Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 79 Water Capital Carrera Company! 【6 More Subscriptions】

(The sixth one is delivered, I am a little worried about losing subscriptions for the excessive chapters, but there is always a time when writing novels is gentle and excessive... Please subscribe, please subscribe automatically!)

From the intelligence point of view, Ye Kai got the permanent pointer to the capital of seven waters, and he is going to the capital of seven waters.

The capital of seven waters is very famous for its shipbuilding. Ye Kai, as the "big pirate" with a reward of 1 billion, does not have his own warships. They are all stolen pirate ships, which is a bit unreasonable.

Sengoku deduces that Ye Kai went to the Seven Waters to build his own battleship.

Ye Kai sold a lot of gold in the Land of Fragrance for 500 million Berry.

The capital of the seven waters is famous for its shipbuilding. It built the Pluton battleship and built a battleship for Er... Roger.

Ye Kai went to the capital of seven waters, maybe to build his own battleship!

But who can guarantee that he doesn't know the Ancient Weapon---Pluton?

Wasn't it for Pluton's blueprints?

None of this can be determined.

Ye Kai is too mysterious, except for the time after Impel down, there are his information and traces.

Before Impel down, Marine had not found any information about Ye Kai anywhere and at any time.

No one even knows how Ye Kai ended up in Impel down.

Such a mysterious guy might know some secrets.

I can only remind people 30 in the water capital to pay attention to Ye Kai's movements!

The people in the water capital are all from the World government. Although Marine and Marine belong to the same World government, they are two different departments.

Sengoku can't directly intervene in the management and order these people, but can only remind them to pay attention to whether Ye Kai is targeting "Pluton".

From the seventh route of the Grand Line to the capital of seven waters, it will definitely take time.

It took more than half a month to pass through five islands on the way, and they all stopped for repairs.

Anyway, Ye Kai is not in a hurry, he practices regularly every day, and accumulates with the blessing of 100 times the cultivation speed.

Ye Kai's strength has reached a bottleneck, and the effect of cultivation has not improved much, but with the blessing of 100 times of cultivation speed, plus the accumulation of time, it is still quite impressive.

When we arrived at the capital of seven waters, it was already a month since we came down from Sky Island.

Ye Kai can feel his own strength and physical fitness. In this one month, he has 100 times the blessing of cultivation speed, which is not a small improvement.

The improvement in one day's practice may be very small and difficult to detect.

However, little adds up, one month, at 100 times the speed of practice, is equivalent to 3,000 days and nights of ordinary people's practice, which is more than 8 years.

How many 8 years are there in life?

Eight years of dripping water wears away rocks. Can this accumulation not be obvious on one person?

"Is this the capital of seven waters? It's really spectacular!"

The capital of seven waters, from a distance, looks like an enlarged version of a huge fountain.

More than a dozen waterways flow out of the city... the whole city is a floating city.

Entering the capital of seven waters, you can see the intricate waterways inside, running through the entire city.

Ye Kai and their ships did not fly the pirate flag, so they could enter the Seven Waters Capital from the front.

Surrounded by vehicles such as "cows and fish", carrying goods or people, coming and going in complex waterways.

From here, we can see the prosperity of the city of water.

Nami stood at the bow, looking at the streets and shops in the two halves of the waterway.

The city of water not only has waterways, but also land streets. It is very prosperous, and there are many people coming and going, and there are even water trains.

Ye Kai and their ships sail directly into Carrera's dock!

"Is there a problem?"

Well, the dock is to provide docking, trimming, inspection and maintenance of ships...

It's just that Ye Kai's ship didn't fly a pirate flag. After docking, the workers at the dock thought it was a merchant ship or a private ship, and they came to do maintenance, so they asked casually.

It's just that when Nami stepped off the ship, the dock workers felt something was wrong.


Navigator on the Ye Kai Pirates, offering a reward of 15 million Berry!!

It is also because of Ye Kai's bounty of 1 billion Berry, Nami, as Ye Kai's navigator, even if her bounty is only 15 million, it is still impressive.

Perhaps there is another reason... Nami is not bad looking, which makes people even more impressive.

The one who disembarked behind Nami is naturally Ye Kai!!

When he saw Ye Kai, the boatman's whole body shook slightly, but he didn't expect it was really Ye Kai.

In the slander of the Marine newspaper, Ye Kai is a big villain who likes to kill and kills without blinking an eye.

Actually... In fact, only when Ye Kai arrives at a certain place and stays in a certain place for a while, everyone will find that Ye Kai is not what the Marine newspaper said.

Ye Kai is actually easy to get along with, and he is very polite, he will pay for everything he buys, and he doesn't kill people at every turn.

Even if it is a battle, it will try to avoid affecting civilians and irrelevant people.

However, the information dissemination in Pirate World is not very fast, and things like "word of mouth" are also restricted due to the poor circulation of information between islands.

This also reflects from another aspect that Marine's control of the fishing reel is still very powerful.

After Nami and Ye Kai got off the boat, they were used to the performance of these craftsmen.

This is basically the case when dealing with other people without going to a place.

Nami said calmly: "The boat stops here, take care of it, and then take me to meet the president of your company, we will customize a boat...!"

"Yes...Okay, this way please!"

After a brief daze, the workers carefully took Nami and Ye Kai to find the company's president, Bingshan.

Bingshan is the president of Carrera Company, the mayor of Water City, and even the disciple of the legendary shipbuilder Tom.

The design of Pluton was actually in the hands of Bingshan at the beginning. After Franky came back, he persuaded Franky to change his name, and then handed over the actual master design to Franky.

In the original book, although Franky burned Pluton's design diagram, Franky must have seen it!

I must have seen the iceberg.

Of course, Iceberg would never leave a copy of such a terrible thing as the Pluton design.

It's safest to keep this thing in your mind.

When Ye Kai and Nami followed the boatmen into the Carrera shipyard, they could still see many workers busy on the way.

Ye Kai sees CP9 people at a glance!

CP9, the full name is CipherPolNo.9, is directly under the secret CIPHER-POL of the World government, so the people in it are secret agents, that is, the secret police.

In addition to CP9, there is also CPO-CP8!

These people are hiding in the Carrera company, just for the design of Pluton.

Ye Kai has no interest in Pluton blueprints or Ancient Weapon——Pluton.

It is said that Pluton has the power to destroy the world, and can destroy an island with one shot.

The atomic bomb nuclear weapon in the previous life was much more powerful than Pluton, and Ye Kai had no interest at all.

It's all external force, not my own power at all. Even if you give Ye Kai the Pluton design, he... will still use it.

so fragrant!!

In fact, as long as the design drawings are advanced and good-looking enough.

Of course, if the design is not good, it can be modified.

After all, Pluton was designed and built 800 years ago, and the design hundreds of years ago has already come to fruition, right?

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