In the dark alleys of the Kaprad Kingdom

of the New World

in 1475

, a boy collapsed to the ground, looking at the small piece of poor bread in his arms, but a heartfelt smile appeared on his scarred face.

“Great, Domig finally doesn’t have to go hungry tonight!” The boy endured the pain coming from his body, stood up hesitantly, and he took the piece of bread in his hand into his arms very carefully, sorted out the blood stains on his face, and limped away from this dark place.

He walked extremely hard, but he walked extremely firmly! He left this gloomy place and went to another, even darker, even hellish place!

The slums of the Kaprad Kingdom

are home to 40% of the population of the entire kingdom, but the entire slum covers less than 1/5 of the city.

It’s a place that’s so narrow that it’s a bit suffocating.

But this is the boy’s home!

The boy walked for about half an hour, and finally he came to a house that seemed very shabby even in the slums—more like a house than a den made of cardboard boxes.

The boy took a deep breath, forced himself to smile, and then lifted the rag that covered the house….

“Brother, you, you’re back… Ahem…” A

faint voice came from the shadows of the house, and the boy hurriedly quickened his pace, not caring about the pain of a broken toe on his right foot! He turned into two steps in three steps to the bed made of coffin boards, on which lay a pale boy, and this boy was the only light of the boy…

“Domig, I got another 50 Bailey today, rest assured, your disease will be cured soon!” The boy smiled reluctantly, and then took out the bread in his arms, he forcefully ignored the sound coming from his stomach, and handed the bread to the boy in front of him.

“Brother, you also eat…” The

boy on the bed divided the bread in his hand into two, took the small piece, and forced to hand the slightly larger one to the boy in front of him!

Looking at the only two bites of bread in front of him, the boy swallowed a mouthful of spit, his mouth had begun to secrete saliva, and his brain told him that without this small piece of bread, his body would completely collapse! I haven’t eaten for three days, and even an adult can’t stand it! What’s more, this boy who is only 5 years old?

But he still didn’t take it.

“I’ve already eaten, these are for you!”

A lie made the 4-year-old boy on the bed hesitate.

In his heart, his brother will not lie, but in his eyes, his brother is also getting thinner and thinner…


The boy picked up the only decorative item in the room other than the bed.

A piggy bank served as a rusty iron box!

He touched it in his arms, and a few coins were taken out by him, and he excitedly opened the piggy bank and threw them in.

The coins in the piggy bank are densely packed, enough to be several thousand Baileys! The money can completely make him change into good clothes, want to use a big meal, or even go to a happy place to be dashing….

But in the same way, these coins are also the life-saving medical expenses of the little boy in the hospital bed!

“It’s still 1500 Baileys short!”

After careful calculation, the number came up with made the teenager ecstatic!

Wagner, this is the name of the teenager!

A nice name!

But in the eyes of the commoners of this kingdom, he is a lowly orphan, in the eyes of the surrounding neighbors he is a useless beggar, in the eyes of the merchants of the city, he is a damned thief … But in the eyes of the boy named Domig on the bedboard, he is a dutiful brother, the gentlest man in the world, the greatest man in the world!

Although they are not related by blood.

“Brother, when I’m well, I’ll go out with you to make money!” Domig looked at his emaciated brother, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes! If it weren’t for him, if it weren’t for that damn disease, my brother’s life wouldn’t be so poor! The income from begging, combined with the food stolen from stealing, was enough to raise Wagner’s life by more than one notch.

But he didn’t, everything was for himself!

In the eyes of the nobles, 8,500 Bailey, which was only the cost of a meal, became the heaviest burden on the two children in this embarrassing house!

“Okay! Everything will be fine, stealing such a thing or leave it to me, you will go to beg, we will save some more money, and when you grow up, I will send you to the army! When you settle down in the army, brother will find a way to find you a wife!

Wagner’s eyes flashed with yearning for the future, which was the only way for the brothers to encourage themselves, but the young Domig never noticed that there was never Wagner in their discussion of the future

…. Yes, I can rot in the mud, but my loved ones can’t!

In the middle of the night

, Wagner looked at his sleeping brother on the side, and carefully climbed out of bed.

He’s going to make money! Even if there are few people moving around the city at night, he can at least go to the dumpsters of those restaurants and look for some food that hangs his life.

He won’t live long….

Bloody facts!

If there is a strong person here, you can find that this 5-year-old boy has more or less some cracks in the bones in his body!

Yes, a 5-year-old boy, where can he steal?

Steal 10 times, six times you will be caught, once you will be let go, and three times, you will be favored by lady luck!

6 times of being caught, that means 6 times of beating!

More than a year of stealing has long pushed his body to its limit! There is no nutrition in the body to repair the damage of the body, and these injuries will all turn into life-threatening dark injuries, and after only one moment, they will erupt in an instant.

And before that, he must get the remaining 1500 Baileys!

Wagner draped his torn clothes and wrapped his emaciated body hard, and the small figure went farther and farther, looking so tall under the light of the moon…

However, no one noticed that after the young man’s figure completely disappeared, in the darkness of the night on the side, a pair of eyes slowly opened, looking at the shabby “home” with bad intentions….

A few thousand Baileys, too, are enough for gamblers to squander once.

The owner of those eyes quickly entered the home of the two orphans, one came from the boy’s confused dream, and the next second, it was only a momentary exclamation! Immediately, the cardboard box trembled slightly!

A moment later, a short figure emerged from the shabby home, holding a worn iron box in his right hand, and under the moonlight, the tooth marks on his right hand were conspicuous, and even more conspicuous, the dagger on his waist….

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