Pirate Alliance

Chapter 37 Blind spy? blind sniper...

"Because of the continuous stormy weather in the North Sea this season, the departure rate of fishing boats has been greatly reduced, and the trading volume of merchant ships has been greatly reduced. At the same time, the underutilization of agricultural production reduction workshops, coupled with the continuous high fees, urban residents have no income surplus and buffer room, so one after another. Our overall income has been reduced for two months instead of deliberately blocking the funds of the Don Quixote family..."

Pandahiye could speak as fast as he could right now, and he didn't even have a chance to add punctuation marks.

Sweat dripped down the side of his bald head.

Although Qiu Bai didn't get any hits just now, he showed his weapon's performance in all directions, so when he turned the direction of attack, the mafia were instantly backed away in shock.

But Panda Heye, who was at the forefront and bore the brunt, didn't even have a chance to retreat. He didn't even dare to blink, because Qiu Bai's bowstring was getting tighter and tighter.

"But the situation has improved this month after the storm, so we have prepared in advance the funds to be handed over this month and the difference between the previous two months will be doubled."

While speaking, Panda Heye quickly waved his hands to the back, and after seeing the boss's movements, two people brought a cash box and put it in front of Qiu Bai's eyes.

Then those two quickly retreated into the crowd like fertilized rabbits... No matter what the situation is, getting together can always give people a sense of security, although many times this sense of security is just an illusion.

Qiu Bai turned his head to look at Gladius, he had to seek advice before he acted, and the latter signaled him not to act rashly for the time being.

Then Senior came forward, he squatted down and opened the cash box, and after glancing at Panda Heyer, he began to count the amount of funds... For a moment, in this silent space, there were only people who tapped paper money sound.

Senior's method was more professional than that of professional bank staff, and he had already counted and checked the money in less than three minutes.

"No problem, the amount for this month is enough, and the gaps for the last two months have been made up in the way he said."

Senior did not confirm the authenticity of these money at all, because as long as the mafia is willing to hand over the money to Don Quixote, there will be no counterfeit money, unless they really don't want to live... Deception is better than nothing The consequences of paying the funds in full are even more terrifying.

In fact, what Panda Heyer said about the improvement of the town’s situation may not be true, maybe in order to raise enough funds for Doflamingo, he even sold his wife during this period... Maybe he should also I realized that it was undoubtedly a wrong decision to choose to rely on the strength of the Don Quixote family.

It's a bit like taking drugs, sticking to it is a lifetime thing, unless...

But although the money has been made up, can things get better? Pandahaye was very nervous. Gladius' eyes were hidden under the goggles, but his sight made people feel hairy.

"Qiubai, it's okay." Finally he spoke again, and it seemed to be good news... Anyway, this time it was barely passed.

Before Qiubai put down his bow, Pandahaye fell to the ground after feeling relaxed.

"Basically, Pandahaye, you did a good job, and the young master is quite satisfied, but you have to understand that it is enough for this kind of thing to happen once, and it is impossible for anyone to have a second chance." Guradiou Si took the cash box handed over by Senior, and then warned again.

In order to save his own life, Panda Heye was desperate, and his compensation was still qualified, so it seems that this matter can come to an end... After the goal is achieved, don Quixote can also leave contentedly .

But just when everyone turned around, Qiu Bai squatted down, making his eyes level with the poor mafia boss, his amber eyes were full of sincerity:

"Just to scare you,

Random killings are actually against my principles, but, as the boss of the mafia, you need to be more confident..."

As he spoke, he even reached out and patted Panda Heye on the shoulder:

"You are right, what are you afraid of?"

The inability of the mafia to pay the full amount of funds is not because they are expressing their dissatisfaction with Don Quixote-there must be some such dissatisfaction, but they will only hold it in their hearts-but because the town as a whole, Lacasio The change in objective conditions cannot be changed by their subjective will, so from this perspective, Qiu Bai is right, and the Mafia is indeed very reasonable.

But you should be afraid. Although Qiubai seems to be saying that there is no reason, it is definitely untenable, because...does the Don Quixote family need to be reasonable?

Reasoning is still necessary in theory, but they only reason when they need to.

Panda Heye glanced at the backs of the few people leaving, and then quickly lowered his head.

Compared with Doflamingo, he is indeed a small person, but a small person is also a person, and he has to make decisions on some things.


"What does it mean that killing people violates one's principles?" Senior asked Qiu Bai when he was leaving.


"But I remember you were the one who wanted to blow up the END POINT out of interest, right?"

Are there contradictions in the previous statement?

"Senior, let's analyze it scientifically and rationally. You have to know that my interest is to appreciate the fireworks after the END POINT explodes. If I destroy the END POINT, it may lead to the destruction of the new world, and the new world's Destruction will lead to the death of many people... Is that okay?"

"No problem." Senior nodded.

"So conversely, the direct cause of human death is the demise of the new world, and the destruction of the END POINT is the cause of the demise of the new world, and it is me who destroyed the END POINT after that... So, the death of humans in the new world has nothing to do with me This does not violate my principles." Qiu Bai turned the words around again, and it became a fallacy like a miracle.


Although the logically retarded inside knew there was a problem, Senior was speechless for a moment... What happened to this world?

On Qiu Bai's forehead, the word "nervous" was indeed printed.

"So, it's because of this 'principle' that the half of the mafia wasn't punished?" When Senor was speechless, Gladius suddenly interrupted.

He was a little annoyed, because in his heart he really wanted to kill the disobedient Pandahaye, but that was against Doflamingo's orders. After all, it was too troublesome to train new agents, so he had to let it go. passed the opponent.

Especially after seeing the mafia in the church swarming towards the location of their boss, Gladius became even more irritable.


"Of course it is impossible. In fact, no matter how big the target is, as long as it is 50 meters away, it will be very difficult for Qiubai to hit it."

Ai En interrupted Qiu Bai and gave his own explanation.

This time it's Qiu Bai's turn to be tongue-tied... But is this trying to tear him down? No, on the contrary, this is assisting him.

Qiu Bai really missed the church, not deliberately missed the church, and there was no element of violating orders.

To put it simply, this is a Bel-Chao sniper. He can and can only guarantee that the arrow will fly in the direction of the target. As for whether it can hit or not, it depends on God.

Ai En's words seemed to make Qiu Bai grin in dissatisfaction, but he gave Ai En a thumbs-up in his heart... This was a very tacit cooperation, at least conveying some of his thoughts to the "family" And some unreliable facts about his strength.

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