As for now... um, remember this account first!If there is a chance in the future, I will treat the academy world as a newcomer world in the main god space, and the first newcomer task is to kill Komuro Takao.

He is very vengeful.

"'re unreasonable!" Komuro was so filial that he was about to go crazy, he raised a baseball bat and was about to rush up.

However, a wooden katana stood in his way.

I saw a girl with purple hair, who looked heroic and sassy, ​​shook his head at him, looked at Bai Chen vigilantly, and said lightly: "You should really grow your brain, this child is not something you can deal with. Besides, I am right. I don't like your worldview either."

This girl is one of the heroines of the academy world, Kazushima Yako.

At this time, it was not long before the plot started, and Yuko Dushima had no feelings for Komuro Takaya, and the two of them didn't have any sparks of love. At most, it was a friendship between companions.

Moreover, under the calm appearance of Yujima, there is another bloodthirsty side, which means that she has a mild schizophrenia and is a girl with violent tendencies.

And this side of violent tendencies makes Yuko Dushima very unhappy with Komuro Taka's Virgin Heart.

When Hiroichi Shito got on their bus, if Komuro Takayuki hadn't been a lobbyist, she would have chopped down this beast with a knife.

In this regard, Bai Chen expressed some innocence.

He just looked at Xiaomuro's filial piety, but he didn't expect that there would be a conflict between the male and female protagonists.

However, from the current point of view, the possibility of getting together has changed from [-]% to [-]%.

"Hey, this purple-haired sister, it seems that we have a lot in common!" Bai Chen smiled, beauties always have privileges, at least Dushima Yazi looks much more pleasing to the eye than Komuro Takaya, and also seductive.

"I just don't want some idiot to die."

The tone of Yuzi's speech was very cold, and there was a feeling of refusing people thousands of miles away.But the fighting intent on his face could not be concealed, he stared at Bai Chen hotly, holding the wooden knife in his hand in a posture.

Want to get your hands dirty?

Bai Chen asked in surprise, "Could it be that Sister Zifa, are you going to bully a child?"

"You are not a child."

The fighting spirit of Yazi Dushima is getting stronger and stronger, and the whole person is like a sharp sword, and the momentum is like a rainbow.It is really unimaginable that she actually dragged such two large balls of soft flesh to practice swordsmanship to this level.

To mention a little here, in the eyes of the Japanese, knives and swords are the same thing.I really don't know how people in this country learn the culture of the Celestial Dynasty, they all learn it wrong.

Bai Chen nodded with interest. He saw great potential in this girl, and he might become a high-end combat power in the main god space in the future.

The premise is that there is no fall in the world of reincarnation.

That's right, Bai Chen has the idea of ​​pulling people again, especially pulling beautiful girls into the main god space. He has always been happy with this kind of work.

"Tsk tsk, girl, you are very good. But now you are not qualified for me to take action. If you can beat this aunt in red, then I will fight you." Bai Chen pointed at the red-clad aunt. Robe's Dongfang is undefeated, said.

Ah, auntie...

A few black lines appeared on Dongfang Invincible's head. Could it be that she is so old?Well, at the age of twenty-nine, she can be Bai Chen's aunt.

Poison Island Yuko also noticed this beautiful woman in red.

When she saw that Dongfang was invincible, Dudao Yazi's expression suddenly changed, because she noticed a majestic murderous aura in front of this red-clothed woman who seemed helpless.

To be able to gather such a huge murderous aura, at least there are dozens or hundreds of lives in his hands, right?

This woman is very dangerous!You are not your opponent at all!

Fortunately, the poison island Yazi has self-knowledge.After knowing that he was not Dongfang's undefeated opponent, he put down the wooden knife and said, "I am not her opponent."

Suddenly, a chaotic footstep sounded, and behind Bai Chen and the others, a group of black people rushed forward!

That's a zombie!It's a zombie tide! ! *

Chapter Thirty-Three: The Death of Koichi Wisteria

After seeing the endless frenzy of zombies, [-]% of the people present completely changed their expressions, even the calm and calm Dushima Yazi, or the neurotic Juchuan Shizuka, all of them suddenly widened their beautiful eyes. Fear was written on his face.

Although it is impossible to count the number of these zombies, it seems that they are boundless, absolutely exceeding [-], or even tens of thousands.

After all, the main city of the bed is in the urban area of ​​Tokyo, and Tokyo is the most populous place in Japan. It is not surprising that there is such a huge wave of zombies.

Shito Hiroshi's face was extremely pale, and he knew that this time he was doomed.This is tens of thousands of zombies. Unless he is possessed by Bumpman, he will only end up with two.

One was infected and turned into a zombie with no reason, no thoughts, and only appetite.The other end is to be bitten by these zombies, and then become a skeleton, even a zombie can't be turned into.

As for running away in a bus?He doesn't think that the gasoline of this bus can run wild with these tireless zombies for so long. If there is no gasoline, it can only be slaughtered by others.

With a strong resentment, he pointed at Bai Chen and others with trembling fingers, and shouted in hysterical despair: "It's you! It must be you bastards! You brought these dead bodies here, you want to kill them. Us, you human worms!"

"Human worms? Hey, are you worthy to say such a thing?" Bai Chen smiled disdainfully. It's not wrong that these zombies were brought here by them, but who made you so unlucky?

There are so many roads and so many Yangguan Roads, but why did you just walk on this single-plank bridge?

Bai Chen gave him a very perfect answer to Shito Koichi's resentful accusations and scolding, and set him on the same path as Huang Mao.

However, his method of death was a little taller. Huang Mao was killed by a headshot by a stone.As for Zito Haoyi, Bai Chen punched him more than ten meters away, and his internal organs were shattered into pieces by the force, but from the outside, there was no scar left.

After all, he was also the first big villain in the academy world, so Bai Chen still gave him enough face and left him a whole corpse.

As for whether this whole corpse will be eaten by zombies, that's none of his business.

After killing the important villain Wisteria Koichi, Bai Chen plundered a full 2000 luck in this world!All of a sudden from being poor, it became a petty bourgeoisie with considerable wealth.

His method of killing people at the slightest move stunned everyone on the protagonist's side, and even Komuro Taka, who was full of Madonna's Heart skills, didn't dare to say anything more.

Although this guy is a little too hot-blooded, he is still afraid of death.Being able to knock people out more than a dozen meters away with one punch, if this kind of power were to hit Xiao Shi Xiao, he would probably die, right?

Before Dushima Yuko said that he was not Bai Chen's opponent, Komuro Takahashi was very indignant.Isn't it just a little brat who hasn't grown any hair?Couldn't he be a teenage college student who can't beat a brat?

But now, he understands.

Beneath this small body hides a violent power and a murderous soul.

Although he really wanted to accuse Bai Chen righteously, but considering that his strength seemed to be incomparable to others, he could only give up angrily.

"Just a clown jumping on the beam, do you need to give face like this?" Hancock pursed his mouth, and was a little dissatisfied with Bai Chen's behavior of leaving a whole body for Shidou Haoyi.

"Well, we're not some perverted murderers. Besides, you're a girl, it's not good to be so violent! Maybe you won't be able to marry in the future." Bai Chen chuckled and teased.

"Then what, the two senior adults... I think we should solve the current troubles first!" Lu Xing looked at the rush of zombies, sweating nervously on his forehead.

Among the five reincarnators, his strength is the weakest. Apart from his good brute force, he is basically useless, not even simple power-generating skills.

If you are surrounded by this group of zombies, you will be completely assimilated!

Hearing Liu Xing's words, one of the remaining dog-legs of Zito Koichi muttered disdainfully: "Resolve these zombies? I think they were solved by zombies..."

After speaking, he turned around and ran away.

Since there are a group of idiots who want to block the zombie tide, why don't they run away with such a good chance?He's not so stupid.

As for why not leave the bus?Can you say he can't drive?This is definitely a sad story.

"Li, let's run away too!"

Komuro Takashi said to the other heroine "Miyamoto Rei" in Academy World.

Miyamoto Rei is also a student of Fujimi Garden, and is also a member of the spear art department. The pistol art is good, at least it can accurately stab the vitals of zombies.

She is a grade repeater because of Koichi Wisteria, so she resents Koichi Wisteria very much.

And Komuro Takao actually let Shito Hiroichi get on the bus. She was also very dissatisfied with Komuro Takao, but because the relationship between the two was a little complicated, she did not express her dissatisfaction.

Xiao Muro, who doesn't understand the world at all, and only bursts out with the heart of the Virgin with blood, doesn't know that many of his partners are already dissatisfied with him. *

Chapter Thirty-Four: Frightened

"We can't run. These dead bodies are not afraid of exhaustion, but we will always be tired. If it is a dozen or so, we can get rid of it with speed, but it's more than a dozen?" Miyamoto smiled bitterly, tightening her hands The long gun, helplessly said.

Komuro Takaya was choked by her, and she also reacted.Yes, they are just ordinary people, no matter how good their physical strength is?These dead bodies are not tireless at all, and in this respect, mankind has already lost a beat.

But he was not willing to die like this, and said anxiously: "Are we going to be like these guys, wanting to fight so many dead bodies out of our own power? We will die!"

"You will die if you run away, and you will die in battle, so why don't you fight in a hearty battle." Miyamoto Rei said lightly.

She has begun to be disappointed with her childhood sweetheart. The former Xiao Shi Xiao was relatively brave, and in times of peace, his Virgin Heart was very popular and popular.

But now is not a time of peace, now is the end!Things like morality were completely shattered at this moment, but Komuro Takahashi was still so naive.

Especially when Hiroichi Shito got on the bus, Miyamoto Rei's heart was broken.After all, her resentment towards Wisteria Koichi is very deep and deep, and she can't wait to tear it apart.

The reason why she kept her grades was because Shito Koichi secretly used small tricks, but this kind of trick made her helpless.

"Xiao, I also don't think we can retire. If we stay here, we might be able to win a chance."

Gaocheng Saya raised her glasses. Although she was also very scared, her reason told her that if she chose to escape now, she would definitely die miserably.

The heroine of this academy world has a very high IQ, and she believes in her own judgment very much, with an enigmatic confidence.A long pink hair, I don't know if it is natural or dyed.

The identity of Gaocheng Saya is not simple, his father is the right-wing leader of the Japanese government, the real official n generation.He and Komuro Takaya are almost childhood sweethearts, and the two have known each other since kindergarten.

In a word, she is a proud grandmother with a high IQ and glasses,

The two childhood sweethearts had spoken, and Xiaomour Xiaohen stomped his feet uncontrollably. He could only stand helplessly in front of them, ready for a battle at any time.

Although the speed of that group of zombies is not fast, it is not too slow. It didn't take long for them to be less than [-] meters away from Bai Chen.

"Giggle, there are so many zombies!" At some point in Dongfang Invincible's hands, there were a lot of embroidery needles. At a glance, there were hundreds of them.

Coupled with her feat of shooting embroidery needles as bullets, it is simply a human-shaped submachine gun, and it is still the kind without recoil.


Zhao Yun raised his brows, and when he opened his mouth, he shouted violently. The whole person was like a tiger going down the mountain, rushing towards the zombie tide tiger.The spear swept across, and several zombies were hit in the head.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun, who has been sulking all the time, is so sinister, he rushed over and got the blood.

If that's the case, it can't be left.

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth was slightly raised, his palm was facing the zombie tide, the air around him became very depressed, the "qi" between heaven and earth rushed towards his palm, and a head-sized energy ball condensed out.

This thing is similar to the principle of Turtle School Qigong, but Turtle School Qigong requires two hands, this move only requires one hand, which saves a lot of effort.

But the's a bit unsatisfactory.

Skull-sized energy projectiles shot out, and the dazzling blue-white light made it almost impossible to open your eyes, as if being illuminated by a strong flashlight.

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