Pioneer Knight

Chapter 989:

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As for how Feng Qing can talk to himself, Hughes still has the mood to ignore it, but listening to Feng Qing's words is even more confusing.

"But? Ziyue..."

"Xiaoxiu, Ziyue and you are not relatives and siblings. You naturally understand yourself. Although the mother does not know how you knew about your family cultivation in the past, nor did you know the real reason for your rejection of Ziyue, but Ziyue Your life is at stake, can't you be cold-eyed!"

Feng Qing seems to see Hughes' every move in his eyes, but at this moment he said

Hughes was shocked, surprised by Feng Qing's remarks. From Feng Qing's remarks, she naturally knew what was happening at this moment.

"Is there no other way!"

Hughes said the same.

Zi Yue in her arms was still trembling, but a layer of ice gradually began to rise again.

"Mother, don't worry about Brother Brother Sis, I understand Brother Brothers' thoughts, I don't want to force Brother Brother Sis!"

Ziyue also heard Feng Qing's voice, and naturally she was also clear about what Feng Qing said, however. Although she is extremely fond of Hughes, Ziyue also wants to stay with Hughes forever, but if she is forced to achieve this purpose, she is extremely reluctant, she wants It is not just the people of Hughes, but also Hughes's heart. If, because of his own situation at this moment, Hughes is allowed to accept himself under compulsion, how does Ziyue accept it.

"Xiaoyue, do you know your current situation? Do you know if you will die?"

Now only your brother Hughes can save you in this way, neither dad nor mother can save you! "

Feng Qing was anxious when she heard it, and she didn't understand why Zi Yue wanted to talk like this at this moment. For Zi Yue, Feng Qing naturally loved her tightly, and after Hughes left, she took her heart all the more. On Ziyue. Although it is not a biological child, it is no longer important for this kind of relationship for more than ten years.

"Xiaoyue knows, but if it's just forcing Brother Xiusi to do so, then Xiaoyue would rather die!"

Ziyue's voice was weak at the moment, but she said with mist in her eyes

Feng Qing suddenly heard Zi Yue's remarks, but suddenly fell into silence and no longer spoke.

So far, only Feng Qing has spoken alone, and Longyang can reasonably speak, but there is no sound, even at this moment.

"Mother, don't worry! I won't let Ziyue do anything!"

Feng Qing fell into silence at this moment, but when he heard Hughes suddenly said

But seeing the end of Hughes's words, a purple grudge appeared at once, and he and she both enveloped Hughes and Ziyue.

At that moment, Feng Qing didn't know if he could hear Hughes' words, but he never spoke again.

At this time, Ouyang Xie exposed the green bars, and the power of the Nine Nether was completely blocked by the colorful light. During this time, Hughes was no longer within the erosion ability of his Nine Nether, and at this moment, the Nine Nine No matter how hard you try, you can't suppress the colorful light.

Ouyang's evil heart was really shocked, and the two were very profound in their cultivation practices. Although it was only in front of my own eyes, it made my heart linger until this moment. However, after practicing the Jiuyou tactics and achieving great success, I originally thought that I could have the power of oneself, but I don’t want to be able to slightly suppress that. However, Li is still unable to resist the colorful light. Such a phenomenon is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Ouyang Xie.

However, Ouyang Xie is not only worried about this. The power of the Nine Nether can not resist the colorful light, but it is gradually back pressed by the colorful light again. The powerful force is immediately passed to the body, and Seeing that the colorful light turned out to be more and more prosperous, there was no sign of weakness. Ouyang Xie tried to contend at this moment, but everything was in vain.

That colorful light is a great event, but at this moment a colorful light ball was formed, and the colorful light ball is also constantly increasing and increasing, dangling in the air.

Everyone was dumbfounded at seeing, Huangpu Agarwood and Ouyang Poetry were unclear at first sight. However, at that time, the power of the black nine-nine was actually pushed back by the colorful light ball and fell into the wind. Now, the two of them are happy. Although the situation of Hughes is still not clear so far, at least one point is stated, Hughes is very likely to fight back against Ouyang Xie again, otherwise, why would he explain the changes at this moment.

In fact, not only the two thought so much, but everyone on the field was also thinking so much.

Ouyang Chun and Huangpu Yuanlie, Xia Houxuan were also surprised at the moment, just now the power of the Nine Nine Powers was strong, how could they not understand the mystery of it, this time the few companies just changed their sidelines and waited for the opportunity, not daring to help Hughes, however, the gradual emergence of the colorful spheres of light shocked the hearts of several people. During this period, the strength was to overpower the evil Nine Nether, which means that Hughes’ strength is here. It has been preserved before, or that the true strength of Hughes has already surpassed Ouyang Xie, even if it is not so, it should be comparable to it.

Looking at this phenomenon, Xiahou and Huangpu both whispered in their hearts at this moment. With the strength of Hughes, can they still be sure that they have the strength in their bodies, or, now they are playing The role of a friend in order to pull Hughes into the family is not better.

Ye Yue saw the situation at this moment and was overjoyed, but overjoyed was not just Hughes's counterattack to Ouyang Xie, but the appearance of the Xiahou family. As a result, Deng Di’s three big families were already together at the moment In such a situation, the three families have already walked up the route confessed by their masters, and Ye Yue is more relaxed at the moment.


Meixi hurried back at this moment, she was a mortal body, how could her speed be comparable to Ziyue's cultivation style above Ziyue, until now Meixi returned to Yanwuchang, but she saw This is the case. Although I did not see the situation before Hughes, but when I looked around, there was no one in that half of the sky who was trained by Hughes, and Hughes is fighting today again, then the colorful light ball must be Hughes is not false. Although it was only speculation, Jiucheng still had 90% certainty in her heart, so she whispered.

At the moment, my heart was suspended, and I was nervous and worried, but these two complex emotions were caused by my loss of Hughes' jade card and the current situation of Hughes.

Nangong Xue's eyebrows were dark, looking at the sky, but she was thinking.

She was also shocked by the strength of Hughes at the moment. Nangong Xue thought about it at the moment. It might be correct to give up the competition on his own initiative. Otherwise, if he is facing the strength of Hughes at this moment, even if he is both fighting and thinking. Under the circumstances, there is no certainty to defeat it, and once he faces Hughes, he will choose to fight deadly, so that his own results may only be imagined.

Seeing this situation at this moment, Zong Lan killed him, but even Di Yang couldn't help but look happy, but when he saw the power of the colorful light balls, he felt a lot lighter. The two were looking at each other at the moment, but they were At the same time, his face changed again.

At this moment, not only Zong Lan and Di Yang's complexion changed, but also everyone on the scene changed greatly.

"What a powerful breath!"

Everyone exclaimed at this moment. At the moment, everyone's eyes were actually looking at the infinite sky in the distance.

In the field of vision, I saw a dark black light body in the distant sky lasing.

The black streamer that exudes a strong breath is now close to the eyes, and in the blink of an eye, it is still in the middle of the air, and at the same time, under the eyes of everyone, there is a human figure under the cover of a black breath standing in the air. Crowd center.

"Black grudge!"

The three people of Huangpu Yuanlie said at the same time at the same time, and the blue and Emperor Yang also changed their faces, and looked at the man who was covered with black breath under his eyes.

Since the history of fighting spirit cultivation in Dongling mainland, I have never heard of the black fighting spirit. In the history of fighting spirit cultivation in Dongling mainland, the cultivation of fighting spirit is divided into primary swordsman, intermediate swordsman, senior swordsman, big Swordsmen, junior sword masters, great sword masters, sword sects, sword sages, sword respects, sword gods, sword emperors, and among the general stages of these descriptions of cultivation, one of them has its own unique color of the fighting awn representing its cultivation Because, these fighting colors are orange, yellow, green, cyan, orange, purple, silver, gold, seven colors, and after the color is an ethereal state, the colorless represents the sword **** Xiuwei, as for the sword The emperor has never expressed it, because from the beginning to the end, there has never been anyone who cultivated the sword emperor on the mainland of Dongling.

However, among these fighting colors, there is no one color that is black, even if it is close to black, and I have never heard of it, but the appearance of this person is very obvious to everyone. The routine of the world is completely shocked. At this moment, everyone can't help but think about it. What exactly does this black strange fighting spirit represent? It is the sword emperor who has no sign.

Thinking of the word Emperor Jiandi, everyone secretly panted.

Several people in Huangpu Yuanlie looked ugly at this moment. Although I still don't understand where this person came from, I suddenly felt relieved to see that he didn't do anything.

"Who are you!"

Ouyang Chun asked with courage at this moment.

Ouyang Chun’s cultivation practice is not bad. The strength among the three family heads is actually the same, but it is conceivable that his cultivation position can be unusual in being able to stand on the position of a large family head. However, this The engraved Ouyang Chun still asked with courage, after all, the correct cultivation had never been seen before, and the breath emitted by his body was evil and powerful, so powerful that Ouyang Chun did not have a little confidence with this person. speak.

Under Ouyang Chun's questioning, he didn't want the person shrouded in black grudge to respond to Ouyang Chun's question, but his orientation at this moment was where Hughes and the Ouyang evil confronted each other.

Both Huangpu Yuanlie and Xia Houxuan frowned, and saw that this person was speechless. Although he didn't do anything at the moment, what is said is that the good will not come and the bad will come. What is happening today is related to the interests of his three big families in Dengdi, but how can mistakes occur.

"Dare to ask who you are, please also report your name!"

Huangpu Yuanlie also asked at the moment, his face was silent.

At this moment, the appearance of this person made the atmosphere on the field suddenly more tense and serious. After a while, seeing that person still did not respond, everyone held their breath.


Unexpectedly, when everyone's nerves were tense, it was very sad to hear this man suddenly making a laugh.

When everyone heard it, their complexion changed greatly, and they were highly alert to this person's actions.

"The three big families want to take this opportunity to regain your glory today, but how can I miss this opportunity today, moreover, the power of all phases is the power of the gods, and this power naturally has to be kept by the messenger of God How can you let your three big families call here, but hey! Your three big families are also at the end today!"

Seeing the expressions of everyone, the man said with a sneer and a sneer.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone only felt that there was an extremely strong pressure from the whole person, which made everyone unable to breathe, even the three major family heads.

One person can resist the masters of the three major families, and the fact that the three major families are so unbearable under the condition that no fighting techniques have been performed. The people on the ground are all cold at this time. This person cultivates for But the world is terrifying.

At this moment, the heads of the three major family members forced their luck to improve slightly, but only those warnings with poor repairs came out of their mouths. Presumably, the coercion of the people under the black fighting spirit must be invisible. They caused them internal injuries.

"Messenger of God!"

At this moment, the three people who changed a little were whispering suspiciously, but after this suspicion, they exclaimed again.

"Messenger of God!"

At the moment, the three of Huangpu Yuanlie's eyes widened, and they looked at the person in the field of vision with three points of shock and anger.

"Hey! It seems that your three big families still haven't forgotten what they were, but today, since you dared to go against the will of God, then today is the period of demise of your three big families!"

The man was extremely satisfied when he heard the exclamations of the three, and said again immediately.

At this time, everyone in the three major families felt as if they were frozen, and they felt cold.

The matter of the gods and monsters has long disappeared in the mainland of Dongling for many years. Even if an ancient family such as their three major families has reached this generation, few people know it. Even if they listen to it, they dare not believe it. However, as the head of the three major families, the three However, people will not know the matter of the gods and demons. The matter just did not reflect this thing just now.

The three big families today, and even all the big families on the Tanglin Continent, have experienced such a time, a time when the gods and demons resisted martial arts.

The world of martial arts in the Tangling Continent, however, in an accidental invasion of the so-called gods and demons, it was found that the power of practicing martial arts in the world of the Tangling Continent was so powerful that it wanted to destroy it for no reason, and then it was a god. For the first time in the history of demons, the union of gods and demons jointly fought against the martial arts practitioners on the mainland of Dongling, and just after that unity of spirits and demons against the martial arts of Dongling, Dongling martial arts fell into a period of decline. The martial arts are withering away, and the Tangling fighting spirit at this moment is replaced.

However, it is said that after that war, Dongling martial arts was withered, but the gods and demons also paid a heavy price, unable to kill the remaining martial arts practitioners on the mainland of Dongling, and left the grudge to cultivate. Dharma wants to replace it, and at the same time, the devil actually cultivated human puppets on the Dongling Continent and then ruled the Dongling Continent to supervise the Dongling people. The power of martial arts can no longer be cultivated. It was the three major empires of the midsummer, northern slaves, and southern merchants in the beginning, and then the split in midsummer formed the four empires that ruled Dongling together to practice fighting spirit today, and martial arts were even more impossible since then.

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