Not to mention Ortorun’s own shock, when the dazzling thunderstorm dissipated, Marshal Cyborg looked at Ortorun standing there holding the unconscious Redfield with one hand. His expression was completely unacceptable. Confident.

No…what’s going on? In the year when I didn’t pay attention to this newcomer, has he grown from a seedling to the strongest in the world?

impossible? That was the Red Earl, and he had only fought with him for a little over two days. Cyborg knew very well how strong that guy Redfield was.

Even if Roger and Whitebeard were here, it would be impossible to kill Redfield instantly!

In fact, what Cyborg thought was correct at all. If the top players like Roger and Garp had just appeared, then he would definitely not be careless. If he was not careless, with the strength of the Red Earl, he would never be careless. May be killed instantly!

Porusalino, who was standing next to the marshal, was also a little confused. You told me you were so awesome, why should I come here?

I traveled two days just to come here and kick him, right?

The scene was silent for a while, and the three of them didn’t know what to say.

So much so that Ortorun was a little annoyed. You said you were really famous. Your behavior made it difficult for me. He expected that when he and Porusalino arrived, they would join forces with the marshal. During the battle with the Red Earl, the three of them went through untold hardships and finally defeated Redfield, a powerful enemy.

Because of this, he not only made great contributions to the defense of the marshal, but also developed a comradeship with the marshal. In the future, at the Navy Headquarters, wouldn’t the relationship develop immediately?

Even if there is no Garp to lead the way, it is very reasonable and reasonable for him to occasionally go to the marshal’s office to have tea and chat, right?

As time goes by, won’t the upward channel open up in the future?

Isn’t the pattern also opened?

The result was good now. After two days of fierce fighting between the marshal and Lao Hong, he was obviously at a disadvantage and was in a bit of a mess. As a result, he, a newcomer, immediately defeated Lao Hong.

There was no fierce fighting at all, it seemed so abrupt, which made the Marshal’s efforts in the previous two days very embarrassing, like a monkey performing a monkey show.

If you fall now, where will you leave me and the marshal?

The abominable Red Earl, what a despicable pirate, actually used this kind of trick to divide the passionate friendship between me and the Marshal?

The first key to promotion in the workplace is that you have to be very capable, but not more capable than your boss. But now, Altorun has put the marshal on the fire.

If word spreads in the future, it will be even more embarrassing. Everyone will say that the marshal of the navy is useless. He was almost killed by pirates. It must be the new guy of the navy. The marshal beat his opponent for two days without any effect. He Go up and knock it over with one hammer!

A strange silence filled the air for a while, but finally Marshal Cyborg was brave enough and took the lead to speak: “Thank you for coming in time, otherwise I would have been in big trouble. It’s been a hard journey along the way.”

As soon as the marshal opened his mouth, Porusalino and Ortorun felt much more relaxed. Porusalino said with a smile: “I didn’t do anything, it was all due to Ortorun. On the warship, after learning about the situation on your side, he risked his life and crossed the sea without saying a word, using his ability to rush to support.”

Porusalino put down these words and winked at Ortoron. After being stunned for a moment, Ortoron immediately reacted and said: “I was a little anxious at the time. , Now it seems that there is no need to be so anxious. It is still my fault. I am a newcomer and don’t know much about the marshal. I didn’t expect the marshal to be so strong. No wonder Mr. Karp told me that it is no problem. Don’t worry. I will I was confused at first, but only now did I realize that Redfield, who looked so aggressive just now, had actually already done it. He must have been cornered by the marshal. I just happened to catch him, hahahaha, although It’s just a mistake, but the marshal must give me credit!”

With these words, Marshal Cyborg was all proud. After hearing this, Marshal Cyborg, who was still a little embarrassed at first, was no longer breathless, his waist no longer hurt, and even the injuries on his body felt… A bit lighter.

Well, think about it carefully, what this young man said is right. I must be too strong. The Red Earl just wanted to deceive me. In fact, he was at the end of his strength, so when he was touched by Altorun, he was The secret was revealed directly.

This is only reasonable!

Otherwise, wouldn’t I be like a monkey?

Thinking of this, Marshal Cyborg looked at Oltorun with a much more cordial look. Speaking of which, this was his first time.

Such a face-to-face interaction with Ortorun.

Although he had heard Garp and Zefa talk about the excellence of this young man before, now, Marshal Cyborg still felt that he was indeed more outstanding than he had imagined.

What elements do you need to be a good naval general?

For the martial arts faction, being able to fight is definitely the first factor, and Altoron has no problem with this.

Secondly, you need to have sufficient military qualities, and according to Zefa, Oltorun was the first chief in the training camp to graduate with full credits, so this should not be a big problem.

Having these two elements at the same time proves that he has the ability to become a senior general in the navy, that is, a lieutenant-admiral-level navy.

And if you want to advance to the rank of admiral in the navy, you need his combat effectiveness to become the flagship of the navy. After many war verifications, both inside and outside the navy, you must recognize the words “highest combat effectiveness” before you can take on the responsibility. rise.

This step is basically the end. Further up, the position of marshal requires not only the ability to fight and military qualities, but also a certain degree of political consciousness and political skill.

In the opinion of Marshal Cyborg, both Porusalino and Ortorun seemed a bit rough and stiff in the current operation, but both of them did have a certain degree of political awareness and Wrist!

This is something that Garp is unwilling to do. Yes, in Cyborg’s view, Garp understands these principles, but he is unwilling to bow his head. This is a lack of political awareness. At the same time, it also proves that Garp may be suitable for the role. An admiral of the navy, but he could never be a marshal of the navy.

Because the art of politics is compromise, and in some aspects, Karp would never compromise.

In comparison, the one who is currently performing best is the naval admiral Seng Guo, and Cyborg discovered this early and trained Seng Guo in the direction of a marshal.

Therefore, Marshal Cyborg looked at Oltorun with a lot of kindness. This young man was energetic and motivated. When he heard that something had happened to him, he had to rush to support him even at the risk of falling into the sea. This was a sign of gratitude to him. His loyalty to the navy may be utilitarian, but who does things without any utilitarianism at all? As a marshal, the most important thing is not to use this kind of thinking to test the hearts of his subordinates. What matters is what his subordinates do!

Able and talented, he is the chief of the officer training camp. He has the strength to defeat the Red Earl. At the same time, he is also aware and knows how to maintain the atmosphere and the relationship between his colleagues and superiors and subordinates.

This is the potential of an excellent navy. At this moment, Marshal Cyborg gave Ortorun a very high rating in his heart.

Such a young man should be given more opportunities. Giving him a chance may be giving the Navy a chance.

As for whether his identity is pure or not, that is not a question that should be considered now. There will be plenty of time to verify it in the future!

“I’m already old. The Red Earl may be at the end of his strength, but I’m also exhausted. Without your support, it’s hard to say the outcome, so don’t belittle yourself. It should be your contribution, and I definitely won’t be able to escape!” Marshal Cyborg said with a smile.

After talking about these scenes, the three people quickly began to organize the remaining navy members to carry out rescue operations. At the same time, they sent a message to the navy headquarters to inform them that the crisis here had been resolved and that everyone did not need to be so anxious.

This should be the first time that Ortorun has participated in the aftermath of the Navy. Sure enough, dealing with the aftermath requires more work than fighting with others. Even the marshal is busy because of insufficient manpower. Ortorun is busy. Naturally, Lun couldn’t fish, so he took it upon himself to rescue his colleagues who were buried in the ruins, or dig out the dead naval soldiers.

After working hard for almost six or seven days, Karp and Kuzan arrived with their warships and strengthened their manpower. Two days later, Sakaski also arrived with his troops, and things here were finally concluded. .

However, these days, because of spending time together, his relationship with the Marshal and Porusalino has been progressing very well. I believe that when he returns, he will be able to get promoted and make a fortune.

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