Pirate Company

Chapter 381 Take Everything You Can Take

"Should we leave?" Several people on the stranded Straw Hat Pirates ship watched the farce in front of them and talked: "Most of the forces deployed by the Bullfighting Kingdom in the Galle Sea area are almost coming."

"If we don't leave, we will be in danger."

"Let the Tudor Kingdom do the rest."

He said he was leaving, but everyone on the boat looked at the young man in front of him. It was up to him to decide whether to leave or stay.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Zhou Yixian said, "It's still too early to go now."

"There's no point in continuing to stay."

Everyone on the boat didn't understand, and said.

"Let the anger of the bullfighting kingdom come a little more violently."

Zhou Yixian lifted off the hat that covered his face, and rushed to the bullfighting kingdom's treasure fleet.

"King of Iceland"

"You are not dead, Straw Hat Pirates, it was planned by the King of Iceland."

Looking at the familiar faces in front of them, the soldiers on the treasure transport ship all opened their mouths in shock.

Okay, so the king of Iceland is dead?

A big living person appeared in front of you, you liars!

"Escape. Everything is a conspiracy of the King of Iceland."

"The boat can't move, we."

"Inform the staff, we have found the King of Iceland."

"Listen, everyone, the so-called Straw Hat Pirates are the King of Iceland in disguise."

"All sea fleets, please support quickly."

This time, it was the turn of all the soldiers on the treasure ship of the Bullfighting Kingdom to rush to despair. Their only hope of survival is the timely arrival of nearby support.


"The King of Iceland wants you to die this time!"

Hearing the news from his subordinates, Bazin was so angry that he crushed the phone bug in his hand, and then flew into the sky.

Although it is not clear how the King of Iceland escaped from Kaido, but in order to prevent the King of Iceland from escaping again, he decided to pursue it alone.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sonic boom sounded continuously in the sky, and Bazin's figure suddenly turned into a small black dot.

After Bazin left alone, Zhou Yixian and his party also received the news.

"Almost, we can go."

Zhou Yixian cleaned up the soldiers on the treasure ship, opened the mirror space, and disappeared with everyone on board.

Along with the disappearance, there is also all the wealth on the treasure ship.

Several treasure ships were hijacked, and the losses suffered by the Bullfighting Kingdom in the hands of Zhou Xian have already exceeded the gains of Yi Xian Food Company in Hispanio Island dozens of times.

"King of Iceland, leave it to the old man."

Bazin rushed to the sea area where the accident occurred, just in time to see Zhou Yixian stepping into the mirror space, without thinking too much, a spear with infinite power pierced the sky, leaving a tearing wound, and hit Zhou Yixian's place direction.

However, it was a step too late after all.


After the loud noise, apart from the wreckage of the ship that had been turned into countless pieces, there was no sign of Zhou Xian.

"King of Iceland, this old man wants you to die."

The sound of Bazin's roar resounded throughout the sea area where the wreckage was located.

Calmness was replaced by anger, and Bazin would not know that Zhou Yixian's mirror space has a distance limit, and the group will not escape too far.

If Bazin can calm down a bit, and take the sea power that will come later, to search the nearby islands carefully, maybe he can find the traces of Zhou Xian and his party.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

After venting the anger in his heart, Bazin chose to join the fleet behind.

Treasure ship, no more accidents.

In the future, every time a treasure ship goes out to sea, Bazin will personally follow it.

"It's dangerous, I was almost caught up"

As soon as his feet landed, Xingye patted his small chest worriedly.

"There are even more surprises waiting for the Bullfighting Kingdom. I don't know if they can bear it."

"I hope that the bullfighting kingdom won't be so distressed that it will cause a heart attack."


Everyone staying beside Zhou Yixian, thinking of the next move of the Tudor Kingdom, on the deserted island, burst into laughter, startling countless birds.

"The Armada of the Bullfighting Kingdom has taken the bait, you can go out now."

Zhou Yixian did not join the carnival of the crowd, but picked up the phone bug in his hand and dialed Mins' number.

"Hahaha" Mins laughed heartily at first, and then said: "The Kingdom of Bullfighting. Captain Gai Mins got promoted and made a fortune."


As soon as he hung up the phone, Mins looked at the dozens of pirate ships in Port Royal, ready to go, waved his big hand vigorously, and said, "Little ones, go and plunder the wealth that belongs to us!" From then on, you will become the masters of a manor in the Tudor Kingdom, and you will no longer be faced with the blue sea water that makes people bored at a glance. There are countless servants in the manor, waiting to dress you, of course beautiful servants, Nature is essential."

Years of long-cherished wishes, finally saw hope, Mins felt that he was walking with wind, and jumped onto his flagship.

"Brothers, let's go."

"The captain is ordered to go to sea."

"Target Vase Island, hahaha"

As dozens of pirate ships sailed away through the wind and waves, only laughter was left behind.

"Boss Mins, are you crazy?"

"It's really bold to attack the bullfighting kingdom."

"Pirate enough, I like it."

The pirate forces gathered in Port Royal were not limited to the Tudor family. The pirate forces who stayed in place felt that they were going to be messed up in the wind.

Well, how did the Tudor kingdom get on with the bullfighting kingdom?

"Mins is going to attack the Bullfighting Kingdom."

Countless pirates sent back news to the kingdom forces behind them.

"Wait and see."

The pirate forces who stayed in Port Royal got almost the same answer.

The Tudor Kingdom wants to go crazy, but they have no obligation to go crazy with them.

Why does the Tudor Kingdom fight head-on with the bullfighting kingdom?


Due to the sea power deployed by the Bullfighting Kingdom in the sea area of ​​Galle, all of them were attracted by the resurrected Zhou Yixian.

Mins blatantly attacked Vasie Island, but did not encounter any resistance at sea.

Dozens of pirate ships directly killed the port of Vasie Island.

"Are the pirates here?"

"Attack Vasie Island?"

"Is today April Fool's Day, our eyes are right?"

Many people are busy at the port of Vasie Island, moving the materials plundered from the New World on the ships docked in the port to the warehouse on the island little by little.

When everyone saw the miraculous scene in front of them, they didn't have the panic they should have when encountering pirates.

He just stared blankly at the dozens of pirate ships in front of him.

What are you doing!

It is illegal to attack the island ruled by the Bullfighting Kingdom.

Regarding the situation on Vasie Island, Zhou Yixian did not lie. The Bullfighting Kingdom has indeed temporarily stored most of the resources looted from the New World on the island.

No one can hide anything from Zhou Yixian, and the ability to live broadcast fruit to inquire about news is absolutely top-notch.

"The King of Iceland didn't lie to me. Vasie Island really has a large number of supplies that the bullfighting kingdom robbed from the New World. They are all stored on the island." Mins looked at the busy port in front of him, put down the last worry in his heart, and said with a smile: "Little Ladies, grab everything on the island. Be careful not to let the artillery fire destroy the supplies in the port."

After treating everything on the island as his personal belongings, Minster specially instructed his subordinates. You must know that a group of red-eyed pirates can do anything.

The necessary advance explanation is still very necessary.

"Captain, don't worry, we won't let our wealth suffer any loss."


"Go to the island and kill everyone."

A group of pirates did not use the artillery on the ship, but drove the pirate group to the port, brandishing the weapons in their hands, running around the island frantically.


Anyone who stands in front of them will get a knife in return.


Warm blood splattered all over the wharf without being touched by the workers' faces for the time being.

"Pirate, come on."

After wiping the blood off his face, the dock worker finally came to his senses.

"Mins is attacking Vasie Island, notify Hispanio Island."

"We need support."

Feeling the threat of death, all the workers on the island ran away all over the mountains and plains.

Or go into the forest, or jump into the stream, or find an empty cave to hide.

It is almost impossible for the pirates under Mins to kill everyone on the island.

"Don't worry about the fleeing people, first remove all supplies on the island."

Mins didn't care about the dock workers fleeing in all directions, but hurriedly called Shakuang's subordinates to deal with the important matters first.

The bullfighting kingdom wants to return aid, how is it possible.

Mins knew exactly where the Bullfighting Kingdom's Armada was.

"The captain has an order, don't hunt down the fleeing people, and empty all supplies on the island."

The herald beside Mins yelled loudly.

"It's really boring, I haven't killed enough yet."

"The Bullfighting Kingdom has too little power stationed on the island."

"Is there? Why didn't I see it."

"If there were some soldiers stationed there, we wouldn't be so boring."

Although they wanted to continue to bring a massacre to the island, but thinking of the captain's fate, all the pirates of the Mins Pirates put away their weapons and took over the work of the dock workers as long as they lacked interest.

A box of packed materials was moved back to the ship.

This time, the property belongs to the Tudor Kingdom.

Compared with yellow and orange gold coins, the power of the kingdom values ​​various important materials more.

"With all the resources on the island, my promotion is hopeful." Mins stared at his subordinates with great heart, and said, "Be careful, don't break the things in the box. I'm talking about you, be careful a little."

"Captain, we will be very careful. Hahahaha"

Although he was scolded by the captain, the busy pirate's face was full of smiles, as if he was very happy to be scolded.

Be careful with the movements of your hands.

"What should we do? Why hasn't the kingdom's support come yet?"

"Would you like to continue to contact Hispanio Island."

"Don't anger the pirates, they will leave naturally after they finish moving the supplies on the island."

"Wait a little longer and the Kingdom Fleet will arrive"

A group of trembling dock workers hid in a corner, watching a group of pirates busy in the port ahead, and gave up other actions.

I'm not a soldier, so I can't fight pirates.

Suppressing pirates is what soldiers should do.

not my business!

It's just that the Armada of the Bullfighting Kingdom hasn't come yet.

Where has everyone gone?

They didn't know that it wasn't that Hispanio Island didn't want to send a fleet to help Vasie Island, which was close at hand.

Instead, there was no food left on the island.

Not a single battleship.

It is impossible to swim over.

The soldiers stationed on Hispanio Island could only remain silent, waiting for the return of the Armada.

But, I don’t know if I can get there in time.

"Captain, all supplies on the island have been moved."

"We can guarantee that nothing useful will be left to the Bullfighting Kingdom."

"Boys, let's return."

Minsi calmly left Vashe Island with dozens of pirate ships and disappeared into the sea.

Vashe Island, ruled by the Bullfighting Kingdom, did not wait for support in the end.

The recent gains from the New World have all benefited the Tudor Kingdom.

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