Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 86 Helplessness, Fear, Despair, Doubt! 【2 More Subscriptions】

After Ye Kai unleashes Conqueror's Haki and knocks down the companion beside him, Ace feels very familiar.

When Ye Kai said "Conqueror's Haki", Ace didn't know what it was.

But...... Ye Kai directly said "I was inspired when you were a child", and Ace was immediately impressed.

When he was young, when Ace rescued Luffy, a similar thing happened just now. At that time, he didn't know what "Conqueror's Haki" was, and even now it was only the first time he heard of it.

As a child, he unleashes "Conqueror's Haki", which literally stuns enemies.

Just like when Ye Kai unleashed a powerful aura that stunned the other members of the Spade Pirates.

Conqueror's Haki, what exactly is it?

The "Haki" of the chosen one that only one person has among millions of people, the "king's aptitude" that stands above others?

As powerful as it sounds, it's very rare.

But Ye Kai said that there are a lot of people in the New World who will use this kind of "Conqueror's Haki", just like crucian carp crossing the river.

But no matter what, the word "Conqueror's Haki" entered Ace's line of sight, and he felt that he had touched the gate of a New World.

He must go to Ye Kai, he wants to challenge Ye Kai, to find out what is "Ba 827 King Color Haki"?

After a brief contact, Ace already knew that Ye Kai was very powerful, and he couldn't be Ye Kai's opponent at all.

Even...he and Ye Kai might not be on the same level at all.

Ye Kai's strength has reached another level, which is the real top strength in this world.

He's nowhere near Ye Kai....

Ye Kai didn't know, just the impact of "Conqueror's Haki", just saying the words "Conqueror's Haki", made Ace think of so many things?

Should I say Ace is smart? Or should I say Ace is sensitive enough?

The bull fish was swimming in the sea, and it took a full half a day before they arrived at a small island.

This is an uninhabited island with a radius of thousands of miles. There is no fresh water, and there is not much vegetation. It is not suitable for human habitation. It is perfect as a battlefield.

"Come on, let me see your strength!"

When they boarded the island, Ye Kai didn't say much, and let Ace do it directly.

Ace followed Ye Kai, rented a bull fish, and rode for half a day, which was equivalent to a rest. The sequelae after the impact of Conqueror's Haki were gone, and he was completely at his peak.

He also knows that there is a gap between his strength and Ye Kai, so he is not polite.

"Then I'll do it - Fire Fist!!!"

First of all, Ace is best at it, and it is also his famous attack—Fire Fist!!

When he swung his fist, he turned his arm into a super-hot flame and rushed towards Ye Kai.

This is not a "Fire Fist" at all, more like a flaming dragon, or a train with flames?

In short, the attack speed was extremely fast and the range was wide. The flames, which were several meters wide, rushed to Ye Kai in an instant.


When the fire fist exploded, the flames splashed and turned into a sea of ​​flames in a radius of more than ten meters.

This is the real power of "Fire Fist", this is the real attack range and impact of Fire Fist!!


Standing in the flames was this black shadow, still standing like that, not moving at all.

When the flame exploded, the figure in the flame raised his foot, and the powerful force swirled upwards, driving the air and airflow up, and the flame was also directly attracted, even absorbed the flame, and then turned into a slash!

A vacuum slash that absorbed Ace's flame flew out, rushing towards Ace.


The vacuum slash with flames was extremely fast, piercing Ace's entire body in an instant, rushing dozens of meters away, leaving a long scorched mark on the ground.

The pierced Ace was directly elementalized, the body was split by the vacuum slash with flames, some sparks were scattered, and the split body quickly healed.

Physical attacks are useless to Logia Demon fruit power.

Unless you bring Armament Haki.

Ace didn't touch Armament Haki, so he was bold and directly chose (dabd) elementalization to avoid Ye Kai's vacuum slash.

Little did he know, this was all within Ye Kai's expectation.

When Ace elementalized to avoid the vacuum slash, Ye Kai had already appeared in front of Ace like a ghost, the speed was so fast that Ace couldn't react at all!!

“Marine Six Styles?! Horrible!!”

It's not that Ace has never fought against Marine, so he naturally knows Marine Six Styles. It's not difficult to see that Ye Kai's movement has the shadow of Marine Six Styles.

But Marine uses Six Styles, how can it be as fast as Ye Kai?

It was almost gone, like a teleportation, appearing in front of you in an instant.

Before Ace's elementalized body closed, Ye Kai rushed over.

Simply, Ace doesn't care about Ye Kai, directly maintains elementalization, and uses elementalization to attack Ye Kai's next attack.

And after Ye Kai approached, he stretched out his hand...

Just standing in front of Ace, holding out his palm!

Very simply raised the palm, stretched it towards Ace's forehead, put the thumb on the middle finger, and flicked on the forehead!

Ace just watched Ye Kai raise his hand, the palm kept approaching his forehead, his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost!!!

When Ye Kai raised his hand, Asi didn't move, because he didn't want to avoid Ye Kai's hand.

Ace knows that Ye Kai is very powerful, and he knows that he and Ye Kai are not on the same level. Of course, he wants to avoid Ye Kai's melee attack and raising his hand like this.

But he found.....he couldn't avoid Ye Kai's attack at all?!

He leans back and adjusts to the left... Ye Kai's hand is like a shadow!!

The real shadow follows you everywhere, you can't get rid of it at all, you can only look at Ye Kai's hand, "slowly" sticking it to his forehead, there is no way to avoid it, there is nothing you can do... Isn't this what a ghost is?!!

That kind of fear, that kind of powerlessness made Ace truly understand what is called - despair!!


When Ye Kai's finger was close to his forehead, Ace looked at the hand close to his forehead like a ghost, he was very desperate, his eyes were wide open, did he notice that Ye Kai's hand.....turned black?!

next moment!

Fingers and forehead touch!

Really touched?!

Ace's heart was full of helplessness, fear, despair, and doubts... all of a sudden, his brain was filled, and he didn't react at all, and the whole person flew back directly!!


Ace, who flew more than ten meters away, made a small hole in the ground. He was lying on the ground, his eyes were still wide open, looking at the sky, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Why can't he avoid Ye's attack no matter what he does? Can't he avoid the min who is slowly approaching his head?

Why can Ye Kai knock himself out with a snap of his fingers when he is already elementalized?

Ace was puzzled, he couldn't figure it out.

But he knows... This, perhaps, is what he wants to know after chasing Ye Kai.

Ace put back the hat that flew out of his head, sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at Ye Kai with doubts, and asked, "Why?".

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