A gentle breeze.

Sea level.

The remnants of the wreckage of the pirate ship are still rolling with the waves, washing away into the sea farther in all directions.

A naval warship stays in this area.


After the many traces and clues I just obtained, as well as my own inferences.

This made Moz's whole heart begin to be filled with deep horror.

This sea!

A monster has appeared!

Moz can be absolutely sure of this!

First of all.

There are four pirate groups, and there are pirate captains with bounties close to hundreds of millions of berry. But despite this, he was still wiped out by the mysterious young man with a knife!

It can well be imagined.

Knife wielder, how terrifying the strength is!

According to information inside their navy.

But Moz couldn't predict at all who the other party was sacred.

And this is what scares Moz even more.

I didn't even know the identity of the other party.

This, how do they guard against each other in advance?

Take out the phone bug.

Moz quickly dialed the phone in Marshal Marlin's office.

Poo po

The unique voice of the phone bug lingered in Moz's ears.

"I'm Sengoku!"

The communication is on!

And, a neutral and powerful voice came out.

Moz knew it very well.

That's the voice of the Marshal of the Warring States!

Navy Headquarters, Supreme Commander!

The Sengoku of the Buddha!

"Marshal of the Warring States, I am Brigadier General Moz, and I am still some way from the Chambord Islands. Two days ago, we received a piece of information from a merchant ship. "

They said that a scuffle broke out between five pirate groups in this area. But in the end, he was directly wiped out by one person with four swords!"

"So today we rushed to this area to investigate. I noticed some unbelievable clues and traces, so I have to ask you for instructions!"

Moz quickly began to recount the news he had just received.

About a minute later.

The voice of the Warring States came from the opposite side: "What do you mean is that a new unknown pirate has appeared in this sea area." Moreover, the strength is very terrifying, can it be done, one person only wields four swords, and can destroy four huge pirate groups?"

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!"

"Other than that, what clues did you find at the scene?"

"The subordinates surveyed the sea area and found the wreckage fragments of many sailing ships that remained at that time. But every fragment is already full of cracks, many cracks like spider webs, and if you touch it hard, it will collapse in an instant!"

Moz took a deep breath and continued, "These same traits are something that my subordinates can't help but associate with. The collapse of the four pirate ships did not come from the true power of the slash, but only from some strange and special aftermath. "

"Therefore. "

"The subordinates asked them to dive under the sea to search, and sure enough, they found a pirate ship, the traces of sinking under the sea. It's just that that ship, like these remaining fragments, is covered with countless cracks!"

"That is..."

"That ship, too, is on the verge of collapse. Indeed, the ship was cut in two in the middle, but the remaining aftermath was even more terrifying, impacting every corner of the entire ship, causing the pirate ship to fall into a wreck that was about to collapse!"

"Combine the above. "

"The subordinates boldly speculated that this young pirate with a knife is not only a sword hero, but also has some very strange and terrifying power fluctuations in his slashes!"

"This fluctuation of power is the key to causing these four pirate ships to fall into wrecks!"

Say it in one breath.

Moz swallowed his saliva and quietly waited for the orders of the Warring States on the other side.

But always.

None of the Warring States spoke.

It's as if he was combing through so much news that he just stated at once.

The atmosphere is silent!

Half ringing.

The voice of the phone bug finally came.

"I see, the aftermath of this man's slash carries some kind of strange power that can break the whole ship, everywhere? "

"Based on what this person has done before, it can be concluded that this person's identity is a pirate!"

"In addition!"

"His strength is very terrifying, but one person can easily wipe out, four pirates with a bounty close to hundreds of millions of Berry Captains. Then this person's strength may be close to the level of the 300 million berry bounty!"

"But his identity is still a mystery!"

"But with what you've just said, we just need to stay focused. Inevitably, we will be able to find out who this pirate is!"

"In the internal intelligence of the Navy, there has never been a pirate with such strange powers. Therefore, the task of investigating the identity of this pirate is daunting and needs to be explained to you. "

"Brigadier General Moz, can you have confidence?"


Moz took a deep breath, his eyes were frightened, but he still nodded solemnly: "Yes, Marshal of the Warring States!"

There was a pause.

He asked tentatively: "Marshal of the Warring States, do you want to set up a bounty list for this person?"

"Bounty list?"

This time it was Sengoku's turn to be silent.

If he knew the other person's name and name, he would have set up a bounty list!

But the question is...

Who is the other party?

What is the name of the other party?

What kind of facial characteristics does the other person have?

All this, the Warring States have no way of understanding!

So, how did he set up a bounty list?

Is it just based on these speculative clues?

Ponder for a moment.

Sengoku said, "It's tentatively set as a bounty list, if anyone can provide clues." It also allows us to improve this person's intelligence information faster!"

A terrible monster appeared in this sea area.

Their navy must always control each other's whereabouts.

No matter how bad it is.

They're so bad!

You know, who the other party really is!

Even who the other party is, they don't know at the moment.

It's really uncomfortable for them!

"By the way, you're close to the Chambord Islands, right?"

Sengoku asked.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku. "

Moz nodded.

The sea where they are now located is only two days away from the Chambord Islands.

"I suggest that you change your direction towards the Chambord Islands. If you don't guess wrong, this person's appearance in this sea area must not be accidental!"

"So what is it that catches this person's attention?"

"I think that in the area where you are located, only the Chambord Islands, which are relatively close, are the target of this person. Perhaps, he is already in the Chambord Islands!"


"This trip, Brigadier General Moz, you have an important mission on your shoulders. Of course, this person's strength is very terrifying, and it is invincible, remember!"


The phone bug hangs up.

Moz's eyes were firm: "Set sail and rush to the Chambord Islands!"

"Yes, Brigadier General!"

The other side.

Put down the phone bug in your hand.

Sengoku fell into deep thought.

In the sea area, when did such a terrifying monster appear?

It's incomprehensible!

The other party, where did it come from!

Why, give him such a strange feeling.

There are no pirates who match the characteristics of this level of strength.

"Draw up a preliminary bounty list..."

Sengoku finally decided to draw up a bounty list.


"What to replace?"


"How much is the bounty?"

Sengoku contemplation.


He exhaled heavily: "Then let's take the time to destroy the sword hero!"


A bounty list was drafted by the Warring States.

[Name: Broken Sword Hero (Title)]

[Bounty: 300 million berry]

[Identity: None]

[Important deeds: Only one person, wiped out four large pirate groups such as the Storm Bear Pirates and the Plum Blossom Pirates]

[Important Feature: A slash that unleashes the aftermath of a strange and terrifying concussion]

[Attached: 50 million berry bounty, this person's real traces, clues, identity, and any useful information]

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