“It’s so smoky inside that I can’t even open my eyes. Come out after you’re done playing. I’ll wait for you at the door.” Gion said as he stood at the door of the casino with a phone in his hand.

On the other side of the phone, Ortorun said with a smile: “I’m coming out now, just wait for me.”

Soon, Oltorun opened the door of the gambling shop and walked out with a smile that couldn’t be suppressed. Behind him, there was another person, who was obviously the guy with a smile, but it was very obvious. In contrast, Oltorun was overjoyed, but his smiling face looked as bitter as the end of the world.

Looking at these two people, Gion was a little confused, what’s going on? One goes in and two come out?

“Who is this?” Gion asked politely.

“His name is Yixiao, and he calls himself a Ronin.” Ortorun covered his mouth and kept laughing. After a pause, he couldn’t help but said: “Sorry, sorry, the introduction was wrong. It should be his name Yixiao, known as Koehler. Si Island’s little gambling king!”

Hearing this, Yixiao’s face twitched again, and his mature uncle’s face turned red with shame.

I really lost badly today!

“So this is what you are doing?” Gion still didn’t quite understand.

“He currently owes me 2.6 million beli, and he cannot pay it back for the time being. If he goes to work, it will probably take him about two or three years to pay it back. However, I think he is strong and powerful, so I decided to recruit him. He is my escort and works for me until the debt is paid off!” Ortorun couldn’t hold it in any longer and said with a smile.

“Ah?” Gion looked at Oltorun in shock, and then said quickly: “Hey, hey, don’t mess around. Don’t forget that you are a navy. If you use this method to coerce him, the impact will not be good. Right? And, are you so good at gambling? How long have you been here? And you won him 2.6 million beli?”

“Ah, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t coerce him, he did it voluntarily, and I didn’t even play with it, so I’m not very powerful.” Ortorun quickly explained.

Gion was even more surprised when he heard this, and asked curiously: “Then why does he owe you money?”

“I lend money!” Orto said confidently.

Gion? ? ?

Is this what you, a righteous marine, should say?

Do you still want to comment on this year’s three best navy and advanced individuals?

Oh, the bonus is not as much as the money he owes you? That’s okay!

At this time, Yixiao on the side also came back to his senses and asked in surprise: “Are you a navy!?”

“That’s right, haven’t I introduced myself to you? My name is Ben Ortorun, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.” Ortorun also said belatedly.

“I never said that!” Yixiao said with a confused look on his face: “I thought you were some kind of businessman…”

“Looking at him being so big, he doesn’t look like a businessman, right?” Gion couldn’t help but say.

“No, then where did you get so much money to lend me? Also, you are a navy man, recruiting me as a guard? How do you calculate this?” Yixiao was confused.

Ortorun is my boss, but he is in the navy and I want to be his guard, so who am I? Does it count as a navy?

“As a rear admiral in the Navy Headquarters, I enjoy high-end welfare benefits, which basically meet all my daily expenses. Therefore, my salary is equivalent to no expenses. As a rear admiral in the Navy Headquarters, I can spend millions of dollars at any time. Li Lai, is it reasonable?” Altoron said matter-of-factly.

Gion on the side also nodded with great approval and said: “It makes sense. Speaking of it, I have been in office longer than you. Before I came out of Marineford, I saw that I already had more than 100 million Baileys in my savings.”

“More than one hundred million!?” Yixiao exclaimed, “No, is the Navy so rich?”

Today is not an era when the great pirate era caused chaos at sea, economic and commercial depression, inflation, and money no longer looked like money.

Today’s more than 100 million is very powerful!

Twenty years later, the navy will only cost 200 million yuan to build a standard warship. Now, according to the knowledge of Ortorun, a major general of the navy, the cost of building a warship is only more than 70 million yuan. profit!

By comparison, you will know that Gion is definitely considered a rich woman.

“Basically, the treatment of officers in the Navy is very good, but it is not that simple to become an officer in the Navy, especially those of us with general officer-level epaulettes… Unless you have outstanding strength and good character. Trustworthy,” Ortoron said.

After a short pause, looking at the stunned smile, Altorun teased: “What? Are you interested in the navy?”

Yixiao finally came back to his senses from the navy’s wealth, swallowed his saliva and said: “I didn’t have anything before.

I was so interested, but now, I am very interested. Do you know how much I can earn per day working in a fishery? ”

“How much?” Ortorun shook his head and asked.

“Two thousand beli!” Yixiao said through gritted teeth: “It’s only 60,000 beli a month. With the rest of the benefits, I can get up to about 80,000 beli. In other words, excluding food and drink expenses, I owe you these two hundred. It will take me at least three years to pay off 600,000 yuan… As a result, all the generals in your navy are extremely rich? What’s wrong with this society?”

“You work in the fishery, and you don’t have to go out to sea to fight for your life. Our navy’s benefits are high, but the intensity of sacrifice and death is not low!” Ortorun patted his shoulder with a smile and said.

Risk is directly proportional to return. This is a concept that is almost true.

Yixiao was silent for a moment, and then said: “To be honest, I think that my strength is pretty good, my character is not bad, and my heart is righteous. I have always been yearning for the navy, but I haven’t had the opportunity to join the navy yet. If you don’t give up, I’d like to become a general!”

If it weren’t for his age, he would have wanted to be his adoptive father, so that when his adoptive father died at sea one day, he could still inherit the inheritance and so on.

Speaking of this, Yixiao also specifically pointed out: “Don’t worry, I don’t want to join the navy because the salary is high and it allows me to gamble freely. It’s purely for my justice, you know, right!?”

Damn it, you just said you were not interested in our navy before, but now you are just for justice! ?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Altoron still nodded with great approval on the surface.

“Yes, for justice! I am the same. When I joined the navy, it was not for any other reason, but for my justice that has nowhere to go!” Ortorun said with a smile as he looked at him with conviction.

As a rear admiral of the navy, Ortorun naturally has a staff in his hands. So far, he can only say that half of the staff in his hands has been given away, and that is to the little ghost head Rob Luqi.

The reason why I say it is half is because the Navy is not as good as those bastards from the CP agency who do not care about humanism. The Navy still wants to maintain its own image, so if it does not accept child labor, it has to wait until Lu Qi reaches fifteen. When he was six years old, he seemed to be old enough. Then he was given a false certificate to say that he was an adult before he could be entered into the establishment.

Otherwise, it will be too much to pass?

So Lu Qi is currently studying in Marineford. Before Altorun left there, he entrusted Teacher Zefa to take more care of him, and basically booked a place in a suitable officer training camp in the future.

With Ortolen’s status, he couldn’t directly assign Yixiao a general status, not even a brigadier general.

However, the identity of the colonel can be arranged casually in his hands. As long as Yixiao is really willing to join the navy, Altorun can immediately arrange for Yixiao to be a colonel directly under Major General Ben!

Again, when you join the Navy, do you want to climb up from a small soldier step by step, or can you climb to the top in one step? Firstly, it depends on ability, and secondly, relationship.

At the beginning, Oltorun relied on Garp’s relationship to become a colonel, and then entered Teacher Zefa’s staff, graduating as a brigadier general.

Now he himself has become a member of the Navy’s huge and complex network of people, and can barely be regarded as a ‘backer’.

There is one thing about this woman in Gion that Ortorun particularly appreciates and likes, and that is that she never meddles in others’ business. Just like now, Ortorun almost playfully said that he would recruit some people here to become a navy, even if he has no foundation. Without touching it and checking it, I was ready to arrange a school official appointment for him.

But Gion didn’t object at all, which to some extent also meant that she trusted Altorun.

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