Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 58 Face Aokiji! 【Favorites】

(Dinning outside, there is another update, after eating, I will make a modification and upload it...)

On the sea, the three-meter-high Aokiji rode a bicycle and had arrived at the island where Ye Kai and Shiryu of the Rain fought.

From a distance, you can feel the collision between Ye Kai and Shiryu of the Rain, as well as the momentum.

Aokiji stopped the bicycle, and the moment his feet touched the sea, the sea water under his feet was frozen.

On Aokiji, this white smoke started to radiate...

It's not smoke!

It's cold! ! !

The cold air on Aokiji's body was rising, and the moisture in the air around him was frozen by the cold air into icy slags that fell from the air, like it was snowing.

On Aokiji, a layer of frost was slowly covering him.

The range of "snow" is also expanding.

When the chill on Aokiji's body reaches a certain level, it will be released instantly! !

"【Ice Age】!"

The next moment, the powerful frozen fruit ability burst out, centering on Aokiji, the sea under his feet was instantly frozen! !

The sea area of ​​Dongjia continued to spread, and even the island where Ye Kai was located was directly covered.

The island that was originally lush and green turned into an ice and snow paradise in an instant, and everything was frozen.


At this time, the fight between Ye Kai and Shiryu of the Rain has ended.

The moment the sea freezes, Shiryu is the first to feel the rain in the sea.

The direction where the sponge is frozen also spread from the direction where Shiryu of the Rain is.


A sword energy rushed out from the bottom of the sea, splitting the frozen sea.

The figure of Shiryu of the Rain rushed out from under the frozen sea, stepped on [shaved] and quickly moved away.

From his ability to deal with Aokiji's frozen fruit so proficiently, it is enough to see that he has a wealth of experience, and he has dealt with Aokiji a lot during this time.

Ye Kai's side.

Observation Haki captures when the air starts to "snow" and the surrounding air lowers, and Aokiji's ability to freeze fruit explodes.

He stepped on his feet quickly, used [Shave], and rushed to Nami in an instant.

Nami was still lamenting that the weather on the Grand Line was changing, and the sun was still "snowing"... Ye Kai rushed to her as if teleporting, grabbed her, and held her in his arms.

Ye Kai stepped on the Moonwalk and rushed straight into the sky!

Nami didn't even know what was going on, and found that she was already in Ye Kai's arms.

This is not a princess hug, but a hand around the waist, the whole body is attached to Ye Kai, and you can even feel the temperature from Ye Kai.

With a blush on his face, Nami was about to question Ye Kai, but suddenly found...everything in front of him was covered with a layer of ice.

The original sea, the lush islands...all were frozen! !


The sea is frozen? !

The whole island is frozen? !

What kind of monster ability is this?

The image of Ye Kai splitting the sky with his sword, splitting the island in half, and dividing the sea in two echoed in Nami's mind.

The scene in front of him was undoubtedly a powerful existence comparable to Ye Kai.

Moreover, this ability to freeze the sea and freeze the entire island should be Devil Fruit's ability.

Nami knows a lot about Devil Fruit and Haki from Ye Kai.

I have also learned about the world's top combat power.

Some Ye Kai would say it, while others smiled and didn't go into details, just said: You will know later.

But... Ye Kai said about the ability of Marine Three Admiral.

Kizaru: A person with the ability to sparkling fruit!

Aokiji: A person with the ability to freeze fruit!

Akainu: Lava-Lava Fruit ability user!

Every Marine Admiral has the ability of Logia Devil Fruit, and they all have powerful lethality, and they all have a large-scale lethality, the kind that can defeat ten thousand with one enemy.

There is no advantage in numbers in front of Marine Admiral.

Marine Admiral can easily deal with tens of thousands of people, or even more people, and can be dealt with in an instant.

"Marine Admiral - Aokiji?!"

The scene at this moment—the frozen sea, the frozen island, and the ability of frozen fruit are obviously what Marine Admiral Aokiji can do, right?

"Ah~ I didn't expect the green chicken to be here!"

Ye Kai responded indifferently, and with one arm around Nami, he fell from the air and landed on the frozen ground.

Nami is used to Ye Kai calling Aokiji "green chicken".

"Pheasant" means bird, Ye Kai deliberately called it "chicken".

When Ye Kai introduced San Admiral to Nami before, he called Aokiji a "green chicken".

Three Admiral is the combination of monkey, dog and chicken! !

When it landed, Nami looked at the frozen ground and felt both amazing and terrifying at the same time.

At the last moment, it was still a grassy meadow.

The whole island is lush!

Today, the entire island and the sea are frozen!

Nami even took a branch of a tree, took a closer look, and came to a conclusion: what was frozen was not the surface, it wasn’t that the surface was covered with a layer of frost, but... from the inside out, everything was frozen.


Ye Kai stepped hard, the ground shook slightly, and the frozen ground cracked directly, revealing a crack that stretched for more than ten meters and was more than one meter long.

Through the cracked ground, it can be seen that even the ground beneath the entire island has been frozen!

"What a horror!"

Ye Kai also had to sigh with emotion, this freezing ability is truly terrifying.

It directly froze the entire island into ice cubes and became very fragile, and it collapsed as soon as it was forcefully applied.

Ye Kai's step just now, if it was the ground, it would certainly not be so fragile. A crack more than one meter wide was opened and spread more than ten meters.

At most, it just leaves a big hole.

The ability of Aokiji Frozen Fruit is quite terrifying.

Especially in close combat, once it is frozen... and then lightly touched by an external force, it may shatter.

The best example is the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates in the original book——Diamond Jozi.

Jozi, who uses yo bright fruit, can be said to be the person with absolute defense in the pirate world.

But it was frozen by Aokiji, and one arm cracked with a light touch.

"It seems that Shiryu of the Rain knows that Aokiji will come... Or, Aokiji has been chasing Shiryu of the Rain?!"

At this time, Ye Kai realized that Shiryu of the Rain had been keeping a distance from him during the fight just now.

The reason for this may not only be that Ye Kai is powerful, but Shiryu of the Rain is far from being an opponent, and close combat is very dangerous.

Another reason is to know that Aokiji may come and be ready to escape at any time.

In addition, Shiryu of the Rain does not seem to be in a very good state, not much better than when Impel was down.

This means Min Aokiji has been chasing Shiryu for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Kai knew Shiryu's plan, and said with emotion: "It seems that I was used as a shield!"

Shiryu of the Rain is using Ye Kai to attract Aokiji's attention, as long as Aokiji's attention falls on Ye Kai, he can get away by himself.

So far, Shiryu's plan was successful, he pulled away and left, Aokiji did not chase Shiryu in the rain, but stepped on the frozen sea and walked towards the island where Ye Kai was.

Obviously, he gave up Shiryu who chased the rain and chose to shoot Ye Kai.

"You are Ye Kai?!"

Aokiji's speed is not fast, but his body is tall and his steps are fast. He walked quickly to Ye Kai's side, looking at Ye Kai and Nami. Ignoring Nami directly, eyeing Ye Kai.

Actually, Aokiji was a little curious, why didn't Vice Admiral Garp get Ye Kai done?

Ye Kai just escaped from Impel down, escaped from Kizaru, Vice Admiral Garp was at the Naval Headquarters meeting, but captured Ye Kai?

Vice Admiral Garp is back in East Blue, why didn't he catch Ye Kai?

Is Ye Kai's strength strong? Failed to capture?

Still haven't met?

Aokiji thinks it's the latter... After all, Aokiji still respects and admires Garp.

Speaking of which, although Aokiji was cultivated by Zephyr, it was Garp who really promoted Aokiji. Garp is also Aokiji's benefactor, and of course he firmly supports Garp.

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