Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 132 Sabo Recovers Memory Unexpectedly! 【5 More Subscriptions】

(5 more 12,000 words are sent, there is no recommendation this week, I want to wait for the recommendation, it may be at the end of the month... so many days, I hope you will support the subscription, stabilize your results, and wait A recommendation! Thanks!)

The fight between Nami and Koala was a bit beyond Sabo's expectations.

Nami's strength should not be very strong, but Koala feels restricted everywhere when facing Nami.

Koala is strong, fast, and quick to react.

This is just a competition, she has reservations in all aspects, no matter how she attacks, she can't attack Nami, and even Nami seized the opportunity several times to counterattack successfully.

There is always a feeling that Koala is being beaten.

"What a powerful Observation Haki!"

Sabo can see it. This navigator named Nami, Observation Haki is very powerful. For Koala's attack, he has already predicted it, avoided it completely, and even made a targeted attack.

As expected of Ye Kai's subordinates, he is just a navigator. He looks a few years younger than Koala, but he actually has such a powerful knowledge and aura.

In this case, Koala also let go of his strength a little, and forced Nami back with strong strength.

Nami is indeed inferior in terms of attack.

Her Observation Haki may be strong enough to avoid Koala's attacks.

However, Nami's attack was not powerful enough and the attack speed was not very fast. Even if she had Observation Haki's prediction and made a targeted attack, she was quickly blocked by Koala.

Even if Nami hits Koala, it won't do much damage.

In the end, he was suppressed by Koala's strong attack speed of Yamato, causing Nami to fall into constant dodge, which consumed his stamina; even though he used the weather stick to release lightning, he failed to hit Koala, and was finally defeated.

"I lost!"

Nami is holding the weather stick, she has used cloud bei, heat bei and cold bei, and the thunderbolt attack has failed.

The main thing is that when Leng Bei, Re Bei, and Yun Bei create lightning, it takes time. How can Koala stand still and let you attack?

The attack failed, and Nami was suppressed by the attack. She used Observation Haki to dodge continuously, which consumed a lot of energy for her, and she had already surrendered with a heavy breath.

"I didn't win either..."

Koala knew he was only going to crush Nami with her sheer strength and attack speed.

Nami is just lacking in his own strength and lack of attack methods, if not... Koala knew that he would have been defeated by Nami long ago.

Nami's Observation Haki is really powerful.

Afterwards, the battle between Koala and Perona was a bit unsolvable....

Doesn't use Armament Haki's Koala, physical attacks are useless against Perona's ghost.

[Negative Specter] After passing through Perona's body, she knelt on the ground and began to cry negatively, which even brought back some bad memories of Koala.

Because Koala was a slave of Celestial Dragons when he was a child. It was the murloc explorer and captain of the Sun Pirates, Tiger, who rescued Koala when he released the slaves of Celestial Dragons.

Koala was only 11 years old at that time, and he joined the Revolutionary Army when he was 13 years old, and it has been several years now.

For Koala, the previous memories really don't want to be remembered, which makes her a little negative.

Afterwards Sabo escaped from upstairs and fought Perona.

Sabo's strength is still higher than that of Koala. At this time, he has mastered Armament Haki. Although he is not very strong, but with his physical skills, he can deal with Perona.

So Perona also lost.

Even so, when Perona was defeated, she used the mini ghosts to bombard Sabo continuously, then released a super ghost to fly Sabo out, and released the negative ghost to pass through Sabo's body.

Let Sabo, like Koala, kneel on the ground and become negative.

Originally, Sabo thought that Koala's negative and crying side would become his handle;

Unexpectedly, he himself knelt on the ground and became negative, and the two became indifferent again, and they were all the same.

Negative ghosts are indeed quite inexplicable!

Except for extremely negative people like Usopp, probably only those who have been tempered inside can ward off the negative ghost.

"The sea was laughing at me just now, but now you are not the same?!"

Koala has recovered, looked at the negative Sabo in the sea, and sneered.

This is what she would like to see, at least she is at peace.

Otherwise, only she has such a negative side, Sabo doesn't... I don't know how long Sabo will hold this handle.

"I shouldn't have left, Ace, Luffy...I'm sorry..."

Sabo fell into a negative state, spit out two names that he himself felt unfamiliar.

How to say.....

In order to find him, Sabo's father paid the pirates to take Sabo away by force, and threatened the safety of Ace and Luffy.

At that time, Sabo, for the safety of Luffy and Ace, chose to sacrifice himself and went home with his father.

But Sabo learned from his younger brother Staley and other nobles that the pirates invited by his father colluded with the royal family and planned to prevent the fire and reduce the garbage mountain.

●Ask for flowers...0

The garbage mountain is the base camp and base of Luffy and Ace. If it is really burned, Luffy and Ace may be in danger.

Sabo fled again in order to inform Luffy and Ace, but was forced to drive away by the soldiers...... Finally, he was injured and fell into the sea. He was rescued by the revolutionary Monkey·D·Dragon and joined the revolutionary army. At the same time, he also lost his memory and forgot Naturally, he doesn't remember Luffy and Ace without the previous memory.

Perona's negative ghost directly evokes the memory deep in Sabo's heart, and this memory can make him fall into an extremely negative state, blurting out I'm sorry Ace and Luffy......!!

He didn't rush to inform Luffy and Ace, maybe the two younger brothers were burned to death because of this?

In an instant, countless memories emerged from the depths of my mind.


Sabo, who was originally in a negative state, directly broke free from the negative state, but he was still kneeling on the ground, his eyes became lifeless, and he fell into a kind of silence.


Koala looked at Sabo worriedly, wondering what's wrong?

At the same time, Koala also looked at Perona, wondering if Perona's attack had any other effect.

Ye Kai touched his chin, feeling very interesting, and said softly to Koala: "Don't worry, he should have recovered some memories... Interesting!"

Sabo regained his memory at least two years in advance because of Perona's negative ghost?!

Ace knew the importance of Haki from Ye Kai in advance, and since he has awakened Armament Haki, whether he will join the Whitebeard Pirates is a question mark!

In the future, whether Ace will be caught by Blackbeard and given to Marine...and finally publicly executed by Marine, it becomes uncertain!

If Ace still joins the Whitebeard Pirates and is also publicly executed, it is certain... At that time, not only the Whitebeard Pirates and Luffy will save people.

Sabo, even the Revolutionary Army will save people!!

That's why Ye Kai sighed, it's a bit interesting!!

Originally, he let Ace know Haki in advance, Ace has even awakened Observation Haki, making the future unpredictable;

Now Sabo also regained his memory because of Perona's negative ghost...

The future will get even more interesting.

Ye Kai looks forward to the future even more!!

Knowing the future, Ye Kai will feel boring, just like knowing the outcome of a movie, watching it again will feel boring:

Only movies with an uncertain future look interesting! Power!.

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