Pirate: 100 Times Practice Cheat

Chapter 88 Because It's Boring, Because It's Fun! 【4 More Subscriptions】

"When you enter the New World, you will find yourself unable to move an inch... It will take a lot of blood and sweat as the price to realize how difficult it is to advance in the New World without using Haki!!"


While speaking, the mighty Conqueror's Haki erupts from Ye Kai!!

The entire sky was shattered, countless clouds were scattered, and the sky seemed to be blown out of a hole!!

After a while, large and small sea fish also floated around the island, all of them were stunned, floating on the sea surface with their stomachs glowing, and most of them were big fish.

When Lai Ace continued to attack Ye Kai, causing a lot of commotion, the little fish had already slipped away.

Among them, some fish in the deep sea did not move.

Ye Kai's Conqueror's Haki was released, directly stunned some fish in the deep sea, and floated to the surface after a while.

"Conqueror's Haki, you awakened when you were a child, but you didn't know it, and you didn't master this power. "Five Nine Three""

Ye Kai shows Conqueror's Haki to Ace.

This time, Ace didn't feel any discomfort.

It was Ye Kai who took control of Conqueror's Haki without any impact on him.

And Ace stared at the sky in shock.

It's hard to imagine that with this powerful momentum, even the sky was shattered, and a big hole rushed out.

Looking at the fish floating around the island, they were all stunned.

Is this Conqueror's Haki?

Ace already has the impression that he did send this kind of thing called "Conqueror's Haki" several times when he was a child, and he really doesn't know how to master it.

next moment!!

Ye Kai shot suddenly, Ace chose to avoid it.

Ye Kai didn't mean to stop, and Ace probably knew what Ye Kai meant...direct elementalization!


Unsurprisingly, the elemental Ace was slapped by Ye Kai and flew several meters away. He flipped and landed on the ground, taking several steps back to stabilize his body.

Ye Kai showed mercy, otherwise this slap would definitely not be as simple as flying a few meters away, and give Ace a decent way to land.

Instead, it flew out and hit the ground.

After Ace landed, he didn't say much, just looked at Ye Kai's hand quietly... At this moment, Ye Kai's right hand and forearm had turned black, like a layer of black paint, shining with metallic luster.

Ace knew that his elementalization had to trigger Ye Kai's attack, because of the black paint-like thing on Ye Kai's hand.

Ye Kai stretched out his right hand, Armament Haki covered his hand, and showed it in front of Ace: "This is Armament Haki, which improves personal defense. It acts like an invisible armor, which can cover the body and weapons. Armament Haki advanced application An entity capable of unleashing a powerful attack that allows people to touch the fruit of "Logia"!"

"I see!!"

Ace Zongyu knew that he was elemental, and he couldn't avoid Ye Kai's attack. Why?

Armament Haki!!

An entity that can touch the Logia Demon fruit power.

It's hard to imagine, if you don't know this, after entering the New World, facing a person who can use Armament Haki, choosing elementalization to avoid attacks... Maybe you will die?


The next moment, Ye Kai moved again and rushed towards Ace.

This time Ye Kai didn't do anything, but simply approached Ace.

And Ace also chooses to dodge, saying that it is futile...

No matter how Ace dodges, to the left, to the right, to jump up, to move forward or to retreat... Ye Kai is always by his side.

This feeling is what makes Ace most desperate.

Even more hopeless than Armament Haki being able to touch his physical body.

After playing for a while, Ye Kai stopped and said: "Observation Haki can't be seen or touched, but it really exists. This is the power to strongly feel the other party's "voice", which can make people's five senses sharp, and they can perceive the surroundings. The breath and emotional changes of creatures can read the position and number of enemies outside the line of sight, and even predict the actions that the enemy will take, so as to avoid the enemy's attack or counterattack the enemy!"

"Advanced Observation Haki can even foresee the future...affect the emotions of others, listen to the realm of all things!"

Listen to Ye Kai explain Observation Haki.

Ace finally knew why he couldn't get rid of Ye Kai no matter what, and couldn't even avoid Ye Kai's slow attack at all.

It's because all his actions were predicted by Ye Kai...Even, Ye Kai may have reached the point of "foreseeing the future", and has already seen how he will dodge.

That's why there was the first scene... Ye Kai stretched out his hand and slowly approached Ace's forehead. The movement was not fast, but Ace couldn't avoid it. In the end, Ye Kai landed on the forehead with a flick of his finger and flew out.

"Why...why are you telling me this?"

Many doubts in Ace's heart have been solved, and another question arises at the same time: Why did Ye Kai tell him this?

Ace has never been in contact with Ye Kai, and this is the first time he has met Ye Kai.

This was also Ace's spur of the moment, wanting to challenge Ye Kai who offered a reward of 1 billion Berry before entering the New World... 0

He just arrived at Sabaody Archipelago, which is not far from the city of water, and rushed over after getting a record pointer of the city of water.

Without the idea of ​​challenging Ye Kai, without this whim decision, he would never have met Ye Kai.

It would be impossible to know so much about "Haki".

So, why did Ye Kai tell him this?

Ace was a little curious.

He has been in the Grand Line for several months, but he has never heard of information about "Haki". Obviously, this is not knowledge accessible to ordinary people.

It is a relatively precious and advanced skill, and it is by no means a bad street thing.

Ye Kai put on a very bored expression.

It’s not a show, Ye Kai at this time is very boring, said: “Because it’s boring, because it’s more fun... Anyway, it’s not a secret, you will come into contact with it after entering New World.”

Ace must not understand what it means to be fun!

Ye Kai gave Ace a big blow, let him know the importance of Haki first, after entering the New World, Ace will definitely be able to study Haki hard.

In this way, Ace will challenge Whitebeard as in the original book, and then join the Whitebeard pirates?

Will he hunt down Blackbeard like in the original book, be captured by Blackbeard and give it to Marine, and finally be publicly executed and die at the hands of Akainu?

This is where Ye Kai finds it fun.

Ace knew the importance of Haki first, who knows what will happen in the future?

Ace will join the Whitebeard Pirates 3.6? Will he lose against Blackbeard?

Say no more!

But... Even if it's the same as in the original book, it doesn't have much to do with Ye Kai.

He just thought it was fun, to add a little fun to the world.

Or... add a little possibility for the future, add a little change.

It would be boring if everything went according to the "original book" as Ye Kai knows it.

It's like Ye Kai in East Blue Logue town, casually "pointing" Smoker, Ha Smoker "learned a lesson".

What will become of Luffy when he arrives in Logue town... is another variable that can give more possibilities for the future.

In Ye Kai's view, knowing the result becomes a bit boring, only the unknown... can have the fun of exploration and a sense of expectation.

After a long time, Ace said very seriously: "Mr. Ye Kai, I would like to ask you to teach me how to practice Haki.....!!".

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