Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 157 Shock The World! ! 【5 More Subscriptions】

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Then the next day, and the days that followed.

Relevant reports have already come out, and even ordinary people know the situation of [Battle of Alabasta].

A battle between the Revolutionary Army, Pirates, and ~ Marine!

The people who participated in this battle can be said to be the top existences in this world:

Leader of the Revolutionary Army——Monkey·-D·Long

A reward of 2 billion big pirates——Ye Kai...... Seriously injured!

Competitor of the same era as One Piece——Gol·D·Roger——Golden Lion...Fight to the death!

Fighting against Golden Lion many times, the World Destroyer who was arrested thirty years ago——— Byrnndi·World........ died in battle!

One of the three disasters under the Four Emperors Kaido——Drought Jack...death in battle!

Four Emperors BIGMOM Pirates Dessert Three Stars—— Charlotte Cracker...Death in battle!

Naval Headquarters, Marine Hero ----- Garp;

Naval Headquarters, ex-Marine Marine Admiral - Zephyr.....death!

Admiral of Headquarters———— Akainu...death in battle!

Admiral of Headquarters——— Kizaru...heavy damage;

Admiral of Headquarters———— Aokiji;

Marshal Naval Headquarters——— Sengoku;

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral killed more than 10 people, more than 20 Marine Rear Admiral died in battle, and more than tens of thousands of Marine soldiers died in battle;

There are also countless onlookers who were affected.

Alabasta as a battleground, the whole island is shattered;

Even hundreds of kilometers out to sea, the east is covered with thin ice.

The brutality of this battle can be imagined.

Two Naval Headquarters, Four Emperors participated, and the Revolutionary Army also participated...all suffered heavy losses.

【Ye Kai】Became the most eye-catching existence, and was called by countless people—the strongest in the world!!

none of them!!

"Gu la la la..... The strongest person in the world---Ye Kai, it's really scary!!!"

The Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard flipped through the latest newspapers, read the battle of Alabasta in detail, and added the news collected by the Whitebeard pirates, and had a very detailed understanding of the Battle of Alabasta.

At least it is more detailed and accurate than what ordinary people see through newspapers.

Whitebeard did not deny Ye Kai’s title in these newspapers—[The World’s Strongest]. On the contrary, he made a hearty whisper

From here, it can also be seen that Whitebeard is interested in Ye Kai's strength.

"Father, don't get too excited..." Margao immediately reminded him, and at the same time asked with some uncertainty: "Father, is that Ye Kai really that strong? The strongest man in the world , anyway, he is not as strong as you!!

From the perspective of the Pirates: My father, Whitebeard, must be the strongest.

It's just the strength shown by Ye Kai, as well as the killing of Golden Lion, Marine's former Admiral Zephyr, the current Admiral Akainu, and the severe damage of the current Admiral Kizaru... This terrifying record is definitely convincing.

"Ye Kai deserves the title [The Strongest Person on Duty], even me, Kaido, Charlotte Linlin, the red hair...It is very difficult to beat Ye Kai."

"I'm old, Ye Kai is still young!!!"

This is the most critical.

Ye Kai is still young, he is at least 20 years younger than the redhead, and there is still room for growth.

【The strongest person in the world】, Whitebeard will not refute.

Even if Ye Kai is not [the strongest in the world] now, the difference will not be too much, and the current Four Emperors will not be much better than him.

Ye Kai is still young, he is still growing, and in the future he will truly secure [the strongest in the world], and no one can refute it.

Red Hair Pirates.

Shanks looked at the report in the newspaper, and also made a hearty whisper, and said with great emotion: "Ahahaha... really except for one amazing guy!"

“Really amazing!!”

"[The Strongest in the World] Ah!!!"

Shanks whispered excitement and surprise.

But what he said later, there are some worries!

Ye Kai beheaded Golden Lion and Jack the Drough; Naval Headquarters' former Admiral Zephyr and current Admiral Akainu were all killed by him, and he severely injured Marine Admiral Kizaru... The strength shown is very strong.

At the same time, it will bring great changes to the world.

Maybe, there will be a bloodbath.

For the red-haired Shanks, what he pursues is balance... The appearance of Ye Kai will undoubtedly break the balance of the current situation. He was a little worried that the world would be in chaos.

BIGMOM Pirates.

"Mom, Cracker was killed by Sengoku in Alabasta!!"

"Drought of the Golden Lion and Beasts Pirates, beheaded by Ye Kai..."

"Marine suffered a heavy loss, the former Admiral Zephyr and the current Admiral Akainu were killed by Ye Kai, Kizaru will also be severely injured by Ye Kai!"

"That guy Ye Kai is said to be seriously injured and taken away by the leader of the Revolutionary Army!"

"Mom...do we want to do something?!"

For the BIGMOM Pirates, report relevant information to Charlotte Linlin.

Aunt Charlotte Linlin sat cross-legged on the ground, holding snacks in her hands and putting them in her mouth. Listening to the report below, her expression changed from being indifferent at the beginning to becoming serious later on.

Cracker's death doesn't matter, he dies when he dies.

It was Naval Headquarters' loss, which was a bit more than Charlotte Linlin's surprise.

It’s fine if the former Marine Admiral Zephyr is dead. After all, he’s old, he doesn’t have a hand, and his own condition is not good. How much combat power can he have?

But the current Admiral Akainu, Kizaru...one was killed by Ye Kai, and the other was seriously injured.

According to the report below, Marine was dispatched by three Admirals, even Garp, and later even Sengoku...

…0 for flowers……………

In this case, Marine Admiral Akainu and former Admiral Zephyr were beheaded? Kizaru was severely injured?

With such a formation, even Charlotte Linlin dare not say that she can achieve Ye Kai's level in that situation, right?

"The strongest person in the world...... Ye Kai......"

Charlotte Linlin read a sentence, she didn't know what she was thinking about, and finally ignored it, continued to eat her snacks, and said casually: "Don't worry, just wait!"

The Beasts Pirates of the Four Emperors Kaido.

Kaido went out to commit suicide, and there is no trace yet.

But the news that Jack the Drough was killed, the Beasts Pirates already knew.

In the next few days, when the newspapers began to report, everyone knew more clearly.

The Beasts Pirates, like the BIGMOM Pirates, did not make any moves and chose to wait and see what happened.

He didn't go to Ye Kai, or the Revolutionary Army, or Marine for revenge because Jack the Drough was killed.


That's not realistic.

The other Four Emperors didn't move, and Marine suffered such a loss, so they don't know what action they will take yet.

Marine, but one current Marine Admiral died, one Marine Admiral was seriously injured, and only Aokiji had no problems.

Naval Headquarters will definitely promote the new Marine Admiral, and at the same time, it will also make some kind of target against Ye Kai, whether it is to increase the bounty, or some other targets.

Judging from Marine's loss this time, Marine probably won't do anything to Ye Kai again...at least. In a short period of time, it may not be a few years or ten years.

at the same time!

Ye Kai, the Revolutionary Army... and [Alliance of Hundred Nations], there was no movement either.

[Battle of Alabasta], Ye Kai can be said to be the final winner.

Although Ye Kai was seriously injured, he became [the strongest person in the world] and became famous all over the world.

The real world knows!!

Compared with the original One Piece - Gol·D·Roger, the difference is not too far.

It has even been said that Ye Kai is the closest person to One Piece, and within the next three years, Ye Kai will become One Piece.

Next, the most important thing is to watch Ye Kai move!!

Even Marine, you have to watch Ye Kai's actions!!

【Battle of Alabasta】The reason for the outbreak is the reform of Alabasta and the "Basic Law".

Now that Alabasta is destroyed, Ye Kai is all entering the New World competition - where is One Piece?

Or will it continue to compete with Marine and continue to reform the Basic Law?

This will affect Marine's attitude towards Ye Kai, thereby affecting the entire Marine action;

At the same time, it will also affect the pattern of New World, thereby affecting the entire Four Emperors and other pirate groups, and even... Marine will make corresponding adjustments and targets according to Ye Kai's actions.

For a moment, all eyes are on Ye Kai, to see what he will do next... little....

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