The huge warship docked on the shore, and the pirates of Beehive Island boiled on this day.

There is no other reason, but because the vice captain of the first team of their Rocks Pirates, the “giant ghost” Wagner, who has the royal identity of the Giant Country, has returned! From the moment he returned, everyone was shocked by the more terrifying momentum on Wagner’s body, and the powerful giants he brought back, including Kaido, a full six behemoths, the visual impact brought by this group of people was extremely huge.

The powerful warrior who belongs to Elbaf alone, the heroic breath exuded by his body, in this gang of fierce and unscrupulous pirates, is simply an outlier, except for Rujige, who has long been accustomed to this soul smell, the other three giants are frowning, they are indeed aggressive, but they are participating in sacred battles, and they will also have bloody qi on their bodies, but when the two are compared, the bloody qi on the warriors will only make others think that they are strong, but the bloody qi on these pirates, It will only make others think they are vicious.

“I can’t imagine that Wagner’s home is such a place!”

Almost at the same time, this thought appeared in everyone’s minds, and Ascess showed an expression of sudden realization, it turned out that it was in such a hellish environment that Wagner would show sophistication that was completely out of his age. Prows looked distressed, and he couldn’t imagine what Wagner, who was only 12 years old, had gone through….

“Oooo Wagner, Lao Tzu will go back first, don’t forget to come and drink with Lao Tzu in the evening!

Kaido patted Wagner’s shoulder, laughed and returned to his residence, Wagner nodded in agreement, he has a lot of private money, on weekdays except to buy some clothes and daily necessities, accompany the door to the restaurant to eat, he has almost no place to consume, he naturally will not be stingy to the evening treat or in the ordinary cafeteria, treat his best friends, he Wagner has always been generous.

After bidding farewell to Kaido, Wagner finally came to Whitebeard’s residence, and he stood in front of the gate that was designed according to his height and was 10 meters high, and his powerful heart began to thump.


Wagner took a deep breath, then slowly knocked on the door.

“Daddy, I’m back!”

As soon as Wagner’s voice fell, there was a burst of ping-pong sounds in the room, and just when he was wondering, the tall door finally opened slowly, but the person who opened the door made him stunned.

“Vice Captain Wagner, I’m glad you’re okay! Since you have returned, then I will not disturb your father and son reunion! Looking

at the beautiful figure going away, greater doubts appeared in Wagner’s big head….

This, is it possible, I want to have a mother?

With thoughts and doubts in his heart, Wagner quickly rushed into the whitebeard’s room, and he walked very skillfully towards the inner room, where the door of the room was concealed, and through the crack in the door, you could see that there was a large scary version of Wagner’s version of the double bed in the room, and the man on the bed was flustering his clothes, and on his chest, there was a faint red…

This is….

People’s curiosity is endless, Wagner did not have time to knock on the door, he walked straight in, the white beard on the bed was instantly stunned, he rushed to cover the red on his chest like a child who made a mistake, but it was useless.

“Daddy, that, I’m back!”

Wagner said softly while staring at Whitebeard with burning eyes, the latter’s old face was red by him, and Whitebeard coughed lightly twice, quickly calming his mood.

“Well, it’s good to be back!”


The room fell silent.

Finally, Wagner couldn’t help it, he looked at the white-beard who had just sat on the bed with a gossipy face, and asked eagerly: “Dad, why did that guy from Barkin come here?” What happened between the two of you? ”

Whitebeard: .

“No, nothing!”

The whitebeard’s face was obviously a little unnatural, and Wagner naturally would not believe that nothing had happened.

“Hey, hey, hey! You’re my daddy, is there anything you can’t tell me? Besides, it’s not like daddy’s nature to be so secretive! Wagner

skillfully opened the wine cabinet in Whitebeard’s room, took out a bottle of fresh milk in the upper left corner of the wine cabinet, and then sat down next to Whitebeard and drank happily.

“Uh, okay! In fact, it is not a shameful thing…” Whitebeard sighed and slowly said everything that happened before.


“In other words, Daddy, in order to let me experience the new life paper technology and customize a high-level phone worm, and then gave her some blood, on the way to draw blood, she forcibly kissed her…”

Wagner’s jaw almost smashed to the ground, good guy, this bloody TV series does not dare to act like this!

“Well, that’s it…” To

be honest, Whitebeard was also stunned the moment he was forcibly kissed, although Ba Jin is only a member of the scientific department in charge of the Lokes Sea Group, but can be mixed on this sea for so long, her strength is naturally not weak, draw blood at such a close distance, and then burst into a strong kiss, even if it is as strong as Whitebeard, it is only barely avoiding his lips, after the whole person stood up, the other party’s red lips fell on his chest, Then came the scene that Wagner saw….

Wagner, who was crying and laughing, could only use the topic to divert the big method, he cleverly avoided this topic and began to tell everything he experienced in the country of giants, sure enough, Whitebeard was successfully diverted by his eloquence at the level of the pyramid scheme leader, and there was laughter from time to time in the room, extremely harmonious…

That night

, after spending 100,000 Bailey to treat Kaido to a big meal, Wagner returned to his residence, he pushed open the huge door, everything in the house was still the same, clean and tidy, apparently cleaned.

Wagner sat on the bed, he raised his head, looked at the portrait in front of him stunned, the familiar smiling face, let his thoughts begin to relax slowly, his hand couldn’t help but clench the necklace around his neck, the fluttering heart, at this moment finally settled…


, a huge knock on the door entered Wagner’s ears, and this huge sound successfully interrupted Wagner’s thoughts like a mourning, and it also gave birth to a nameless anger in his heart!

Wagner got up with a gloomy face, he pulled open his door, and a panicked-looking pirate appeared in front of him.

“Say, what’s going on? If you bother Lao Tzu because of a little trivial matter, you should know the consequences!

Wagner’s tone was extremely cold, and this ordinary pirate froze, and he felt a strong killing intent.

But in the next second, his trembling heart calmed down again, after all, what he had to say was very important.

“Vice Captain Wagner, it’s not good, the giant you brought back with a tiger tattoo on his body, he, he and Captain John clashed!”

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