Pioneer Knight

Chapter 994:

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It is naturally easier for the three major families to escape the threat of Liuying at this moment. However, at this moment, the purpose of the three major families has been completely exposed, even if Liuying has already fought against the dark spirit at this moment, but This is just now, who knows whether Liuying will return in the future, but since Liuying has left, the so-called union of the three big families has also lost its function, and the three parties are closely watching the fierce battle at this moment. Two people, but in this case, it seems that neither side can win or lose, but now it is just the beginning.

Ouyang Xie only wanted to love the strength of Hughes when he first battled with Hughes, but he was caught by Hughes, and he almost killed him, and Ouyang Xie had to seize the opportunity at a critical moment. The use of martial arts tricks to provoke the power of the Nine Nethers to annihilate Hughes, which caused the two sides to fight for one time, but no one used their true power. It was just that both sides were directly exterminated. This made the potentially wonderful fighting process lacking. However, in this second two-person battle, both of them have their own minds, and no one can take it lightly. Once negligence is a matter of life and death, so the two The situation at the moment seems to the eyesight people, this is just a warm-up for the two. Although they couldn't hold on, it was clear that both parties did not have much effort.

At this moment, Hughes's heart was a little deep, and he was naturally worried about Ouyangxie's more powerful fighting skills hidden behind. Furthermore, although the two sides can't stand still at the moment, both of them understand that this situation is only mutual. It’s just a matter of temptation. Ouyang Xie has Ouyang Xie’s taboo, but Hughes is even more worried about Hughes. Ouyang Xie’s weird giant sword slashes and forms a once-attack energy barrier on all sides of his body. The attacks are also unable to really concentrate Ouyang Xie. Although there will be no mistakes in the face of this situation, Hughes is worried that the attack that consumes grudge like this is extremely disadvantageous once it lasts for a long time. Hughes is not clear. At this moment Ouyang Xie's skill is stored in geometry. Although it must have been a trumpet by all forces, Hughes would never want to be optimistic about this.

Fitted with Ziyue. Although it was helpless, however, the two men practiced dragon and phoenix to fight their qi. After combining, the effect on the skill is indeed ten times and one hundred times that of the two qi. Both the Dragon's fighting spirit and the Phoenix's fighting spirit, which has already reached the peak state of the Great Sword Master, have already achieved a huge breakthrough. They actually crossed two realms and entered the Jianzong Zhongge directly, and the Phoenix's fighting spirit is vaguely still there. The possibility of a breakthrough, this rapid breakthrough is absolutely unique, but it is also firm to Hughes today's determination to blame Ouyang Xie.

Ziyue saw that the two were deadlocked, but Xiumei's eyes were light and clear, and her handsome face looked at the serious face at the moment, but her pretty face slightly faintly.

"Brother Hughes, or..."

"You are staying well, I can handle it!"

Hughes didn't give Zi Yue a chance to interrupt, and his voice was a little deep, but his eyes never saw Huai Zhongzi Yue from beginning to end.

Ziyue saw that Hughes was so determined that she sighed in silence.

The two of them attacked each other for half an hour. No one made concessions, nor did they use other fighting attacks. However, under such a stalemate, the two did not dare to act rashly, because Once the slightest change in the next step is likely to determine today's situation.

Ouyang's poems are extremely ugly, Hughes still chooses to fight against Ouyang evil, that is to say, only one of the two can survive today, and he hopes that Hughes can win, but he is definitely not willing to lose Ouyang evil. Once Ouyang Xie loses, then he must be dead, so in the future, Hughes and himself will become enemies and feuds. Although on the karmic retribution, Ouyang Xie should have had such a result, however, she cannot naturally let go of this kinship kinship on the basis of family kinship, that is to say, when Ouyang Xie died, her Ouyang poetry and cultivation This is destined to fight a death battle on a certain day, and only one of the two can survive.

Seeing the situation above, Huangpu Agarwood was worried about Hughes’ safety, but when he saw the expression of Ouyang’s poems around him, he couldn’t help feeling sorry. The relationship between himself and Hughes was complicated, but now Ouyang’s poems and Hughes The complexity of the relationship will certainly not be lower than yourself.

At this moment, the entire Yanwu Field stretched out and the surrounding ten miles were filled with the energy of both parties' attacks. Fortunately, at this moment, although the attack power of the two was powerful, they were in the air, one sword sect and one sword sage. Although the cultivation base can be regarded as an advantage, compared with the cultivation of the Dark Spirit and Liuying, it is absolutely different, so the impact of the two attacks on the ground is not much.


It was at this moment that everyone was wondering when the two of them were going, but they heard that Ouyang Xie shouted again, but the huge red sword in Ouyang Xie's single hand was suddenly This disappeared, followed immediately by seeing Ouyang Xie's hands quickly folded in front of his chest, but in this way, he saw the heart of his hands folded together. At this time, light gradually appeared, and an energy ball appeared in the blink of an eye. .

Everyone was extremely puzzled about Ouyang Xie's behavior. The energy ball was that they didn't seem to be very powerful, but Hughes felt very different at this time. I saw that Ouyang Xie's giant knife blocked the barrier. The moment is also gone, but his own attack is still unable to attack Ouyang Xie. Moreover, Hughes clearly noticed a strangeness at this time, and this strangeness came from his surrounding space. Changes, from weak to strong, from blurry to clear, Hughes was secretly surprised, but it was unexpected, but the day and the day were just suddenly changed, and the sun, moon, and stars appeared rapidly alternately in the sky. After calm, Hughes was surprised, and when he fixed his eyes, he was startled.

"Magic Sky"

Illusory Realm, a domain space tempered by grudges, is equivalent to the space enclosed by the enchantment. However, this illusory realm is not only this, but within this space, there are sun, moon and stars. They appear alternately, with a scene that is completely general to the outside world, but within this space, everything is controlled by the cultivator. Once the other party breaks into the phantom of the cultivator, it means, His every move will be under the control of the master of this fantasy world. Within this space, you may completely lose your initiative and fall into the passive state. One is to live in desperation, and the other is to die. No burial place.

Although Hughes has no ability to cultivate his own fantasy world, Hughes has a certain understanding of the fantasy world. Of course, these understandings were obtained by Longyang and Fengqing.

From the sudden rapid change of the sun, the moon and the stars, Hughes was not feeling well. However, at this moment, he fully understood that it was too late. Now he is already in the illusory realm of Ouyang evil, which means Therefore, all his attacks will be known in advance by Ouyang Xie to avoid or preempt.

"I didn't expect that you actually cultivated the fantasy world!"

Seeing this, Hughes felt extremely bad, but at this moment, his anxiety was not able to be revealed, and he also had its loopholes in the solid defense technique, and although this fantasy world was equivalent to the cultivator’s autonomy Field, but every space field of cultivation is formed in a short period of time, so the structure of the space is absolutely wrong and not perfect, and it will not go through hundreds of millions of years like the real natural space. Tempering will make every detail fine and perfect.

"With your current practice, you don't know much about fighting spirit, but I am a little surprised that you actually know the name of this autonomous space field, indicating that the person who taught you the cultivation method must be a master. Master!" Although Ouyang Xie knows that Hughes is now in his fantasy space, Hughes’s actions will be known in advance by himself, but there are too many "surprise" in Hughes, Ouyang Xie at the moment But he did not dare to take it lightly.

"Jiansheng Xiu is already not easy to be able to practice the world of changing space!"

Although Hughes hated Ouyang Xie in his heart, he still had to be surprised at Ouyang Xie's fantasy world.

"Huh, the sword saint realm could only touch a little bit of practice in the space realm. However, I, Ouyang Xie, are different from ordinary people. This space realm is the realization that I have broken through the sword saint. The practice of cultivating the sword saint as stable at the peak of the sword saint, but it is able to gradually cultivate the illusion world to this point. You are the first person to enter the space of this field today. Even if you are today Beheading is also your blessing!"

Ouyang Xie said coldly.

"Jiansheng Zhongge can cultivate the illusory realm to this point. You Ouyang Xie are indeed not ordinary people. However, if I guess well, the illusionary realm you have cultivated is still far from being able to use its current practice. How long it lasts, and only after more than ten years of space shaping, even Ouyang Xie is a god, it is difficult to perfect this space. The loopholes must exist. Although I entered the space today, it is a chance of victory. Still undecided!"

Although Hughes was extremely vigilant at this moment, he was very sure about Hughes’s guess at this point, but seeing Hughes say this, it was astonishment to see Ouyang evil god, but even at this moment even Within Ouyangxie's realm of space, Ouyangxie's fighting spirit is still full, and he wants to defend Hughes's offensive at any time.

Ouyangxie was so hesitant for a moment, but Hughes had already thought about it. Presumably, what he said was exactly the painful point of Ouyangxie, otherwise Ouyangxie would not be like that.

"Then you try it!"

Ouyang Xie was also aware of his exposed stuff at this moment, and he said quickly.

"You have your fantasy space, but what you didn't think is that I have my personal cracking method, just to deal with you, a person who can cultivate space in the field!"

Hughes thought at this moment, just said.

As for this method of cracking, Hughes does have it. However, it has never been used in this way. So, as to whether it has any effect, Hughes does not know how effective it is. In order to put pressure on Ouyang's evil heart, this way can play a certain role in promoting himself.

"The kid is extremely arrogant, you think this fantasy world is impossible, I spent more than ten years to practice to such a degree, but you can use my current practice to crack my fantasy world, if you can crack it. My Ouyang Xie’s life is for you to take, even if your power of all kinds is in my space, it is still limited to your cultivation and greatly reduced!"

Ouyang Xie listened to the cracking method proposed by Hughes, but his mind couldn't help but cool down. However, for so long, this illusory world was where his own mind was cultivated.

"The power of all phases!" Hughes sneered when he heard this place: "Although I don't know how powerful this all-phase power can play in your fantasy space, but I don't even use it The strength of the phase is also naturally able to crack your fantasy space, but I have heard that everyone can develop a lifeline connection with this fantasy space after they can cultivate this fantasy space. Once this fantasy space is broken, then Life will also be greatly affected by it and die, so, after the break, your Ouyang Xie's life will end here, but this is what I want. Since you use this illusory realm, then let This is where it ends!"

Hughes calmed down now, but said.

Although the phantom world exists independently of natural space, the stability of its space is gradually increased as the cultivator's cultivation level rises, but the phantom world that can only be gradually cultivated by the sword sanctuary is a young In general, then its stability is naturally a huge problem, and one of the main factors that affects this stability is the five elements of vitality described previously. Everything in space is composed of five elements of vitality. Once these five elements of vitality If the extreme stability is strongly changed, then the space will be extremely shaken or even collapsed. Once the space collapses, it means the destruction of the space.

At this moment, Di Ling saw that Hughes' phantom giant phoenix disappeared into his sight suddenly, and could not help but frown, and under observation, the Ouyang evil disappeared into the air, the emperor. Ling heart was anxious, but for a moment there was no attention at all.

"Ling Er!"

Di Yang saw some eyebrows, and when he saw Di Ling's anxiety, he stepped forward and shouted.

"Grandpa, where did they go!"

Di Ling did not know the mystery, but was puzzled.

"The two of them have already entered another space!"

Di Yang Shen Sheng said, but his eyebrows were wrinkled, and he knew the power of this illusion realm, and under the practice of Di Yang, he gradually began to practice this illusion realm, but The appearance of Ouyangxie’s illusionary realm still surprised him. That summoned the illusionary realm to check and balance Hughes’s offensive. In the future, Ouyang Xie's fantasy world has gradually moved away from cultivation, but has moved towards a more profound cultivation.

"Another space!"

Di Ling listened to the words and was puzzled, but when she saw Di Yang's face serious, she nodded slightly again.

"What space!"

Di Ling asked again

"This field is not what you can understand, but as long as you break through to the limit of cultivation at this moment, you will be able to touch it after reaching the level of the sword saint. This space is not a natural space, but it has the same existence as the operation principle of natural space. This space is the autonomous realm space tempered by the grudge cultivator. It is called the Magical Realm. Within this space, everything that enters the space must be controlled by the person who exhibits this space. Within, the opponent's every move will be known in advance by the owner, so that the opponent completely lost the initiative, but the master can get the most initiative to attack the opponent!"

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