“Click, click! The little ghost head woke up? What a tenacious vitality! The

door to the room was pushed open again, and Lox walked in casually, the expression on his face was very flat, but there was still a hint of surprise in the depths of his eyes!

How powerful is Lokes? The moment his palm touched Wagner’s body, he already noticed that all the bones in this young fellow’s body had been damaged to a greater or lesser extent! In this small body, countless fatal dark injuries have accumulated, even if an adult has suffered this level of dark injuries, his time will inevitably be running out! But a 5-year-old child can still move, and even kill an adult alone!

Such physical fitness is simply terrifying to the point of perversion!

And at this moment, Lokes had already concluded that this thin little boy was definitely not an ordinary human being!

In this world, there are always many races that are the darlings of the world!

There are long-legged people who are naturally very good at kicking skills, there are Lunaria people who can control flames by nature, there are fish people who are known as the darlings of the sea, and there are giant races who are the strongest warriors on land! Their bodies are much stronger than the bodies of ordinary humans, but unfortunately, their group is too small! In this world, human beings are still in charge!


Their strength is undeniable! Some extremely powerful races can even compete with pirates with a bounty of tens of millions in their infancy! After becoming an adult, the strength of one body is close to the level of hundreds of millions of pirates!

But no matter what race it is, their recovery ability is not comparable to this little devil in front of them!

Rocks’ brain was running wildly, and after a moment, a somewhat outrageous, but only possible idea suddenly appeared in his mind!

“I’m afraid, only this race can survive when you can’t get nutrients anymore, and your body is full of dark wounds…” Lockes

looked at Wagner’s eyes more and more satisfied! The gains from this trip were beyond his expectations! Not only did he successfully recruit the sea thief Whitebeard, but he even harvested a little devil with a high talent of his own! 10 years, or even just 10 years, this imp can stand alone! With overlord-colored domineering, even in his race, he is also a terrifying genius!

“Little ghost, you don’t have to be afraid! Lao Tzu is called Lokes, and from today onwards, you will be a member of our Roxes Pirates! And I, from now on, will be your captain! For your sake, Lao Tzu can guarantee that you don’t have to worry about living materials, but if you want to gain the respect of others and go to a higher place, then you can only rely on your own strength!

Lockes’s words were very realistic, and Wagner nodded happily! The law of the jungle has long been carved into the bones by everyone in this world! The other party’s behavior is already benevolent enough!

Whether it is used or what the purpose is, he can live!

Stay alive….

What an ordinary but extravagant word!

Wagner’s mind suddenly recalled his brother, that innocent smiley face! Everything from the past came to his mind, making Wagner’s face can’t help but show a gentle smile!

But in the next second, the intoxicating picture was stabbed by a dagger! The innocent smiling face disappeared, replaced by a cold corpse that did not blind its eyes and spat blood from its mouth! His family is gone!

In the eyes of the two strong men on the side, the expression of this little ghost ranged from a gentle smile to a painful cry!

The two silently retreated, this little devil needs a little time of his own!

I don’t know how long it took, Wagner lay on the bed like this, and only when Whitebeard brought the cooked food to his bed, did the boy slowly wake up!

“Eat little ghost, fill your stomach to be qualified to think about the future!”

Whitebeard sat on the side, watching Wagner gobble up food, his brain seemed to go blank!

“Little ghost, don’t you have a family?”

“No, no…”

“How pitiful, just like me!”

“Mr. Newgate, you…”

the two said without a word, one is a strong man who has endured loneliness for more than 20 years and is extremely eager for his family, and the other is a little ghost head who has just lost his only loved one and is lonely!

“Goo la la! Goo la la!

Whitebeard suddenly laughed up to the sky, and the bold laughter was terrifying in this small room!

Wagner was startled by this laughter, he carefully looked at the laughing whitebeard, and somehow he clearly read a trace of desolation from the other party’s laughter!

“Wagner little ghost, if you don’t dislike it, then, be Lao Tzu’s son!”

Whitebeard suddenly stood up and looked at the thin Wagner with burning eyes! His serious tone told Wagner that he was not joking!

Wagner was stunned, and a scene where he had just met Domig suddenly appeared in his mind!

I was like that at that time!

It is clear that he is not a shit to live, but looking at the lonely child, he still said: Be my brother, in the future, I will take care of you!

At that time, he wanted to find a ray of living light for himself, and wanted to get a trace of sustenance for his lonely heart! Although he didn’t know what his eyes were like at that time, he must, must be similar to this man in front of him!

“Mr. Newgate, I…”

said Wagner at a loss, to be honest, in his heart, he subconsciously thought that his status was low, and he was never worthy of the friendship of a normal person, let alone gentle family affection, but…

Those longing eyes reveal a hint of sincerity!

“Little ghost, I know what you are thinking, everyone is the son of the sea, there is no high or low between people, looking at you so silent, your life should not be so idle, you should not be able to see the future just like this!” So, bear the name of Lao Tzu and wander wantonly on the sea!

Whitebeard was indeed a little impulsive, but he didn’t regret it, even if the other party rejected him, it didn’t matter, after all, he knew that his words were very abrupt!

“So, Mr. Newgate, should I call you now, Euryaki (Daddy)?”

Two lonely hearts leaning on each other at this moment, two guys who yearn for family affection, have found their own salvation at this moment!

“Goo la la! Good! From this day forward, you are the eldest son of my white-bearded Edward Newgate!

“Well, thank you, Daddy!”

Some kind of peculiar bottleneck was suddenly opened, and the overlord-colored domineering of the white-bearded man was boosted again at this moment! The majestic breath destroys the entire merchant ship uncontrollably! At this moment, the strongest man in the world finally embarked on the path to the strongest in order to protect his family!

(End of foreshadowing).

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