Red Earth Continent!

Holy Land Mary Joya!

This is a “holy” place! Here live the descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government, who call themselves “descendants of the Creator”, who have the most noble status in the entire sea, although they look like pigs, but consider themselves great and enjoy all the privileges!

And these guys are the so-called world nobles – Draco!

Pangu City

is an even more sacred place in the Holy Land of Mary Joa! In this ancient city, in a luxurious office, five old, looking like they were sitting around the table and sitting on the sofa, as if they were discussing something!

“Rice buckets, it’s just a bunch of rice buckets!”

“This group of damn agents, spending so much money every year to feed them, such important news is actually only now on our desktops!”

An old man roared, eager to overturn the expensive table in front of him!

“Alas! What’s the use of saying all this now? The most important thing at the moment is how to deal with this unprecedented imp! He is even more dangerous than the Rocks Pirates! A

short man on the side said, and as he spoke, he picked up the information in front of you again, and a pair of small eyes stared deadly, as if he wanted to confirm that the information that a 6-year-old child had the strength of brigadier general was false!

“He already has such strength at the age of 6, and at such a growth rate, within 10 years, his strength can even be comparable to a strong person at the level of a general!” 20 years, 30 years… By the time he is in his prime, who else will be the opponent of this little devil on this sea! The

other five old stars suddenly felt a trace of weakness, this gorgeous room was instantly silent, yes, the strength of several of them is now only barely reaching the level of generals, but this has also consumed their decades of time, 10 years later, they are almost about to leave, and that little ghost is rising!

Judging from the fact that Draco’s generation is inferior to the first generation, what should the next five old stars do?

“In recent years, the speed of development of that guy in Lokes has also exceeded our expectations! I don’t know if the remaining two fools can withstand the ambitious Lokes!

A five-old star with a knife opened his mouth and said, there are currently three overlords on the sea, one is the sudden rise of Lokes in recent years, although he has the shortest development time, but his strength has surpassed the other two overlords!

The bounty of the other two overlords is only at the level of just over 2 billion, which is still much worse than the current bounty of 3.2 billion Rocks! What’s more, he also has a powerful whitebeard under him, dragging a hegemon with all his strength, which is not a problem at all! And in front of this new information, there is another strong golden lion joining the Rocks Pirate Group, and the strength of this Rocks Pirate Group is even about to catch up with the sum of the other two overlords!

“The navy is also in a scorch now, and that guy from Wyvern Hans has also been aggressively invading countries recently, damn it, isn’t it enough to occupy 1/4 of the territory of the New World?”

This flying dragon Hans is another sea overlord, with a bounty of 2.2 billion Baileys, although not as powerful as Lokes, but the degree of cruelty is still greater! There are also several cadres in his Flying Dragon Pirate Group with a bounty of more than 500 million, which is a difficult bone to chew!

“Why don’t you let those agents under you provoke a dispute between several overlords, let them go to war, and the pirates consume each other’s strength?”

A 5 old star put forward an opinion that made several other people’s eyes shine! The world government has nothing else, but money! Among the three overlords, Lokes is extremely ambitious, Wyvern Hans is extremely fond of killing, and the last golden king, Adren, is extremely greedy for money! With a little operation, it is not impossible to provoke a war between the King of Gold and another overlord!


it also requires a lot of money!

“This plan is feasible!”

Among the five old stars, the strongest five old stars said! He is the leader of these 5 people, and he has the most power to speak!

“However, with the urine nature of that guy of the King of Gold, billions of Baileys are not enough to make him make a big move! Only a fortune that is enough to make up for his losses and even make him a lot of money can let him make a move! Several

of the five old stars were silent, and in the end, the leader Five Old Stars gritted his teeth and said a number that even if he was a sea overlord, he would be extremely hungry!

“20 billion Bailey! With this number, that money-greedy guy will definitely go crazy!

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of several five old stars seemed to have been punched fiercely! That’s a full 20 billion Bailey, which is the sum of the gold handed over by 10 major countries! The current Bailey is not the Bailey of the new era, the value of Bailey is extremely high, 20 billion Bailey, it is enough to train tens of thousands of elite agents!

“Cao Temade, damn pirates!”

A 5 old star couldn’t help but scold angrily!

“Okay, let’s discuss that little ghost’s bounty! At the age of six, he has already shown his fangs, and this bounty must not be low! ”

Brigadier General level strength, 80 million Bailey?”

“If it is an ordinary commodore level pirate, 80 million Bailey is indeed enough! But this is a terrifyingly talented imp! He’s only 6 years old! ”


After a fierce quarrel, several people finally settled on Wagner’s bounty! And when their notice reached the headquarters of the Navy, everyone was shocked by the long list of numbers!

The Navy’s efficiency is still very fast, and the bounty orders that have just been printed are piled up and quickly released to all parts of the sea!

When some of the strong people on the sea saw this brand new bounty order, their pupils shrank violently!



BOUNTY: 111.11 MILLION PEACH! (Happy Valentine’s Day again, all single dogs!)

This shocking bounty order was distributed to all parts of the sea, but the owner of this bounty order did not receive his own information at the moment! Or that he didn’t have the heart either, because a strange ship appeared in front of them!

The ship is especially large, already several times the size of the ship they are on! The grim cannon, the delicate and ornate pattern, the extremely expensive ornament, and the huge sail, a cross-shaped symbol!

The cross-shaped sign looks a little strange, “ten”, with 5 huge black circular patterns on the intersection and 4 endpoints! It may seem strange, but who does not know the meaning of this symbol for those who live on this sea?

Wagner was stunned, everyone on board was stunned! Whitebeard stepped forward and clenched the beak knife in his hand, he looked coldly at the huge ship in front of him, although he didn’t know why it ran here, but it was really the prey that made mortals retreat and make the Roks Pirates excited!


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