Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 63 Rainbow Island, Rainbow Route! [3 More For The First Order]

"Ye Kai!!!"

"Why didn't you arrest Aokiji?"

"The sea charts I worked so hard to draw were all destroyed by him!"

"Our ship is also finished, even if it thaws, it won't take long!!"

Nami's complaints rang in Ye Kai's ears.

Nami hates Aokiji!

Very annoying!

As soon as Aokiji came, he used the ability of freezing fruits to freeze the sea and islands.

Even Ye Kai and their ships were not spared.

This kind of freezing is not that the surface is covered with a layer of ice, but that the interior of the ship's wood is completely frozen.

After the ship is thawed, it becomes very fragile, and it can still sail when sailing. If it encounters a little problem, it may sink.

It doesn't matter, the ship is gone, Ye Kai can just find a pirate group and rob a ship.

Ye Kai does the same!

What really made Nami very dissatisfied was that the nautical charts she drew and the orange orchard transplanted from Cocoyasi Village were all scrapped due to Aokiji's ability to freeze the fruit.

The sea charts are okay, after all, I just entered the Grand Line, and Nami can restore them from memory, but it is troublesome to compare prices, and many books related to navigation, climate, etc. have been destroyed 3...... 767

The ones that really haven't recovered from bibimbap may be the transplanted orange orchards.

Do you want to return to East Blue, return to Cocoyasi Village, and transplant a few orange trees?

So Nami is angry!!!

But there is no way, this has already happened.

Can't really go after Aokiji, go to Naval Headquarters to trouble Aokiji?

"Try to avoid it in the future..."

Ye Kai sat next to Nami, with a bandage wrapped around his body, almost wrapping him like a mummy, only one head was not wrapped with a bandage.

This is Nami's handwriting. Although it looks serious, it is actually just a traumatic injury. The most serious thing is that part of the meat has been frozen. It is really frozen dead meat, which needs to be cut off and recovered slowly.

No bones or internal organs were damaged.

Ye Kai rubbed his chin, leaned west for a moment, and said: "We have the opportunity to build a boat of our own, and we must use the best materials."

"Of course, you are now a pirate offering a reward of 1 billion!! 1 billion!!"

Nami looked at Ye Kai with weird eyes, like looking at a pile of money.

If you can sell Ye Kai...that would be really developed.

Marine released the latest reward, and both Nami and Ye Kai (daci) saw that the reward of 1 billion is definitely a very high reward.

Even in the New World, few people can achieve this bounty.

Ye Kai didn't care too much about it, it was just a reward of 1 billion, and there are still quite a few in New World.

But those who have this kind of bounty, everyone's strength is not bad.

"I have to go to the capital of seven waters when I have time..."

Qishuizhi was the place where the underworld was built at the beginning, and it has the world's top shipyards and craftsmanship.

More importantly, you can buy very good shipbuilding materials here... Baoshu Adam!

In the book, Franky pools his money to buy the Adam's Treasure Tree to build a battleship... and ends up building a Thousand Sunny for the Straw Hat Crew.

Therefore, you must go to the capital of seven waters, and you must prepare to spend money.

Unless you want to grab the treasure tree Adam, and then force the shipbuilders in the capital of seven waters to build ships.

Ye Kai will definitely not do this kind of thing, but it is impossible for any pirate with some status to do this kind of thing.

Money matters are not difficult to settle.

If you can't exchange for a bounty, you can still grab the treasures of other pirates, right?

After the battle with Aokiji, the ship was basically useless. After the record pointer completed the record, Ye Kai took Nami to grab a pirate ship and move on.

That is to say, the current ship, the one that was snatched from East Blue before, is even bigger and more luxurious, but Nami is not satisfied, there is no orangery on board, and the nautical charts she drew before are also destroyed

Except for this ship, the treasures on board are worth tens of millions of Berry. We will meet some pirates like this along the way. It is a good choice to collect hundreds of millions of Berry to buy Adam’s Treasure Tree. It is a good choice to invite top craftsmen to build ships in the capital of seven waters. .

In the past few days, Nami has been drawing sea charts, which is quite hard.

She wants to draw the previous sea map when she still has the impression, so as not to forget it in the future, and she will not be able to add it again.

Soon, Ye Kai and Nami arrived at the next stop.

A very distinctive island in the Grand Line——Rainbow Island!!

The island, layer upon layer, is like a spiraling mountain range.

The entire island is surrounded by a rainbow, which is very beautiful.

"Wow~ This island is so beautiful!!"

Even though Nami was not in a good mood, after arriving here, seeing such a rainbow-surrounded island, his mood improved a lot.

After landing on the island, I inquired a bit about the news and learned that on this island, it takes two days for the record pointer to complete the record. "There is also a legend here. It is said that there is a set of rainbow bridges that lead directly to the sky, allowing people to go directly to the legendary Sky Island in the sky!!"

Nami was very interested in this and asked Ye Kai: "Is there really a Sky Island in the sky?"


There was a strange gleam in Ye Kai's eyes, quite a feeling of lightening up.

He thought that Sky Island seemed to be a good removal. There was a lot of gold on it. Taking this batch of gold was enough to buy Adam's Treasure Tree to build a ship of his own.

At the same time, Enel is also a good opponent, you can fight Observation Haki.

"So, the legend is true, there is really a rainbow route, and you can take the rainbow bridge to Sky Island?!"

Nami's eyes lit up immediately.

Sky Island is a legend. Many people have heard of related legends when they were young, but they just listened to it as a fairy tale, and no one took it seriously.

However, Ye Kai is the guy who offered a reward of 1 billion, he knows so many things, he knows the Grand Line and New World very well, he said that if Sky Island really exists, it must exist.

Since Sky Island exists, the rainbow flight route circulating on Rainbow Island should also be true.

Nami suggested: "After the record pointer is full, let's challenge the rainbow route, how about it?!"

Nami is very interested in this.

The rainbow route on Rainbow Island is said to be along the rainbow, directly rushing to the sky one after another. This requires the control of the weather and the ship to reach a limit... Otherwise, if there is a little carelessness, the ship will fly from the sky. When it falls, there is only one end: the ship is destroyed and the people die.

The more you hurt at high altitude, the more dangerous it is.

The air at high altitude is thin, and the wind is also strong... If one is not good, if it falls from the sky, even if it falls into the sea, it will be shocked to death.

There are too few people who dare to challenge the rainbow route. It is said that no one will challenge it for a few years, and no one has succeeded in decades.

On the contrary, many people fell from the sky, and ended up with a boat crashed and killed.

The reason Nami was interested, not yet afraid, was because of being in.

With Ye Kai's strength, and Moonwalk...

Even if the ship falls from the sky due to a mistake, there is no need to worry about the ship being destroyed.

At most, it's just a shipwreck!

It's just a snatched pirate ship, if it is destroyed, just grab another one.

You must try the rainbow route, because the legendary Sky Island has a look!.

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