Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 173 Arriving At The Fish Men Island【2 More For Subscription】

The fish men island is located on the seabed of 10,000 meters.

It is a necessary place to enter the New World!

Of course... the pirates.

When pirates enter the New World, they can basically only take the route of The fish men island, and the success rate of arriving at The fish men island from 10,000 meters under the sea and then going to New World.....the success rate is less than 30%.

More than 70% of pirates have encountered various emergencies at the bottom of the sea: undercurrents, Sea Kings, sea monsters and other emergencies may lead to being buried in the sea forever.

With the water pressure of 10,000 meters on the seabed, most of the ships, without coating protection, would be crushed instantly with people on board.

This is a route of death, a route more dangerous than the upside-down mountain that enters the Grand Line from the four seas.

As for going to the Holy Land Mariejois, the pirates don't have to think about it.

Going to the Holy Land Mariejois has to give up your own ship. You have to go through the Holy Land Mariejois to buy a ship and continue sailing. It will cost a lot of money. The only advantage that is not suitable for pirates is: safety.

On the Zhenshi.

The huge hull dives slowly.

The whole ship is wrapped in a huge bubble, and this feeling is "seven zero three".....it reminds Ye Kai of the ships in glass bottles in his previous life.

Kind of like a vessel in a glass bottle.

It's kind of like being in a fishbowl.

Through the coated bubbles, you can see everything outside very clearly.

All kinds of strange fish, corals, and huge tree trunks that spread up from the bottom of the sea... This is the huge tree trunk that makes up the Sabaody Archipelago.

very amazing!!

"It's a pity that I didn't meet Celestial Dragons!"

This trip to Sabaody Archipelago, Ye Kai has gained a lot!

The real harvest is actually what Rayleigh said: create your own Haki application method.

In addition, it is a pity that I did not encounter Celestial Dragons.

From Ye Kai's point of view, Celestial Dragons is also a kind of magical thing in the world of pirates, and they can't die every day.

If there is a conflict with the Celestial Dragons, Ye Kai thinks he will fight without hesitation?!

But Aokiji communicated directly with Five Elders and asked Five Elders to ground Celestial Dragons?

This was beyond Ye Kai's expectations.

If you stay in Sabaody Archipelago for a while, you should be able to see Celestial Dragons.

Ye Kai didn't believe that these Celestial Dragons would really be so obedient and forbidden to set foot on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Probably the more grounded they are, the more they set foot on the Sabaody Archipelago.

If they really meet at that time, Ye Kai also wants to see how these Celestial Dragons will react when they meet him who is not afraid of Celestial Dragons at all?

Still so arrogant?

Or would the flames not be as high?

Ye Kai thinks it's the former... Celestial Dragons thinks they are the masters of this world, they are god-like existences, they don't care how strong others are, they must still do their own way.

After Ye Kai they left Sabaody Archipelago.

After Aokiji woke up, he stretched himself and sat up, and slowly returned to Naval Headquarters.

The next day I went to deal with official business and looked at the information sent up below.

It's what Ye Kai did in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Aokiji heard Ye Kai from Ye Kai's mouth and personally said that he came to Sabaody Archipelago to find someone to fight, which means that the person Ye Kai is looking for is very powerful.

Marine did a little research and knew where Ye Kai went after leaving the restaurant.

And then...and found information about Rayleigh.

"Silver Rayleigh is also living in seclusion in the Sabaody Archipelago...Has there been no news from Marine for so many years?!"

Aokiji looked at the information in his hand and felt a little magical.

But he felt that Marine shouldn't be ignorant of Rayleigh's whereabouts.

Sengoku probably knew, he just didn't say it.

At least Rayleigh has been living in seclusion in the Sabaody Archipelago for so many years, living an ordinary life, doing nothing, and there is no need to bother him at all.

If you really bother Rayleigh, you may cause some unnecessary trouble.

Shakky on Rayleigh's side...is a troublesome character too!

"Leaving Sabaody Archipelago to go to The fish men island... as long as it doesn't conflict with Celestial Dragons!"

Watching Ye Kai and the others leave Sabaody Archipelago and set off for The fish men island, Aokiji stopped paying attention to Ye Kai's news and continued to deal with the backlog. He took the time to watch the recruitment process of the Marine World and the Revolutionary Army World.

The entire conscription can last a year or more.

The Marines recruited by the conscription during this period still need to receive simple training before being assigned to various positions.

It takes time to run in to make the huge machine "Marine" work.

In short, the period of conscription is a time for Marine to recuperate and recover.

The period of conscription of the Revolutionary Army was also a period of growth and development.

Once the conscription is over, various conflicts and frictions may start to break out, and then wars can be expected to start


The fish men island is located 10,000 meters below the sea in the holy land of Mariejois. It is a necessary place to reach the New World. It is also the birthplace of most murlocs and mermaids. It is also known as the "underwater paradise" and is a dreamlike paradise.

The fish men island became a member of the world government 200 years ago and established a friendly relationship with humans. Only then did the relationship between murlocs, mermaids, and humans improve a bit.

It's just improved a little bit.

In this world, apart from humans, other races: long-handed, long-legged, fur, murloc, mermaid... are all very popular slaves.

Even now, mermaids are still the most popular slaves in this world, and they are hard to find.

This led to a lot of people wanting to catch merfolk and murlocs to sell, causing killings on The fish men island.

If it weren't for Whitebeard's protection of The fish men island, the 5 million people of The fish men island might all become slaves of others.

"The fish men island is Whitebeard's territory, I don't know if there will be conflicts!!"

The Baroque Walker Studio is under the control of Robin. Even if Alabasta is destroyed, Robin has left the new Alabasta and is outside with Ye Kai, so he can still control the Baroque Walker Studio well... 0

Robin has done research on The fish men island and knows some information about it.

"Whitebeard...that's one of the Four Emperors!"

Perona floated above everyone's heads, watched the fish swimming outside through the bubbles, and let out a sigh of emotion.

As one of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard is recognized as one of the top powerhouses.

While chatting, everyone drove the Zhenshi to travel under the sea.

Everyone stood on the deck and watched the fish swimming outside through the bubbles.

As the boat dives, you can see all kinds of super-large species, as well as various strange fish living in the depths of the seabed.

At the same time, visibility is also declining.

In the deep sea, the sun cannot shine down.

The fish men island can have sunshine, and it is "Yangshu Eve" who transmits the sunshine to The fish men island.

I haven't reached the vicinity of The fish men island, and the visibility is not high. In addition, there are various large strange fish on the bottom of the sea, as well as various undercurrents, and even various strange currents...

In this environment, is it no wonder that the success rate of entering the New World from the bottom of the sea is only 30%?!

For Ye Kai, there is naturally no problem with this journey.

Both Ye Kai and Nami have powerful Observation Haki, which can perceive the outside world.

And Nami, a powerful navigator, arrived at The fish men island very easily.

"This is The fish men island?!"

"it's beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful, so amazing!"

The fish men island is located 10,000 meters under the sea. It is actually an island wrapped in a huge bubble. The fish men island is in the middle of the huge bubble.

On the island 5.8 there are various exquisite buildings, various corals, various shell houses, and passages for people to visit.

Because murlocs and mermaids can breathe in water, this channel is prepared for humans.

In addition, of course, all kinds of fish are indispensable!

Of course, when [Zhenshihao] arrived, it was welcomed unexpectedly!!

At the entrance, it is generally necessary to pass the audit record before entering.

After all... people are not very friendly to mermaids and murlocs, if they are some bad people, of course they won't let you enter The fish men island.

In the past, people were not allowed to log in to The fish men island, but now Whitebeard shelters The fish men island, and there are people from the Whitebeard team on the island, so that people who enter the New World via The fish men island are blocked

Naturally, Ye Kai needless to say, [The most powerful person in the world], there are many people who pay attention to him.

When he left Sabaody Archipelago to come to The fish men island, The fish men island and the Whitebeard pirates had already received news.

Ye Kai wants to log on to The fish men island...even the Whitebeard pirates and the Dragon Palace on The fish men island dare not refuse, it is best to invite Ye Kai to the island friendly. .

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