Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 44 Brain-Crazed Smoker! ! 【5 More For Collection】

"The weather is great...that's a good suggestion!"

For Ye Kai's proposal, Nami nodded, feeling pretty good, and accepted the suggestion.

She is very sensitive to the weather, so it is really good to make weapons according to the weather.

Add some cut seastone, installed on both ends, to deal with the Demon fruit power, and it will definitely work well.

But Ye Kai just made a suggestion.

Ye Kai has no idea how to make a weather stick or what technology is needed.

This needs to be discussed between Nami herself and the craftsman of the weapon.

That's no problem for Nami.

To cause weather changes, it is nothing more than airflow... and the change of airflow has a lot to do with cold and heat.

Nami has his own research and ideas in this area. He discussed with the craftsman who made the weapon for a while, raised his own requirements and questions, and asked: "Master, can this weapon be customized?"

"Finally... no problem at all!!!"

The attention of the craftsman in the weapon shop fell entirely on Ye Kai, and he said: Can I refuse?

Therefore, he also attaches great importance to Nami's request, and it is not difficult to customize such a weapon.

Even if there are problems, they must be overcome.

After all, where is Ye Kai? The reward for this one is 350 million Berry.

Who knows the relationship between the little girl in front of me and the big pirate Ye Kai, if she can't do it... she might die the next moment, right?

"Then I'll leave it to you...boss, this is the deposit."

Nami doesn't care about the attitudes and changes of the master craftsmen and weapon shop owners, as long as she can make the weapons she needs.

After paying the deposit, Ye Kai followed Nami and continued to wander around Logue town.

After that, I went to a few more chaotic places, such as... bars! !

The bar here is definitely not the kind of bar in Ye Kai's previous life with music playing and all kinds of demons dancing around.

It's just that some pirates like to get together, chatting and bragging...

Here, a lot of news can be found, and it may also cause various confusions.


When Nami pushed open the door of the bar and walked in, he immediately attracted some attention. Seeing such a beautiful girl as Nami still made many people's eyes shine.

Needless to say, Nami’s good looks. Although she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, she has a very good figure. Nami’s childhood experience makes Nami look very mature. She doesn’t look like a little girl at all, but more like an adult.

When Ye Kai followed Nami, he stepped into the bar leisurely!


The whole bar suddenly fell into silence.

Some people even put the wine bottle in their hands to their mouths... But from the corner of their eyes, they saw Ye Kai, and his whole body seemed to be frozen, turning into a sculpture.

Don't dare to move! Don't dare to move! !

"Ask, who has a chart for the Grand Line, can I have one? I'll pay for it!"

At this moment, in the silent bar, a needle could be heard.

And Nami's voice is not very loud, echoing in the bar, everyone can hear it clearly.

"Yes... you can take it!"

Someone tremblingly took out a nautical chart from his arms and handed it to Nami.

For money-hungry Nami, since it's so friendly and doesn't charge money, it's great.

Glancing at the nautical chart in his hand, Nami said politely: "Thank you!!"

The person who sent the nautical chart said politely: "It's nothing, it's my honor to help you and Master Ye Kai."

When walking out of the bar, Nami glanced at Ye Kai and said, "Your deterrence is still very useful..."

Along the way, with Ye Kai, nothing is impossible.

Give Nami a taste of what it's like to be a privileged person.

"There is good and there is bad!"

Ye Kai didn't feel anything.

In Observation Haki, Ye Kai already senses that Marine is after him.

In fact... Ye Kai just landed in Logue town and appeared at the port pier, and related news was reported to Smoker.

Smoker immediately notifies Vice Admiral Garp with a phone bug.

However, Garp has already returned to Windmill Village, and it will take a few days to get to Logue town.

Garp and Ye Kai have played against each other briefly, and have a certain understanding of Ye Kai's personality.

At this time, Garp doesn't care about Ye Kai anymore, and he won't rush to Logue town at all.

Smoker said he was helpless, so he could only send someone to monitor Ye Kai to find out what Ye Kai wanted to do in Logue town.

Even, the weapon shop and bar that Ye Kai and Nami have been to...

After the two left, Marine went to inquire about related matters.

"This is seastone... brought out from Impel down, supposed to have been cut from seastone handcuffs."

In the weapon shop, Smoker was smoking a cigar, watching as Nami handed over the material to the weapon shop craftsman to create a "weather stick".

The material is striped, with a little arc.

The material is seastone!

Obviously seastone handcuffs, long strips obtained after cutting.

"Phew~" Smoker put down the seastone strip, and spit out an eye circle heavily: "Even the seastone can be cut, it's really scary."

As a colonel of Naval Headquarters, he was trained under Marine Admiral. Smoker's own weapon [Ten Hands] also has seastone. Of course he knows the processing of seastone, not everyone can do it.

The processing of seastone can only be done by the scientists of Naval Headquarters... In fact, only Wanokuni has the processing technology and ability of seastone.

In other words, seastone's handcuffs are cut into strips, all of which are Ye Kai's sword skills! !

Really scary!

"It is impossible for Vice Admiral Garp to come over in a short time, and it is impossible for me to sit idly by... No matter what, I will challenge that guy!!!"

Smoker is definitely not a very calm guy.

He knew that Ye Kai was very powerful, and he was not an opponent at all. The best choice was to report the news about Ye Kai, and then leave it alone.

Naval Headquarters doesn't blame Smoker either.

In the entire Naval Headquarters, except for Marine Admiral's level of combat power, others are not Ye Kai's opponents at all.

Smoker can report the news about Ye Kai, ignore Ye Kai, and will not be punished.

But... Smoker can't do it!

In East Blue, in Logue town, but his territory, he will never let Ye Kai go.

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