In the office of the marshal of the navy headquarters

, Steel Bone Empty slowly put down the phone worm in his hand, his brows furrowed tightly, as if thinking about the information he had just obtained.


Steel Bone Empty suddenly let out a long sigh, he rubbed his brow with a headache, sure enough, that little ghost head is still not dead?

As one of the top pirate groups on the sea, the naval headquarters naturally has some visual monitoring for Roger’s pirate group, and their spies reported that Roger’s pirate group encountered the “giant ghost” Wagner who should have died, and a fierce conflict broke out between the two sides, Wagner and Roger went head-to-head, and two tall giants appeared on the former’s ship, facing Roger’s two deputies, Rayleigh and Jabba, one of whom seemed to have the power of animal devil fruit, Can transform into a tiger.

“Roger’s guy’s strength, I’m afraid it’s about the same as Karp… But the intelligence writes that this imp can fight a strong person of this level for dozens of rounds without falling into the downside … This, how could the strength increase so quickly! ”

Steel bone empty brain fell into thinking, first of all, Wagner’s current strength is afraid that it has reached the level of 1 billion bounty, such a level can already escape in the hands of a general candidate level powerhouse, what is more troublesome is that even a strong person of the same level as him, it is difficult to break his flesh, this is a rogue big meat shield!

Well, this human shield also hurts extremely high…

Speaking of his other two companions, according to intelligence, a total of three giants appeared on Wagner’s ship, and there was no doubt that this was the harvest of his group of giants! One of them seemed to have eaten the barrier fruit that even their eyes were extremely hot, and with the hard barrier, he easily blocked Roger and Renly’s attacks. The other two giants are facing Rayleigh and Jabba and not falling behind at all, how scary it sounds.

But this is not the thing that Steel Bone Sora is most worried about!

What he is most worried about is that the giant race released the identity of the Wagner royal family, he can get such a strong partner and get such a huge promotion, behind this must be the help of the Elbaf royal family, that is the world’s largest country, with the world’s first corps of 100,000 lieutenant generals, no one can figure out what their attitude towards Wagner is, if they stand behind Wagner, this matter will be troublesome….

Thinking of this, Steel Bone Kong no longer hesitated, and he quickly summoned some generals to prepare for a meeting about the return of Wagner, and at the same time, he also had to make some changes to his bounty order.


In the conference room of the ancient city

of Marichoa Pan, the Holy Land

, five old men looked at each other head-on, they looked at the information placed in front of them, and their faces were wrinkled like harpy dogs.

“A royal member of the Giants, a descendant of the God of War, the current Emperor Elbaf is his uncle and grandfather… With so many dazzling identities, why would you choose to go to sea as a pirate! A

tall five-old star roared and said, to be honest, they are not afraid of Wagner’s strength improvement, even if you are a genius? Give you a few more years, you can break through to the general is already extremely talented, with the nearly 800 years of the world government’s background, it is too simple to kill a general-level powerhouse.

However, the royal family of the world’s number one power is different.

Elbaf’s troops, even their world government will feel afraid, not that they can’t win, they can still win with all their roots, but such losses are too huge, and they may even destroy their nearly 800 years of heritage! They can’t accept such a result, and the adult can’t accept it!

The five old stars are rotated every 30 years, and each five old stars hope that during their term of office, the world can be safe, which is very helpful for their descendants to become the five old stars, but if something really goes wrong, such as when the world government of Elbaf goes to war, their tenure will leave an indelible stain, their descendants will be affected by this, and the family will not be able to raise their heads.

“But sooner or later, this matter will be spread! Our world government can’t sit idly by, notify the Navy headquarters, and raise the bounty of this imp and his companions, by the way, that little ghost, only allow it to be captured alive…”





And the protagonist of all this did not know about this, at this time, on an uninhabited island, the two groups of people who were still fighting a big war were happy at this moment.

“Roar, hahaha! I didn’t expect that the dignified Roger Pirates would also fall into the point of having no alcohol to drink on the sea!

“Hey, hey, hey! As a man on the sea, there is no way to do this, right? I never know what tomorrow is, this is the freedom I seek! ”

Whew! I have to say, Asseth your giant race’s drink is really delicious, and it’s the first time I’ve drunk such a strong wine!

“If you like it, drink more, you can take a bucket when you leave, haha, it’s a pity, there is no victory or defeat between the two of us!”

“Hey, that silly tiger, why do you drink with your tongue licking and drinking? Isn’t it cooler to drink it all?

“Less verbosity! Lao Tzu is willing! ”

The original fierce war has evolved into such a barter-like transaction, everyone knows that if there is a real fight, both sides will definitely lose both, Roger does not want to mess with a behemoth for his own pirate group, and Wagner does not want to delay his return home again, after all, it is a child, and the mood of going home is always very strong.

Roger and Wagner are both bold sea men, although there was a little friction when they first met, but it doesn’t matter now! Wagner constantly laughed at Roger’s hair-like beard, while Roger laughed at Wagner’s drinking and drinking milk, and the atmosphere between the two sides was very harmonious.

The healer is benevolent, Roger’s pirate group of ship doctor Kulokas also came to Yuna, carefully checked her physical condition, Prows stood on the side nervously, when Kulokas said something to him, his face changed sharply, from nervous to desperate, but there was also a hint of deep happiness.

Really, I’m so unwilling….

It turned out that her sister’s illness was terminally ill, and it could not be cured with Kurokas’s medical skills, but Kurokas said that there were other capable and strong people on the sea who might be able to find a cure for this disease.

Of course, as a doctor, he also prescribed a prescription for Yuna, although it cannot cure it, but it can also greatly alleviate the harm of the disease…

Magnetic Drum Island

, that’s the place of hope….

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