On this day, Wagner, who was only 6 years old, finally saw what the battle between the strong is like!

Whitebeard is a strong physical artist, and his devil fruit development is also good, but in the same way, he is also a solid sword master! In the eyes of ordinary people, it looks like there may be some alternative beak knives, but for tall whitebeards, it is the most convenient weapon! The pitch-black armed color domineering covered the blade of Cong Yun Che, naturally strange, he used this large weapon, the power that burst out was not as simple as 1+1!

And Karp is no less!

His armed color domineering is even a little stronger than Whitebeard! If Whitebeard’s armed color domineering hardness is steel, then Karp’s is indestructible diamond! This is a pure physical powerhouse, his fist is like a small meteorite, in front of Whitebeard like a stone, but unstoppable!

The battle of the top powerhouses made Wagner’s eyes widen in shock! Neither of these two guys would give a point, fist to flesh, knife and knife fatal!

“Goo la la! Karp, you old bastard, the power of this fist is getting smaller and smaller! Why, do you, like those dirty navies, like going to the peach land for fun?

“You fart! Lao Tzu’s sons are 11 years old, am I Karp the kind of old guy? ”

These two guys are frantically banging at each other in the sky, but their mouths are not idle, and the words they say are more damaging than the other! Somehow, Wagner always felt that these two guys didn’t look like deadly rivals, but rather a pair of friends who were also enemies and friends!

The main generals on both sides have already started fighting, and the soldiers and pirates under their command naturally cannot be idle!

“Rush! Arrest these criminal pirates!

“Quack! Brothers, take out these hypocritical navies and throw them into the sea to feed the fish! ”

Shoot, fire!”

“Lean! Bastard Navy, who do you think Lao Tzu is! Lao Tzu is a special post of the “king of boats” with a bounty of up to 110 million! Give me the boat to lean over”


The pirate ship rushed over under the gunfire of the Navy! When the distance between the two ships was less than 10 meters, there were already anxious pirates rushing up!

There are hundreds of pirates on Whitebeard’s ship! Among these hundreds of people, more than 40 are members of the first team, their strength is very strong, and the bounty is generally between 50 million and 100 million! And the rest of the people are pirates randomly recruited by Whitebeard who feel that there are not enough people, and their strength is one grade weaker than the members of the first team, about 20 or 30 million Baileys!

But there is no doubt that none of the hundred pirates on this ship has a bounty of less than 20 million Bailey!

The only exception may be the young Wagner!

But he didn’t back down either!

On the contrary, Wagner’s good-looking eyes flashed with a strong fighting intent! After a year of hard practice, it’s time to check the results!

“Kill !!”

The pirates roared, and everyone raised their weapons and rushed to Karp’s warship! But the navy that can be brought out by Karp is naturally also a group of elites!

The navy immediately drew their own sabers or picked up guns! Everyone resisted the pirates who rushed up with the same face, the gunshot sounded, the knife flashed, one second it was still alive, but at this moment it turned into a cold corpse!

This huge smell of blood made the excited Wagner’s face change!

His hands were not without blood, and he once killed an adult abruptly with a large amount of crude steel bars! But that’s just a case of anger! And now on deck. How can there be so many dead people? The fishy sweet taste frantically burrowed into Wagner’s nostrils, and he subconsciously wanted to vomit, but the blood veins in his body forced him to suck a few more mouthfuls greedily!

“Evil pirates, die!”

Like a little white, Wagner caught the attention of a soldier, he raised his saber and slashed at Wagner’s neck without hesitation!

The icy aura coming from the saber made Wagner instantly sober up! Countless times of actual combat training made him subconsciously fall his body down! This method of evasion is ugly, but it is very useful!

This sharp saber did not pierce Wagner’s neck, it just took away a few hairs on the top of Wagner’s head!

Without a hit, the soldier did not hesitate to swing another sword! Wagner’s body rolled to the left again, but the speed of this soldier’s slash this time was too fast! The sharp navy long knife left a shallow scar on Wagner’s arm, and a little scarlet blood continued to ooze out!


The soldier was stunned! He is a swordsman who mainly cultivates swordsmanship! Although it is still some distance from the realm of Jian Hao, his strength is also extremely strong! Although this knife only cut through this kid’s arm, it must at least leave a long scar, right?

What’s going on here? Is this kid’s skin so hard?


The slight pain became the last straw that stimulated the blood of the ghost race in Wagner’s body!

The Ghosts are an extremely bloodthirsty race, they are born warriors! Pain is not worth their fear, on the contrary, it will succeed and arouse the ferocity in their body!


Wagner’s eyes had begun to bloodshot, and he roared up to the sky, and his body began to soar! That sharp fang, the black-red hair that had been transformed after a year of cultivation, had already grown to a terrifying figure of 10 meters! The brutal beast aura spread wantonly to the surroundings! Where is this still a well-mannered looking teenager, this is clearly a beast that chooses people to eat!

The faint overlord-colored domineering aura in Wagner’s body involuntarily emanated, although it was only a very faint hint, but it still made the pirate navy on the ship stunned for a second! And in this short second, the butcher knife that could have been dodged has completely fallen, and the bullets that could have been resisted have also passed through the chest! For a time, blood spilled and wailed!

And the navy who stood by Wagner’s side was even more affected! The saber he raised stopped in midair, but Wagner’s big hand had already grabbed his head! Like pinch a peanut shell, it easily crushed the head of this navy!


The scarlet color made Wagra excited again, and he couldn’t wait to find the navy on the side, and with his brutal body, he began a crazy slaughter!

Karp’s domineering look in the sky had already seen the scene on the deck, his face became gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and looking at the terrifying giant ape, a trace of uneasiness appeared in his heart!

His son, Monchi D. Dorag is also on board!

Who knew this would happen! His son originally just begged him to come out on a mission to take him and let him see the outside world, and the devil knew that he would run into such a tricky whitebeard!

Although there is his adjutant on board, no one dares to guarantee that Dorag will be absolutely safe!

“Damn imp, bastard beard, when did your men come to a monster imp? If Lao Tzu is not mistaken, this is not an ordinary animal line devil fruit ability!

Karp’s words made Whitebeard laugh, it seems that he no longer needs to worry, Wagner’s strength is now comparable to more than 100 million pirates! At the age of 6, he has a strength of more than 100 million, what a monster among monsters!

“Goo la la! That’s Lao Tzu’s son! It is only natural to have such strength! ”

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