosity that sister Xi's heart was, Immediately turning your mind around to think about it is just remembering it.

"Otherwise! I'm just curious. You borrowed me to play for a few days. It doesn't matter anyway, but I naturally take care of my cousin's things carefully. I will play for a few days and return it to the watch a few days later. How is your brother?" Meixi said mysteriously with a smile.

Meixi said this very confusingly. After a few days, there is no estimate, and you can keep pushing back for a few days.

But Sister Xi is smart, and this Hughes is not a fool. Furthermore, Hughes has always maintained the spirit of the past life. Upon hearing it, he understood the meaning of the confusion in the sister's happy words.

"Then I can think so, you are an infinite day after these few days?" Hughes thought to understand, just said with a slight smile, thinking, although your girl let me take the last time, but now How can you be so fooled by yourself?

Seeing Hughes understood what he meant, the girl's pretty face was slightly embarrassed, but she pretended to look at Hughes with a smile.

"It turns out you are not stupid."

When Huston was speechless, he wondered when he was acting silly?

"Cousin, so! I will give it back to you after five days? I only play for five days." Meixi now knows that it is a bit brutal for what she wants, and now she is pitifully in front of Hughes. Speaking, I thought to myself, although it seems cold and ruthless, Hughes has improved a lot in front of himself for such a period of time. What does that mean? Explain that Hughes still cares about himself, but Meixi also knows that everyone has the bottom line of his heart, Hughes even more, as long as he does not touch the bottom line of his heart.

Meixi's move naturally did not touch the bottom line of Hughes, otherwise it means that Hughes has no energy.

Hughes didn't expect that Meixi was really thick-skinned in front of herself, but Meixi grasped the mind of Hughes, and at this moment Hughes secretly thought about it. Although this jade brand is very important and what may happen, from the energy fluctuations, there should be no big things for the time being, and only five days, even if there is something, I will still take care of it. .

"Then you have to take care of it." Hughes took a few tricks out of his sleeve immediately, just to see the jade card appear in his hand again.

When the girl heard it, the smile on her face was even more splendid, but when she saw the jade card in the hands of Hughes, it was transparent and white, and there was a hint of coolness and moisturization striking the door. Immediately, she knew that this was not a valuable item. , But since they are Hughes, they will naturally take good care of them, even the two ordinary clay figures.

"I will, and I will give it back to you in five days." Meixi was still worried that Hughes was not at ease, and he would give him another peace of mind.

At the moment, Meixi took the jade card in her palm, and the cool meaning immediately struck her heart, down to Dantian, up to the heart of her forehead, and her body suddenly felt a lot more comfortable. Even this mood was a lot calmer.

Hughes smiled, but he knew in his heart that it would be impossible to just give the girl a happy one, otherwise he would still have something that he didn't anticipate.

"This jade card must not be noticed by others, but it will be troublesome if you don't let it. You better not want to carry this jade card on your body and walk around at will. Do you know?" Hughes said.

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