The new ship is still in the air, but the ship is still in the air.

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Navy Headquarters.


The sea breeze blows gently, flags flutter in the air, two giant warships stand side by side on the dock, and on the deck of the warship, soldiers are busy doing the final inspection.

Two admirals, Fujitora and Green Bull, talk while waiting to board the ship.

"Fujitora" smiled, with a signature cross scar on his face. Although he is completely blind, his extremely powerful observation Haki allows him to see more things that his eyes cannot see.

He wears traditional Japanese wooden clogs, a lavender yukata, a dark purple belt, and the admiral's cloak on his shoulders flutters in the wind.

Holding a sword, this sword is called Black Fire Line, made by the famous craftsman Fugetsu Kisaburo of Wano Country, and is one of the twelve supreme swords.

"Green Bull" Aramaki, he has a thick head of green and fluffy hair, high eyebrows, depressed eyelids, and slightly thick lips that add a bit of inexplicable temperament to him.

His upper body is naked, and his lower body is wearing black floral trousers and leather shoes. A sharp knife is inserted in his belt, and the four words "Dead River Heart" are tattooed on his left chest. On his shoulders is a general's cloak that symbolizes his identity.

The sea breeze gradually rises, blowing up the cloaks of the two generals, whistling.

Green Bull smiled and teased: "Hey, brother Yixiao! Send two of us this time, a superman fruit will be easy to catch."

Brother Sakaski said that this was an order personally issued by the highest commander of the World Government-the Five Elders, and he must complete it quickly and beautifully this time.

This will gain recognition and praise from the World Government and Brother Sakaski.

After all, the Celestial Dragons are the most orthodox nobles in this world.

Fujitora nodded, put the dice cup he was playing with into his arms, and responded: "Let's go!"

I hope there will be no problems with this operation.

The two admirals of the Navy Headquarters who were newly promoted due to the World Recruitment are determined to win the first joint mission.



Accompanied by the roar of the whistle, two giant warships representing the admirals of the Navy Headquarters slowly set sail.

The sails swelled in the wind, and the waves rolled under the ship, followed by five large warships carrying vice admirals of the navy.

Five ships flying the cross flag of the World Government in the distance also began to slowly set sail.

The entire fleet was magnificent and majestic, and their figures gradually merged into the vastness of the horizon.

This time, the operation fruit must be brought back.

The Don Quixote Family’s base.

“Young Master, the latest intelligence intercepted shows that the Navy sent Admirals Fujitora and Green Bull to trade the Operation Fruit this time! They were followed by five Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters and five ships of the World Government.”


“Such a large team was sent!”

Doflamingo, who was resting on a chair with his head up, sat up suddenly with a cold smile on his face.

Hehehehehe, the secret of the Operation Fruit.

The immortal surgery that enables the recipient to achieve eternal life.

Even the high and mighty immortals can’t help but know this secret?

They actually sent two Navy Admirals to trade, which makes it inconvenient for them to directly snatch it.

Two Admirals plus five Vice Admirals, if they confront head-on, their chances of winning are slim.

Doflamingo stood up and paced in the room, thinking about countermeasures.

The general of the headquarters, "Green Bull" Aramaki, previous intelligence shows that he admires the Celestial Dragons very much and recognizes the position of the World Government. Very good.

He can use his former identity as a Celestial Dragon to temporarily check Fujitora.

The cadres are responsible for delaying the vice admiral, and I will personally take the operation fruit.

As long as the fruit is in hand, I will have the capital to negotiate with the five old immortals.

And that dark chess move, hehehehehehe, don't let yourself down.

My dear brother, Don Quixote Rocinante, no matter who you are, bring me the operation fruit, otherwise you and Law will die!

"Bring all the people and set off."

Doflamingo ordered with a sneer.

He rushed out of the door with a step that did not recognize his relatives.

The highest cadres of the Don Quixote family followed closely and came out in full force.

Officially joined the battle for the operation fruit.


Sky Island.


Next to the Winter Grama, the revolutionary army members who had finished the banquet were saying goodbye to Yi Chen.


Everyone was a little reluctant to leave, but Dragon couldn't wait to go to Alabasta to take a look.

"Achen, something's up!"

Barrett came over and interrupted the final farewell.


Yi Chen stopped and frowned slightly.

"The latest news from Lao Sha: Navy Admirals Fujitora and Green Bull are out, the target is the North Sea, this transaction will be carried out by them, and there are five vice admirals following."


Yi Chen seemed a little surprised.

For a transaction of the Operation Fruit, the Navy actually dispatched two admirals?

The previous script was not like this, what went wrong?

In addition to the two admirals of the Navy who need special attention, Tian Yasha-Doflamingo and his Don Quixote family are also participating in the competition for the Operation Fruit.

Although it is not clear how much strength he currently has in the future, but.

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength.

On my side, the whole army will attack and bring back both the people and the fruit.

I have to find a chance to get back the portals that I left with Tina and Peacock, and keep in touch with them.

I haven't seen them for so long, I really miss them.

The teleportation badges are all on the Sky Island. Without the teleportation badges, the teleportation gates are just decorations and useless.

[Teleportation gate: can instantly teleport people to the teleportation gate at the other end. ]

[Teleportation badge: only people with teleportation badges can use the teleportation gate. ]

"Old Ai alone is not enough for them to fight."

"Old Ba, you prepare the manpower and set off. I will take Robin first."

Yi Chen ordered Barrett.

Barrett responded and went to prepare.

"Robin, pack up, let's get ready to go."

"Okay, Brother Yi Chen."

Robin smiled sweetly and turned to pack the things for the trip.

Dorag, who was standing by, keenly noticed the abnormality, "Achen, do you need help?"

Xiong, Ginny and others also expressed their concern.

"There are some minor problems, don't worry." Yi Chen smiled and comforted. "We'll handle it!"

"Didn't Brother Dorag say he wanted to visit Alabasta? Don't let little things disturb your travel pleasure."

"I'll arrange for someone to receive you when we get to Alabasta!"


Dorag nodded. He believed that if Achen needed it, he would not be polite to them.

"Have a good trip!"

The Winter Grama jumped down from the clouds, landed steadily on the sea level, and disappeared at the end of the horizon.


Yi Chen put the black "Freedom" cloak on his shoulders, put the Taogui on his waist, and gently picked up Robin.

"Let's go!"

He said softly, hugged the soft Robin in his arms tightly, sank slightly, and then jumped up and jumped into the sky.

"Let's go! Mua~"

Robin in his arms smiled sweetly and kissed him heavily on the face. His smile was like a blooming flower.


On the surface of the North Sea,

The Black Pearl is breaking through the wind.

The target is determined, the trading location of the Operation Fruit - Mignon Island.


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