Pioneer Knight

Chapter 986:

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At this time, Hughes' face also changed greatly, and the sense of oppression that the two beasts circled was even more powerful, indicating that the power of all phases had gradually appeared weak under this seal at the moment, and the result was that the power of all phases was beaten back again. Go to the seal to wait for the next engulfment.

The pair of beasts entered the space filled with the power of the ten thousand phases for no reason, and their sense of oppression was even more powerful. However, what made Huss puzzled was that the two beasts were rushing towards the current trapped in the ten thousand phases. Ouyang in the power is gone, what does this mean?

"Go help your homeowner."

At this moment, Ouyang Chun saw that Ouyang Xie hadn't rushed out of Hughes's power space for a long time, and his face changed a lot, and he shouted and wanted to step forward to rescue. This Ouyang Xie is Ouyang Chun's father, and one of the Ouyang family Heavyweight masters, naturally, must not have any losses.

"If you want to step forward, first ask the people of the Huangpu family."

Huangpu Yuanlie naturally would not let Ouyang Chun and others step forward, and immediately shouted in a hurry.

At this moment, Di Ling saw the actions of Huangpu Yuanlie and others, but he was overjoyed and thought, what Hughes said was true. At this time, his heart was relaxed, and Ouyang Chun and others were blocked by the Huangpu family, then It is extremely beneficial for himself and Hughes, but now he can’t help Hughes, he doesn’t know how Hughes is now, he can only perceive the invasion of the engulfing force that is constantly indiscriminate.

"Huangpu Yuanlie, do you really want to be an enemy to my Ouyang family?"

One piece of Ouyang Chun, with a complexion, said with hate

"Enemy? Ouyang Chun, when are you and I friends? After today's cultivation, I want to have a **** revenge, and Ouyang Xie's fruits today are only caused by the evils of those years. A younger generation will not succeed?"

Although Huangpu Yuanlie was also surprised by Hughes's tricks at this moment, he was gloating in grief. After all, no one can tolerate the three big families of Deng Di. That family lost a master. Naturally, the other two would steal. Happy things.


Ouyang purely thought that Ouyang Xie won the Hughes without any effort. Unexpectedly, the boy Hughes was so powerful that he had trapped Ouyang Xie in the power of all phases for so long.

Ouyang Chun has quite a good understanding of the power of all phases, but with Ouyangxie's cultivation at this moment, even in Hughes, he has not been able to achieve a great climate in manipulating the power of all phases, but? Ouyang Xie is also not able to survive in it, otherwise it will be a change.

"Ouyang Chun, if you want to fight, my Huangpu Yuanlie will definitely accompany you to the end. If you don’t want to, you can watch it quietly. Ouyang Xie is doing so, can’t he really be unable to cope with Hughes like this? ?The master of your Ouyang family is just this ability?"

Although Huangpu Yuanlie was usually very serious and unsmiling in front of everyone in the family, however, at this moment, he did not let go of such a good opportunity to attack the Ouyang family verbally.

Ouyang Chun didn't understand Huangpu Yuanlie's words at this moment, and his face was green for a while. However, Huangpu Yuanlie said his Ouyang master's strength was naturally in order to make himself unable to speak up and down. Easily stepped forward to help Ouyang get rid of difficulties, and at this moment, Huangpu Yuanlie led the people of Huangpu family is also a big obstacle.

"Huh, Ouyang Chun, you still calm down at this moment, your and my purpose are clear, but if you Ouyang's family still want to pay attention to the power of Hughes in more than ten years, it is just Idiots say dreams, it’s your Ouyang family that belonged to you as early as a dozen years ago. However, the defeat of a dozen years ago explained this. This universal force should not be owned by your Ouyang family. power."

Huangpu Yuanlie was seeing Ouyang Chun's face at this moment, his heart sneered, and finally said the most seriously. Although at this moment, the Huangpu family faced a problem with Hughes, the two were very different and opposed. However, Huangpu Yuanlie naturally did not want to work with the Ouyang family. The two had a problem with Hughes. There is also a very common purpose. At this moment, once the two wars start, I am afraid that they will have an impact on the interests of both.

Ouyang Chun stared at the Huangpu Yuanlie in the gas mask, but he was helpless. Ouyang Chun was indeed afraid to help Ouyang evil at this moment. After all, the Huangpu family deterred them. Both, he was the head of the Ouyang family. Of course, they also understand the two interests, and swallow their hearts with patience, but they are frowning and perplexed, perceiving the change of the power of all kinds of things.

As for why Ouyangxie blatantly called the Dengdi family, Ouyangxie's heart was also unknown at this moment, but then, seeing Ouyangxie's tone, as the owner of this generation, he certainly knew that Ouyangxie, who was the previous owner, would not be so Recklessly speaking this, it means that the Ouyang family and Ouyangxie's generation still have some secrets that he did not know together with his contemporary owner of the Ouyang family, but he was worried but looking forward to it.

At the moment, Hughes was covered with sweat and tortured with internal injuries. This was a bitter brace. However, the two beasts pressed into it. Although the goal was not himself, but the trapped Ouyang Xie, Hughes was still able to clearly notice that the pressure was shrinking violently at the moment.

At this time, I was thinking about whether to explain Feng Qing three times at this moment, so as not to lose myself. However, although the third time is on the edge of a street, the risk is extremely unknown, and risk and luck coexist. If it is completed, even if Ouyang Xie can no longer support it, it is difficult to resist his further power to inspire all phases. However, if he fails, then he is in a state of nowhere.

At this time, Ouyang Xie was obviously more fearful than Hughes. He was somewhat confident that he could resist the omnipotent force exerted by Hughes at this stage. Until Hughes reached the limit, he could finally win from it, and he might get that. The coveted strength, however, the twin beasts who have suddenly intruded now completely left Ouyangxie's faith alone.

But seeing Ouyang Xie's eyebrows wide open, he saw the two beasts. After all, the two extremely cathodic soft forces swept over here, extremely powerful, but unpredictable, but at this moment the chest seemed to be pressed against it by thousands of mountains General, breathless.


Unexpectedly, in the process of the two beasts approaching Ouyang Xie, they saw that the two beasts roared twice towards Ouyang Xie. That was terrifying and frightening.

But under these two roars, the scene of the seal that appeared to be the seven-year-old seal was originally seen in the double beast that was originally the phantom body Kirin Golden Dragon.

Hughes's eyes looked round, and the scene before him opened, the two beasts turned into two streams of light and hovered with each other, just like a picture of two instruments, in which the endless power of yin and yang was exuded.

Hughes's heart is unclear. So: "Does the power of these two beasts want to be sealed with this Ouyang evil one-pass seal in this power of ten thousand phases?"

But when Hughes thought about it, he didn't want to. The picture of the two instruments was suddenly resisting the power of all phases, and the cold sweat of Ouyang Xie was shrouded in the center of the two instruments, and at this moment, The speed of the two instruments that Hughes saw was even faster.


Hughes is watching the observer, he suddenly listens to the screams from Ouyang Xie, and then there is a blood mist. This scene is like the power of the fall.


As soon as Ouyang Chun heard this voice, his face changed greatly. The screams that came were indeed the voice of Ouyang Evil. Immediately he could not stand still, so he wanted to step forward to help Ouyang Evil get out of trouble, but who I thought, Huangpu Yuanlie had been paying attention to the movements of the Ouyang family here, but he saw Ouyang Chun's movements and moved his body quickly, but it was intercepted in front of Ouyang Chun.

"Ouyang Chun, don't you want the father and son to join forces to deal with Hughes? If that's the case, then how does my Huangpu Yuanlie join Hughes to deal with your father and son?"

Huangpu Yuanlie listened to Ouyang Xie’s screams and immediately relaxed his mind. He was really worried that Ouyang Xie had defeated Hughes by virtue of Gao Shenxiu, but with this tragic So, Huangpu Yuanlie understood that Ouyang Xie could hardly come back, and Hughes naturally had the upper hand or even won.

"What are you still stunned?"

Ouyang Chun saw that Huangpu Yuanlie was determined to block himself, but Shen Sheng said towards the deep family.

Those people were eager to try, but listening to Ouyang Chun's order, they quickly stepped forward, and the masters of Huangpu were not far behind. Therefore, the two big families turned out to be ready to fight at any time.


At this moment, Ouyang Shishi listened to the screams of Ouyang Xie, his eyes were sour, and he shouted. He didn't take into account Huangpu Agarwood and others, and went straight towards Huss.

"Brother, you go to help your father, I will go after poems."

Seeing Ouyang's poems and poems, Huangpu Chenxiang was clear-hearted, that is, she caught up in the blink of an eye.

Huangpu Yuxiang saw the situation of Ouyang and Huangpu, and his face changed, but he still looked at Ziyue around him, seeming to want to say something? However, hesitated, he sighed and turned into a white streamer thinking about the two players away.

Ziyue is now looking at Hughes with perseverance, listening to the scream, Ziyue's heart jumped, but randomly found that it was not the sound of Hughes, so that at this moment his heart seemed to be uneasy. Endless.

"Shus, Huss, I beg you to let my grandfather go! Please."

Ouyang Shishi did not want to step forward to help Ouyang evil attack Hughes, but cried for help.

Seeing the scene of Ouyang's poems, Huangpu Chenxiang, who was catching up, was stunned, thinking about dissuasion, but felt extremely inappropriate. Now Huangpu Chenxiang is in a dilemma. I thought Ouyang's poems would attack Hughes, but this is the case.

Hughes listened to the sound of Ouyang Xie's screams, and the **** blood mist, and his heart was kind of cheerful. Unexpectedly, Ouyang's poems helped Ouyang Xie seek his own way.

Hughes grimaced: "Forgive him? Who would give me a few hundred lives to repair the family? What did your Ouyang family do today, someone has to pay for it today?"

"Hughes, as long as you let my grandpa go, you can do whatever you want me to."

Ouyang's poems listened to the cold words of Hughes, and immediately said that his heart was cold, but he still said with no stubbornness. At this time, the face of Ouyang's poems was full of tears. If it was not on the ground, Ouyang's poems would certainly kneel on this In front of Hughes.

"Want you? Ouyang Shishi, you and I are not friends and don't say, you were still defeated by me, you and my follower maid, do you think you have the right to talk about the conditions in front of me?"

Hughes's voice was still cold. Upon hearing Huangpu's agarwood, his face was slightly wrinkled. However, thinking of Hughes' thoughts at the moment, he was relieved.

Ouyang's poems have the idea of ​​Ouyang's poems, but Hughes also has the difficulty of Hughes. After all, the Ouyang family does not owe money to the Xiujia, but their lives, hundreds of lives, facing this kind of matter, whoever Nor will he easily let go of Ouyang Xie several times.

Ouyang's poems shook and knew Hughes' feelings, but Ouyang Xie was his grandfather. Most of his own skills were taught by Ouyang Xie himself, but because he was lazy in his heart, he didn't learn the third part of it. for.

"Hughes, how about I trade my life for my grandpa's life?"

Seeing Hughes still refused, Ouyang's poems under Zhu Zhu's lips bite tightly, and he said that his face was ugly.

"In your life?"

When Hughes heard the words of Ouyang's poems at this time, his heart trembled, and his life was changed.

"Well, Hughes, I am willing to trade my life for my grandfather's life. You should use my life to commemorate your family's hundreds of lives."

Ouyang's poems were haggard, and tears were wanton. When he said these words in his heart, he was endlessly stung.

In such a completely opposite position with Hughes, this is something that Ouyang's poems did not think of, but the fact is in front of him, there is no room for any turning.

"Do you think that your life can be exchanged for hundreds of lives of my family? Furthermore, do you think I can only want Ouyang evil's life today? Wrong, wrong, tell you, Ouyang Poetry, you and your Ouyang family owe us a family repair. Today, I am not only going to kill Ouyang evil, but also destroy your Ouyang family. Let your Ouyang family also taste that kind of slaughtered family. "

Hughes's words were very fierce, and his face was also awkward.

For Ouyang poetry and poems, there is no hatred. After all, for Ouyang poetry and poems, she was just a child at that time, but she had nothing to do with the family cultivation. Ouyang's poems are wrong, but? Suddenly, Ouyang's poems wanted to plead for themselves, letting go of Ouyang's evil moment, Hughes' heart was unreasonable, and that kind of hatred for the Ouyang family was affected by Ouyang's poems.

At this time, everyone was seeing such a battle, and they held their breaths one after another. The two families of Deng Di were in the same situation, and then there might be a contest between masters, and the Ouyang poetry and Hughes now. The stalemate also made everyone's heart hang.

It is to them that Ouyang Xie is naturally damn, but they want to see if Hughes will look at the face of Ouyang's poetry and poems, instead of killing Ouyang Xie, he just abolishes his cultivation behavior.

But Hughes's harsh voice came to make everyone feel a little bottomed.


"Stop talking."

Ouyang Shishi still wanted to ask, however, Hughes didn't give her a chance, and immediately shouted, very terrifying.

Ouyang's poems jumped, and she heard the change of tone between before and after Hughes. However, in the face of the threat of Ouyang's evil life, Ouyang's poems had to temporarily ignore Hughes's tone of speech at this moment. .

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