Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 192 Revolutionary Army Admiral—— Fujitora Smiles! 【4 More Subscriptions】


The huge meteorite itself is falling at an extremely fast speed, coupled with the pull of gravity, the speed is boundless!!

The meteorite was drunk, and the sound of piercing through the sky pierced people's eardrums.

Because of the rapid fall, the meteorite rubbed against the air, bringing a long flame.


"More than... more than one meteorite!"

"Is this a meteor shower?!"



In an instant, countless meteorites fell from the sky, falling beside Yixiao.

The entire thousand-meter radius suppressed by gravity was constantly attacked by falling meteorites, setting off monstrous waves.

When the fiery meteorite meets the sea water, countless water vapors are brought up, drowning the smile standing in the air.



All the people who came to participate in the conscription of the Revolutionary Army, as well as the examiners of the Revolutionary Army, heard waves sweeping in, and waves of tens or hundreds of meters engulfed and covered them one after another.

At this time, a gust of wind hit!!

The lapping waves stopped moving in an instant, and were even swept in the opposite direction by the powerful gust of wind.

Even countless meteorites fell, hot meteorites came into contact with seawater, and the rising water vapor was blown away by the strong wind, revealing a smile standing in the air.

And Ye Kai who has come out of the ocean!!

Such an attack is not very effective for Ye Kai.

Observation Haki has already reached the point of foreseeing the future. Even if he is suppressed by gravity, it is impossible for Guy to be hit by a falling meteorite.

Plus it's in the sea.

The meteorite fell and came into contact with sea water, setting off monstrous waves.

But after the meteorite fell into the sea, the resistance continued to increase, without much force, it was impossible to pose a threat to Ye Kai.

In the battle between Ye Kai and Fujitora, many attacks can be avoided directly and cannot be affected.

The reason why Ye Kai didn't dodge it directly is that he tried the attack with a smile, to show the conscripts, and to the examiners of the Revolutionary Army...

Yixiao is truly powerful, and becoming Admiral of the Revolutionary Army is not a problem.

At the same time, Ye Kai also wants to feel the strength of Yixiao and the ability of many fruits.

Facts have proved that the strength of a smile is very powerful.

Have the power to destroy the world!

With Yixiao's strength, if you really use your full strength, the coverage will definitely be wider.

I just don't know if Yixiao's numerous fruits have reached the [Awakening] level.

If it reaches the level of awakening... that is the real horror.

Turn all the surroundings into a gravity field, or a weightless field.

All the people and all the attacks in the gravity field and weightless field are no threat to Yixiao, which is equivalent to being invincible.

A terrifying destructive power can be erupted between raising a hand and a foot.

Directly trigger the meteorite to land!

One person can destroy a country...it is no problem to destroy an island.

This kind of strength cannot be the Admiral of the Revolutionary Army, and there is really no one to be the Admiral of the Revolutionary Army.

"The fruit of gravity is pretty good...it's much better than cultivating in the sea!"

This is also the reason why Ye Kai came back to personally assess Yixiao.

The ability of heavy fruits, when used in cultivation, is much better than Ye Kai's underwater cultivation.

The equivalent of a gravity chamber!

In the world of Dragon Ball, the gravity room is also a very suitable place for training, but unfortunately, in the world of Pirates, there is no such thing with the current technology.

At least neither Ye Kai nor the Revolutionary Army can do it.

As for Marine, I wonder if that Vegapunk can make it.

But... there is no gravity room, and it's the same with a smile.

"Mr. Yixiao's strength is really strong, and he is more than enough to serve as the Admiral of the Revolutionary Army!"

"Mr. Ye Kai is also very strong, and this old man is not your opponent..."

Ye Kai and Yixiao fell to the ground almost at the same time, and the two had already started blowing commercially.

In any case, Ye Kai, as "the most powerful person in the world", need not be told by others, and he knows that Ye Kai did not use the right, and just accompanied him almost the whole time.

Simply cooperating, let Yixiao show his strength and ability.

However, being able to use Ye Kai as a foil is not something everyone can do.

Ye Kai's ability to talk and laugh is very strong, and he doesn't mean to "commercially brag" at all.

The power of a smile is indeed very strong.

Everyone knows that Ye Kai didn't use his full strength, but he used his full strength when he smiled?

of course not!

"I would like to ask Mr. Yixiao to help me with something... I. Recently, I need to use gravity in my cultivation. It is inconvenient to practice at the bottom of the sea. Can I use Mr. Yixiao's ability to complete my cultivation?! "

Ye Kai also talked about his request.

Regarding this matter, he smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. It is my honor to help Mr. Ye Kai...but Mr. Ye Kai already has such a strong strength, and he still works hard to cultivate, which makes me feel ashamed!"

"Mr. Yixiao joked..."

No matter how you say it, Yixiao is already in his 50s, and Ye Kai is only in his 20s. It is normal to have room for improvement.

The two are not much comparable.

...0 for flowers...

The battle between Ye Kai and Yixiao made a lot of noise.

Don't say anything else.

At least at the Marine conscription point thousands of miles away, they were checked out by a meteorite summoned by a smile, and the waves they set off were submerged.

Fortunately, the Marine conscription point is the Admiral of Headquarters tea dolphin.

Otherwise... you will really be overwhelmed by the aftermath of a smile.

The movement made by a smile naturally attracted the attention of the Admiral of Headquarters——the tea dolphin.

Especially the competition between Yixiao Ye Kai and the meteorites that keep falling from the sky.

Such strength and Devil Fruit's ability... even teal dolphins will find it tricky.

And, by the way, isn't Ye Kai now adventuring in the New World?

Why did you come back to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army?

Who is the guy who competed with Ye Kai?

Is the Revolutionary Army Conscription Emerging Strong?

Many questions echoed in the tea dolphin's mind. In short, he looked at the figure with a smile and had a bad feeling.

It is really unexpected that such a powerful person joins the revolutionary army!!

If I join Marine, maybe I can also get the position of Admiral of Headquarters, wouldn't that be better?

How do you join the Revolutionary Army?

Can't figure it out, the tea dolphin didn't think about it, and reported the news here to Naval Headquarters.

Naval Headquarters directly asked the people at the Revolutionary Army's conscription point to pass back relevant information.

Do not doubt.

Each of the six conscription points of the Revolutionary Army has Marine spies.

And every day, without heavy samples.

Regarding the conscription of the Revolutionary Army, Naval Headquarters knew exactly what kind of strong men they had recruited.

Similarly, many conscription points in Marine also have spies from the Revolutionary Army and even other forces.

In the afternoon, Naval Headquarters got general information about Yixiao:

Name, appearance, approximate age, approximate ability!!

Also, one thing for sure!

This man named Yixiao, the Revolutionary Army has announced that he is the first Admiral of the Revolutionary Army, code-named: Fujitora.

"Fujitora smile!!"

Aokiji read the name of this code name lightly, and always felt that the Revolutionary Army was imitating Marine to name it.

In fact...

This code name is the code name of Admiral of Headquarters in the original book, Yixiao.

Aokiji felt a lot of pressure for the Revolutionary Army to harvest such a "wild strong man" in the world's conscription.

There is also some envy and jealousy.

When will Naval Headquarters recruit such a strong wild player? Six!.

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