Pioneer Knight

Chapter 971:

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At this moment, everyone was discussing, and the teacher who presided over Bidou shouted again. This result was not surprising to everyone. After all, the Huangpu Agarwood and Ouyang Poems would not have been there for so long.

And Nangongxue's withdrawal from the battle is naturally understandable. In this grouping situation, even if Nangongxue is Tie Tuotuo, he must be beaten into a discus. If he chooses to withdraw, it may be unwilling, but it is not true One of the best choices is the Junjie who knows the current affairs.

Hughes only slightly smiled at Nangongxue's choice, but he didn't care much, and walked towards the three girls.

Nangong Xue withdrew, then only four or four pairs on the field were picked. It seems that such a scene has never been seen before. It is rare to be able to make three or three pairs in the past. That Xia Houtian also broke the upset, and everyone was even puzzled.

"Go up! Ouyang Shishi, you are reminding you, don’t you know if the three of us are not exhausted? Isn’t it that I won’t let you go, but that you are the key, and now you may be frustrated with me, but I What is sent out is a challenge regardless of consequences, a challenge of life and death, not a joke with you." Hughes said right now at the Ouyang poem that was still proud.

Although Ouyang's poems were very unconvincing, when he saw the expression and tone of Hughes, he had to sulky in his stomach, but only a little bit of white eyes.

Huangpu Agarwood and Di Ling seem to understand the meaning of Hughes, but they frowned slightly at the moment, watching Hughes not post, but nodded.

Four or four pairs of jumps, let's not talk about the results.

Ouyang Family

Owner Ouyang Chun is sitting at the front of the deliberative hall at the moment, and a gray satin brocade is added to the body, which is very gorgeous. Bye-bye, his face is strict and no looseness at all. Eight elders.

The eight elders are all blood relatives of the Ouyang family. This is the same thing on the mainland of Dongling. When the eight elders saw the owner Ouyang Chun’s attitude, they couldn’t help but look more serious, and their hearts were also thinking about it. What could not be done? The last time was for the reproduction of the son of all kinds, but this time it is again? But didn't the house owner arrange everything last time?

Ouyang Chun stared at the expressions of the eight elders, thinking about how to drag the next thing out.

"Okay, are you all wondering why I let everyone discuss in this Chamber again today?" Ouyang Chun cleared his throat, got up and left the main hall, and walked into the middle of the eight elders.

Seeing the elders' faces but nodding each other, Ouyang Chun's face twitched with a smile, but at the moment he saw Ouyang Chun's hands flicking and said again.

"You all know the identity of Son of All Phases, and you also know the seriousness of this matter. Seventeen years ago, we were not able to control it, and now we can only use it slightly, but once discovered by him, then our Ouyang family will He will die without a burial place, but now he is still immature, and our plan is related to him, so we can’t get rid of him for the time being, but? Just got the news, the competition of Dongling College has appeared recently The big change, that is to say, the recent competition will be all over. I don’t understand whether this can be arranged by Dongling College or what, but all the plans that were originally said were carried out one day in advance, did you know? The Pu family will certainly have action, but in this matter we have the same idea as the Huangpu family, so we don’t need to suppress the Huangpu family. And a few days ago, the daughter of Huangpu Yuanlie, Huangpu Chenxiang, was thrilling. Lianzijia, this shows that the poems and the birth of Huangpu Agarwood were related at that time. Before this matter was understood, we could not fail with the Huangpu family, but the Xiahou family moved us to be unable to relax. The Xiahou family has always been an unknown card. We cannot take this lightly. What I told you today is to implement the plan scheduled for tomorrow in advance today. The plan is based on the actions of the homeowner as a signal." Ouyang Chun said Looking at the old house owner, his face fell slightly. At that time, the old house owner ordered someone to repair the house to Tumen. At this moment, the old house owner personally showed whether the affairs of the Ouyang family would be exposed. However, the old house owner did not get everything. Power, this is a few years later, I still can’t sit still thinking about capturing the power of Vientiane after the plan has started. Although he is the current head of the family, he is also helpless, but I think there is only one The son of Wan Xiang still survives, and the son of Wan Xiang was just born at that time, how could he find out? Unless the power of the Vientiane is a natural **** body, everything can be known at the time of birth.

This kind of thinking is also a little comforting.

The elders didn’t care much about the plan in advance. Compared to the plan, it was just a plan. It could be changed at any time. It was just that Huangpu Chenxiang had a lotus seed armor like the golden armor of Ouyang Shishi. Can't help but be amazed that the power of the golden armor shield of Ouyang's poems can't be exerted by the cultivation of Ouyang's poems. It's so powerful, that is, there are a few of the eight elders who can't be shaken. The Ouyang family's next belief is that the golden armor shield is understood. So the Ouyang family's overwhelming the Huangpu family is just around the corner, but Huangpu Agarwood's performance is to make this all dream.

The elders of the Ouyang family sighed, and the head of the Huangpu family and the elders were not idle. At the moment, 14 people were sitting on the deliberative hall, but they were discussing the same thing, but the matter about the agarwood of Huangpu happened to be the same as the Ouyang family. On the contrary, after all, the news that Huangpu Agarwood could control the lotus seed leaked, but it was not a bad thing for their Huangpu family, but it helped this matter to the surface, and it did not damage the fundamental interests of the Huangpu family. .

Yeyue also came out of the Chamber of Secrets again at this moment. His calm, still-like face was still not a little shocked, except that the phantom wall body was a little dull, that is, it was leaving, but the direction was right. It is the Chaoyin Hall where the emperor Jie and the hundred official wines and meats are at the moment.

"Yuan Emperor, General Yu Wei of the Imperial Guard, please meet the Emperor."

At the moment, the Emperor Jie was greeted with wine and meat, and the crown of the Emperor Liuli was crooked at the moment. He leaned over the throne. There were two gorgeous women sitting on the left and right sides of the throne.

But at this moment, the emperor Yu Jie formed a phase of mutual dependence, that the hundred officials under the court were also drunk and dizzy, and their eyes drifted away, but no one had an official appearance, which was very unsightly.

In the center of Chaotang, there are more than 20 women dancing at the moment, who are swinging the long sleeves of the skirt, which makes everyone dazzled.

Zhao Liang was divided into the front of Chaotang, and his face was gloomy. His son Zhao Yu was beaten to death by a boy named Huss, and he could no longer act. This point, he really hated Zhao Liang, however, The strength of Dongling students is not something he can afford Zhao Liang, and Nasius has lived in Dongling College for a long time, and he has no way to start. At the same time, now he has to face this impermanence. Emperor Jie, although he was happy at the moment, but there was still a mood for him to laugh, and he had only one cup and then a cup of booze.

At this time, listening to Yeyue's pretence, the Emperor Jie's brows were slightly clustered. For so long, Yeyue hadn't found the mysterious person, and Jieyue had no hope for him. The deadline is just to put pressure on it, and seeing no results, the new assistant of the Ministry of Warfare is not staying in place. Although it is like sitting on a needle blanket every day, it is better than being killed.

"Yueyue, what's the matter with him?" The emperor Jie asked the guard who entered the hall to inform instead.

"Here, Lord Yeyue said that if there is a gentle report, as for the details, Lord Yeyue did not elaborate." The guard said hesitantly.

"Huh?" Emperor Jie's eyebrows opened, and he pondered for a moment.

I was playing Zheng Huan by myself now, but I didn't want to come to report this night and moon, but I was very unhappy, but listening to the voice of the guard, I wondered whether the night moon was worse than the trail of the mysterious man. Just nodded.

"Xuan." Jie Shensheng said.

The bodyguard led his life away, and for a moment, that night moon looked into the palace with no expression on his face.

Prostrate and kneel, Yeyue shouted

"Yueyue, the general captain of the Imperial Guard, came to see the emperor.

"Yueyue, what's the matter with you?" Emperor Jie said impatiently.

Jie didn't care what long lived and long lived words, this kind of words has already become a habit, but just seeing Ye Yue shouted, she wouldn't let Ye Yue get up to speak, such a gesture of Ye Yue's heart This supreme feeling is stronger.

"Yuyue, what the emperor told me, Yeyue traced for half a year, and now she finally has her eyebrows." Although Yeyue knew he was deliberately not letting himself get up, he didn't care at the moment, before he came I already had a plan in my heart. This method of Emperor Jie was just one of his many considerations, so Yeyue said obediently.

"Really?" Hearing it, it was really this matter. When even interest came, he stood upright and stood up straight, but he ignored the two gorgeous women around him, and immediately opened his eyes and looked at the night. Yue said.

When Yeyue heard it, he didn't answer immediately, hesitating for a moment, but it was the moment that the emperor could not hold back, and immediately said to Yeyue who was kneeling down under the court again.

"Yueyue, you get up and talk." Although Jie was a little hurried at the moment, she still expressed a little dissatisfaction.

Yeyue's face remained the same, and with a long-lived thank-you, she stood up and looked straight at the emperor Jie above. The expression immediately dropped slightly. Although this little act of Yeyue didn't make much of an eye, it was After falling into the eyes of Emperor Jie and Zhao Liang, who was leaning on the side of Yeyue, the two people's hearts were now speculating.

At first sight of Yeyue, the dissatisfaction with Yeyue's hesitation was completely eliminated. Yeyue's actions clearly showed that he still dared not stare at himself, of course Another calculation is that Yeyue is deliberately like this, but as a courtier can do this, the monarch is naturally satisfied, whether you are really convinced or false, but on the surface you are convinced, not wiped the king’s Face, the king will not hate you for this point, knowing that you are a courtier who understands the heart of the king, and although he is ignorant, he likes such a person, otherwise Zhao Liang will not be reused.

Zhao Liang saw the subtle behavior of Yeyue's expression, and he secretly made enemies with Yeyue. He watched Yeyue's behavior for so many years, especially for the Emperor Jie's side. Although the emperor's performance was impermanent during this period, at least his flattery tricks still worked. As long as he followed the meaning of the emperor, he wouldn't have a big basket. People, once such a person has achieved his power, then will he not be able to lose everything in the future? He is afraid that there will be no place for himself.

"Yu Emperor, Yeyue has indeed inquired about the trace of the mysterious man, so I came to report to the emperor at this moment. Yeyue knew that he would come and sweep the emperor's Yaxing at this moment. Yeyue had no choice but to make this decision. After the emperor heard it, he could be convicted of Yeyue." Yeyue really did, like Zhao Liang, knowing that everything went along with his thoughts. The side of Zhao Liang was even more disturbed.

"Yueyue, a friend of sin, the news you brought is exactly what I want. I want to know who this person is doing? Huh!"

When I heard Yeyue's words, it was naturally just as I wanted to, and immediately waved my hand and said.

Yeyue's face is still unsmiling, but her eyebrows are drooping at the moment, and when she finishes talking for a while, she said it again.

"It's just that this person's location is a little special, so Yeyue didn't dare to act rashly, and asked the emperor Dingduo to seize it." Yeyue seemed to have some difficulties at this time.

"Special? What's so special? Within the entire Eastern Xia Dynasty, as long as there was a paper of my hand, but where is there any special place?" Shen Yi said with a frown.

"The emperor's oracle was able to travel throughout Dongxia and even the mainland of Dongling. However, the Dongling Academy in the Dongxia dynasty was the emperor of the Dongxia founding emperor. Any Dongxia forces should not enter without authorization, including the Dongxia regime. "Yueyue's tone seemed very dangerous at the moment, and he was hesitant between his speeches, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he aimed at the emperor Jian sitting high above him.

"Dongling College?" When King Emperor Jie heard it, he frowned, and now he was in trouble. After all, within the Eastern Xia Empire, this Dongling College was really a tough bone.

As for why the founding ancestors wanted to be so intimate, but for thousands of years, this Dongling Academy has been a taboo of the Eastern Xia Empire, and no one dared to touch his eyebrows. A dare, at the beginning of the Dongling College, such a thing as a scary idea teacher Xiang Wen, the Dongxia dynasty did not dare to involve Donglin College’s guilt, hastily, this can also be seen from the Dongling College in the Dongxia Dynasty The taboos that have been deposited for thousands of years are at stake.

When everyone heard it, they frowned slightly, and Zhao Liang looked even ugly. After all, his son was abolished in the Dongling College, so he didn’t dare to act, but that was the moment. Zhao Liang's eyebrows were an exhibition. It seemed that he had found a general turning point. Seeing Emperor Jie's eyebrows was tight, when he stood up in the middle of Chaotang, he shouted.

"Emperor, for thousands of years since ancient times. Although Dongling College is a taboo of my Eastern Xia Empire, but this also made the Dongxia Empire's millions of people think that this Dongling Institute has already been above the imperial power, and The imperial power is already the second, so the existence of the Tangling Academy is a potential threat to the imperial regime for thousands of years. The ancestors did not dare to touch the Dongling Academy, because the strength of the empire is not strong enough, but now you are the emperor. Taking control of the empire is as prosperous as the withered trees. This shows that the emperor is here, the empire is unprecedentedly strong. Cathay Pacific is believed to be the time to start with the Dongling College. In the future, there will be a court in charge of the academy. In this way, the merits of the emperor are unprecedented. The emperor will surely have a long history, and the great cause of the empire will be everything."

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