Looking at the body shape in front of him suddenly returning to normal Wagner, the whitebeard’s face instantly became solemn!

Wagner was lying on the floor and howling madly, the uncontrolled overlord-colored domineering instantly burst out, a large number of cracks appeared on the walls of the room, and this vicious aura had even rushed out of the room and swept a radius of thousands of meters! After countless pirates felt this breath, their faces turned white, this strong breath was enough to make ordinary pirates lose consciousness, but for the members of the Rocks Pirates, it was still bearable!

“Damn it! Which bastard exudes such a terrifying aura?

“This direction seems to be the residence of Captain Whitebeard!”

“Keep north! Cultivate a little more, see and smell domineering, stupid! This is obviously the residence of that little devil brought back by Captain Whitebeard!

“What? Could it be that you want to say that this suffocating breath is the masterpiece of that little ghost? ”

Ah! Lao Tzu can’t stand it! It’s hard to breathe! ”

The breath of the tiger will always make the flock feel uneasy, and in the same way, it will naturally attract the attention of the evil dragon!

Lockes had been staying in his room, thinking about the next target to recruit, his residence was not very far from Wagner’s residence, and this looming aura caught his attention!

Lockes let out a chuckle and a red light flashed in his eyes! That profound domineering aura instantly covered the entire Hive Island! Feeling the source of this thick overlord-colored domineering, an inexplicable smile appeared on Lokes’s face!

“Click, click! Has the body of this little devil head awakened? It seems that the white-bearded guy gave him a devil fruit, right? That huge power was enough to activate that little ghost’s hidden body!

Under the sunlight, Lokes’s smile looked a little gloomy, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the room in the blink of an eye!

A distance of several kilometers, for Lokes, is just a few moves!


The pirates, who were originally pale, quickly changed their faces the moment they saw Lox! It was deep surrender, and fear hidden in the depths!

Lox didn’t pay attention to these chatter, he felt the increasingly thick sense of oppression in the air around him, and couldn’t help but speed up his pace!

“Wagner! Little ghost head! Are you okay! What’s going on!!! Whitebeard was a little overwhelmed, where had he seen such a weird scene at only 27 years old? He is like a daddy who has just become a father, and he can only stand on the sidelines and do not know what to do!

“Click, click! Don’t panic, Newgate!

Lox walked in and looked at Wagner who fell to the ground and wailed with interest, “This little devil is fine, the current situation should be that his body is awakening!” Lockes

‘ words made Whitebeard stunned, wake up?

“Okay, just stand on the sidelines and watch!”

Lox didn’t say much, just motioned for Whitebeard to watch quietly from the sidelines! The latter’s face was still anxious, but helpless, there was no way, he could only listen to Lokes’s opinion for the time being!

“Ah! Yes!

Wagner was still wailing on the ground, and now he only felt that the muscles, bones and even cells in his body were being torn apart little by little! Even the world’s number one tough guy can’t bear such pain, let alone a 5-year-old child?

But his inner subconscious told him that he must not lose consciousness! Once you pass out, you can’t wake up again! Stay awake and stick to it, the greater the benefits you will get in the end!

If there was a guy with clairvoyant eyes standing next to Wagner, his face would definitely change drastically!

Organs, bones, muscles, and even blood in Wagner’s body! Completely mixed up in this moment! Miraculously, it didn’t have any effect on his actions, but what made people’s backs chill was that the cloudy object was reconstructing into organs and other things in his body at a very fast speed!

First the heart, brain, then liver and kidneys! After the reorganization, the strength of the organs in his body has risen by several notches? This is simply a superhuman organ!

This is followed by bones!

The color of normal human bones is white, but after the bones in Wagner’s body are reorganized, they emit a dark golden light! It’s like another protective cover covering the surface of the bone! It is so thick that it is not an ordinary child at all, and its hardness is comparable to steel!

After the organs and bones are reorganized, the remaining 90% of the turbidity begins to build the muscles in his body! Normally, the muscles built are completely enough to break Wagner’s current body, but in fact, these muscles are strong to a certain extent and will be violently compressed! Expansion after expansion, compression after compression….

Finally, it was his turn in the blood….

But the problem arises again! That 10% turbid substance was simply not enough to maintain sufficient blood in his body! Under the gaze of the two strong men, Wagner’s body seemed to have been drained, and the smooth skin dimmed at this moment, seeing this scene, the face of Lockes, who was originally still smiling, changed!

“Quick, Newgate! This little ghost’s body now needs a lot of nutrients! Go get some liquid food, the more the better! ”

Rocks doesn’t want Wagner to die, this little ghost’s physical fitness is beyond his imagination! Maybe in less than 10 years, even if it is 5 years, the things invested in this imp will get a 10-fold return!


Whitebeard did not hesitate, and his domineering nature naturally sensed the weakening of Wagner’s body breath! This newborn father rushed out in a hurry, and after a loud roar, a large number of pirates began to act!

But making food takes time!

The whitebeard’s face was already gloomy to the extreme, and Lokes was also frowning! The former is worried about Wagner, and the latter is thinking about whether the ideas in his head will bring him enough benefits!


A soft sigh!

As if he had made some decision, Lockes slowly crouched down! He turned his head to look at the whitebeard behind him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: “Hey, Newgate! Today Lao Tzu saved this kid’s life, but the two of you have to owe Lao Tzu a favor!

“Good! Don’t say one, 10 is no problem! The

panicked whitebeard decisively agreed! He knew how precious this favor really was, which meant that he needed to stand absolutely firmly by Lox’s side at some point!

But a favor is naturally more important than his own eldest son!

Got Whitebeard’s promise, and Rocks no longer hesitated! I saw him stretching out his index finger and biting it down! A little red blood flowed out, and then he quickly stuffed his index finger into Wagner’s mouth!

Who is Lockes?

One of the overlords of the sea! His physical body had long been tempered to an extremely terrifying realm! Such a strong person, in layman’s terms, is full of treasures!

Their bones only need a little polishing to turn into hard weapons! Their flesh and blood are extremely precious medicines, and they are extremely rich in nutrients!

It sounds disgusting, but it’s just the way it is!

Under the somewhat complicated gaze of Whitebeard, Wagner, with his eyes closed, desperately sucked Lokes’s fingers like a newborn baby! Lockes, who was originally just to buy people’s hearts, suddenly changed his face! He felt a terrifying suction force!

Like a storm! It seems to be going to suck up the blood in his body!

He subconsciously wanted to break free, but Wagner’s hand had already grabbed his arm! With the strength of his body, he wanted to break free but couldn’t move!

How is this possible?

Rocks’ heart set off terrifying waves!

Although he only used Issei’s strength, Wagner was a 5-year-old child! What kind of race is it that allows a 5-year-old child to have such physical qualities?

And in the time that Rocks was thinking, the blood sucked by Wagner was already close to 500 milliliters! That huge nutrient made the speed of creating blood in his body increase dramatically, and when the pirates brought the food, they were surprised to find that the color of their own captain Lokes turned a little pale!

What shocked them was yet to come!

That meat porridge, which was enough to feed 10 adults, was flowing towards Wagner’s body at a terrifying speed! Fortunately, there will be food delivered in the future, and Wagner’s instinctive repair of his body has become a surprising talk for these pirates in the future!

This frenzy of eating lasted a whole hour!

The pirates have long been numb! They already don’t remember how much food was sent, this little ghost’s body is too strange, as if how much food will be completely absorbed by him, and even say, after eating so much, this little ghost’s belly has not bulged yet!

Sufficient nutrition, so that the blood in Wagner’s body began to churn! Powerful and powerful, like a majestic sea!

The blood in his body had been reorganized, and Whitebeard and Locks keenly heard the sound of blood flowing in Wagner’s body, as well as the heartbeat like thunder!

“Whew! What a edible imp, okay Newgate, let this imp rest and rest! Tomorrow, we’ll see a real monster awaken! Rox

walked out laughing, and although he lost a lot of blood, he got two very useful favors! At the same time, he also gained a talented subordinate!

It’s really hard to believe how big a wave a Phantom Beast Species Devil Fruit Ability with 4 bloodline powers can set off from the sea?

O world, are you ready for a monster?

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