Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 150 Fierce Battle Marine 3 Admiral! 【3 More Subscriptions】

"If you stop me, many people will die!"

"I'm Marine, and it's my job to stop you..."

While Monkey·D·Dragon was dealing with his father, he used his ability to block the lava falling from the sky.

Garp is Marine, his mission is so, of course it is impossible to let Monkey·D·Dragon ignore it.

If Garp doesn't carry out the mission and keep Monkey·D·Dragon at bay because many people will die, he shouldn't come.

In the past, Buster Call also killed a lot of people......

But... Garp said what he said with his mouth, but his body was very honest. When he restrained Monkey·D··long, he was actually letting go.

Fortunately, Ye Kai's movements are also very fast.

Blocked the attack of the yellow ape with one knife;

Slay Black Arm Zephyr with one blow;

Blocked Aokiji's attack with a knife, and suppressed Aokiji with a thrust of the sword:

Immediately rush to Akainu!!

Swish Swish Swish Swish——————!!

Stepping on the Moonwalk and flying through the air, Ye Kai, who was approaching Akainu constantly, waved the double knives in his hands to block all the lava created by Akainu.

At this moment, Akainu has landed on Alabasta island from the ship.

A corner of the entire island turned into a piece of magma, and the ground rose up, turning into a flame.

The lava emitting black smoke is still spreading, spreading towards the center of Alabasta.

Is this going to turn the entire Alabasta into magma?!


Ye Kai, who fell from the sky, swung a knife casually when he fell in the air.

The powerful sword energy fell like a heavenly knife, splitting the west corner of Alabasta,

A small piece of land breaks off from Alabasta.

Ye Kai landed on a small island that was cut off, like a pinning needle, blocking Kizaru's lava from continuing to spread.

"Dark Hound!"

Ye Kai just landed.

Standing on the top of the "volcano", Akainu, who has become one with the hot lava, launches an attack as soon as he raises his hand.

[Dark Hound] is Akainu's arm turned into lava to extend the attack, because it has been charged, the attack speed is extremely fast!!

When an attack has speed, its strength will not be too weak!!

In the original book, Akainu used this trick to smash Whitebeard's half head.

At this moment, Akainu's firepower was fully fired, and the entire land under his feet, the split island had already turned into magma, and the ground under Akainu's feet rose up like a volcano.

At this time, Akainu's [Dark Hound] burst out, both in power and attack speed, are much stronger than when attacking Whitebeard in the original book.


Ye Kai held [Broken Sea] and rushed out, the tip of the knife resisting the incoming attack!

․ boom!!

[Dark Hound] This attack collides with the tip of [Broken Sea], and it cannot advance an inch.


[Black Knife Qiushui] With a backhand slash, cut off the lava arm extending in front of him.

Akainu stood on the "volcano", with a cigar in his mouth, he took a deep puff, protruding a smoke ring, his eyes were full of dignity.

[Dark Hound] is the attack extended by Akainu's arm, which was cut off by Ye Kai, and did not hurt Akainu's arm.

By the time Ye Kai cut through the lava, Akainu had already unelementated his arms.

This attack also gave Akainu the most direct understanding of Ye Kai's terrifying power.

Really scary!!

At the same time, Kizaru turned into a golden light and kicked Ye Kai's head.

Here, with fellow Marine Admiral Akainu around, Kizaru isn't afraid to fight Ye Kai at close quarters.

In a two-on-one situation, Kizaru will definitely not be so embarrassed.

"Frozen Moment!"

Aokiji blocked Ye Kai's [Broken Moon], and also rushed over from the other corner of the island, exuding the terrifying cold, and stretched out his hand towards Ye Kai.

Kizaru and Aokiji attack, one after the other.

Ye Kai swung a knife casually, and the blade slashed towards Kizaru's light speed kick.

With a loud "boom", Kizaru was blown away with a single blow!!

Aokiji's attack was also kicked out by Ye Kai, his whole body turned into ice and shattered to the ground, and after a while, he condensed out of the ice not far away.

On the contrary, when Ye Kai kicked out, his feet were covered with a layer of hard ice.


Ye Kai stomped the ground, and the ice on his feet shattered.

Now Ye Kai, it's not when he first entered the Grand Line a year ago.

At that time, it was difficult for Aokiji to freeze Ye Kai, let alone now?

Even if Aokiji is fully fired, covered with Armament Haki, coupled with Ye Kai's strong physical fitness and strength, it is impossible for Aokiji to freeze Ye Kai's feet.

In fact, once Ye Kai's feet are frozen, Ye Kai's movement, speed, reaction, etc. will be affected.

Three Admiral will be much easier to deal with Ye Kai.

But in fact... it's just Aokiji's wishful thinking.

Marine 3 Admiral confronts Ye Kai in an earth-shattering battle!!

Ice and lava, and light!

Fight against Ye Kai who has great sword skills, physical skills, strength, Conqueror's Haki.

The entire battlefield is the constant fighting between monsters, and the small island that Ye Kai cut off from the big island of Alabasta has long been shattered.

Now the place where the four of them are fighting is the frozen sea, and... lava exuding terrifying heat and black smoke!




Ye Kai swung a knife and blocked Aokiji's attack, another knife blocked Akainu's attack, and then pulled out and kicked Kizaru out.

However, at this time, Kizaru was restrained by Aokiji and Akainu, who are both Marine Admirals, and his ability to shine fruit took a strong advantage and continued to attack Ye Kai.

Kizaru attacks Ye Kai, which can restrain Ye Kai to the greatest extent, Aokiji and Akainu can silently attack Ye Kai:

Akainu has terrifying lethality and large-scale attack, and can even attack directly with Aokiji and Kizaru!!!

In the same way, Aokiji is the same. His fruit ability can also directly attack Ye Kai, Akainu and Kizaru together. The ability to freeze fruit can freeze Ye Kai, even if it is only a part of the body.

In this case, it will have a huge impact on Ye Kai.

"々` Meteor Volcano!!!"

Akainu directs a large-scale attack, covering both Kizaru and Aokiji in the attack range.

Akainu and Aokiji have the fruit ability, such an attack has little effect on them.

Ye Kai has no fruit ability. Those who are not Logia fruit capable can only resist hard.

There are Aokiji and Kizaru constantly holding back!!


Ye Kai was directly kicked by Kizaru and Lightspeed, and he was sent flying out of the hospital.

Kizaru's power is really not that strong, nor is Armament Haki.

But Kizaru is fast enough, and speed means power.

Even if Kizaru's power is not strong, and the armed color is not very strong, with the blessing of the shining fruit, the attack power will not be too weak.

In Alabasta before, Kizaru was killed by Ye Kai, and even if he escaped in the end, he was seriously injured.

It is impossible to say that Kizaru has no anger and no grudges.

Right now, Kizaru is attacking Ye Kai crazily!!

Ye Kai was kicked out, and the attacks of Aokiji and Akainu also struck instantly.



Ye Kai reacted in the air, raised his foot to kick the incoming lava (Wang Nuozhao), covered with Armament Haki, and kicked out... the advanced application of Armament Haki, directly crushing the cold current.

Ye Kai's kick defeated Aokiji's attack at the same time, and the trend continued to kick over the head, and even a backflip, on the body of the attacking Kizaru.


[Foreseeing the future] Seeing Kizaru's attack, Ye Kai's kick was not just to deal with Aokiji, but aimed at Kizaru.

At this time, one hit three, Kizaru is a bit annoying, it must be solved as soon as possible!

Advanced application of Armament Haki, forcing Kizaru's body shape, Ye Kai turned back, immediately stabbed with a sword, followed by a knife!!

【Broken Moon!!】

【Open day!! Welcome】

Puff Chi~!

[Broken Moon] This stab failed, and a powerful sword energy soared into the sky, piercing a hole in the black clouds and pouring out patches of sunlight.

Another attack——[Open Sky], the sword energy brought out was like a crescent moon, "chasing" Kizaru and slashing down.

Kizaru's speed has reached the limit, and he will definitely not be able to catch up.

Ye Kai can [foresee the future], this "chasing and attacking" is not chasing Kizaru, but chasing Kizaru based on the "seeing future". .

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