Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 159 Marine's New Marshal - Aokiji! 【2 More Subscriptions】

(Thanks to [Mosquito] ["No Name"] for rewarding 1000V points!)

"Have you decided?"

"It's decided. Someone must be responsible for this matter. I didn't consider it well. It brought so many casualties, and even Marine's reputation, reputation, and prestige have dropped a lot..."

"In the future, like Garp, I will retire to the second line and take up a part-time job. Let's cultivate talents for Marine!"

Commander-in-Chief Marine————————————————————————————————————————

Sengoku took the blame and resigned, officially stepping down as Marshal of the Marine.

It is different from the original.

Sengoku took the initiative to ask to take a back seat and cultivate talents for Naval Headquarters.

Because Zephyr was also killed by Ye Kai.

Originally, Zephyr was designed to train talents for Naval Headquarters.

Looking at the many talents in Naval Headquarters: Naval Headquarters three Admirals: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji... and the rising Smoker, Tina, etc., are all the first people who came out of the Dharma.

The entire Naval Headquarters, most of the middle and high-level generals, are disciples of Zephyr.

After Zephyr lost his arm, he became more aggressive, but he was killed by Ye Kai because Whitebeard Second Generation became Seven Warlords of the Sea and betrayed Marine.

In the original book, Zephyr chose to leave Marine because Whitebeard Second Generation became Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Now, Zephyr was killed before leaving Marine, and there is no one who will train Marine's younger generation.

Sengoku resigned two years earlier than in the original book, and decided to take over Zephyr's work to train talents for Naval Headquarters.

30 During this period of time, Sengoku has sorted out the affairs of the headquarters of the Marine Transport, straightened out everything, and completely handed over the affairs in his hands to the next Marine Marshal.

"The next Marine Marshal, do you have any good suggestions?"

As the commander-in-chief of the World government, Sora knows that Sengoku's resignation is irreversible, so he can only ask about the next candidate for the Marine Marshal.


There are not many candidates for the next Marine Marshal.

It can be said that there is only one!

"Kuzan, he's a bit lazy, but he's perfectly qualified to be a Marine marshal!"

Sengoku said the name "Kuzan" without thinking at all.

Kuzan, is the name of Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji.

Marine Marshals are basically promoted by Marine Admirals.

At the beginning, Kong was also the Admiral of Headquarters, later he became the Marine Marshal, and now he is the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government Army.

Sengoku was also Admiral of Headquarters before, and was later promoted to Marshal of Marine.

As the current Marine Admiral, Aokiji has no problem being promoted to Marine Admiral.

In Marine 3 Admiral, Akainu was killed;

Kizaru has been hit hard, and his strength has dropped a bit... Although the Naval Headquarters will basically not participate in the war, Yuan himself has no interest in the Marine Headquarters.

In this way, there is only Aokiji!!

a month later.

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku handed over the position of Marshal Marine to Aokiji, officially stepping down as Marshal Marine.

Aokiji was promoted from Admiral of Headquarters to Marine Marshal.

Throughout Naval Headquarters Marineford, many reporters came to report on the Naval Headquarters Marshal's change of duties.

In addition to the change of Marine Marshal this time, Naval Headquarters will promote many cadres.

To make up for the arrival of some middle and high-level people who died in the [Battle of Alabasta].

After Aokiji took over the post of Marine Marshal, he appointed more than 50 Marine Rear Admirals and 20 Marine Vice Admirals as Naval Headquarters Marshals.

as well as.....…

New Marine Admiral candidates!!

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral——tea dolphin, promoted to Admiral of Headquarters;

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral—— Momousagi, promoted to Admiral of Headquarters;

Teafish and Momousagi would have been "Admiral candidates" for Naval Headquarters.

This identity is not a position, nor is it a military rank, it does not exist, but it is recognized by Admiral.

When something goes wrong with the Admiral of Headquarters, Chabu and Momousagi can fill in directly.

This shows that... both Tea Pig and Momousagi have the strength of Admiral of Headquarters;

In other words, they were the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral who failed in the previous Admiral of Headquarters campaign.

The strength, military industry and other aspects of both of them are enough to serve as Admiral of Headquarters, maybe for some reason they didn't qualify.

Huang Yuanbo is still the Admiral of Headquarters.

However, Kizaru also has plans to resign.

Suffered two big losses under Ye Kai, one serious injury... once suffered a serious injury, one hand was completely useless, the decline in strength is not very serious, but the broken arm is for sure, I really don't want to continue to hold the position of Marine Admiral .

But at this time, Naval Headquarters has no more Marine Admiral candidates to promote, and it will take some time to campaign.

It is believed that in the next few months, Aokiji will agree to Kizaru's resignation and appoint a new Admiral of Headquarters.


"Marine Admiral———— Sengoku has resigned, and the new Marine Admiral is the former Admiral of Headquarters——— Aokiji Kuzan!"

"Aokiji is expected to serve as Marine Admiral, Marine three Admiral, Akainu is dead, Kizaru has a broken hand and suffered a total injury, the position of Naval Headquarters is only Aokiji can do!"

"Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji————— Kuzan, has become the new Marine Admiral, and Sengoku has assumed the position of Marine Chief Instructor and Chief Inspector!"

"Marine's new rookie Admiral is a teafish and Momousagi!"

"Momousagi and Tea Dolphin are both Admiral candidates, Akainu died, Aokiji was promoted to Naval Headquarters Marshal, the two Admiral positions are vacant, and they two fill in "expected things!"

Marine's actions were soon reported and spread all over the world.

Aokiji, the original Admiral of Headquarters, became Marshal of Naval Headquarters.

The new Marine Admiral Momousagi and tea dolphin also appeared in front of everyone.

For the new Marine Admiral, the average pirate does not know the relevant information of these two.

But many pirates in New World have greeted the two new Marine Admirals, so they naturally know how strong these two are, so there is no problem in being the Admiral of Headquarters.

In addition to reporting the new Marine at Naval Headquarters, the new Admiral of Headquarters!

Naval Headquarters announced that it will remove Bartholemew Kuma from 【Seven Warlords of the Sea】;

Bartholemew Kuma became the second Seven Warlords of the Sea to be removed from Marine after Ye Kai.

After the [Battle of Alabasta], everyone knew that Bartholemew Kuma was the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

Without the help of Bartholemew Kuma, Monkey·D·Dragon and Ye Kai's evacuation from the battle of Alabasta would definitely not be that simple.

In addition, Marine updated Bartholemew Kuma's bounty - 1 billion Berry.

The original reward for Bartholemew Kuma was 537.296 billion.

This bounty has not increased since Bartholemew Kuma became Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Considering Bartholemew Kuma's strength, ability, and helping Monkey·D·Dragon and Ye Kai escape...finally, a reward of 1 billion was set.

In addition to Bartholemew Kuma, Marine also updated the reward for Ye Kai - 10 billion Berry.

This bounty, that is, sent out to see, no one can catch Ye Kai.

Now Ye Kai's title is no longer 【Broken Sea·Ye Kai】!

It's 【World's Most Powerful——Ye Kai】!

Even Naval Headquarters admits that Ye Kai is the strongest in the world.

While this surprised countless people, it also felt natural.

Ye Kai's strength and record are there.

In terms of record alone, Ye Kai's record is definitely above Four Emperors.

In terms of strength, Ye Kai is no worse than Four Emperors.

The title of 【World's Most Powerful】 falls on Ye Kai, to put it bluntly... Ye Kai can afford it!!

Marine took the initiative to admit the title everyone gave to Ye Kai. It was just a sentence, a report, and a reward order.

If there are pirates who refuse to accept it, if the Four Emperors refuse to accept it, it is best to go to Ye Kai to fight and decide the outcome.

Defeated Ye Kai, replaced him, and became the new [World Powerhouse].

Lost, Ye Kai's title of "World's Strongest" is well-deserved.

This is what Marine wants to see.

It would be best if the Four Emperors could find Ye Kai to fight to the death, and Marine would just move his mouth...even without moving his mouth, just let the people below release a message.

That would spark a fight between the Four Emperors and Ye Kai, and that would be great. .

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