Pioneer Knight

Chapter 968:

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The three men saw Ziyue's posture, and they knew that there was no hope to get the jade card from the woman in front of them, but at the moment, they couldn't help but think that their previous behavior was extremely ridiculous. Imagine who will be for no reason. It is easy to give such a jade card to others, but since Ziyue will not give it, then the three of them will have to rely on the people to **** it. The curiosity and longing for the energy in the jade card have blinded everything. A trace of reason was buried at the moment.

"Since the girl doesn't give it, then we can only offend." The three men immediately said that their deep purple grudges appeared all over the place.

Suddenly Sangu's vigorous fighting strength suddenly hit the surrounding space, terrifying.

Seeing the actions of the three men, Zi Yue immediately showed no signs of weakness. The dark purple grudges around her body also appeared at once. Nothing inferior to any of the three men. The three men saw Zi Yue Xiu Wei, and they were startled again. Ziyue is only about 17 or 18 years old, but this practice is extremely shocking.

"Yo~ How are you three? Do you want to bully and fail? Zhao Yu's boy was abolished, but his heart still doesn't die, he can't get out of his own, and he wants you to come out and harm others."

What the four did not expect was that at the moment Huangpu Yuxiang appeared by coincidence, listening to the extremely ironic words of Huangpu Yuxiang, the old faces of the three men were all red, but it was wrapped in purple grief. But he couldn't see the slightest difference, but Zi Yue was slightly surprised, looking at Huangpu Yuxiang.

"It's you again." The man-headed visitor couldn't help but sink in his heart, and said bitterly, the last three siege of Hughes was also interrupted by Huangpu Yuxiang. Unexpectedly, today this Huangpu Yuxiang was again Cheng Biaojin appeared.

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb everyone, but I am blushing for you very much now. The three of you are so advanced, but you are always so mentally and dull. Last time, the three of you besieged one less you. Today you three This is actually even more outrageous. It turned out to be a siege of a woman, but the face of Zhao Liang and Zhao Cheng was stunned by you. Gee." Huangpu Yuxiang didn't care about the man's tone, and he still said ironically. To walk slowly, he walked to the center of four people, separating Ziyue from the three men. The words "Zhao Liang Zhao Cheng Xiang" were especially bitten in the speech, and the intention was self-evident.

"Why does Prince Huang often fight against me?" the man said weakly at the moment.

Although the three people were in the Zhaoliang Mansion, Zhao Liang had great power in the Central Dynasty, but this Huangpu Yuxiang was the youngest son of Dengdi's three big families, the Huangpu family, but Zhao Liang was not afraid to provoke it. After all, the Huangpu family So many masters from up and down want to kill Zhao Liang's life completely.

"Right? Huh, seeing the road is uneven, drawing a sword to help, everyone is doing it right, and looking back at the three of you, each time relying on Zhao Liang's power to maintain Zhao Yu doing whatever he wants in Deng Dicheng, fortunately, the sky opened his eyes, Zhao Yu's kid It is self-inflicted and inviable. It provokes people who should not provoke. They have made choices that should not be done. The second half of their life has become a waste. May I ask if the three of you want to accompany Zhao Yu in the end?"

The three did not expect that Huangpu Yuxiang was really changeable. He just satirically laughed at the three of them, but at the moment, his body turned suddenly, his voice was very cold, and the cold words were full of deterrence. The pressure of the three people was shocked, but what made the three people's faces even worse was that Huang Pu Yuxiang's silver grudge suddenly appeared at the moment, and Jianzong's cultivation strength was obviously giving A warning from three people.

Although the three people's cultivation can be used to deal with Huangpu Yuxiang, who is already the strength of Jianzong at the moment, there is a woman who is a deep cultivation, and the family background of Huangpu Yuxiang is not the three of them. Affordable, I felt cold immediately, but at the same time, under the restrained temperament, I looked at the Huangpu Yuxiang and the woman who still had the temperamental protection body, full of unwillingness, I thought it was the jade card that I got, but I didn’t. Thought of such a result.

Huangpu Yuxiang’s silver arrogance was still there, and he looked at the expression of the three people coldly, without any change. He didn’t want to play against the three. After all, the cultivation of the three was advanced and three, and he had an advantage in quantity. It's Jianzong's strength, but it's just not long after breaking through Swordzong's realm. I'm not sure if I want to fight against the whole body with three people. He just grasped the hearts of the three, and the three must have considered their identity. Although Huangpu Yuxiang knew that suppressing three people with his family background was not the best option, some extraordinary moments and actions often produce unexpected results.

Seeing the three people leave, Huangpu Yuxiang was at the moment introverted and restrained. The silence above Junyi's face was slightly smiling again. It was the best result if he didn't fight with blood, and immediately turned to look at the opposite Ziyue. A little excited at the moment.

"Girl, they have left, you don't have to worry anymore." Huangpu Yuxiang said with a smile

Ziyue looked at the man in front of her, and she didn't care much about it. Ziyue showed her weakness in front of Hughes, but the others were all in a competitive temperament, even in that state, she I never thought of compromise with those three, but? What she didn't expect was that the man in front of him suddenly inserted a bar horizontally. Although the purpose of the man is to help himself, however, based on Zi Yue's own character, Huangpu Yuxiang's move did not get Zi Yue's favor, but was slightly uncomfortable.

Ziyue snorted softly, under the restraint of the deep purple, he looked at Huangpu Yuxiang lightly, but at this moment he turned directly and wanted to leave.

Huangpu Yuxiang couldn't help but look surprised. Seeing this pleasant behavior, he was very surprised, thinking, even if you don't thank me, there is no need for such a cold expression! Thinking of Zi Yue's expression before, my heart could not help but be puzzled at the moment.

"Girl, please stay." Yupu Huangpu still did not give up. For the first time in his life, he was so excited about a woman. How could he give up because of the cold attitude of the other party. Although he knew that this behavior was a bit of a beggar, Huangpu Yuxiang did not want to think about it at the moment. Although he is not a real gentleman, he is definitely not a hypocrite. Although he knows that he might do this woman’s disgust However, Huangpu Yuxiang did not want to miss Ziyue. After all, it is not easy to say whether he can meet Ziyue in the future. I am afraid that it will be possible to regret it forever after this time.

Ziyue stopped her body when he heard Huangpu Yuxiang's cry. In fact, Ziyue was also speculative. Although he was dissatisfied with the man's meddling, he was out of kindness after all. I'm just afraid that the attitude is unreasonable.

"What's the matter?" Zi Yue turned slightly and asked softly, without the innocent smile when walking on the street, but it was also a lot better than before.

Upon hearing this, Huangpu Yuxiang couldn't help but feel happy, and quickly stepped forward.

"The girl is to Dengdi for the first time?" Yupu Huangpu asked, before he had speculated from Zi Yue's behavior.

"How?" Zi Yue's tone was faint, his face calm, without any slight waves.

Huangpu Yuxiang froze for a moment, how the tone of expression was so similar to that when he first met Hughes. When he thought of Hughes, he couldn't help feeling depressed.

Huangpu Yuxiang didn't want to let Ziyue go, not because of the beauty of Ziyuesheng. After all, the beauty was never lacking beside him, and what he lacked was the heartfelt feeling of seeing Ziyue today.

"Don’t misunderstand the girl, I didn’t mean to inquire about the girl. It’s just that the girl’s finger jade card was very weird. Just now, the three people coveted it. The girl should be more careful in the future. Deng Di’s relationship is complicated and changeable. "Huangpu Yuxiang smiled softly and said softly, looking at Zi Yue's face, the more she looked, the more her heart germinated.

"Thanks for the help of my son just now, but I still have something to do today. It is inconvenient to stay. The son Ende Ziyue will definitely repay in the future.

Ziyue was thinking about it, still saying that, from the look of Huangpu Yuxiang, he didn't find any malicious and unwholesome.

Huangpu Yuxiang was quite flattered, listening to Zi Yue's unexpected desire to sue her name, and she was even more delighted. She immediately said, "Is the girl important in Deng?"

Upon hearing this, Ziyue couldn't help but look at Huangpu Yuxiang's expression again, and his mind was a little thoughtful. Then he nodded and said yes.

"What's the matter with the girl, if it's convenient, it's better to tell me. Although I don't have the ability to talk to the sky, I still have a little ability in Deng Di. If the girl doesn't think it's too much to trust me, I'd like to do something for the girl. Power." Huangpu Yuxiang said it fell into those clichés. However, the first time she encountered such a woman who made her heart, Huangpu Yuyu Xiang was really nervous for a moment, without a mind or past. Think so flexibly.

Zi Yue's eyes lit up when he heard it. Although I can find Brother Husse with the energy of the jade brand, I am afraid that there will be a period of time, but I am very eager now. It is also unbearable for such a period of time, and my mind began to think about it immediately.

Seeing Ziyue's expression, Huangpu Yuxiang's heart also moved, Ziyue's eyes were telling herself that she was hesitating to think.

"Of course, if the girl can't believe me, I naturally don't force the girl." Huangpu Yuxiang grasped the activity of Zi Yue at the moment, and said with a slight smile.

"Can you really help?" Zi Yue heard it, her heart slightly anxious, and he was even more anxious about seeing Hughes and asked quickly.

"The girl needs help, I naturally go all out." Huangpu Yuxiang said vowedly

"I want to find someone in Dengdi." Zi Yue said hesitantly at the moment.

After all, Ziyue didn’t experience anything, so the thoughts of Hughes were so eager, and the guard against others was still too weak. Huangpu Yuxiang had forgotten the word vigilance under his words, but okay Although Yuxiang in Huangpu is interested in Ziyue, Huangpu Yuxiang is not a mean villain, but there is no danger or suffering.

"Looking for someone?" Huangpu Yuxiang froze for a moment, but immediately slowed down and smiled: "Who does the girl want to find? Tell me about the person's name and age. I'm going to ask someone to inquire now, as long as This person is still in Dengdi, and I promise to find the person the girl is looking for tomorrow."

When Zi Yue heard it, at this moment his heart was the face of Hughes, and his heart was sweet, but the original calm and slightly eager beauty face also showed a faint smile at the moment, just like the lily stamen that was light in the wind. Pleasant.

Seeing Zi Yue's demeanor like this, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed, her heartbeat accelerated again, and the tension she had never had was involuntarily generated at the moment.

"His name is Hughes. I came here to find him, but I'm hungry. I'm sure he is in Dengdi now, but Dengdi is also so big. Can you help me find him, son?" Zi Yue thought about it. It was slightly said, his eyes looked at Huangpu Yuxiang at this moment, a pitiful attitude that people could not refuse.


Upon hearing these two times, Huangpu Yuxiang exclaimed, and thought to himself, he could not help smiling slightly, thinking about the first time he saw Hughes, and now it was Ziyue. Contact, is this the destiny of destiny.

However, when he thought of Zi Yue's expression of Hughes's expression, he couldn't help but feel the subtlety of his heart, and then his eyes sank slightly, looking at Zi Yue at the moment.

"Girl, are you and Hughes...?"

Hughes did not know at the moment, Ziyue was already in Deng Dicheng at this time. After all, the two did not have the telepathy of what they did, but at this time Hughes was waiting for the movement of the others in the challenge. .

Secretly thinking, Huangpu Agarwood, Di Ling should not choose to challenge himself, but Ouyang Shishi is temporarily an unknown card. After all, she has more or less offended this girl. Judging from her own attitude, she must have always kept in mind.

But apart from these three people, Hughes didn't know anything about Nangong Xue. Xia Houzhen said to himself before the game that he wanted to challenge himself, and Xia Houtian's mentality was not very clear. Si had never understood why Xia Houtian hated himself like this. At the moment, his hazy eyes stared at himself, and Duan Mushuo and Kuang Shijian Xiusi were even more ignorant, everything was waiting. Their move is.

"Sius, would you like us to form a team?" Di Ling still pointed to himself, a cousin who had not yet admitted that he was a cousin, and said immediately

Hughes had no intention of forming a team or not, and immediately smiled.

"I don't care, but don't pull me behind."

Hughes was just kidding, and Di Ling didn't care much. It seemed that he could tolerate everything about this cousin.

I saw Di Ling smiled, but raised his small fist slightly, his small mouth slightly upturned, and did nothing more.

In fact, Huangpu Agarwood had the same idea as Emperor Bell, but she had more concerns than Emperor Bell. Seeing Emperor Bell and Hughes at the moment, she was envious, but she couldn't find an excuse. Before, it also seemed a little less courage.

"Sister Shenxiang, would you like us in a team? Huh! I'll beat the stinky boy later!" Ouyang Shishi looked at the proud stinky boy over there, and Xiu's eyebrows rose slightly, as if he was going Hughes, the stinky boy, used his eyes to radiate to death. After he finished speaking, he snorted at Hughes, and his face was full of disdain, which was a bit interesting.

Huangpu Agarwood thought about it, but did not expect Ouyang Shishi to seek a team with himself at the moment, immediately smiled and nodded.

But at this moment Huangpu Agarwood came back, thinking about the tone of Ouyang's poems just now, it seems that there are some female-like grudges and dissatisfaction. Immediately following the look and eyes of Ouyang's poems, the goal is directed to the side of Hughes At that moment, I had some thoughts in my heart. At this moment, I looked at the expression of Ouyang's poems and smiled slightly.

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