Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 203 The Thunderbolt Fruit Is In Hand【4 More Subscriptions】

After a long time, everyone believed that Ye Kai was looking for the thunderous fruit, and he wanted to eat it himself.

Everyone thought that the Thunderbolt fruit was very powerful.

But... The thunderous fruit is indeed powerful, and it is one of the most powerful Devil Fruits in Logia.

Needless to say, its destructive power and lethality, in terms of moving speed, it is not inferior to Kizaru's thundering fruit.

As the Admiral of Headquarters, Kizaru is regarded as the world's top combat power. His shining fruit has super fast movement speed.

The movement speed of the thunder fruit is not lower than that of the flash fruit:

In terms of lethality and destructive power, the thunderous fruit far surpasses the flashing fruit.

This signifies that if you get the Thunderbolt fruit, your future achievements will at least be at the level of Marine Admiral Kizaru.

Even above Kizaru.

Such a Devil Fruit is really worth having.


Ye Kai looked at the Honglei fruit "Nine Two Seven" in his hand.

He never wanted to eat Devil Fruit!

No matter what Devil Fruit it is, even Shock Fruit, Dark Fruit, or other more powerful Devil Fruit, Ye Kai is not interested.

There are 100 times of practice cheats, Ye Kai only needs to practice his own physical fitness, swordsmanship, Conqueror's Haki, and improve his physical fitness and strength.

Eating Devil Fruit, for other people, may be able to improve a lot of strength, allowing themselves to rise quickly.

Especially the Logia Devil Fruit, as well as other powerful Devil Fruits.

But for Ye Kai at this stage.

Even if it is a powerful Devil Fruit, the improvement to his strength will not be too much.

It's icing on the cake at best.

Not much of a boost.

On the contrary, it will bring you Achilles' heel: you can't swim, you're afraid of seastone.

Even if it is an existence of the level of Four Emperors, if it falls into the sea, it will turn into a landlubber, and it will be drowned... It will also be trapped by seastone.

The Thunderbolt fruit fell into Ye Kai's hands.

Blackbeard also knew he was no match for Ye Kai.

Even though he was not reconciled, Blackbeard chose to retreat and went after Crocodile.

As Ye Kai thought, Huanzi was also interested in Raftel's permanent pointer.

It's just that compared to the Thunder Fruit and Raftel's permanent pointer, Blackbeard is more like getting the Thunder Fruit.

Now that the Thunderbolt fruit is obtained by Ye Kai, Blackbeard can only push and beg for the eternal pointer in Crocodile's hand.

"The thunderous fruit finally fell into the hands of Ye Kai!!"

"As Ye Kai, the most powerful person in the world, how long will he become after he gets the Thunderbolt Fruit?!!"

"Will the next era open a new era because of Ye Kai?"

"Will Ye Kai get the Thunderbolt fruit and continue to snatch Raftel's permanent pointer?"

"Ye Kai who got the Thunderbolt fruit, and the permanent pointer of Raftel, he will become the new One Piece!!!"

"Let's witness the birth of the new One Piece...!!!"

Follow Ye Kai to get Thunderbolt fruit.

There was a huge shout from the entire auditorium, cheering for Ye Kai.

Ye Kai, who is the most powerful person in the world!

I have always wanted to get the Thunderbolt Fruit.

Now that he has obtained the Thunderbolt Fruit, how will his strength be improved?

Now Ye Kai, who has not eaten the Thunderbolt fruit, is known as the most powerful person in the world, the person who is closest to the One Piece King, and the person who is most likely to become the One Piece King......

After eating the Thunderbolt fruit, after getting the permanent pointer of Raftel, it is not a matter of course, will he become the new One Piece?

This is what most people think.


Under the spotlight.

Ye Kai got the thunderous fruit, but didn't eat it.

Instead, he stepped on the Moonwalk, leaped to the [Zhenshihao] side, and threw the small wooden box containing the Thunderbolt fruit to Nami.

"Think about it, eating Devil Fruit will make you unable to swim, which is a serious weakness."

Ye Kai gave the Thunderbolt fruit to Nami, but reminded him.

In the original book, Nami did not eat Devil Fruit. Ye Kai thinks that Nami may not like to eat Devil Fruit.

"Not being able to swim and being afraid of seastone are not small flaws, but compared with the powerful ability of the Thunderbolt Fruit, they can make up for it... The biggest weakness is the lack of strength.


Nami follows Ye Kai and enters the Grand Line from East Blue.

Witnessed the battle between Ye Kai and Aokiji;

Witnessed the battle between Ye Kai and Enel on Sky Island;

Afterwards there was a fierce battle with Gekko Moria, Kizaru..… and between Alabasta, Ye Kai and Golden Lion, Marine three Admiral;

Not to mention being unable to help Ye Kai, it may become a burden to Ye Kai and drag Ye Kai down.

This is what Nami does not want to see in his heart.

So she is far less repulsive and annoying to Devil Fruit than in the original book... 0

Especially in Sky Island, she has seen Enel who owns Devil Fruit, and how powerful she is, so she doesn't reject Thunderbolt Fruit even more.

The movement speed of the thunder fruit is not lower than that of the flash fruit. With the ability of the thunder fruit, it not only has strong destructive power, but at least it is not a problem to escape when encountering danger

In the final analysis, this is the change and contribution Nami made because of Ye Kai.

When a girl is willing to change for a person, pay for it, and do the unwilling and impossible things for it, it proves one thing...it is falling in love with the other person.


"Wow~ It's so unpalatable!!"

Nami took a bite of the Thunderbolt fruit, and his complexion became very ugly at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

Devil Fruit is very unpalatable.

Ye Kai forgot to remind Nami.

Robin and Perona...... on purpose did not remind Nami.

Perona and Robin are both people who ate Devil Fruit, and both have experienced the step of eating Devil Fruit, Nami should also feel it,

Even if I tell Nami, the taste of Devil Fruit will not change.

In short, if you take a bite of Devil Fruit, you can get the ability of Devil Fruit.

It doesn't matter if you eat the leftover Devil Fruit or not, even if a second person eats the leftover Devil Fruit, it is impossible to get the fruit ability.

This point, Nami has understood.

Nami just took a bite and didn't eat the rest.

At the same time, 2.8 wires of electric arcs were already dancing on her body.

Between Nami's special and powerful Observation Haki, and the Thunder Fruit, there is a special change.

When her Observation Haki was released, it immediately covered the entire island where the Pirate World Expo was held... even thousands of kilometers away from the sea. With a thought, thunder flashed in the sky.

As long as Nami wants to, he can attack anyone within Observation Haki's perception range.

Also, because of Nami's special Observation Haki, it is a special Observation Haki that can hear the voices of others.

So... within the coverage of such a huge Observation Haki, Nami can hear the thoughts of anyone.

Of course, there are limitations, that is, Nami's knowledge of the room is better than the other day.

Observation Haki is not strong enough for the opponent, and Nami cannot hear the opponent's voice.

Like Ye Kai... Nami still can't hear what Ye Kai is thinking. .

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