Pirate Alliance

Chapter 15 Don't go to the windless person, grandson too

Captain Grisha's first reaction was... Does this person understand human language?

Including the captain, the substantive behavior of all the crew members on this ship was definitely not out of any "adventure" mentality, let alone looking for excitement. To put it bluntly, they carried out a "jedi counterattack" when they could no longer survive. .

The so-called "doing a big vote" is just fighting for life.

In any case, there is no possibility that they will be in the same boat with unrelated people, and going to the windless belt is not a warm treat... Or Qiubai's mind is not clear about what is going on in the windless belt?

The captain looked at Qiubai and began to look at the mental retardation.

Or this guy is a lunatic.

Well, it's impossible for people in the new world to not know the situation of the windless belt, so it seems that the latter one is more likely... There are problems with the brain at a young age, and this red hair is quite pitiful if you think so.


Captain Grisha didn't know what to say to those who were anxious to die.

"Actually, for some reason, we also need to get to the North Sea as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to go out to sea alone. However, since our original navigation cannot go beyond the scope of 'conventional', the pursuit of speed will not work, so since the captain wants to cross If there is no wind belt, please take us with you."

Qiubai spoke of his temporary decision as if there were traces to follow.

"But, that's the windless belt..."

The captain is still persuading with all his heart. In any case, the situation of Qiubai and his group is definitely different from that of his own group, and they will not really embark on a life-threatening journey... The captain even brought his young son with him, and he had no way out. No, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

According to the usual news around the world, it seems that no one has successfully crossed the windless belt... At least there is no such report in the news.

Whether it is a navy or a pirate, entering the windless zone is a death, and sometimes even when the navy is chasing pirates, they will rush them to the windless zone, because that means there is no return.

What's more, Captain Grisha is an ordinary civilian, and the Giant is just an ordinary merchant ship.

Therefore, from the captain's point of view, Qiu Bai, who was simply staying on his own "soon to be silent" ship, was a bit unreasonable.

"Of course I know the risk, but it doesn't matter. I even have expectations, and of course I have the consciousness of sinking with the ship... In fact, I am an adventurer. If there is a chance to cross the windless belt, of course I am willing to try."

This is not a joke, because he really has expectations and longings, and perhaps adventures that no one has ever done before have the value of daring to be the first in the world.

That's right, Qiu Bai is an adventurer... Maybe he also occasionally makes a cameo in a robbery or something.

"Adventurers? So the purpose of your trip to the North Sea is..."

"Have you heard of Germa 48? The main villain organization in the world's most popular comics that has been serialized for more than 20 years. After research, I found that it was a real organization, and it is said that the North Sea is the birthplace of the Kingdom of Germa. , so we're going to look for them."

"Germa 48?" Apparently the captain hadn't read that comic story and didn't know it was supposed to be Germa 66 and not 48.

Hey, why did Qiubai blurt out 48?

But that didn't stop the captain from thinking that the man in front of him was even crazier, and pursued the comics as reality... This is definitely a brain hole.

But it has to be said that the captain has no knowledge, and Germa is a real person-although Qiubai's purpose of going to Beihai has nothing to do with this organization.

But since Qiubai's brain has a pit, the captain feels that he can't pit him even more.

Therefore, he could not agree to Qiubai's request to "help each other in the same boat".

"Unfortunately, our route is too dangerous, and it is said that the possibility of our success has been exaggerated in the near future.

This kind of voyage cannot take you in any way. "

The captain is absolutely for the good of Qiubai and the others. He doesn't want to cause unprovoked sacrifices, but Qiubai doesn't know good people.

"Since the captain has long planned to cross the windless zone, he must have made corresponding preparations in advance, and even the method of defending against the sea kings... You should also consider it, so although the possibility of success is small, it is not impossible. I believe that the captain will not be so unwise, is that so?" Qiubai continued to speak in a different way.

From the feeling, the captain in front of him should not be the kind of reckless and desperate person, this is not the same as his bold behavior of crossing the windless belt.

"We do have a certain method, but there is no certainty that the method will actually work."

"In that case..."

Qiubai is still relying on words to convince the other party, but at this time, Ain can't listen anymore... Although she often despises Qiubai habitually, since Qiubai has shown a clear attitude of "whoever does not go to Wufeng will be his grandson" , then she will only do things according to his mind.

Of the two, the directional decisions were made by Qiu Bai.

At this time, Qiu Bai felt light on his body, and the purse around his waist had already been taken by Ain.

"200,000 Baileys...as our 'ship ticket' to board your ship." Ain opened the purse, revealing the golden coins in it.

"Unfortunately, I can't..."

The captain just glanced at the money and continued to refuse.

Although he is a poor man, he doesn't care about the 200,000 Baileys in front of him... Assuming that their voyage is successful later, the gains will make him completely ignore the 200,000; But if they fail to cross the sea, what's the point of taking the 200,000?

The crew was already dead by then.

"Although you are the captain, it's better to discuss some things with all the crew members." Ain said as he put the purse in the captain's hand.


The captain was silent. Indeed, this ship is not his own. The ship, including the ship, is the "common property" of the crew. The captain is just a leader. He needs to inform the crew of many things.

For example, now, do you want to accept the 200,000 yuan?

Captain Grisha glanced at the money in his hand, then shook his head and walked out.

"I just want to convince people with virtue." After the captain left, Qiu Bai defended himself with the girl's contemptuous eyes.

Girl, use morality to convince people of wool, know how to use money to deal with birds, why don't you know how to use money to deal with people?

Although Ain's method is simple and rude, Qiubai knows that his goal has been achieved... The so-called "collective decision" is often a matter of bullshit, and when faced with immediate interests, the tendency of most people can be imagined. Know.

The captain might reject the 200,000 Baileys out of reason, but his terrified crew would never.

Facts have proved that convincing people with virtue is not as happy as convincing people with money.

There seemed to be a little disturbance outside, and then it subsided shortly after, and then the captain returned to the captain's room, but the purse in his hand had disappeared.

"You win. Next, we will provide you with some food and fresh water, and then... take you across the windless belt."

The captain's expression was more helpless.

Qiu Bai smiled brightly, and he stretched out his palm towards the captain, "Happy cooperation."

At this point, what can the captain say?

"Pleasant to work with."

The two hands are held together.

Therefore, it is quite meaningful to bring out the money, and Qiu Bai's point of view has been demonstrated again: the behavior of selling swords has necessary meaning and substantial needs.

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